The established power structure is bringing the internet to heel…
Google search is censored and propagandized
YouTube is censored and propagandized
Twitter is censored and propagandized
Reddit is censored and propagandized
Wikipedia is censored and propagandized
Facebook is censored and propagandized
Main Stream Media (News & Entertainment) are censored and propagandized
Amazon books are censored and propagandized
Beyond the obvious censorship above, many other sites have been removed and or damaged by Cloudflare, PayPal, Vimeo, Discord and others in an effort to censor content – 8Chan for example was removed by Cloudflare. And many Discord servers were deleted including Digging Deeper and PSB. Amazon has removed excellent books written by historians like James Perloff and others. Even the seemingly innocuous WordPress got into the action by removing Jay Dyer’s web site.
All these actions have prevented millions of people from getting the news and information they want: some of these channels have over a million subscribers each. Additionally, these actions have destroyed careers, businesses, incomes, and decades of work by content creators.
What is it they desire to censor? Anything the established power structure perceives as a threat. If you want to beat an idea, it seems to me the best way is with refutation and evidence, not propaganda and deletion. Censorship drives ideas underground and gives them credibility they may or may not deserve.
The tyrannical reasoning –if any is given– is a thinly-veiled, unfounded allegation of hate speech, the 17th letter of the English alphabet or other specious augments.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
–unknown (sometimes mistakenly attributed to Voltaire)
With all the deception and false information being pushed by the established power structure, the responsibility of untangling this mess is up to you and me; which is where it should be anyway.
The quick and easy way is to trust authorities, but this is what got us into the mess we are in today. We must become self-sufficient or we become livestock to be herded by our masters.
If we intend to progress, we must develop tools to help us chart an accurate map of the topology before us– because without an accurate map, we are easy prey for the gangsters who lie in wait before us. Equally important is the path we have traveled; if you don’t know where you have been, how can you determine reasonably where you want to go?
There are many tools already available to make our travels much easier and safer. These include a healthy dose of skepticism especially when it comes to known liars like those listed above. Include with this list government agencies like the FBI and CIA and other known liars. There is absolutely no reason to trust a known liar, so become adept at collecting data points from many sources without accepting them as fact. Once you have collected data points, start your analysis to see correlations and make some connections. Putting events on a timeline is always helpful. Other tools include learning the Trivium and learning how to spot logical fallacies which are used abundantly by the MSM and others. Learn the top 24 or so, how to spot them and how to dismantle them. Takes some practice.
NOTE:Trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) More on the Trivium can be found here:
It’s been exactly 91 days since my last post, though I continue to post regularly on Facebook and to a lesser extent on Twitter. A big reason for my absence is the various claims on my time preventing me from doing the reading and research necessary to have something worth saying on these pages. Facebook however provides a quick and dirty way of jotting down thoughts or links that may be interesting.
During these 91 days, my Facebook account was completely removed, then restored and several of my posts were removed because I was not adhering to Facebook’s ‘Community Standards’. No evidence or examples were given, I had just been a bad boy for some reason that I am never intended to know.
My college philosophy teacher was and probably still is an atheist, yet he was an amazingly brilliant teacher … one of my best. Despite his lack of faith or belief in things unseen or unproven by his deductive method, he was staunchly anti-abortion. He reasoned as did I that once you minimize or devalue life at one end of the spectrum (very young) what logically will prevent you from minimizing it at the other end (very old); and once so done, one’s foot is squarely placed on the proverbial slippery slope. And where does this slope lead? Well it leads to further adjustments at either or both ends. So if we have scarce resources —which we always do– the value of a person prior to being productive for society would be less than say a person of working age and likewise the value of an older person incapable of vigorous work would be less valuable. So at some point, this logic trip leads us to the conclusion of stratification of value based on age; such that a society would be more interested in investing and/or saving the life of someone between the age of 18 and 35 say. Outside this range, you are less valuable and therefore on your own; or possibly a candidate for post-birth abortion. In fact this is already occurring. We have death panels with Obamacare and recent opinion polls on college campuses show a growing approval of post-birth abortion up to age five if it would save jobs. So there you have it. Ideas have power and they have consequences that on first blush you may not have even considered.
If you are religious, you can find many persuasive arguments against abortion from the pulpit; but if you are not religious, these arguments are unimpressive, unconvincing and annoying. If you believe that there is no creator, and that we are just the end result of eons of random successful genetic mutations originating from a primordial soup, the idea of a fetus being just a blob of cells like your liver or spleen– to be removed at will when necessary or convenient– is intellectually reasonable if not entirely emotionally satisfying. The non-religious would naturally wonder what the big fuss is all about and rightfully feel these religious nuts are encroaching on “my reproductive rights!” Amazingly, however, faith has found a place in the hearts of the faithless…once the fetus is beyond the birth canal, umbilical cord cut and fetus viable; it somehow magically attains full rights of an individual human being and is so named. This is part of a long list of “well-established” facts that comprise the credo of the secular world. They reason that perhaps life may begin a bit earlier than this, but not by much. To make things more confusing, we are told that no one really knows when life begins anyway; so we can now use this fuzzy construct to smudge any clear demarcation and add confusion to the ill-trained mind.
What kind of barbarian would deny a woman the right to control her own body or her right to practice birth control as she sees fit? And what about rape, incest and the mother’s life or the quality of life of the infant due to poverty, genetic irregularities, malformations or congenital maladies? Or you wanted a boy and not a girl or it’s just not convenient just now. Surely you must see the logic of allowing women to abort their fetuses? And, to combat the religious nuts, there are websites dedicated to proving that abortion is biblical just in case you are not so sure about all this Deity stuff. So what’s the big deal? The non-believer has every angle covered. It’s just a medical procedure performed by a doctor and his patient.
So, if we are to make any headway on this debate, we have two choices: we can convert everyone on the planet to agree with our particular religious views—unlikely– or we can take a logical, scientific view upon which believers and non-believers can agree.
So what is a fetus? Is it a blob of cells? Yes and no. Is it a weed or a flower, trash or treasure? A series of electrochemical reactions or a blessing? I think we can agree that the term fetus is a cold, disinterested name given to a very young human. It is not a dog. It is not a cat and it is not a liver or an abscessed tooth to be pulled or a hair or finger nail to be cut. It is something different. It depends on the mother for sustenance but it is not part of the mother and does not share its DNA with any other cell in the mother’s body. Every cell in the Mother’s body has the same DNA as every other cell in the Mother’s body except the fetus or baby which resides within the mother’s womb…there by no fault of its own. Helpless, nature’s most vulnerable. The baby possesses some DNA from the Father and some from the Mother but woven together in a very unique way. No two siblings are exactly alike even identical twins differ in terms of gene expression and space and time…and none possess the same combination of DNA as the Mother.
So I think we can safely say that the fetus is not part of the Mother’s body in any logical since unless you also consider the male’s penis part of the mother’s body during coitus and could be aborted as well if not attached to a legally defined separate human. But such conclusions illustrate the foolishness of the abortionists logic more than my crassness. And we can safely say that the fetus is a young human though we may disagree if it is alive or not. Since we have no good definition of life this can be problematic. Some viruses defy our definition of life by many accounts; however, most of us can tell the difference between a virus and a rock yet we get confused when discussing a fetus.
For the non-believer none of this may matter much anyway since the pain to the little human is short –if at all– and it benefits the greater good of the collective to reduce the population, but you must admit that this is a little more consequential than getting a tooth removed or a haircut and there may be some ethical question about killing an innocent life. And for the agnostic or the ethically challenged… if perchance there is a Creator, I would imagine this creator might be just a little bit pissed at a people who chose of their own free will to pass a law that has resulted in the death of over 58 million of His most innocent ones.
It’s hard to know where to start with the amazing John Taylor Gatto. Through the marvel of technology, I have witnessed the speeches and lectures of some of our most awake and aware; including Joseph Campbell (mythology), Anthony C. Sutton (History), Carroll Quigley (History), Richard Feynman (Physics), Leonard Susskind (Physics), Milton Friedman (Economics), G. Edward Griffin (Author) and many others; yet, John Taylor Gatto is different. He is more subtle, more joyful and more broadly read. With his vast body of knowledge, from many diverse fields of study, he draws his insightful, practical conclusions, seemingly effortlessly. He is a pleasure to watch as you observe his mind clicking through his body of studies to share unpretentious knowledge and wisdom with you.
So with John, like so many other great thinkers and writers, I have been the thankful beneficiary of his great works. During my personal pursuit to discover untainted, useful information, many great people have contributed to this quest; causing me to turn around and see what was making shadows on the wall of the cave I was haplessly born into.
John was a good, loyal teacher for 30 years, until he decided to stop damaging his students: “He was named New York City Teacher of the Year in 1989, 1990, and 1991, and New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991. In 1991, he wrote a letter announcing his retirement, titled I Quit, I Think, to the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal, saying that he no longer wished to “hurt kids to make a living.”” – Wikipedia
John slowly discovered that rather than teaching his kids, he was in fact damaging their ability to learn and think. He was in effect implementing a regimen of social engineering devised by very familiar tax-free foundations to advance a very different agenda. I think it is important for all of us as parents and concerned citizens to discover exactly what John discovered so that we too will understand how the school systems are damaging our children and what exactly we can do to stop and reverse this damage.
John Taylor Gatto’s Resignation: I Quit. I Think
Below, John Taylor Gatto, tells you what he use to teach in school until he discovered that he was harming his students.
The first lesson I teach is confusion.
The second lesson I teach is your class position.
The third lesson I teach kids is indifference.
The fourth lesson I teach is emotional dependency.
The fifth lesson I teach is intellectual dependency.
The sixth lesson I teach is provisional self-esteem.
The seventh lesson I teach is that you can’t hide.
Here is John in his own words. I encourage you to read it in its entirety to make this real for you…
I know I will get a lot of flack from this heresy, but it has been a splinter in my brain that must come out. I will not spend endless hours debating this, but I will paint a simpler and a more complete picture soon. The impact of modern philosophy on today’s science: Not many realize that philosophy and science were once the same thing (called natural philosophy); until they split in the late 1,700s. The scientific method transformed natural philosophy into an empirical activity called science; and metaphysics was concerned with the non-empirical inquiry into the nature of existence. Not only that, Immanuel Kant and Plato before him sought to destroy the metaphysics of 1) Identity; 2) Causality and 3) The law of non-contradiction set forth by Aristotle. Aristotle said that A is A; and A is not non-A. Kant, ushering in the modern philosophy, said we really can’t know anything for certain and there are no absolutes (which in itself is a logical fallacy). Examples: Everybody’s entitled to their opinion or It may be true for you but not true for me. This violates any idea of an external reality and has insinuated itself into all aspects of modern theoretical physics. It has bastardized the ideas of identity, causality and the law of non-contraction providing us with the absurd theories of Quantum, String and M-theory and many others which cannot be reconciled into classical physics. It is interesting to note that around this same time our Trivium education system was replaced by the Prussian system which removed critical thought, identity and the law of non-contradiction.
Absurdities in Modern Physics: A Solution by Paul Marmet Promulgation of Absurdities: The Copenhagen Interpretation.
Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope interviews John Taylor Gatto in the ‘The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto’
Uploaded on Jan 1, 2012
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Tragedy and Hope is funded by those who tune-in to our productions, and the members of the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking and research community, who subscribe after witnessing the value provided, and voluntarily deciding to contribute in a way to ensure we can continue producing educational media with integrity and consistency. Sacrifice the Tragedy, Preserve the Hope.
NOTE: Gatto starts 17 minutes into Hour 1 … enjoy!
1) The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Intro + Hour 1 of 5)
1. The Ominous Continuity. Fichte, Spinoza, Calvin and Plato. “The Republic” and “The Laws.” The danger of ordinary people. Charles Darwin and “The Descent of Man”, “On the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of the Favored Races” “The hopeless Irish.” The influence of Thomas Malthus. “The Book of Common Prayer” and the “Homily of Obedience”. Wedgewood Pottery. (00:25-8:57)
2. Francis Galton and the “Galton Clubs.” The so-called “Menace” to the human race and the way to render them harmless. Eugenics, Population control and the breeding of the “biologically advanced.” The Emergence of the majority of Private Schools post “Descent of Man”. “Fitter Family Competitions” and the reinforcement of Darwinian and earlier philosophies. “Natures Work or the Lords Work” (8:57-14:15)
3. Wilhelm Wundt and the Prussian Ph.D. University of Berlin and Leipzig. Edward Everett as the first American Ph.D. Clout and the ticket to intellectual management. The Japanese “Prussian” Constitution. (14:15-16:45)
4. The “domination of ideas” and connecting the dots. “Not a good way to get tenure.” The lineage of insights. (16:46-18:19)
5. Irrationality and the Utopian ideals. Adam Smith and the “Wealth of Nations.” William Playfair and the so-called destruction of the social order if everyone knew they were capable of intellectual development. “Liberal” is not a dirty word. (18:20-22:50)
6. Adolf Hitler and “Mein Kampf.” Ivy Lee, Bernays and Propaganda. (22:50-23:48)
7. Teaching 5 classes the same material. Discarding the assigned curriculum and exercising your “mental muscles.” Equality across social classes. Predestination, Moby Dick and Gregory Smith’s lesson for the teacher. Active mentalities behind the street idiom. Taking kids seriously. Jamal Watson and doing comic books right. (23:49- 32:49)
8. The nationally known Assassination’s expert that flunked out of Cornell. “Inquest: The Warren Commission and the Establishment of Truth” and “The Rise and Fall of Diamonds: Shattering of a Brilliant Illusion. ” DeBeers Diamond Mines and “worthless” diamonds. “News from Nowhere: Television and the News”. (33:38-36:25)
9. Shaking beliefs, the known universe and seeing the destructive disconnected narratives. The moral and ethical break. Medicine and Nutrition. The closed universe of education and “one hand washing the other.” Shakespeare for 8th Graders. The myth of the “dumb class.” Experts inventing problems. (36:25-40:40)
10. Innate, infinite potential. Apprenticeship, skill building and biological imitation leading to selection. Richard Branson finds his way home and drops out of high school. Independent livelihood. The rationale of corporations and political control. GM and the fast track of finance. (40:40-46:19)
11. Walkabout as a rite of passage. Fragmenting and compartmentalizing education. Striking out so history won’t repeat itself. “The bad things done in school have been intellectually justified.” The definition of marketing as “overcoming sales resistance.” (46:19-49:57)
12. Leveraging the opinion makers. Andrew Carnegie (the Atheist) and Organ donations. Carnegie and Rockefeller Pensions for Teachers. Carnegie Credit Systems. The Religion of Leverage and planning the future of Cities and Nations. The Chautauqua and the leveraging travelling Christian Ministers. Harpers Methodists and Rockefeller Baptists. The forty kinds of Baptist “one small fragment of Baptists that is like Episcopalian.” The Quaker transformation from pious, humble people to the most powerful small sect in the country.” 100,000 Quakers and two American Presidents. (49:58-54:31)
13. You can’t think clearly without the data. “How to spin a local authority into your scheme and let him do the work.” The paycheck dependent managers and those that listen to the tom-toms. Schools in 1905 vs. today. (54:32- 56:54)
14. Frederick Gates, Rockefeller Labor disputes and the idea Philanthropic “altruism.” Private corporate foundations and American schooling. Congressional investigation of Walsh and Reece and how the foundations use leverage to control the curriculum, the testing systems and the public perception. Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford dividing responsibility. The White House conferences that homogenize public opinion. Ford and the Psychological output of schooling. Carnegie and Rockefeller and Globalization of ideas. Advertising, marketing and media. (56:54-100:50)
END TAPE — “The Mechanics of how it’s done.” (100:50-101:24)
2) The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Hour 2 of 5)
1. Corporate and Foundation funding of Education. The Reece Committee, Norman Dodd and the Carnegie minutes. (1:09-2:43)
2. Metaphysical Club, William James, John Dewey, Wilhelm Wundt and the shapers of 20th Century institutions. Charles S. Peirce and Pragmatic Philosophy. The Old Norse Religion. Truth and Justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and the Judicial System. (3:15-6:51)
3. Kant and the removal of cause and effect. (Rationalizing irrationality) The Critique of Pure Reason. Pragmatism meets Justified Sinning and the ends justify the means. (6:51-8:23)
4. Bertrand Russell’s “The Impact of Science on Society”, Fichte, cybernetics and influence of Utopia. Psychology and Pragmatism and vehicle of education. (8:24-9:39)
5. Literacy in the Colonies, Coopers’ “The Last of the Mohicans”, and “Common Sense.” Thomas Paine and the Printing Press. The Complexity of Ideas. Teaching the “criminal” active literacy’s and elite boarding schools. Obama, Bill Clinton. Populism and the Science of Speech. (9:40-17:11)
6. Yale and the British Class Tradition. Harvard and the Unitarians. The Massachusetts School Committee. Fabian Socialism and the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. Beatrice Webb, the niece of Herbert Spencer. “Root Hog, of Die!” “Kill them with kindness. Vs. kill the brutes.” (17:11- 21:12)
7. The London School of Economics, Arthur Balfour and the Society for Psychical Research. William T. Stead, Cecil John Rhodes. The Avengers, James Bond the License to Kill (21:13-22:43)
8. The Natural Instinct and the Arch of Life. Congregationalists. Martin Luther. “Every Man his Own Priest.” Dissenting independent Religions in the new world. No continuous governments vs. the preservation of hierarchy (22:43-27:04)
9. Intellectual self defense. Oscar Callaway, J.P. Morgan interests and media control. Harry Truman calls out Rockefeller. “Virtual Global Society”, World War II and the inability to replace German losses. War Profiteering and Foreclosing the Freedom of Speech. (27:04-30:47)
10. Carroll Quigley and the Council on Foreign Relations. “Tragedy and Hope” and the “story not as delivered.” The printing controversy, Quigley’s mastery of prose and his admission of agreement. “The Anglo-American Establishment” (30:47-39:35)
11. Revisiting Charles Darwin’s “Descent of Man.” Francis Galton and the institutionalizing the anti-educational nature. (39:54-42:49)
12. The Cato Institute. Adam Smith and the “Theory of Moral Sentiments.” The religion of Libertarian Capitalism (42:11-42:50)
13. Ben Franklin as the “ultimate pragmatist.” The Printing Press, the Postal Service, and the University of Pennsylvania. Franklin and the German Pietist groups. (42:50-50:06)
14. Thomas Edison goes west and “The Grand Trunk Herald.” (50:07-53:30)
15. Documented history as birthright. The colossal crime, Thomas Malthus and “climbing the mountain.” (53:30-55:20)
16. Lippmann, Bernays and Spinoza. “Tractatus Theologico-Politicos.” Thomas Jefferson’s “Notes on the State of Virginia.” The secular religion and the Church of England. (55:20-57:46)
17. “Machiavelli as a fountain of utility for the Borgias.” Hobbes “Leviathan” How to maintain power over “the great unwashed.” (57:46-100:39)
End of Tape/ Hour 3 — The contradiction of national policy and the Trilateral Commission. “The Crisis of Democracy”. Power is never where it seems to be. The Great Books. End.
3) The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Hour 3 of 5)
1. BEFORE Slate: Book signing. Bionomics and attempts to control evolution. David Starr Jordan of Stanford University and was President of Indiana University. He hired Elwood P. Cubberley at Stanford. “Managers of Virtue” and Cubberley’s unifying of hiring. The “Daughters of the Barons of Runnemede.” (00:00- 25:00)
2. “Metalogicon” A Twelfth-Century Defense of the Trivium” by John of Salisbury book presentation. WYBM introduction promo(25:10-26:45)
3. Who is R. Gordon Wasson? Soma and the Magic Mushroom and Wall St. heavy hitters. “Soma: The Divine Mushroom of Immortality, (Ethno-Mycological Studies)” by R. Gordon Wasson (1968)
Council on Foreign Relations meetings. (26:45-27:54)
4. Who is Antony C. Sutton? Brief correspondence. “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution” (1974), “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” (1976) Adding up reality. Ramsey Clark marginalization. Lysander Spooner, Frederic Bastiat. “The Daughters of the Barons of Runnymede” and discovery of continuity. (27:54-30:29)
5. Who was Ignatius Loyola? Penetrating the Reformation and the Army of Jesus. Luther’s “Every man his own Priest”, “Wild Declaration of Radicalism” Getting rid of the Priesthood and the middle men. (30:30-32:
6. The influence of the Illuminati on the Education System? Powers behind the scenes. Standardized testing dismissed in most universities. Johann Pestalozzi, Johann Kaspar Lavater, and the “Leipzig Connection.” Militaristic strategies. The artificial extension of childhood. “The Story of Civilization” by Will and Ariel Durant. Beginning the productive life early. David Farragut, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson. The effects of marginalizing the young. Alexander the Great. (32:22-40:11)
7. The value of Hemp. Jefferson and Washington and the role of hemp in American history. The Hearst Family and wood pulp for newspapers. Reefer Madness. The quality of books then and now. (40:11-41:42:070
8. The necessity of reading the old books vs. reading the digests and abstracts. Marcus Aurelius “Meditations” “Nothing you can buy is worth having and no one you can order around is worth associating with.” Reading Aurelius in 6th Grade in Western Pennsylvania. Julius Caesar. Pitting classes against each other. Division by meaningless competition. What do we learn that is enhanced by competition? Keeping track of ideas. Maintaining the social and economic order through education. How to manage a society that wouldn’t require managing? (42:08-48:48)
9. The Trivium and Quadrivium. 3rd Grade Jesuit Boarding School and the intellectual diet. “The causes of the first World War.” Reality testing. Dorothy Sayers and “The Lost Tools of Learning.” The division caused by subject learning and measuring memory vs. actual performance. Making informed decisions. “Know yourself.” Personal adaptations of the Trivium. (48:49-55:47)
10. “The 12 Secrets of the Boarding School Curriculum of Power”, Groton/FDR, St. Paul’s/John Kerry, Andover/Bush, Choate/Kennedy, and Episcopal in Virginia/ John McCain. Schools grounded on Religion as well as Anglican and Quaker traditions. Passive and Active literacies. Having a strong competency in the active literacies is at the core of the elite private boarding schools. Insights into institutional forms. Theories of human nature. Mastery of the social forms. (55:48-100:25)
11. Artificial extension of childhood as a secret of crowd control. Political idioms and rhetoric, units of meeting and iambic pentameters. Building models, exercises and immediate results. (1:10:28-1:16:16)
4) The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Hour 4 of 5)
1. Is there an easy way to learn? Understanding yourself + raw experience. Allowing kids to follow their own instincts. Group projects with tangible goals. “Principia Mathematica” Alfred North Whitehead and statistical sampling prediction. “Aims of Education and Other Essays”. (10:14-15:25)
2. Training fleas before you break their will. “Hubert’s Dime Museum and Flea Circus.” Breaking autonomy and “taking the lid off”. Imposing your will. “Hired as the lid on the container.” (15:26-18:53)
3. Wilhelm Wundt and Laboratory schooling. The Roman Collegia and 5th Century crowd control. (18:54-20:11)
4. Connections between Calvin and modern theocratic states? The impulsion of certainty, rules, and algorithms. Experimenting with humanity and enlarging its boundaries. Human ingenuity was seeing as a risk for capital formulation. Using financial crisis. “Overproduction” and “Overcapacity”, “hyper-democracy” and the inability to suppress the people. The Trilateral Commission and “The Crisis of Democracy”. Hyperinflation and warfare. (20:09-27:35)
5. The role of curiosity as “the lever that produces invention and forces you in a fun way to think for yourself.” How schools destroy curiosity. Admiral Perry and Japan. (28:41- 31:10)
6. When did the American Dream become one of lifelong servitude and debt slavery? Lincoln @the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society. “The American dream was Liberty, Freedom, and personal Sovereignty.” “The Cathedral and the Bazaar” and IT technology. Discoveries by “non-experts.” New ways to treat cancerous tumors by John Kanzius. Robert Scott Root-Bernstein. How to deal with ambiguity. (31:10-40:57)
7. “The Principles of Psychology” by William James (1890) “Habit as the enormous flywheel of society…” The world is much bigger than you believe it is, because of conditioning. (40:57-43:43)
8. “The Six Important Functions of Secondary Education”. Alexander James Inglis and “The Principles of Secondary Education”; Adjustive functions, Integrative (conformist) Functions, Directive Function, Differentiating Function, Selective Function, and the Propaedeutic Function. (1918) Getting the Inglis lecture from Harvard. (43:44-56:43)
9. Cutting out the middle man. Why can’t students just read books? Strawberry Fields Monument, “Pizza Palace Sued,” paying the way to Paris. Hampshire College. (56:43-109:36)
10. Something that would “echo through time.” “Sensible children do not wish to be incomplete human beings.” Stage theories of human development, tormenting and limiting possibilities. Don’t be your kids enemy, be a partner and enlarge the opportunity.” “No homework please!”(109:36-1:10:41)
END TAPE 5 — What does a college education really get you in the 21st Century? The last hoop to jump through that doesn’t deliver much along a prescribed plan. Cornell, Columbia and Reed College experience. No bang for the buck, unless you commit. The value of persistence and the learning process and those that demonstrate merit. George W. Bush and the Iraq War. What was the role of UNESCO in Education? Pestalozzi and “killing them with kindness”, Fabian Socialism, and “fundamental principles of human physics.” “The Imperial Cruise” and “Perfectibilists” (1:10:41-1:27:20)
5) The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto (Hour 5 + Closing and Credits)
Author Patrick Wood discusses his recent book “Technocracy Rising”, in a 3-part interview. (Summary of parts, below) Technocracy Rising
Patrick Wood is an author and lecturer who has studied elite globalization policies since the late 1970’s, when he partnered with the late Antony C. Sutton to coauthor Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II. He remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order.”
An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession and an American Constitutionalist by choice, Wood maintains a Biblical world view and has deep historical insights into the modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom. Such attacks are epitomized by the implementation of U.N. policies such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth and in education, the widespread adoption of Common Core.
Wood is a frequent speaker and guest on radio shows around the nation. His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony, focusing on Transhumanism, Technocracy and scientism, and how these are co-opting economics, politics and religion around the world.
Technocracy, Trilaterals & TPP: An Interview with Patrick Wood
Published on Sep 11, 2015 by Richard Grove with Tragedy and Hope
Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 1 of 3) Length – 1:13:53
Part 1: Energy based Currency, Columbia University origins of Technocracy, Eugenics, Population Control, and Agenda 21, origins of Positivism and Scientism;
Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 2 of 3) Length – 56:40
Part 2: Trilaterals, CFR, Rockefellers, U.N., 1992 Rio Conference, Agenda 21 and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP);
Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 3 of 3) Length – 57:21
Part 3: Wood’s work with Antony C. Sutton, the Origins of the Trilateral Commission, Trilaterals and Larry King, and how the Trilateral Commission influenced the U.S. Govt. since 1973 to present day. Thanks to Ernie & Donna Hancock at for the use of their studio, and to Rick Malchow for his assistance in bringing you this interview.
Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse Of Global Transformation Paperback – December 29, 2014 by Patrick M. Wood(Author)
The Big Four Bridge from various angles in May 2013
Most systems (bridge, car engine, computer program) can withstand a certain amount of corruption; but all systems will fail at some point, when and if the corruption becomes too great. For example, if Jeffersonville, Indiana and Louisville, Kentucky can’t decide who will paint the Big Four Bridge spanning the Ohio River, it will become corrupted by rust and fall into the river of its own weight. Likewise, here in the U.S.A., if we don’t get control of the corruption that is running rampant in all three branches of the Federal Government, it too will fail. We can argue on the details of the causes and the fixes, but the underlying problem is unconstrained lawlessness and corruption by our Federal officials. Until this is addressed head-on, the system upon which 321,512,481 American souls depend is destined to fail.
A system is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole
Some systems share common characteristics, including:
A system has structure, it contains parts (or components) that are directly or indirectly related to each other;
A system has behavior, it exhibits processes that fulfill its function or purpose;
A system has interconnectivity: the parts and processes are connected by structural and/or behavioral relationships;
A system’s structure and behavior may be decomposed via subsystems and sub-processes to elementary parts and process steps;
A system has behavior that, in relativity to its surroundings, may be categorized as both fast and strong.
As America moves toward a more authoritarian and tyrannical government, the Russians have finally broken the bondage of their former Czars (1917) and the Soviet Union (1991); which replaced the Czars. Now Russians appear to be moving into more liberty tough their progress is uneven. It is interesting to see this juxtaposition of these two great countries. One embracing bondage, the other having had enough, now moving away from bondage.
SCORE: America 9, Russia 3…
In 1776 Alexander Fraser Tytler, a European historian published The Decline and Fall of the Athenian Republic. In his publication, Tytler reported that from his research he had determined the following:
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over a loss of fiscal responsibility, always followed by a dictatorship. The average of the world’s great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years. These nations have progressed in this sequence:
1. From bondage to spiritual faith,
2. From spiritual faith to great courage, 3. From courage to liberty,(Russia?)
4. From liberty to abundance,
5. From abundance to selfishness,
6. From selfishness to complacency,
7. From complacency to apathy,
8. From apathy to dependency, 9. From dependency back again to bondage.” (USA?)
Ahhh… memories of the old Soviet Union: Dinesh D’Souza was ordered to continue community service and psychological counseling in court on Monday. Lucas Jackson/Reuters
There is something philosophers call ‘ontological knowledge’ that is also called innate knowledge. This knowledge lies beneath the critical thinking and reason realm (see ClearNFO: The structure supporting cherished beliefs…). We can offer up excuses and explanations and generate descriptions that seduce our vaulted egos into believing we have conquered a fact or two, providing thereby, some sort of understanding or wisdom; yet all this cognitive effort turns out insufficient and unsatisfying when dealing with the ontological realm. The ontological deals with the feelings of love for one’s spouse of many years and the comfort, trust and effortless commitment that interweaves its tapestry, bonding the relationship. This realm also includes the birth or adoption of your first child; and for me, my pure joy and amazement and the miracle of my first grandchild … this is what I wrote when my beautiful Kylee B was born…
Yesterday had to go down in my life as a perfect day…(October 7, 2010 at 6:48am)
My beautiful 19 year old daughter had her first baby and my first grand baby yesterday. For those into stats… she was born at 3:02 PM, 20.25 inches long and weighed in at a whopping 7.1 lbs. Both the mother and the child are doing very well. My daughter had a very quick and easy labor and the child was born healthy and beautiful. The hospital was perfect. The room was very large, comfortable and well equipped with all necessary amenities including chairs, a large sofa, TV, CD/VCR Player, Refrigerator, etc. The mother and child never had to move from the birthing room and the family was left alone to admire and get to know our new addition in privacy, peace, quiet and comfort. Interestingly the new baby was cleaned up and placed skin to skin on the mother’s bosom…what an incredible way to bond! In the other birthings I’ve attended, the child is whisked away from the mother into a cold room all by its self. Both families were in attendance for the entire event. It was very obvious to this observer that this special gift from God was born into two awesome families who will surround and protect and love and cherish our new addition.
So, what’s it all about? The ‘it’ here is life, and It’s about the family. It’s as simple as that. Why? Because you can only have so many Ferraris, summer homes, iPhones, iPads, etc. And for me, there is no success that can compensate for failure in the home.
Am I here to make your feel bad or jealous or to envy my perfect life or my perfect relationship? Not at all for my life is not perfect and my history is strewn with failures, heartbreaks and disappointments that would likely curl your toenails and straighten your hair. My intent rather is to communicate what I have learned based on my failures and successes.
Am I here to micromanage your life and tell you how to live or what is important to you? Not at all. I would never be so presumptuous as to believe that I have all the answers or that my truth is immutable; yet for me, I have found great joy and satisfaction within the family.
For me, Natalie Merchant expresses this well in her song below entitled ‘Beloved Wife’
Dionne Warwick Alfie – What’s it all about, Alfie?