Category Archives: Politics

Misc Musings on the surety of science or why I am skeptical of ‘Well-Established’ facts.

by DAVID BROWN | | December 12, 2014

Math-for-Piano-PerformanceNewton’s 3 Laws of Motion were proven science for 100s of years and helped put a man on the moon and are still used today … only one problem: they are incorrect. Newton’s laws of motion, together with his law of gravitation, provide a useful basis for explaining the motion of everyday objects under everyday conditions. However, when applied to extremely high speeds or extremely small objects, Newton’s laws break down.

How about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle? It put a big crack down the middle of the well-behaved universe.

How about Zeno’s paradox Achilles and the tortoise? How about the a priori? The fallacy of logic: If A=B and B=C, then A=C, right? But the entire logic is based on an unexamined assumption of the IF which is the a priori which can never be proven.

How about the Precambrian explosion of life forms in the geologic record?

How about the three sets of laws that don’t agree? The big laws (Relativity), the medium laws (Newtonian) and the really small laws (Quantum). They are all correct except when they are not.

In ancient times mathematicians ran into a logical brick wall which no one could overcome. This had to do with the interplay of the linear, logical, discontinuous mind-set of the day –that many of us today still possess– and the reality of infinity. Corollaries to this conundrum would be the asymptote (y – 1/x), Zeno’s paradox or just trying to find the area under a curve for y = x^2 or y equals x squared.

The area of a square or rectangle is easy enough to determine. If the box is 4 ft. by 5 ft. you just multiply 4 X 5 and the area is 20 sq. ft. If however you want to determine the area under a curve defined for example by the equation of y = x^2 (Note: y is also called the function at x or f(x)), you can subdivide the area under the curve into smaller and smaller boxes but you can never determine the exact area under the curve because you can never make the boxes small enough since there are an infinite number of box sizes before you can get them small enough to determine the exact area under the curve.

The Calculus solved this problem by saying that the limit of f(x) is exactly = to the area as the change in x goes to zero. So, we never really get there, we just say that the limit or the point beyond which it can go is limited by the curve.

Mathematics…is man’s way of cutting up and compartmentalizing the world he is able to experience into digestible units and then describing relationships that seem to have some meaningful use. The result of this activity can produce useful understanding and some ability to control / manipulate our environment.

Science…I believe in the empirical method. I also believe that many in our scientific community have let their emotions and political point of view turn their science into a religion. You either believe certain “well-established facts” or you do not get tenure or you are ridiculed or…. These “well-established facts” represent a dogma or a credo similar to any religion. The result is that many place their minds in a box and their ability to take in new information and process this information critically and honestly is therefore necessarily aberrated.

 Related ClearNFO Topics

The structure supporting cherished beliefs…
On Religion…

Feynman: Mathematicians versus Physicists …

Additional reading …

“However, accelerating expansion requires a mysterious source of energy in space acting against gravity, dubbed “dark energy.” Calculations show that the energy required is equivalent to 73% of the total mass-energy of the universe! Historians will look back at science today with disbelief and amusement at the ‘science’ of today. Following equally mysterious ‘black holes’ and ‘dark matter,’ if we continue to discover darkness at the present rate we shall soon know nothing!”  A Nobel Prize for the Dark Side

Defying textbook science, study finds new role for proteins

Ice Picks and Shotguns

by DAVID BROWN | | December 5, 2014

You can buy shotguns and ammo at Walmart, but an ice pick … whoa … neighbor, now that’s just too dangerous.
IcepickWhen I was younger, you could stop into virtually any store and buy an ice pick. Not so true today.  So, the other day, Amy and I went looking for an ice pick, but  after visiting a hand full of stores, we were still empty handed so we went to our old standby, Walmart, and we were surprised to find nary a one, so I stopped the lady stocking product in the housewares section and asked her point blank why Walmart doesn’t have icepicks.  She told me that they no longer carried them because they were too dangerous. I protested that they sold knives which are dangerous but not ice picks? She said that the knives on display had bolts in them and were therefore unusable; the others were sealed in a box. I started to explain that they could do the same with ice picks but I concluded I was wasting my time. As I started my way out of Housewares to the exit, I passed by the Walmart hunting section replete with shotguns and ammo and wondered about the real reason there were no ice picks.

I promptly went home and was pleasantly relieved when I typed ‘Amazon ice pick’ and immediately found a wide selection of this endangered tool.  So in no time, I ordered Amy the ice pick of her dreams on Amazon. Problem solved.

The Lone Gladio – Book Review

ClearNFO Rating: 5 / 5 Stars
The Lone Gladio a Novel by Sibel Edmonds (August 7, 2014)
Paperback: 366 pages
Sibel Edmonds’ first Novel
Available at Amazon and other book resellers

The Lone GladioAfter reading Sibel Edmonds’ previous book –also reviewed here on ClearNFO– which was an excellent non-fiction entitled Classified Woman, and after watching her numerous interviews on the very real Operation Gladio, one must wonder how much of her first novel The Lone Gladio is fiction and how much is fact.  The details are obviously fiction, but very much of the rest is based in fact and on informed conjecture.   I must admit that I don’t read many novels, but since I was familiar with her excellent non-fiction work, I took the plunge and was not disappointed.  It took me a few chapters to get my sea-legs, but then I was hooked and finished the book in record time,  unable to put it down.  After her ferocious struggle with the government leading up to publishing her first book, I think the literary genre of the novel –which by definition is fiction– provides Ms. Edmonds a safer, easier and less constrained vehicle to communicate to her loyal audience, in an entertaining AND informative mode.  I can’t but help think The Lone Gladio is Ms Edmonds’ venue to say what she couldn’t say in ‘Classified Woman’.  One other note:  I bet Sibel’s husband, Matthew, was just a little bit surprised when he first read The Lone Gladio discovering possibly a new dimension to his lovely bride . . . or maybe not.  In any event, get the book, read the book and enjoy . . . just remember, that much of this is based on the real Gladio operatives deployed by the US and NATO across the globe.

If ‘The Lone Gladio’ is ever made into a movie, I know the perfect person to play Greg McPhearson . . .

Jim Caviezel, born 9-26-68, Mount Vernon, Washington.

Jim Caviezel, born 9-26-68, Mount Vernon, Washington.

From the back cover: “Assassinations. Drug running. False flag ops. A shadow paramilitary global network. Synthetic wars. CIA-NATO: A darker truth. Operation Gladio Plan B: Murder. OG 68—aka Greg McPhearson—no longer works for the company. The hunter has now become prey. He knows this beast: what created him and shattered his soul. Until Mai. When he opened the door to her three years ago, he opened what soul he had left. Yet he belatedly discovers that no amount of pride or power can ever replace one precious breath . . . When the CIA orders his FBI bosses to call off a sting, Special Agent Ryan Marcello decides to do some digging. He calls in senior analyst Elsie Simon, expert in the Turkey-Central Asian-Caucasus nexus, to help track down the high-level target with ties to ruthless power players in a global narcotics-terrorism ring. Every lead and each new suspect brings them that much closer to home. With Elsie’s help, and their lives at stake, the two begin their own investigation . . . The murdered son of a U.S. mogul leads to the hiring of Ryan and Elsie, who are used and then trapped in a byzantine scheme of retribution: of black ops within black ops, trails gone cold, kidnappings, blackmail, unexplained murders . . . a plot that extends from Russia and Azerbaijan to Cambodia, Vietnam, and is buried inside the Deep State. For his final mission, in a world where reality now stands on its head—My enemy’s enemy is my enemy”—no one would be spared . . . the Gladio would be acting alone.”

Additional Information on Operation Gladio


Classified Woman – Book Review

by DAVID BROWN | | Dec 4, 2014

CLEARNFO Rating: 5 / 5 Stars

Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir by Sibel D Edmonds (Mar 9, 2012)
Paperback: 340 pages | Available at Amazon and other book resellers

Sibel EdmondsIt is my opinion that Sibel Edmonds is one of the most important women of our era.   She was born in 1970, raised in Iran, moved to Turkey at age 11 and then moved to the U.S. when she was 17. She has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, a psychology from George Washington University and her master’s in public policy and international commerce from George Mason University. She also speaks four languages fluently. That’s all impressive, but that does not make her important. What if I told you that she was so feared by the Federal Government that the ACLU described her as “the most gagged person in American history”; and that even the page numbers of her book and her age were ‘Classified’? The FBI retroactively classified as Top Secret all of the material and statements that had been provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2002 relating to her lawsuit, as well as the letters that had been sent by the Senators and republished by the Project on Government Oversight. What was the government so afraid of? Their most feared enemy: a small woman willing to stand up and tell the truth.

But her real importance to me is found in what she can teach each of us about standing up to those more powerful than us. So with this introduction, it’s hard to know where to start with Sibel Edmonds. For example, just the story of her amazing father, Rasim Deniz, would be enough for a great book. Sibel’s father was one of the Middle East’s leading reconstructive surgeons, but more importantly he was a good father. He taught Sibel truth and dignity; and he taught her to stand up against tyranny, by example. He stood up against the most feared Iranian Secret Police of the day: The Shah of Iran’s SAVAK to protect his little girl and yet again after they moved to Turkey. Unfortunately for Sibel and for all of us, Rasim Deniz died in 2000; but it is to our great benefit that his spirit lives on in Sibel and we are all better for it. How? Because after being confronted with corruption at the highest levels of this country, Sibel didn’t back down. Despite being born in Iran, she has shown us what it takes to be a real American and to hold those in power accountable. In a very real sense, Sibel is the best example of what a true American should be in our modern era. She is made of the same stuff that once made America great and we need to rediscover those roots.  She came to America to find freedom and beauty –which she found– but she also found a system of corruption which reached into the highest levels of our government and Rasim’s little girl –now a woman—would have none of it. Unlike many of her fellow workers at the FBI who would go along to get along in fear of losing their jobs or worse,  Sibel stood tall and confronted the beast that has become the U.S. Federal Government.

Sibel’s ‘Classified Woman’ was a real eye-opener for me. Why? Because I knew our government was corrupt, but I didn’t fully realize how corrupt or how far up the ladder the corruption went. It goes all the way to the top and Sibel documents this detail by detail, fact by fact; not in a vindictive manner to inflame but in a slow methodical process that demonstrates innocence lost; how her belief in the United States was hijacked by the reality of the corruption that implicates the government in the attack on 9/11 and the subsequent whitewash and cover-up represented by the 9/11 official report.

From the back cover: “In this startling new memoir, Sibel Edmonds—the most classified woman in U.S. history—takes us on a surreal journey that begins with the secretive FBI and down the dark halls of a feckless Congress to a stonewalling judiciary and finally, to the national security whistleblowers movement she spearheaded. Having lived under Middle East dictatorships, Edmonds knows firsthand what can happen when government is allowed to operate in secret. Hers is a sobering perspective that combines painful experience with a rallying cry for the public’s right to know and to hold the lawbreakers accountable. With U.S. citizens increasingly stripped of their rights in a calibrated media blackout, Edmonds’ story is a wake-up call for all Americans who, willingly or unwillingly, traded liberty for illusive security in the wake of 9/11.”

Silenced Whistleblower Defies Authorities: A Conversation with Sibel Edmonds

Lost in Translation 10-27-02

The Government Is Raping You: Sibel Edmonds

Additional Reading:


Who was Mae Brussell?

by DAVID BROWN | | November 30, 2014

Mae Brussell (May 29, 1922 – October 3, 1988)

Mae Brussell Pine Cone Photo

Mae in her office

She was a housewife and mother of five who later became the most remarkable and talented researcher possibly of all time. How did she predict so many major events like the Robert Kennedy assassination or the Ronald Reagan attempted assassination? Not by magic, not by her psychic powers but by fundamental, detailed research. Even though she admitted that most of the news was slanted and controlled, she read and listened carefully to what was said and what was unsaid.  She kept detailed, indexed records, which gave her a big view; distilling patterns and trends from the breadcrumbs the media left behind.

MaeOnTheAirShe had an incredible mind and an equally incredible indexed physical filing system consisting of over 40 file cabinets and 100s of boxes which are now neglected in San Jose, California due to lack of funds.  She would painstakingly and physically cut and paste news and magazine clippings –that you or I would consider mundane– into her filing system. She would pay attention to news stories that hit the wire and then disappeared and then she would do further research to find out why this or that important news story was dropped. She discovered that Lennon’s doorman was CIA for example.   She paid attention to who moved into the neighborhood near Oswald months before the JFK assassination and who moved out just after the assassination. Turned out it was the same folks; more than 30 people all together.  Coincidence?  One took a job as a mechanic who turned out to be CIA. All had better and different jobs after they moved. She called them “Migratory Birds.”   After establishing herself with a radio show, her helpers and supporters were called ‘Brussell Sprouts’.

Wikipedia: In her early life, she was a married housewife with five children and living in Southern California. After the Kennedy assassination, she bought the 26-volume Warren Commission Hearings. NOTE: This was twenty-six volumes of supporting documents, including the testimony or depositions of 552 witnesses and more than 3,100 exhibits representing more than 20,000 pages of disorganized mess that Mae took the time to read in its entirety, index and organize.  

About Mae:

Mae Brussell and books

Mae Brussell and Books

On May 29, 1968 Mae confronted Rose Kennedy at the Monterey Peninsula Airport and handed her a note telling her Robert Kennedy would soon be assassinated. A week later he was shot to death at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.

Mae’s first published article in Paul Krassner’s The Realist was actually financed by John Lennon (Krassner couldn’t afford the $5,000 printing cost).

Frank Zappa once gave her a computer for filing and cross-indexing her research (but she never used it).

Much of Mae’s March 29, 1981 broadcast was spent discussing the power- struggle within the Reagan Administration and asked who will kill off their team members first. The following morning President Reagan was shot in Washington D.C.

Her countless list of German and White Russian fascist fingerprints to President Kennedy’s assassination reached its peak in May of 1988 when she discovered the name “Adolf H. Schicklgruber” handwritten in Marina Oswald’s notebook of poetry in the Warren Commission exhibits.

There were times when death threats drove Mae off the air: once by Charles Manson family member Sandra Good in September 1975. Sometimes Mae resorted to recording her shows at home on her small cassette tape recorder and privately mailed out copies to her subscribers.

In 1983 Mae’s show was picked up by listener-sponsored KAZU FM in nearby Pacific Grove. Five years later she was forced off the air, for the last time, from death threats but continued sending out her weekly tapes to subscribers until June 13, 1988 (tape #862). Mae died of cancer on October 3rd of that year.  She was 66.

Mae Brussell: Chronology – HOW THE PAST AFFECTS OUR FUTURE – PT 1 of 3 (08-17-1979)

Mae Brussell: Chronology – HOW THE PAST AFFECTS OUR FUTURE – PT 2 of 3 (08-17-1979)

Mae Brussell: Chronology – HOW THE PAST AFFECTS OUR FUTURE – PT 3 of 3 (08-17-1979)

Additional information and links:

Danny Casolaro

by DAVID BROWN | | November 30, 2014


Danny Casolaro

We can read about the many misdeeds of government; and, if you are like me, you tend to just file that away as another mundane incident to be expected; but when we come to the death of Danny Casolaro, there is so much evidence and raw documented data of government involvement in murder, drug trafficking and cover-up –reaching around the globe– that this is one case we must be familiar with; if for no other reason but to be reminded who and what we are really up against.  The Death of Danny Casolaro reads like a novel but this is real.  This is not just some anomaly that happened a long time ago, never to be repeated. The criminals and murders have never been brought to justice, but rather have benefited financially and politically and continue to this very day.  The corruption reaches to the highest offices in this land and there can be no doubt about this.

Sibel Edmonds

Sibel Edmonds

Fast forward to current events … If you read ‘Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir’ you will be stuck by her first-hand insider evidence that yes indeed our FBI, CIA, the Executive and the Judiciary are in collusion to hide the truth of their misdeeds, their crimes against the American people and their collusion in the attacks on 9/11; of this there can be no doubt, but we must see the evidence in its stark details to make it real for us and not just some intellectual theory, newspaper headline or fairy tale.  Sibel Edmond’s story has nothing to do with building 7 or any of the other physical evidence, she is merely reporting on the reaction to certain events she saw first-hand inside the FBI and their attempts to deceive the American people.

Of all the videos and audio recordings I’ve heard on the Danny Casolaro case, James Corbett has put together the best below. Please take some time to let James do the heavy lifting and listen to both Episode 209 and 210 to get informed. We need to be well-grounded in the facts and understand just exactly what manner of evil and psychopathy we are up against.   Buckle your seat-belts and listen …

Episode 209 – Requiem for the Suicided: Danny Casolaro

Danny Casolaro was a freelance journalist who told his friends and family that he was close to cracking a story he called The Octopus, which he referred to as the political conspiracy of the century. In August of 1991 he packed his notes and headed to West Virginia to conduct some final interviews for his forthcoming book. On August 10, 1991, he was found dead in his hotel room. The death was immediately ruled a suicide. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we go in search of the story behind the story of the mysterious death of Danny Casolaro.

Episode 210 – Hunting the Octopus

In Episode 209 we looked at the mysterious death of Danny Casolaro, the journalist who was about to crack the political conspiracy of the century, a plot that he called “the octopus.” This week we go in search of the octopus that Casolaro was hunting.

Additional NFO:

Ep 63.1 – PROMIS is PROMIS is important ! Intro (and a spoiler alert)

Leaving the Illusion – Book Review

Leaving the IllusionClearNFO Rating: 5 / 5 Stars
Leaving the Illusion by Joseph Plummer
Paperback: 190 pages
Joseph Plummer’s first Novel
Available at Amazon and other book resellers

Joseph Plummer’s wonderful Novel called ‘Leaving the Illusion’ reveals the reality behind the illusion most of us can never see.   Using a clever mechanism of a debate between a brilliant elite named ‘Howard’ (who has a hidden agenda) and ‘Alex’ (who is living the illusion), Howard brings Alex into a frightening but all too real understanding of the dominant class in the hope that he can teach and train Alex to willingly become one of the chosen few.  The tools, techniques, sources and methods Howard reveals are spot-on and shows that Plummer has done his homework.   Howard’s cold logic is the best argument I can imagine to promote the elite’s agenda.   The debate that emerges between Howard and Alex is brilliant and reaches into the deep core set of  beliefs and assumptions that most of us share.  Great read.  I also recommend Tragedy and Hope 101 by Plummer.

NOTE: I’ll be conducting an interview with Mr. Joseph Plummer in the near future.  Stay tuned.

Who the International Aid Agencies Serve

by DAVID BROWN | | November 22, 2014

How International Aid Agencies really work 

  1. Country “X” is identified as being financially weak, yet has valuable assets like natural resources or has geopolitical value
  2. Country “X” is then targeted by the USAID, IMF & World Bank for loans.
  3. Representatives are sent into Country “X” to do studies to prove up (by exaggerated estimates) what this or that infrastructure will do for the economy of Country “X”.
  4. This inflated estimate for money is then included as part of a loan request to the bank.  This is the cover.
  5. Loan is committed
  6. Heads of State of Country “X” siphon off much of the money to private bank accounts
  7. Most of the work for the infrastructure improvements goes to well-connected multinational corporations not to local companies.
  8. Country “X” cannot pay loan back
  9. Bank offers additional money to help Country “X” if they will implement “austerity measures” which effectively puts the bankers in charge of running the country.
  10. Country “X”, still cannot make payments on loan.
  11. Bank takes control of assets and natural resources of Country “X”
  12. Bank sells assets, natural resources of Country “X” or provides monopolies to multinational corporations at pennies on the dollar, which still does not satisfy the debt.

NOTE: Much of this is coordinated with the help of the US, CIA, NATO and the EU.  If Country “X” will not go along with the loan, then Operation Gladio is implemented with the aid of NGOs such as NED (National Endowment for Democracy) to destabilize Country “X” for regime change.


The IMF is a self-described “organization of 188 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.”

The World Bank’s official goal is the reduction of poverty. According to its Articles of Agreement, all its decisions must be guided by a commitment to the promotion of foreign investment and international trade and to the facilitation of capital investment.

USAID has adopted as its mission statement “to partner to end extreme poverty and to promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing the security and prosperity of the United States.” USAID operates in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe.

Read more here:

The Walled-Garden of History and Politics

by DAVID BROWN | | November 17, 2014

Walled Garden

Walled Garden

Now Rush Limbaugh is a brilliant political analyst, whom I have always admired; and Mark Levin –also known as the ‘Great one’—is a brilliant legal mind. Both of these gentlemen are great American patriots and very studied on the much agreed upon version of history promulgated by academia. The point I would like to make here, is that no matter how brilliant these two gentlemen and others in their league are, or how studied they are, they have unwittingly confined their studies to the domain of generally accepted facts which have been promulgated and funded by the very power structure they either cannot see or have chosen to ignore. This means that no matter how brilliant their analysis is, their conclusions are necessarily limited to rehashing generally accepted fact-claims of history which may or may not be correct. All logic –after all– has its origin in the fundamental assumptions upon which it is based; so, if the assumptions are in error or incomplete, the resultant conclusions must therefore, by necessity, be suspect or at a minimum deserve a fresh analysis based on new evidence grounded on source documentation, not on generally promulgated truth-claims originating from establishment-fed institutions including Academia.

The power of accepting these officially promulgated assumptions is that it places everyone who accepts these assumptions within the confines of a walled-garden in which debate can officially be conducted. There is money and fame to be found here and legitimacy by consensus. If you happen to go outside the walls that protect the garden, your reputation can be destroyed and thus you lose your certification to debate within the garden of acceptable discourse. Within the walled-garden, you can have spirited disagreements and you can have people who don’t know the facts (collective truth-claims) and you can have people who know the fact-claims inside and out and you can find people who press their own agendas despite the given fact-claims, but all discourse is necessarily limited to the garden provided, surrounded by the wall of permissible historical assumptions. And these are the rules of the game.

Now some of us doubt the validity of the assumptions, but up until recently had no access to evidence they were invalid. We did notice that that many things within the walled-garden did not make sense, so we suspected that there was more to learn. We could see the effects of those things out side of the garden, but could not see the things themselves; thus we had no direct proof and were therefore marginalized by the establishment. Now the source evidence we seek has been here for some time, but the access to the evidence has been difficult or impossible to discover by design. With the advent of the internet more access to more information has been forthcoming and many of us have stumbled upon the documented evidence outside the walled garden which shows the walls to be a farcical creation of the predominant power structures.

Many of us start out slowly. We discover that the Federal Reserves for example is not Federal and has no Reserves. We discover that the second Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened. And we discover many covert operations and illegal experimentations by our government which have never been well-publicized, yet we still do not have the complete picture. Are these all isolated events or is there more to this? Well, there is much more than just these isolated pieces and most of us will never understand the glue that binds until we avail ourselves the time to read Carroll Quigley’s book entitled ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’ where the source documentation is provided in irrefutable detail. Now Quigley is no outsider, he is an establishment historian with impeccable credentials who even agrees with the current template we have been provided by the predominant power structure that he calls the ‘Network’.  Because of this, he was selected to document some of the history we never knew. He spent some 20 years working on this followed by two years of unlimited access to the archives at the CFR. And despite his painstaking documentation, yet even he was unwilling to disclose all he knew.  But for the first time we are able to see that which casts its shadow into the wall-garden and that which created the walls we use to limit our understanding.

So as I watch Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin prattle about trying their hardest to understand and explain to their listeners why the Republicans are so ineffectual against the tyranny of the current president –despite huge public support– I look forward to the day when they finally see that their debate is limited by artificial walls which have been constructed by the ‘network’ that has been so clearly documented in Carroll Quigley’s books.

Related Information …

The Great Republican Win

by DAVID BROWN | | November 10, 2014

The truth about the Republicans and the Great Republican Win of 2014: While the Republicans stood for noting during the 2014 midterms, they cowered in the fetal position, urinating on themselves for the past six years, hoping that no one would notice them. Meanwhile, the great and powerful Obama made busy deconstructing America with no resistance. The Republicans did, however, muster enough energy to attack the very people who have stood against Obama’s lawless tyranny.

John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Reince Priebus and other leading Republicans have done nothing to support the grassroots movement of patriots who desire a smaller, more accountable government; rather these Republicans have spent millions to discredit and destroy the very people who seek to hold the government accountable.

This my friends is the sad legacy of the Republican Party and we will not sit idly by while they conduct business as usual.