Category Archives: NWO


Great interview with one of my favorite ladies Catherine Austin Fitts.  Sit back and enjoy this fascinating interview.

Solari | Catherine Austin Fitts

Solari | Catherine Austin Fitts

Published on Mar 13, 2015

Join Dark Journalist and his special guest, Former Assistant Housing Secretary, Financial Expert and Coast to Coast AM contributor Catherine Austin Fitts, for an exhilarating overview of the hidden forces of the Black Budget at work in the 2015 economic landscape. Making her fifth appearance on the show, Catherine exposes an emerging economic trend she calls a “Crash-Up” that may be the next move of the financial cabal she refers to as “Mr Global.” After draining most of the money out of the economy with the disastrous housing bubble and the dire crash of 2008, the cabal is ready to make their next move by Crashing Up equity and relentlessly debasing currencies for even more profit!

Catherine, the publisher of The Solari Report, traces the history of worldwide financial manipulation and draws on her personal experience in high-ranking positions on Wall Street and in Government to expose the global game being played out by a tiny elite of people who dominate the committee to run the world.

She also gives out rare insight and wisdom for finding your economic security while battling the covert forces of mind control, entrainment technology, money harvesting, black budget operations and power centralization.

Spellbinding, informative, startling and provocative, this is the interview you’re going to need to navigate 2015!

Stop drinking the ‘Hater-Aid’

by DAVID BROWN | | March 7, 2015

Now I know it is popular to hate the police, the illegal aliens, the white racists, the ungrateful minorities and the Muslims; but I think it is important to pause for a minute, sit back and take in the larger view; or as I would term it, the Gestalt view to see the ‘Bigger Picture’.  Now, are there bad police, bad whites, bbeverage-15706_1280ad blacks, bad illegals and bad Muslims? Yes there are; but that does not provide us the answers we need to certain questions we should always ask when confronted with external forces that are generating strong emotional valences like hate: Questions like 1) who is responsible for generating or orchestrating the hate; 2) who benefits from our hatred; and 3) for what practical purpose has our hatred been ‘genned-up’?

Police:  Yes, they have killed people’s dogs, murdered the very people they are sworn to protect, acted thuggish; they have  shredded the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights and yes, they have been militarized by the folks in Washington, D.C.

Illegal Aliens:  Yes, they have broken the law by entering the USA illegally and yes many are committing more crimes once they are here, but Washington, D.C. has allowed and even promoted this.  It is interesting to observe that in the EU,  Muslim immigrants are being used in much the same way as the Latino illegal aliens here in the US.

White racists: Yes, there are white racists, but there are also black racists and Latino racists; but most people are not racist, yet the media love to hype this division between the races; and yes, the current US Administration has been caught red-handed ‘Race-Baiting’ when Eric Holder Likens Michael Brown to Emmett Till.

Ungrateful minorities:  Yes, there are some minorities that have yet to figure out that life is a struggle and that not all their problems are the ‘white devil’s’ fault. Many minorities have overcome the challenges of language and culture to prosper, yet others are stuck in the blame game enabled by Washington DC.

Muslims: Yes, some have cut heads off, committed honor killings against their daughters and sisters, committed FGM (female genital mutilations), destroyed ancient artifacts, bombed people and things and acted like a bunch of brainwashed morons. If you look at pictures from the 1960 – 1970, it was not always this way.

Iran in 1960 - 70s

Iran in 1960 – 70s

Despite reformatting their countries after WWI, Islam was on the path to moderation and modernization, until the US began stirring the shit in earnest according to the ‘Made in America’ strategies cooked up by Wolfowitz, Brzezinski and others.

So, if we drink the ‘hater-aide’ and play into this game, what we have is something called division, never having lifted our heads up to see who has been orchestrating all this hate and division.

It is clear to any thinking person that Washington, D.C. is inflaming racial hatred and militarizing our police; and Washington D.C. is inviting undocumented and illegal aliens into this country ‘en masse’.  So what is Washington D.C.’s role in the Muslim problem? Well, first off they have been involved in regime change in Muslim countries for the better part of the last century. They have created Al-Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL and IS in this century and supported many other Muslim and right-wing terrorist groups though Operation Gladio. Not only have they created these groups, they have armed, trained and funded them; and radicalized them in torture camps strewn across the globe … and they used them to destabilize various targeted countries. Additionally, Washington, D.C. has brutally slaughtered millions of innocent Muslims (men, women and children). Would you expect no hatred or blow-back from this? One fine point on blow-back: It’s not technically blow-back if it was planned.

So we have a common and the proximate cause to all this hatred and division: Washington, D.C. But it is not only Washington, DC but the people who control the vortex of power here in the US of A.

Ignorance Fear Hate

So who benefits from all this fear, Ignorance and hate that produces division? Answer: The Military-Industrial Complex, the international bankers and the power centers in Washington, D.C. increase their relevancy to the protection of the good citizens of these United States of America. Washington, D.C. increases the scope of their power and control, while the individual loses his freedoms as guaranteed by this country’s founding documents.

So now we have the answers to 1 & 2 above: Who caused this, who benefits and a partial answer to the question of purpose. The answer to Question 3 (for what purpose) flows from 1 & 2 but to fully understand this question, we must look at some of the larger geopolitical moves by Washington, D.C. and its controllers on a global basis.

The big moves are:

  1. The rapid bankrupting of nation-states worldwide with historic levels of debt created out of thin air.
  2. The destruction of nation-states though treaties and agreements. For example the EU in Europe destroyed the sovereignty of the duly elected representatives of nation-states and handed over the reins of power to unelected officials controlled by an elite group of globalists.
  3. Likewise, in the Americas, agreements like NAFTA, TTIP, TPP and others along with UN-Agenda 21 have bypassed the duly elected representatives of America and handed over the reins of power to unelected officials controlled by an elite group of globalists.

We can therefore reasonably conclude that the purpose of all this hatred and division is to destroy the idea and function of the nation-state and turn over the power to certain well-placed individuals who seek to control the world from a single fulcrum.

So the question to you is: do you want to play their game? I say no. Rather than drink their ‘Hater-Aid’ against the police, the whites, the blacks, the Latinos, the Illegal Aliens, the Muslims, etc., perhaps we should identify the real culprits and go after them.

Additional Reading:

The Jack Boot of DHS

DHS_Seal_Hi-ResDr. Ron Paul tells us to “Shut down the Dept. of Homeland Security”.   I agree.  The Dept. of Homeland Security is just the domestic ‘jack-boot’ of the newly, expanded Empire in Washington, D.C. aka International Murder, Inc.  By passively standing by, watching as our government scourges the world, spreading its death and destruction (in the name of democracy), we have unwittingly unleashed the beast that will now consume us here at home.  The USA is a psychopathic international war criminal turned in upon itself.   The DHS represents the operational arm designed for the destruction of individual rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the foundational laws of this country, which are consistently ignored and bastardized to suit the whims of those illegitimate officials who –without earned merit and in violation of their oaths– have insinuated themselves into every nook and cranny of the bureaucratic control apparatus designed to subdue the good citizens of this country. Like a malignant tumor, it cannot be reformed or bargained with, the DHS must be removed wholesale and thrown into the fire, else-wise it will enslave the people and consume the entire body of this nation under the false pretense of protection. Through trickery, they have put themselves in charge of the very levers of power in this country our founding documents were designed to protect us against. The DHS represents just such a tyranny that would put King George III to shame.

Macedonia: Kiev Version 2.0

by DAVID BROWN | | February 17, 2015

Top U.S. diplomat Victoria Nuland meets with Tyahnybok and Yatsenyuk weeks before they were handed power under Ukraine’s new US-backed interim government in Kiev Version 1.0:

nuland-ukraine-ldrsThe brilliant and very plugged-in Wayne Madsen provides us additional details on the US State Department’s next regime change in the article linked below.   Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, was working on Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje, Macedonia when she got caught. Her target this time must have learned from Kiev Version 1.0.   The US assembled the same cast of characters as they did in the Ukraine coup including the infamous George Soros. It is interesting to note that Victoria’s husband Robert Kagan co-founded PNAC. Small world, eh? This tells me that Victoria has a lot more invested in these regime changes than her government paycheck.

“Nuland has been charged by Macedonian intelligence with conspiring with Zaev of the Macedonian Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), the former Communist Party that has been thoroughly co-opted by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Soros operative. Also charged in the attempted putsch against Gruevski is Radmila Sekerinska. Zaev and Sekerinska are said by Macedonian insiders to be nothing more than fronts for former Prime Minister and President Branko Crvenkovski who continues to head up the SDSM and accept large amounts of largesse from such CIA NGO laundry operations as the National Democratic Institute (NDI), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Freedom House, and Soros’s Open Society Institute (OSI) to foment a themed revolution against Gruevksi’s right-of-center VMRO-DPMNE government.”  Wayne Madsen

Skopje is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Macedonia

Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje by Wayne MADSEN

Related information:

PNAC’s “New Pearl Harbor”

Ukraine: USA/NATO aka Murder, Inc.

PNAC’s “New Pearl Harbor”

David Brown Pic SnapShotPNAC was established in 1997.  Section 5, (published a year before 9/11) describes the need for a “New Pearl Harbor” (see below). An abundance of evidence shows that the attacks on 9/11 were an inside job committed by criminal elements within the U.S. Federal Government. On 9/11, they got their “New Pearl Harbor”.

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was an American think tank based in Washington, D.C. established in 1997 as a non-profit educational organization founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan.

“New Pearl Harbor”

September, 2000: Section V of Rebuilding America’s Defenses, entitled “Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force”, includes the sentence: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor”

Why the US/NATO are in Ukraine today: The Origins of the Current Neo-Conservative Revolution in US Strategic Thinking, published in the German Law Journal, cited Jochen Bölsche’s view that the goal of the PNAC was world dominance or global hegemony by the United States. According to Bölsche, Rebuilding America’s Defenses was developed by Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz and Libby, and is devoted to matters of ‘maintaining US pre-eminence, thwarting rival powers and shaping the global security system according to US interests.

BTW, you can read more about why we are in Ukraine in The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski which was also conveniently published  in 1997 the same year PNAC was established.

Interesting to note that 9/11 wasn’t the first time the US Government considered using airplanes in a False Flag attack on the United States.  From Washingtonsblog article on  42 ADMITTED False Flag Attacks:

“As admitted by the U.S. government, recently declassified documents show that in 1962, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba. See the following ABC news report; the official documents; and watch this interview with the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC’s World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.”

Additional reading …

Wikipedia: Operations Northwoods

The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski

The Geopolitical Chessboard by ClearNFO

Ukraine: Stop the Killing!

Ukraine_nMessage to my fellow Americans: You think the Ukrainians don’t know who is responsible? What goes around comes around. The US Press and Pundits are lying out their asses.  Don’t be their fool yet again. Aren’t you tired of being lied into war? An estimated 50,000 Ukrainians dead because of a US/NATO orchestrated war. The common, decent citizens of all these countries we have invaded are like insects to be squished in the minds of the planners at the Pentagon. This was all put on the drawing board in the USA back in 1997.  It’s a preplanned geopolitical strategy cooked up by the USA aka Murder, Inc. You want to know how to radicalize someone? Kill their wife and their children. I think that just might piss someone off.  Stop the killing!

While there was and is plenty of strife to stir up in Ukraine, the US and NATO are knee-deep in fanning the fires, enabling though regime change, NGOs. covert operations, etc.  and are therefore the proximate cause of the current violent hostilities.  This is foretold in Zbig’s The Grand Chessboard.

NOTE: Photo above from Bürgerinitiative für Frieden in der Ukraine’s Photos Facebook Page




Who does Ayman Al-Zawahiri work for?

Ayman_al-Zawahiri_portraitCritically important information on the the head of Al Qaeda and who he works for –NATO and the USA– from James Corbett’s excellent podcast… Know Your Terrorists: Ayman Al-Zawahiri

Corbett Report: We are told a certain tale about the story of Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Osama Bin Laden’s right-hand man and the inheritor of the Al Qaeda operation… but we are not told everything.  Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we go in search of the real Ayman Al-Zawahiri and uncover some surprising connections.

Wikipedia: Ayman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiri (Arabic: أيمن محمد ربيع الظواهري‎  ʾAyman Muḥammad Rabīʿ aẓ-Ẓawāhirī, born June 19, 1951)  is the current leader of al-Qaeda and a current or former member and senior official of Islamist organizations which have orchestrated and carried out attacks in North America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. In 2012, he called on Muslims to kidnap Western tourists in Muslim countries.

Waking the Lemmings

lemmings3Looks like the Wall Street Journal may have decided to stop being part of the Government echo chamber and engage their brain. Hope springs eternal that critical thought still lives, and may yet thrive some time in the future. Most American Lemmings, it seems, are content to repeat ‘authority’ figures ad nauseam as they are trained to do in our state-run education system. They never bother to consider the mindless, unproven drivel they haplessly repeat; and whose only foil against logic is to call names. The ability to critically analyze information seems to be lost on a majority of our fellows through time-tested washing of the brains by our scientific social engineers running amok in our media and our school systems.

The Myth of the Climate Change ‘97%’
What is the origin of the false belief—constantly repeated—that almost all scientists agree about global warming?  By Joseph Bast And Roy Spencer

Last week Secretary of State John Kerry warned graduating students at Boston College of the “crippling consequences” of climate change. “Ninety-seven percent of the world’s scientists,” he added, “tell us this is urgent.”

Where did Mr. Kerry get the 97% figure? Perhaps from his boss, President Obama, who tweeted on May 16 that “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made and dangerous.” Or maybe from NASA, which posted (in more measured language) on its website, “Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities.”

Yet the assertion that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is a man-made, urgent problem is a fiction. The so-called consensus comes from a handful of surveys and abstract-counting exercises that have been contradicted by more reliable research.

Additional Reading


TTIP and other secrets

prison-370112_150TTIP and other secret treaties are secret for a reason.  Not even the US Congress is privy to these individual-rights-destroying agreements. Many of these treaties have the effect of removing the idea of a nation-state, or your country’s sovereignty.  Much like the EU agreements, these secret treaties destroy the governance of the nation-state and replace it with an over-arching unelected bureaucracy, reporting only to its monied masters which in this case would be the large multinational corporations, central banksters, and the powers that shouldn’t be. This is a secret coup snaking its way across the globe, and includes things like carbon taxes, NAFTA, CAFTA, FFTA, TPP, UN Agenda-21, and others. The plan here, is that one day you wake up and find your country is gone and you have new masters.  Some call this the NWO where everything is ‘sunshine, lollipops and rainbows‘ but more likely will be a horrific dystopia making George Orwell’s 1984 look like walk in the park.  All the big shots are in on this: The folks at Davos, Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission, etc. are in on this scam to make you their slaves.  But it gets worse. They not only see you as their slaves, many of you are seen as worthless breeders and eaters and must therefore be culled from the herd.  Can you say eugenics?

Related topics…

I’ve seen the secrets of TTIP, and it is built for corporations not citizens

Bill Gates: “We need a world government”

U.N. Climate Chief: We’re ‘Intentionally’ Transforming The World Economy