Category Archives: NWO

Putin’s speech on September 30th, 2022

Presidential address on the occasion of signing the treaties on the accession of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to Russia. Photo: Grigoriy Sisoev, RIA Novosti

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, residents of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, deputies of the State Duma, senators of the Russian Federation,

As you know, referendums have been held in the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. The ballots have been counted and the results have been announced. The people have made their unequivocal choice.

Today we will sign treaties on the accession of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Lugansk People’s Republic, Zaporozhye Region and Kherson Region to the Russian Federation. I have no doubt that the Federal Assembly will support the constitutional laws on the accession to Russia and the establishment of four new regions, our new constituent entities of the Russian Federation, because this is the will of millions of people. (Applause.)

It is undoubtedly their right, an inherent right sealed in Article 1 of the UN Charter, which directly states the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples.

I repeat, it is an inherent right of the people. It is based on our historical affinity, and it is that right that led generations of our predecessors, those who built and defended Russia for centuries since the period of Ancient Rus, to victory.

Here in Novorossiya, [Pyotr] Rumyantsev, [Alexander] Suvorov and [Fyodor] Ushakov fought their battles, and Catherine the Great and [Grigory] Potyomkin founded new cities. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought here to the bitter end during the Great Patriotic War.

We will always remember the heroes of the Russian Spring, those who refused to accept the neo-Nazi coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014, all those who died for the right to speak their native language, to preserve their culture, traditions and religion, and for the very right to live. We remember the soldiers of Donbass, the martyrs of the “Odessa Khatyn,” the victims of inhuman terrorist attacks carried out by the Kiev regime. We commemorate volunteers and militiamen, civilians, children, women, senior citizens, Russians, Ukrainians, people of various nationalities; popular leader of Donetsk Alexander Zakharchenko; military commanders Arsen Pavlov and Vladimir Zhoga, Olga Kochura and Alexei Mozgovoy; prosecutor of the Lugansk Republic Sergei Gorenko; paratrooper Nurmagomed Gadzhimagomedov and all our soldiers and officers who died a hero’s death during the special military operation. They are heroes. (Applause.) Heroes of great Russia. Please join me in a minute of silence to honour their memory.

(Minute of silence.)

Thank you.

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Vladimir Putin: Our Struggle for Sovereignty March 16th, 2022

Putin’s Speech on March 16th, 2022

Meeting on socioeconomic support for regions. The President held a meeting, via videoconference, on socioeconomic support for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Putin’s Must Read Speech Prior to the Meeting on Measures of Social and Economic Support for the Regions

Meeting on socioeconomic support for regions The President held a meeting, via videoconference, on socioeconomic support for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Contact: ClearNFO on MeWeGabVK, BitChute; or via email at

Why we need a new war

by DAVID BROWN | | March 09, 2022

Biden increases sanctions on Russia

The global debt burden represents  an international debt crisis which must be confronted; thus, some sort of global economic reset will be required. The big question is: what will the world look like after this reset?  Many powerful groups are attempting to shape this new economic world order.  These groups are the same groups who have benefitted from bankrupting the current economic system while gaining unmerited wealth and political influence. Obviously there will be some serious haircuts taken, but their goal is to maintain or improve their current position after the great reset becomes reality.  This great reset represents a rare opportunity for these groups in privileged positions to reshape global governance and cement their position as rulers of the masses using a scientific dictatorship controlled and operated by them.

Not their first rodeo — Some historical context from the Reece Committee investigation into tax-exempt foundations in 1953:

We are now at the year nineteen hundred and eight, which was the year that the Carnegie Foundation began operations. And, in that year, the trustees meeting, for the first time, raised a specific question, which they discussed throughout the balance of the year, in a very learned fashion. And the question is this: Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people? And they conclude that, no more effective means to that end is known to humanity, than war. So then, in 1909, they raise the second question, and discuss it, namely, how do we involve the United States in a war?

Well, I doubt, at that time, if there was any subject more removed from the thinking of most of the People of this country, than its involvement in a war. There were intermittent shows in the Balkans, but I doubt very much if many people even knew where the Balkans were. And finally, they answer that question as follows: we must control the State Department.

And then, that very naturally raises the question of how do we do that? They answer it by saying, we must take over and control the diplomatic machinery of this country and, finally, they resolve to aim at that as an objective. Then, time passes, and we are eventually in a war, which would be World War I.  At that time, they record on their minutes a shocking report in which they dispatch to President Wilson a telegram cautioning him to see that the war does not end too quickly. And finally, of course, the war is over.

At that time, their interest shifts over to preventing what they call a reversion of life in the United States to what it was prior to 1914, when World War I broke out. At that point, they come to the conclusion that, to prevent a reversion, we must control education in the United States.

Norman Dodd, chief investigator in 1953 for U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations (commonly referred to as the Reece Committee).

Rahm Emanuel:You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

Abp. Viganò: Globalists have fomented war in Ukraine to establish the tyranny of the New World Order


from ClearNFO: Tax-Free Foundations and The Reece Committee

Contact: ClearNFO on MeWeGabVKTelegramBitChute; or via email at

David’s Stack of Stuff for Sunday 2/27/2022

by DAVID BROWN | | February 27, 2022

Videos to help you bring it all together – Ukraine & the Clot-Shot

The Narrative is the Message

by DAVID BROWN | | December 3, 2021

Marshall McLuhan told us in 1964  ‘The Medium is the message’. The medium may be important, but today we are discovering the ‘Narrative is the message’ and the medium is just a much more efficient and effective delivery system for weaponized information bombs dropped non-stop on our non-critical thinkers — which today is most of us.  The power of narrative has been used to convince people across the globe to take a demonstrably dangerous injection that simply does not work:  “He who controls the narrative controls the world”.  The power of narrative and story telling has been thoroughly examined –and proven to my satisfaction– by the late, great educator and researcher Joseph Campbell in his ‘The Power of Myth’ series.

What are some of the narratives the ‘Powers that shouldn’t be’ sell using their influence over  media, experts, captured governments and our WOKE education systems?

  • Man is destroying mother earth (Gaia) by pollution; therefore man is bad ..
  • Man is destroying mother earth (Gaia) by over population; therefore we need to reduce the population ..
  • Man is destroying the climate by carbon emissions; therefore we need to eliminate all fossil fuels and charge a carbon tax ..
  • Man is consuming all the limited resources of mother earth (Gaia); therefore, we must learn to live with less ..
  • Nations are bad because they cause wars, therefore, we must eliminate the notion of the nation-state and replace it with a global governance which can prevent war ..
  • Religions are bad because they are a major source of conflicts and wars; therefore we must replace traditional religions with a new, blended version that is more tolerant and includes mother earth (Gaia) ..
  • White man is particularly bad because his stewardship of the modern world has led to all the bad things listed above; therefore, we must reduce the white race and promote others ..
  • Traditions, social norms and cultures are bad because they stand in the way of changes required to fix these global problems; therefore, we must promote those things which will destroy the family, religion, virtue and wholesomeness ..

Of course these same narratives –and more—have been carefully crafted and then injected into our culture, education systems and media with predetermined endpoints for each; designed to nudge us in a certain direction.  With enough repetition and assurances from trusted authority figures and sophistry, the ‘fact-claims’ above become ‘well-established’ facts indelibly lodged in our collective subconscious.  They become the stories and the myths that are immune to logic;  that can not to be questioned, and thus escape any examination of the assumptions on which they were formed.

I can, and have, refuted to my satisfaction most of these narratives with logic and evidence, but few listen or take the time to understand.  Logic and evidence does not sell. Stories sell.

All these proscribed endpoints or solutions to these narratives are merely the bricks and bars of a mental jail being constructed to create a bleak dystopia for all but the very special few, and  a permanent loss of individual freedom for everyone else.  It is time we start writing our own narratives.

Below are three excellent videos directly addressing the power of these narratives and what we can do to counter this most powerful art of story telling; which, when wielded in the wrong hands will bring about George Orwell’s prediction from Nineteen Eighty-Four:

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”

The first video is from the prolific and fertile mind of  James Corbett who takes on this topic from a secular view; and the second video from the truly Amazing Polly who brings it all home in a much simpler treatment with her amazingly deep, nuanced analysis which provides all of us a happy and prosperous pathway out of this nightmare trap set by those tricksters who would be our masters.  The third video provides fascinating insights into the psychological mechanics of ‘Mass Formation’.   Enjoy.

Video 1: Writing A New Narrative by James Corbett


Video 3: Mass Formation: Mattias Desmet on Our Grave Situation By Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity

ClearNFO on the myths of over population and religion as the cause of war:

Also see: What Hitchcock Taught the Social Engineers Corbett Report Jan 23, 2022, 6:54:23 PM

Find ClearNFO on MeWeGabVKTelegramBitChute Odysee; or contact via email at


by DAVID BROWN | | November 19, 2021

I’m no Catholic, but Archbishop Vigano hits the nail squarely on the head with this speech.  Nice to see not everyone in the Catholic hierarchy is going along with the current head of the church.  The danger is real; it is now, and growing despite worldwide protests.  It’s hard to organize effective resistance when anyone who speaks too much truth is deplatformed, censored or worse.  Organs of the state have been weaponized against their own citizens.  We are witnessing the merger of state and corporations with the resultant evaporation of individual rights designed to advance a global agenda few understand.  God help humanity if this can’t be stopped.



“The whole pandemic issue is instrumental to the Great Reset, and it is the latter that we must fight. I think that, at this moment, it is most appropriate to create a movement of the people that calls together, in an Anti-globalist Alliance, Catholics, Christians, and people of goodwill. This is the first appeal I make to that effect.”

Full text of Archbishop Vigano’s speech (pdf) : 540484236-Appeal-Anti-Globalist-Alliance

mRNA post from /pol/

From /pol/ … on 11/7/2021

 Anonymous (ID: 5DwqVozC)  11/07/21(Sun)03:44:06 No.346429473

mRNA P1:
mRNA technology has been around for a while. What kept mRNA from being used in widespread vaccination was not having a way of protecting the mRNA long enough to get inside of cells and the ribosomes, where it can be “read” to construct a protein.

Instead of admitting this they (Moderna, Pfizer, etc.) went ahead with a lipid-soluble coating.

A lipid-soluble coating guarantees the injected mRNA to easily pass through cell membranes and get to the site of action (ribosomes). But it also meant that, unlike other vaccines, which have their particles taken up in normal lymph flow and end up in lymph-nodes, antigenic molecules are processed by dendritic cells and stay in the extracellular space (outside and in-between cells – the interstitium), otherwise the mRNA in these vaccines ends up everywhere, easily passing from the interstitium to the blood stream and across the blood-brain barrier.

Compared with getting a virus, the virus is only able to bond with and enter some cells; injecting its genetic material and taking over production to make more virus. It is limited to cells displaying molecules each virus is capable of binding to (in the case of SARS-CoV-2 this is a molecule called ACE2).

In “normal” vaccination only dendritic and a few other immune cells (which are designed to ingest and deal with antigenic molecules) end up with viral proteins in them. These specific cells are part of the immune reaction that ends up with long-term and robust immunity. With mRNA vaccination the injection is in the deltoid (most of the time) but the particles of mRNA move easily move in and out of cells and across biological membranes. Any cell, and subsequently its ribosomes, which come into contact with the exogenous mRNA, will start to produce the altered SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins that the mRNA instructs for.

mRNA P2:
In the normal course of cellular function the master copy of your build and operating instructions (DNA) has a chapter photocopied as needed (mRNA) and sent out to factories (ribosomes) which read the instructions and build proteins according to them. During this process, whatever protein is being made is reported back to the immune system. This happens by each of your cells taking one of the things its ribosomes are making and displaying them on the outside of their cell membrane.

Security (T-Cells of the immune system) come by, but can’t get inside, they just look at the sign to see if something is off. If something is, they can nuke the whole city (induce lysis) or tag the sign for other bulldozer immune cells to come by and level it. This function fights both cancer and viral infection.

If either of those things cause a cell to start making abnormal or foreign proteins then the cell is instructed to kill itself (lysis) or it gets tagged to be destroyed by other immune cells.

mRNA P3:
Until recently you could only end up with antigenic (things which set off an immune response) molecules displayed to the immune system on subsets of cells. Either a virus infected your cells and that virus could only attach and enter a tiny number of overall cells in your body (like SARS-CoV-2 and cells which display ACE2), or you could get cancer (which is essentially one cell over and over and over).

Outside of that, antigenic molecules would be immediately destroyed by natural killer cells or would be collected through lymph to be processed and displayed by dendritic cells in lymph tissue (lymph nodes mostly). These dendritic cells look like massive tree root systems and all they do is process foreign material and display it on Major Histocompatibility Complex. That’s the molecule complex that announces what’s going on inside a cell to the outside world. It is the security (the immune system) that monitors to know if there is an issue inside, as security is a cell itself, and can’t enter another cell.

The immune system is blind to the intracellular environment besides these signs (MHC). One type of T-Cell, T-Helper Cells, move up and down the “root system” of the dendritic cell, just looking at all the signs.

In this way, your lymph nodes and spleen (where this process mostly happens) act as security checkpoints, eventually coming across fragments of anything that ends up in your body. If they find something wrong, they induce an immune response to that thing which will eventually reach wherever the molecules they saw came from.

mRNA P4:
By injecting these lipid-soluble mRNA particles into peoples bodies; littering them throughout all tissue, dependent on each individuals weight, lipid percentage, hydration, cardiovascular state, anatomy, etc. Wherever concentrations of these end up you have random cells which will start to produce altered spike proteins.

The immune system notices this and starts attacking those areas. As each mRNA vaccinated cell is destroyed they spill their contents of altered spike protein (cytotoxic itself) into the local area.

The vaccine makers know the path to immune activation is through MHC (signs), and don’t really address or care about all the excess spike proteins being made.

In the background, ribosomes are churning out actual spike protein into the inside of the cell. This is how viruses reproduce as well; once infected more viral particles are constructed inside a cell, but they don’t get to release and go infect other cells until the infected cell is destroyed and they can escape.

mRNA P5:
All the atoms in your body are replaced about once a decade. Even your bones are constantly re-structured by osteoclasts and osteoblasts, so every 10 years you have entirely different atoms making up those bones. Even cells that generally don’t replicate or die until you do, like neurons and muscle constantly replace their constituent parts.

The MHC displaying the product the ribosome are making will stay embedded in the cell wall until that section of the membrane is replaced due to other natural process (e.g. endocytosis).

This means that people who end up with persistent neurological or cardiac side effects may have them for years, until most of the signs stating the cell is making spike protein are torn down. For neurons in the brain, that could be years, not to mention the fact that in the mean time, the immune system is actively trying to kill off any of those cells, and often successfully.

There is so much we don’t understand about this. A gigantic portion of your genome is dedicated to MHC. We don’t have any idea about the mechanisms we are playing with. Not only are large swaths of MHC black boxes but the whole question of Clonal Selection (how your body ‘knows’ what is you and what isn’t you, and therefore what to attack) is an open question.

There are no longitudinal studies on any of this, the safety data is non-existent beyond “it probably doesn’t kill many of you in the first 90 days.” It will take years to collect the data and produce irrefutable results, which is why the normal process is around 6 years from a working product. Without control groups, even that data will be easy to skew in interpretation though.

Specific vaccines: The artificially produced spike protein vaccines all have the shortcomings of the mRNA vaccines (small spectrum of antibodies induced and a lack of robust long-term immunity), but they don’t result in the widespread MHC/spike protein complexes outside the immune system.

Instead of littering mRNA throughout all cells randomly the viral vector vaccines can only get mRNA to the cells they can infect. It was thought this would be a harmless subset of cells that wouldn’t generally be directed to a specific tissue and cause isolated problems.

Instead, the adenovirus carrier seems to be related specifically to infections of the epithelial lining of blood vessels. That’s where the idea of “COVID being a blood vessel disease” came from and the claim that clots were from “roughing up of vascular walls.” That’s not the case, blood clots are from altered spike protein / antibody complex agglutinations lodging in distal vasculature and inducing the compliment system which results in clots. The specific adenoviral vector may be targeting blood vessels and causing clots in that subset of patients as well though.

We’ve been trying to make a vaccine to this type of thing for decades and always failed. SARS-CoV-1, H5N1, MERS, Influenza, no vaccine. What is the magical breakthrough that we had last year that changed everything and made these virus classes so easy to vaccinate for? Nothing, they are lying to everyone.

The viral vector vaccine(s) (Novavax) are no better than the mRNA vaccines, they bring their own set of problems.

The inactivated and attenuated vaccine(s) (Valneva) are unlikely to work as we’ve been trying them for years against coronaviruses, influenza, and any other respiratory virus we can find, and they never work, so the safety of them should be on par with past vaccines.

Novavax is better than mRNA in theory, because it’s injecting artificial spike proteins. But at the end of the day, you’ll still need more shots.

The path to robust long-lasting immunity is through a broad spectrum of antigenic sites, only the spike protein is never going to do it, it’s all just induced antibody therapy.

The Sinovac vaccine is an inactivated viral vaccine. The Chinese haven’t made information on it readily available.

But inactivated viral vaccines have been tried for decades against common cold corona virus and influenza (to name a few) and other respiratory viruses (MERS) and they never worked. To make them more effective they have taken to upping the dose to massive levels. This causes more of an immune reaction, but also skyrockets the rate of adverse events.

The Valneva vaccine is an inactivated, adjuvanted whole virus vaccine. This is the “classic” vaccine technology and doesn’t seem to have any new risks associated with it.

This strategy has been extensively attempted against seasonal respiratory virus for decades and has failed, so I am suspect of its long-term efficacy (which is a good thing in this case because the immune system needs to handle this). It has none of the associated safety concerns with the mRNA vaccines.

Other points: These vaccines also have no hope of imparting robust long term immunity, and are effectively short-term antibody therapy to one specific part of one specific strain. You need to have a broad spectrum of antigenic sites to induce robust and long lasting immunity. That’s why vaccines are more complicated than re-producing a single bacterial protein and rubbing it on a cut. Although, doing that with dead bacteria (scabs) is where we saw inoculation first work.

Whether the vaccines were attenuated, destroyed, or dead, the only vaccines we have ever seen impart robust and long lasting immunity provided the whole host of antigenic particles found in the wild. It’s another reason why mRNA wasn’t in widespread use in addition to the technical problem of a protective coating or encapsulation.

And more shots are being mandated to keep “antibody levels” high, even though high antibody levels are a sign of infection, not immunity. Antibody levels should fade quickly and be replaced with primed memory cells.

These mRNA “vaccines” don’t work and nor can they be considered vaccines. Mild endogenous antibody therapy would be a better description, which is why they had to change the definition of vaccine. They will only ever produce widespread, diffuse and low level specific signals.

This is a totally abnormal use of mRNA. It’s more akin to hacking software than it is to a biological process.

The mRNA particles are little snippets of code. Each one is identical, without a qualitative factor. Genetics is a pure information system (coded as DNA); you can write the spike protein down and not lose any fidelity. There are no known mechanisms in the wild that would monitor or react to what we are doing.

The best option is to not have the mRNA injected into you in the first place. Once it is, all you can do is max out your nutrition, hydration, exercise, vitamins, and other micro-nutrients and supplements, etc. The body will eventually clear the mRNA (short-term weeks), the induced spike proteins (mid-term months), and the MHC bound induced spike protein (long-term years.) It’s just a matter of surviving until it does.

The mRNA vaccines being used right now have not been seen getting transcribed into DNA and incorporated into the human genome. A mechanism for that has been discussed in theory in one paper out of MIT, which provides a logical framework of how that could happen. It requires the presence of HIV reverse transcriptase though, which isn’t around for most people.

Reverse transcription of an RNA virus into DNA and its subsequent inclusion in peoples DNA in a persistent manner is probably not happening. That’s why continued shots are required, the immune system is, eventually, successful in clearing the mRNA, the free altered spike proteins induced by it, and the MHC / membrane bound altered spike proteins in vaccinated cells. The “side-effects” are the immune system clearing all that and damaging you in the process.

If you survive that, then there should be no long-term changes, other than the damage done in the process. If you cleared all the vaccine products, and don’t have tissue damage that’s permanent, then you won’t have any long-term alterations from the mRNA vaccines.

To be clear, there is no mechanism for these mRNA vaccines to change anything permanently about you. The exception is of course the damage your immune system does in the process of clearing vaccinated cells. If you get brain damage from the process, that’s not going to be repaired once you clear the vaccine by-products. But if you make it through vaccination unscathed then there is nothing inherent in the mRNA vaccine that will affect you long term.

From the time you get the mRNA vaccine it’s a race to clear all the by-products before the process of clearing the by-products causes significant damage. When you get another shot you start from square one again.

The vaccinated do shed the altered spike protein, but realistically it shouldn’t be more harmful than any other antigen. If you were in sexual contact with a vaccinated person then you might come into contact with enough to induce a noticeable immune response and feel bad for a day or two.

There’s no mechanism to incorporate those shed altered spike proteins into cells in the non-vaccinated though, so your immune system is well suited to removing them.

For all the dangers and unknowns of the mRNA vaccines, none of it results in robust and long-lasting immunity.

What we have is a perfect environment for the virus to rapidly avoid the limited spectrum of antibodies our vaccination programs are largely producing. Delta is just the start if we keep this up.

Blood clots: The blood clots seem to be from agglutinations lodging in distal vasculature.

The mRNA gets the spike protein into MHC and T cells, but it also induces the production of massive amounts of spike protein that get dumped into tissue when the vaccinated cell is destroyed. The vaccinated cell will be destroyed because the immune system thinks it’s infected by SARS-CoV-2 based on what’s in its MHC. At that point, the antibodies do what they are meant to, they attach to the artificially produced spike protein, clumping it together.

Antibody ends are Y shaped, so they stick to multiple antigen and multiple antibodies attach to each, so you get large, sticky, “agglutinations” of antibody-antigen complex. The common end of the antibodies induces platelet aggregation through activation of the compliment system, inducing a clot wherever that happens.

Myocarditis: Myocarditis itself means inflammation of the myocardium (heart muscle). So, you can have it from a host of things.

Bacterial myocarditis, viral myocarditis, rheumatoid (immune) myocarditis, etc. This is closest to rheumatoid myocarditis but different, in normal rheumatoid myocarditis there is a problem in clonal selection and your body makes immune cells that seek out myocardium and attack it, causing inflammation. In this case, mRNA is inducing these cells to signal to the immune system that they are infected with SARS-Cov-2 and need to be destroyed. The immune system obliges and causes inflammation. Inflammation is an emergent trait of a bunch of things the immune system does at the site of an infection to fight it more effectively.

Myocarditis will also occur in people with lower body fat percentages (i.e. “fit young men”), so fat people, while already predisposed to weakness, are somewhat protected by their fat from vaccine induced myocarditis due to significantly increased lipid content in their body.

ADE: ADE is a major concern, and it seems like we are seeing strong signals that it’s a thing. There is also an ongoing risk of creating prions, which we effectively know nothing about. Right now, there isn’t clear enough data to draw any mainstream attention. But ADE is real and seems to be happening at some level. Prions, if they happen, well nothing will matter, that’s the end of us.

(A prion is a misfolded protein that causes other proteins, that they come into contact with, to misfold as well. This is very bad news because it behaves like an infectious disease. It slowly converts all the proteins in your body to the misfolded shape, and your body slowly stops working like a clock that has all its clockwork replaced with non-working parts).

As far as other things to look out for, it’s hard to say. It also depends on the person in question, their size, hydration, circulation, fat content, etc.

INFECTIOUS DISEASE: Mutant Strains Of Polio Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis Than Wild Polio – June 28, 20173:22 PM ET

Natural immunity is the gold standard of immunity. All inoculations and immunizations try to mimic what natural immunity is. If natural immunity isn’t the best possible immunity, then none of the theory behind any vaccine makes sense.

When coming into contact with a virus naturally you are exposed to all possible antigenic sites from inside and outside the virus at all stages of its development.

One of the keys to inducing immune memory is a broad spectrum of antigenic sites, the only way to get this completely is from a naturally occurring virus. If you are under 65 and are not morbidly obese or with a serious co-morbid medical condition, you have no risk and natural immunity is the logical choice.

There’s nothing as effective as being naturally exposed to the full sectrum of antigenic sites that a real virus has. The tiny spectrum of antibodies created in response to just spike proteins have no hope of inducing robust and long-lasting immunity, only natural immunity can do that, hence forever booster shots.

Vaccines only hinder or prevent a natural process that exists to make us stronger. All vaccines weaken you no matter any immediate benefits.

Immunity can only be achieved by transmitting without vaccination. Thus, immunity comes from your immune system. Those few predisposed to vulnerability may be treated accordingly so long as they accept that their immune system is compromised by artificial means, and that they pose a risk to the group.

The specialist thesis is that we don’t know about these mechanisms, in addition to where we know problems can arise. The prognosis for most is probably mild side-effects that clear up relatively quickly (months if not weeks). Some unknown percentage will end up with a random host of what looks like auto-immune disease for up to a decade. The signals of any specific ailment will be hidden because the vaccine mRNA coating is so lipid soluble that the mRNA can end up anywhere in your body. Where it happens to end up in each person will determine the specifics, degree, and length of any side-effects.

The virus and the vaccine are insanity. The West has been researching and planning for a pandemic for a hundred years. All of that has been thrown out the window with news celebrities and politicians calling the shots. This has nothing to do with medicine or public health. This has to do with dividing the population along the line of compliant or non-compliant.

If you have serious comorbidity you may want to consider the inactivated or attenuated viral vaccines (Valneva). At that point it’s a personal choice, if your health is that precarious then it’s not that SARS-CoV-2 got you, it’s that literally anything you get next will kill you.

That’s it.

We are in the midst of WW3

by DAVID BROWN | | November 2, 2021

Historical Foundations

From the 1953 investigation by the Reece Committee into the Carnegie Foundation:

“We are now at the year nineteen hundred and eight, which was the year that the Carnegie Foundation began operations. And, in that year, the trustees meeting, for the first time, raised a specific question, which they discussed throughout the balance of the year, in a very learned fashion. And the question is this: Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people? And they conclude that, no more effective means to that end is known to humanity, than war. So then, in 1909, they raise the second question, and discuss it, namely, how do we involve the United States in a war?

Well, I doubt, at that time, if there was any subject more removed from the thinking of most of the People of this country, than its involvement in a war. There were intermittent shows in the Balkans, but I doubt very much if many people even knew where the Balkans were. And finally, they answer that question as follows: we must control the State Department.

And then, that very naturally raises the question of how do we do that? They answer it by saying, we must take over and control the diplomatic machinery of this country and, finally, they resolve to aim at that as an objective. Then, time passes, and we are eventually in a war, which would be World War I.  At that time, they record on their minutes a shocking report in which they dispatch to President Wilson a telegram cautioning him to see that the war does not end too quickly. And finally, of course, the war is over.

At that time, their interest shifts over to preventing what they call a reversion of life in the United States to what it was prior to 1914, when World War I broke out. At that point, they come to the conclusion that, to prevent a reversion, we must control education in the United States. And they realize that is a pretty big task. To them it is too big for them alone.

So they approach the Rockefeller Foundation with a suggestion: that portion of education which could be considered domestic should be handled by the Rockefeller Foundation, and that portion which is international should be handled by the Endowment.

They then decide that the key to the success of these two operations lay in the alteration of the teaching of American History. So, they approach four of the then most prominent teachers of American History in the country — people like Charles and Mary Byrd. Their suggestion to them is this, “Will they alter the manner in which they present their subject”” And, they get turned down, flatly.

So, they then decide that it is necessary for them to do as they say, i.e. “build our own stable of historians.” Then, they approach the Guggenheim Foundation, which specializes in fellowships, and say” “When we find young men in the process of studying for doctorates in the field of American History, and we feel that they are the right caliber, will you grant them fellowships on our say so? And the answer is, “Yes.”

So, under that condition, eventually they assemble twenty (20), and they take these twenty potential teachers of American History to London. There, they are briefed in what is expected of them — when, as, and if they secure appointments in keeping with the doctorates they will have earned.

That group of twenty historians ultimately becomes the nucleus of the American Historical Association. And then, toward the end of the 1920’s, the Endowment grants to the American Historical Association four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) for a study of our history in a manner which points to what this country look forward to, in the future.”

Source: Norman Dodd, chief investigator in 1953 for U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations (commonly referred to as the Reece Committee).

Wars were Created

All major 20th and 21st Century Wars were created, orchestrated and sold to the public using false flags.  The victors then write the history we all learn in school and from watching state-run media.  To prove this up, watch James Perloff’s excellent lecture here…

Unless you live in Australia, today’s World War has yet to go kinetic

Today’s War involvesnot nation-states but a global hegemony of a select few whose agenda is the enslavement of the entire globe under a single focal point. The mechanism of attack is fear  —  used to drive total compliance: fear of COVID; fear of climate change; fear of a cyber-pandemic; and fear of total financial collapse.  If successful, the ideas of the nation-state and personal freedom will vanish, replaced by a one-world governing authority being rolled out across the globe today in perfect harmony.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984


Tax-Free Foundations and The Reece Committee

What’s next?

by DAVID BROWN | | September 29th, 2021

Adding Vectors

If we look back in time we can see evidence of manipulation and orchestration of the so called COVID-19 pandemic.

October 2019: Event 201: On October 18, 2019, the CHS partnered with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to host the tabletop exercise Event 201 in New York City

March 2020: Neil Ferguson: “experts” predicting massive die-offs using “Ferguson’s Model” This caused a world-wide panic and justified the lockdowns, etc.

Since this time we have been witness to lie after lie from the CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO and other organizations shaping the global response to SARS-CoV-2.

The response has been an abysmal failure, but has enriched Big Pharma and increased the power of governments while shredding individual freedoms. At the same time, the global response has advanced the many global agendas that blend together including: WEF’s The Big Reset, UN Agneda-21, and UN Agenda 2030.

If we layout the above on a timeline we will see a vector or a force with a direction that is clear to anyone capable of rational thought. Since the fraud of the COVID scare is slowly unwinding as more brave doctors, clinicians and scientists are stepping forward, and as the real facts are emerging, those responsible for the COVID hoax will certainly be re-tooling their efforts with a new and more deadly pathogen. It appears that the next pathogen will be based on the Marburg virus and RiVax already under development.

Kieran Morrissey (September 22, 2021) “Soligenix, are currently rushing to trial a ricin-rich vaccine RiVax® for Marburg haemorrhagic fever. RiVax has Fast Track designation for the prevention of ricin intoxication by the US FDA. Approval of ricin toxin vaccine will utilize the FDA Animal Rule to eliminate the phase 1, 2 & 3 trials. Why such a rush now, to trial a vaccine for which there has only been a total of 376 deaths since 1967 and only 16 deaths since 2005? The main component of the Rivax vaccine is Ricin is a lectin and a highly potent toxin produced in the seeds of the castor oil plant. Soligenix shareholders include BlacRrock Fund Advisors, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, etc.”


David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday May 16th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | May 16th, 2021

Plato’s ‘Allegory of the cave’ slightly updated. We would need to add big tech to this picture.

How to research stuff

BROWN: On a call last week, a lady asked me how I was able to research and get to the truth on so many topics, some of which fall within her specialty. She is a degreed expert and was astonished I could find the truth in her area of expertise when she could not. I told her I was an information sleuth and I had been at this a long time, but I do follow some tried and true precepts and techniques.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

― Aristotle, Metaphysics

First off, I tend to ignore known liars and experts. I’ve been in court no fewer than 25 times and can tell you from personal experience you or your opponent can hire an expert to tell any fairytale you want. The known liars are many. Most of us have come to the understanding the media represent nothing more than a propaganda organ for the power elite and are known liars. Their history of lying is long and easily provable. Why so many still believe the media is surprising. The first step is to pull your head out of the propaganda cannon we call TV.

Now, it is still important to know what the propagandists want you to believe to understand what narratives they are pushing so you can ask why. This also helps you predict future actions of their controllers and understand their agenda. Of course sprinkles of truth are mixed in everywhere to give their stories some credibility and we don’t want to discount these truths when we find them.

Other than the media, you have big tech and sites like Wikipedia which too many rely on for facts. Like the media, big tech seeks to herd their livestock and paint a landscape of permissible truth. Too many fall for this ruse also. Wikipedia is good place to start for many investigations when you start on a new project, but they too have been compromised and so you must consider their statements as just another data point that may be true or not, which brings me to the second step which I call collecting data points. If I find something interesting, that doesn’t mean I support or vouch for that thing, it just means I have found a data point that may be important in determining the truth. Once I collect enough data points, I develop a mental scatter gram that may yield important information or at least provide another vector (length or force and direction) for additional investigation.

Third step is what I call gravitational lensing or looking for foot prints. Much of the real knowledge of the power elite’s or other deceivers’ movements are hidden from the unwashed masses of humanity that find themselves on a constant diet of propaganda. This means you may have no way to ever see the thing you are looking for, but you may be able to see its impact or where it has been. Through gravitational lensing, astronomers have been able to see around a thing that is blocking their view. Likewise, if you see foot prints in the sand, you may be able to conclude someone or something had passed this way before.

Fourth step: put everything on a timeline. Context is important, and many times huge nougats of truth will fall out of a good timeline.

The fifth step is to go to the data, not the experts who tell you what the data mean. Now the data can be squirreled but going to the data can many times remove all the false spin placed on the data by the paid experts.

There is much more to investigating than the above, but this is what I do from a high level. Other important techniques are to learn logic and how to read critically. This means becoming familiar with many of the logical fallacies commonly used by the professional liars above.

Brainwashing our youth and our highly educated professionals: You will notice our Trivium education system has been replaced by the Prussian system. One teaches the student can gain authority from truth, the other teaches the student can only gain truth from authorities. Thus, you will find the big cheat contained in this trickery: that we have to depend on authorities if we ever want to find the truth. Do your own investigation on anything important and never rely on others since your life, your health and your happiness can be destroyed by lies.

Hosea 4:6, Isaiah 5:13: “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”

Additional information:  Two of today’s best researchers are: James Corbett and  Mark Kulacz ; in the 20th Century Mae Brussell was without peer–much to learn from these three.

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