Category Archives: Politics

George Friedman, “Europe: Destined for Conflict?”

by DAVID BROWN | | March 15, 2015

George FriedmanExcellent speech by George Friedman (below) given at the Chicago Council of Global Affairs.  Mr. Friedman reveals many overlooked dynamics which can provide the listener deeper insight into the EU’s chances of success or failure, the rise of nationalism and the key role Germany will play.  He underscores  a key US strategy to keep Russia and Germany separate and in conflict, fearing a combination of Germany’s financial and technical strength combined with Russia’s vast resources and workforce would threaten the existing US hegemony.

Since Greece cannot pay their bills, Mr. Friedman postulates that Greece will eventually offer to pay some portion perhaps 60% in Greek drachma telling Germany to take it or leave it.  They can have a partial payment or have zero and of course Germany will be forced to take this deal to get something and to keep the contagion from spreading to Portugal, Italy and Spain.  Owing a lot of money, Mr. Friedman explains actually puts Greece in a more powerful position than Germany since Germany needs the EU to sustain its massive export business which represents 50% of its GDP of which 25% goes to the EU; and Greece at this point cannot pay its debts. He speaks to the long held hatreds and rivalries amongst the member states, the rise of nationalism and Europe’s history of settling their differences with bullets.  Explaining the dynamics of Europe, the EU, Greece, Ukraine, Germany, the USA and Russia, he makes some interesting predictions based on his unique analysis.

Despite his apparent acceptance of US war propaganda, you can still benefit from his insightful and informative analysis. Of course you should know I can’t agree with some of the default positions of the sponsor (The Chicago Council on Global Affairs) regarding Russian aggression against Ukraine, and I would presume George Friedman shares this position with the Chicago Council though it was less clear from his speech.

As informed and thoughtful as Friedman is, he seems oblivious to the clandestine history and machinations of the CIA, USAID, Soros, etc. which is designed to destabilize targeted countries like Ukraine through so called ‘Color Revolutions’ using operation Gladio tactics informed by US Geopolitical Policies. He may be very aware that the US is the real culprit in the Ukraine conflict, but holding his cards close to the vest; otherwise, he wouldn’t be invited to speak at places like the Chicago Council.  After all, we must blame what the US is doing in Ukraine on Putin to be accepted by the establishment. He seems to agree with the US’s foreign policy overall, but does warn that the US should only occupy nations by force as a last resort and never get into nation-building as in Iraq.  Better that the US orchestrate fights and heighten divisions amongst power structures than get stuck in unwinnable, protracted conflicts.  Despite my criticisms, and his obvious poor grasp of economics, I found his speech enlightening, brilliant and well worth the view.

Important to note: There is a history to Mr. Friedman’s company, Stratfor, that deserves additional attention, so I have added a link to the Stratfor email leaks below which reveal a murky side to Mr. Friedman and his company; but for now, sit back and enjoy his excellent, though myopic speech.  Friedman’s company, Stratfor, had its emails leaked to the public by Jeremy Hammond via Wikileaks. Much condemning information was discovered as a result.  Here is just one example:

From Wikipedia: “Some emails reveal that Stratfor had been partnering with Shea Morenz, a former Goldman Sachs director, along with other informants, in order to profit from what could be considered insider trading. Stratfor planned to use the intelligence it gathered in order to profit from trading in several worldwide markets. They created an offshore “share structure” known as “StratCap” during 2011, in order to avoid insider trading allegations. The offshore entity, set to launch operations in 2012, is outwardly independent of Stratfor, but CEO George Friedman told his employees that StratCap is secretly integrated with Stratfor.”

Jeremy Hammond is a political activist and computer hacker from Chicago. He was convicted and sentenced in November 2013 to 10 years in US Federal Prison for hacking the private intelligence firm Stratfor and releasing the leaks through the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks.

George Friedman, “Europe: Destined for Conflict?”

COMPLETE Event Summary by Richard C. Longworth

Small excerpt from Mr. Longworth’s summary linked above: “Friedman is concerned with Ukraine, Vladimir Putin’s aggression and the American response to it. But most of his speech dealt with the crisis within the European Union. In this drama, the central player is not Russia but Germany.”

George Friedman Bio

George Friedman is the founder and chairman of the private intelligence and geopolitical forecasting corporation, Stratfor. Friedman is a regular contributor to discussions on international intelligence issues for major news and radio networks including CNN, Fox News, and NPR. He is the author of numerous books on warfare and intelligence, including The Next Decade, The Next 100 Years, America’s Secret War, and The Intelligence Edge. He received his bachelor’s degree from the City College of the City University of New York and his PhD from Cornell University. – See more at:

Additional Links…

2012–13 Stratfor email leak

Regime Change: Georgia’s Rose Revolution Fades to Black

Stop drinking the ‘Hater-Aid’

by DAVID BROWN | | March 7, 2015

Now I know it is popular to hate the police, the illegal aliens, the white racists, the ungrateful minorities and the Muslims; but I think it is important to pause for a minute, sit back and take in the larger view; or as I would term it, the Gestalt view to see the ‘Bigger Picture’.  Now, are there bad police, bad whites, bbeverage-15706_1280ad blacks, bad illegals and bad Muslims? Yes there are; but that does not provide us the answers we need to certain questions we should always ask when confronted with external forces that are generating strong emotional valences like hate: Questions like 1) who is responsible for generating or orchestrating the hate; 2) who benefits from our hatred; and 3) for what practical purpose has our hatred been ‘genned-up’?

Police:  Yes, they have killed people’s dogs, murdered the very people they are sworn to protect, acted thuggish; they have  shredded the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights and yes, they have been militarized by the folks in Washington, D.C.

Illegal Aliens:  Yes, they have broken the law by entering the USA illegally and yes many are committing more crimes once they are here, but Washington, D.C. has allowed and even promoted this.  It is interesting to observe that in the EU,  Muslim immigrants are being used in much the same way as the Latino illegal aliens here in the US.

White racists: Yes, there are white racists, but there are also black racists and Latino racists; but most people are not racist, yet the media love to hype this division between the races; and yes, the current US Administration has been caught red-handed ‘Race-Baiting’ when Eric Holder Likens Michael Brown to Emmett Till.

Ungrateful minorities:  Yes, there are some minorities that have yet to figure out that life is a struggle and that not all their problems are the ‘white devil’s’ fault. Many minorities have overcome the challenges of language and culture to prosper, yet others are stuck in the blame game enabled by Washington DC.

Muslims: Yes, some have cut heads off, committed honor killings against their daughters and sisters, committed FGM (female genital mutilations), destroyed ancient artifacts, bombed people and things and acted like a bunch of brainwashed morons. If you look at pictures from the 1960 – 1970, it was not always this way.

Iran in 1960 - 70s

Iran in 1960 – 70s

Despite reformatting their countries after WWI, Islam was on the path to moderation and modernization, until the US began stirring the shit in earnest according to the ‘Made in America’ strategies cooked up by Wolfowitz, Brzezinski and others.

So, if we drink the ‘hater-aide’ and play into this game, what we have is something called division, never having lifted our heads up to see who has been orchestrating all this hate and division.

It is clear to any thinking person that Washington, D.C. is inflaming racial hatred and militarizing our police; and Washington D.C. is inviting undocumented and illegal aliens into this country ‘en masse’.  So what is Washington D.C.’s role in the Muslim problem? Well, first off they have been involved in regime change in Muslim countries for the better part of the last century. They have created Al-Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL and IS in this century and supported many other Muslim and right-wing terrorist groups though Operation Gladio. Not only have they created these groups, they have armed, trained and funded them; and radicalized them in torture camps strewn across the globe … and they used them to destabilize various targeted countries. Additionally, Washington, D.C. has brutally slaughtered millions of innocent Muslims (men, women and children). Would you expect no hatred or blow-back from this? One fine point on blow-back: It’s not technically blow-back if it was planned.

So we have a common and the proximate cause to all this hatred and division: Washington, D.C. But it is not only Washington, DC but the people who control the vortex of power here in the US of A.

Ignorance Fear Hate

So who benefits from all this fear, Ignorance and hate that produces division? Answer: The Military-Industrial Complex, the international bankers and the power centers in Washington, D.C. increase their relevancy to the protection of the good citizens of these United States of America. Washington, D.C. increases the scope of their power and control, while the individual loses his freedoms as guaranteed by this country’s founding documents.

So now we have the answers to 1 & 2 above: Who caused this, who benefits and a partial answer to the question of purpose. The answer to Question 3 (for what purpose) flows from 1 & 2 but to fully understand this question, we must look at some of the larger geopolitical moves by Washington, D.C. and its controllers on a global basis.

The big moves are:

  1. The rapid bankrupting of nation-states worldwide with historic levels of debt created out of thin air.
  2. The destruction of nation-states though treaties and agreements. For example the EU in Europe destroyed the sovereignty of the duly elected representatives of nation-states and handed over the reins of power to unelected officials controlled by an elite group of globalists.
  3. Likewise, in the Americas, agreements like NAFTA, TTIP, TPP and others along with UN-Agenda 21 have bypassed the duly elected representatives of America and handed over the reins of power to unelected officials controlled by an elite group of globalists.

We can therefore reasonably conclude that the purpose of all this hatred and division is to destroy the idea and function of the nation-state and turn over the power to certain well-placed individuals who seek to control the world from a single fulcrum.

So the question to you is: do you want to play their game? I say no. Rather than drink their ‘Hater-Aid’ against the police, the whites, the blacks, the Latinos, the Illegal Aliens, the Muslims, etc., perhaps we should identify the real culprits and go after them.

Additional Reading:

US Supreme Court has lost its way

Supreme_Court_US_2010At stake before the US Supreme Court is the Constitutionality of the Obamacare subsidies for states who did not build their own exchanges. Obamacare is clearly unconstitutional to anyone capable of critical thought, and according to the ACA (Affordable Care Act) aka Obamacare, subsidies for states without exchanges, is clearly illegal by the very words contained within the ACA law. Obama decided with his pen and his phone to provide subsidies to 7.5 million people in states who opted out of the state exchange despite this being clearly against the very language contained within the ACA itself. Thus this is an illegal act.

If the Supreme Court rules against Obama’s subsidies, then 7.5 million may lose their health care insurance. This is patently unfair since many of these people were forced off of the healthcare they had previously and on to Obamacare. A large portion of these 7.5 million likely have Medicare / Medicaid not Obamacare, so will not be impacted by this ruling.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court –to add more problems for the survival of this Republic– have forgotten their role and that is to interpret the US Constitution not to legislate. Congress too has forgotten its role to legislate and has left this up to the Executive.   Our government is a mess. It is one big political rugby match, the Constitution be damned and your rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the Constitution as well.

It is not the Supreme Court’s job to worry about a “death spiral” of Obamacare. That is the job of Congress; a Congress that passed a terrible law through terrible means.

The Roberts Court, October 2010

  1. Sonia Sotomayor (Obama lock)
  2. Stephen G. Breyer (Obama lock)
  3. Samuel A. Alito (?)
  4. Elena Kagan (Obama lock)
  5. Clarence Thomas (?)
  6. Antonin Scalia (?)
  7. Chief Justice John Roberts (Back-stabbing SOB)
  8. Anthony Kennedy (Swing vote)
  9. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Obama lock)

 Obama bots: Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan

Picture of the US Supremes Rugby Team above:”Supreme Court US 2010″ by Steve Petteway, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States – Roberts Court (2010-) – The Oyez Project. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons –

The Jack Boot of DHS

DHS_Seal_Hi-ResDr. Ron Paul tells us to “Shut down the Dept. of Homeland Security”.   I agree.  The Dept. of Homeland Security is just the domestic ‘jack-boot’ of the newly, expanded Empire in Washington, D.C. aka International Murder, Inc.  By passively standing by, watching as our government scourges the world, spreading its death and destruction (in the name of democracy), we have unwittingly unleashed the beast that will now consume us here at home.  The USA is a psychopathic international war criminal turned in upon itself.   The DHS represents the operational arm designed for the destruction of individual rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the foundational laws of this country, which are consistently ignored and bastardized to suit the whims of those illegitimate officials who –without earned merit and in violation of their oaths– have insinuated themselves into every nook and cranny of the bureaucratic control apparatus designed to subdue the good citizens of this country. Like a malignant tumor, it cannot be reformed or bargained with, the DHS must be removed wholesale and thrown into the fire, else-wise it will enslave the people and consume the entire body of this nation under the false pretense of protection. Through trickery, they have put themselves in charge of the very levers of power in this country our founding documents were designed to protect us against. The DHS represents just such a tyranny that would put King George III to shame.

TTIP and other secrets

prison-370112_150TTIP and other secret treaties are secret for a reason.  Not even the US Congress is privy to these individual-rights-destroying agreements. Many of these treaties have the effect of removing the idea of a nation-state, or your country’s sovereignty.  Much like the EU agreements, these secret treaties destroy the governance of the nation-state and replace it with an over-arching unelected bureaucracy, reporting only to its monied masters which in this case would be the large multinational corporations, central banksters, and the powers that shouldn’t be. This is a secret coup snaking its way across the globe, and includes things like carbon taxes, NAFTA, CAFTA, FFTA, TPP, UN Agenda-21, and others. The plan here, is that one day you wake up and find your country is gone and you have new masters.  Some call this the NWO where everything is ‘sunshine, lollipops and rainbows‘ but more likely will be a horrific dystopia making George Orwell’s 1984 look like walk in the park.  All the big shots are in on this: The folks at Davos, Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission, etc. are in on this scam to make you their slaves.  But it gets worse. They not only see you as their slaves, many of you are seen as worthless breeders and eaters and must therefore be culled from the herd.  Can you say eugenics?

Related topics…

I’ve seen the secrets of TTIP, and it is built for corporations not citizens

Bill Gates: “We need a world government”

U.N. Climate Chief: We’re ‘Intentionally’ Transforming The World Economy


From Napoleon to Adolf Hitler to Conchita Wurst

The following thoughts have been stuck in my head for some time now.  Thanks to ‘The Saker’ for releasing these thoughts and putting them to paper below …

From Napoleon to Adolf Hitler to Conchita Wurst

Excellent update on ‘The end of an era’ in the Russian psyche.  The Russian people bit into the shiny, red American apple, only to find it full of worms.

But let the Ukrainians and the Russians realize that the USA is a captured country.

-David Brown

Episode 001 – Meet Joe Plummer (Video)

Joe Plummer SnowPlease join me in a video conversation with author and researcher Mr. Joseph Plummer below.  Joe is the author of several excellent fiction and non-fiction books including  Leaving the Illusion, Dishonest Money and Tragedy and Hope 101. You can find reviews on each of these books and many others at  Despite some serious Skype issues, this interview turned out great. Enjoy!

Meet Joe Plummer

Episode 001 – part 1 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 2 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 3 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 4 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 5 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 6 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by


The CIA, the NSA and Google

by DAVID BROWN | | January 26, 2015

Well, folks here are two articles to really sink your teeth into. I know I will. There appears to be a ton of new data that is well-researched.   The first article is Part 1 of 2 and is jammed-packed with new details I have never seen before about ‘The Highlands Group’ now named the ‘The Highlands Forum’ presumably for legal reasons: to side step the requirements under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).  After reading Quigley’s ‘Anglo-American Establishment’, I have been keen to find the remnants of the Milner Group’s intellectual and operational offspring and more importantly the current control structure. There may be a few breadcrumbs here and maybe a loaf of bread or two.   In any event, after careful study, I’ll be trying to nit these pieces together perhaps in a future article or video. In the meantime enjoy these two pieces from Nafeez Ahmed…

 INSURGE INTELLIGENCE, a new crowd-funded investigative journalism project, breaks the exclusive story of how the United States intelligence community funded, nurtured and incubated Google as part of a drive to dominate the world through control of information. Seed-funded by the NSA and CIA, Google was merely the first among a plethora of private sector start-ups co-opted by US intelligence to retain ‘information superiority.’

The origins of this ingenious strategy trace back to a secret Pentagon-sponsored group, that for the last two decades has functioned as a bridge between the US government and elites across the business, industry, finance, corporate, and media sectors. The group has allowed some of the most powerful special interests in corporate America to systematically circumvent democratic accountability and the rule of law to influence government policies, as well as public opinion in the US and around the world. The results have been catastrophic: NSA mass surveillance, a permanent state of global war, and a new initiative to transform the US military into Skynet.

Part 1: How the CIA made Google
By Nafeez Ahmed

Part 2: Why Google made the NSA
by Nafeez Ahmed


Google’s true origin partly lies in CIA and NSA research grants for mass surveillance  by Jeff Nesbit | December 8, 2017

Jeff Nesbit is the executive director of Climate Nexus, a non-profit communications organization that works on climate and clean energy issues and solutions. He was the director of legislative and public affairs at the National Science Foundation during the Bush and Obama administrations. He was also former vice president Dan Quayle’s communications director at the White House, and former FDA Commissioner David Kessler’s public affairs chief at the Food and Drug Administration. He was a national journalist with Knight-Ridder newspapers and others, and currently writes opinion pieces for The New York Times, Time, and US News & World Report. He’s written multiple books and novels. His next book is THIS IS THE WAY THE WORLD ENDS with Thomas Dunne Books, an imprint of St. Martin’s Press. It will be available in 2018.

What will the death of Abdullah mean?


Crown Prince Salman

Following the death of King Abdullah, the relatively young Crown Prince Salman age 79 is named Saudi King.  Some say the new ailing king is feeble; may have dementia and may not last long so there will be another accession soon.  In the meantime, what secret alliances will be created in the house of Saud; and what will this mean to Saudi – USA – Russian relations?  Despite an estimated 80 – 200 executions annually; including be-headings, stoning  and firing squads; many of whom are young women including Christians and their children for presumably trumped-up charges of killing their husbands, employers or “chewing qat”, a leaf containing a mild drug from Yemen … despite all this killing, amazingly, Abdullah was seen as a reformer stuck in the Saudi legal system of Islam’s Sharia law. Will the killings increase or decrease under Salman and under his soon to be successor?

For some good ‘inside baseball’ on this succession and those soon to follow, Pepe Escobar wrote the following insightful article below two days before the death of King Abdullah:


House of Saud

That dysfunctional marriage:

“As if this was not messy enough, the crucial succession of the House of Saud is propelled to the forefront. King Abdullah, 91, was diagnosed with pneumonia, hospitalized in Riyadh on New Year’s Eve, and was breathing with a tube. He may – or may not, this being the secretive House of Saud – have lung cancer. He won’t last long. The fact that he is hailed as a “progressive reformer” tells everything one needs to know about Saudi Arabia. “Freedom of expression”? You must be joking.

So who’ll be next? The first in the line of succession should be Crown Prince Salman, 79, also defense minister. He was governor of Riyadh province for a hefty 48 years. It was this certified falcon who supervised the wealth of private “donations” to the Afghan mujahedeen in the 1980s jihad, in tandem with hardcore Wahhabi preachers. Salman’s sons include the governor of Medina, Prince Faisal. Needless to add, the Salman family controls virtually all of Saudi media.

To get to the Holy Grail Salman must be proven fit. That’s not a given; and on top of it Abdullah, a tough nut to crack, already survived two of his crown princes, Sultan and Nayef. Salman’s prospects look bleak; he has had spinal surgery, a stroke and may be suffering from – how appropriate – dementia.

It also does not bode well that when Salman was promoted to Deputy Defense Minister, soon enough he was shown the door – as he got himself mixed up with Bandar Bush’s atrocious jihadi game in Syria.

Anyway, Salman already has a successor; second Deputy Prime Minister Prince Muqrin, former governor of Medina province and then head of Saudi intelligence. Muqrin is very, very close to Abdullah. Muqrin seems to be the last “capable” son of Ibn Saud; “capable” here is a figure of speech. The real problem though starts when Muqrin becomes Crown Prince. Because then the next in line will be picked from the grandsons of Ibn Saud.

Enter the so-called third generation princes – a pretty nasty bunch. Chief among them is none other than Mitab bin Abdullah, 62, the son of the king; cries of nepotism do proceed. Like a warlord, Mitab controls his own posse in the National Guard. Sources told me Riyadh is awash in rumors that Abdullah and Muqrin have made a deal: Abdullah gets Muqrin to become king, and Muqrin makes Mitab crown prince. Once again, this being the “secretive” House of Saud, the Hollywood mantra applies: no one knows anything.

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal.(Reuters / Brendan Smialowski)Left: Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal.(Reuters / Brendan Smialowski)

Abdullah’s sons are all over the place; governor of Mecca, deputy governor of Riyadh, deputy foreign minister, president of the Saudi Red Crescent. Same for Salman’s sons. But then there’s Muhammad bin Nayif, son of the late Crown Prince Nayif, who became Interior Minister in 2012, in charge of ultra-sensitive internal security, as in cracking down on virtually anything. He is the top competitor against Mitab among the third-generation princes.

So forget about family “unity” when such juicy loot as an oil hacienda impersonating a whole country is in play. And yet whoever inherits the loot will have to face the abyss, and the same litany of distress; rising unemployment; abysmal inequality; horrendous sectarian divide; jihadism in all its forms – not least the fake Ibrahim Caliphate in “Syraq”, already threatening to march towards Mecca and Medina; the unspeakably medieval Council of Ulemas (the lashing/amputating/beheading-loving bunch); total dependency on oil; unbounded paranoia towards Iran; and a wobbly relationship with His Masters Voice, the US.”

Read the complete article by Pepe Escobar below …

What Game is the House of Saud Playing?