Category Archives: News

Obama knew about Benghazi

by DAVID BROWN | | May 18, 2015

stevens Hillary What does it matter

No surprises here for regular readers of ClearNFO, but now it has been fully documented by the U.S. Government itself; only because of the constant legal pressure of Judicial Watch.  This BTW is only the tip of the iceberg.  Read a summary on the Benghazi / ISIS connection here, and search ISIS and/or Benghazi on the ClearNFO search function for more background NFO.

“These documents are jaw-dropping. No wonder we had to file more FOIA lawsuits and wait over two years for them. If the American people had known the truth – that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials knew that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaeda terrorist attack from the get-go – and yet lied and covered this fact up – Mitt Romney might very well be president. And why would the Obama administration continue to support the Muslim Brotherhood even after it knew it was tied to the Benghazi terrorist attack and to al Qaeda? These documents also point to connection between the collapse in Libya and the ISIS war – and confirm that the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists,” stated Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch president. “These documents show that the Benghazi cover-up has continued for years and is only unraveling through our independent lawsuits. The Benghazi scandal just got a whole lot worse for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”


The Death of Money

by DAVID BROWN | | May 17, 2015

James Rickards

James Rickards

Brilliant analysis by Rickards in the video below.   Regrettably,  I own his book, but have not read it. Great explanation of complexity theory and complex systems and the operations of the IMF; however, Rickards is also acting –possibly unwittingly– as a gatekeeper of the establishment’s mythology.  Not sure he intends to be a gatekeeper or if he is just too focused on his own work to look at the documented evidence of past and present real conspiracies, but he definitely needs to reexamine some of his assumptions.

I also agree with his characterization of the government being too inept to construct a conspiracy on its own, but this is the proverbial ‘straw horse’ since no serious person would ever dispute this claim.  The real conspiracies can be found in the elite’s own writings and by their actions. It’s not the inefficient and inept government organ itself, but rather those in positions of power and influence who manipulate the government.

He seems to be afraid of the CIA-weaponized term ‘Conspiracy’. Please See: CIA Document 1035-960; yet he apparently doesn’t know the definition of a conspiracy.

Interesting to note, that he says “this is not conspiracy stuff”, and then goes on to describe several conspiracies.

Legal Definition of Conspiracy:
An agreement between two or more persons to engage jointly in an unlawful or criminal act, or an act that is innocent in itself but becomes unlawful when done by the combination of actors.

The Elements of Conspiracy Agreement:
The essence of conspiracy is the agreement between two or more persons. A single person acting alone cannot be guilty of conspiracy.

James Rickards – The Death of Money – 04-30-15

Show Notes:
Published on May 7, 2015

04-30-15 – James Rickards is Chief Global Strategist at the West Shore Funds, Editor of Strategic Intelligence, a monthly newsletter, and Director of The James Rickards Project, an inquiry into the complex dynamics of geopolitics + global capital. He is the author of New York Times best seller, The Death of Money (Penguin, 2014), and national best seller, Currency Wars (Penguin, 2011). He is a portfolio manager, lawyer, and economist, and has held senior positions at Citibank, Long-Term Capital Management, and Caxton Associates. In 1998, he was the principal negotiator of the rescue of LTCM sponsored by the Federal Reserve. His clients include institutional investors and government directorates. He is an Op-Ed contributor to the Financial Times, Evening Standard, New York Times and Washington Post, and has been interviewed on BBC, CNN, NPR, CSPAN, CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox, and The Wall Street Journal. Mr. Rickards is a visiting lecturer in globalization at the Johns Hopkins University and the School of Advanced International Studies, and has delivered papers on risk at Singularity University, the Applied Physics Laboratory, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. He is an advisor on capital markets to the U.S. intelligence community and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Mr. Rickards holds an LL.M. (Taxation) from the NYU School of Law; a J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School; an M.A. in international economics from SAIS, and a B.A. (with honors) from Johns Hopkins.

The New Bipolar World Order

by DAVID BROWN | | May 14, 2015

India’s Ambassador to China, Ashok Kantha

India’s Ambassador to China, Ashok Kantha

As Russia and China move closer together both strategically and economically to counterbalance U.S. aggression, other nations are following. As Russia and China setup the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), BRICS, the SWIFT analog, and the conversion of RMB into an international reserve currency based on the introduction of its gold standard, other nations follow. Here are a few unanswered questions about this move to a new bipolar NWO:

  1. Will these efforts of China and Russia actually work?
  2. Will the New, NWO offer a counterbalance to the existing ‘Anglo-American’ NWO? or
  3. are the existing global elites merely hollowing out America to transfer their vast wealth into the new China-Centric NWO structure?

CCTVNews:  Speaking to CCTV, India’s Ambassador to China, Ashok Kantha, has said that the two countries need to take their economic relationship forward. He expects the two sides to sign more than 20 business deals during Indian PM Narendra Modi’s visit to China: China & India likely to ink over 20 deals during Modi’s visit

US anger at Britain joining Chinese-led investment bank AIIB  US statement says of UK membership that it is ‘worried about a trend of constant accommodation’ of China, in a rare public breach in the special relationship

Photo by REX/HAP/Quirky China News (3205531a) Geoerge Osborne talking to Ren Zhengfei, president of Huawei Company George Osborne trade visit to China - 16 Oct 2013

Photo by REX/HAP/Quirky China News (3205531a)
Geoerge Osborne talking to Ren Zhengfei, president of Huawei Company – George Osborne trade visit to China – 16 Oct 2013

Important to note that the IMF and the World Bank resulted from the Bretton Woods system designed to rebuild the international economic system while World War II was still raging (1–22 July 1944). Since 1944, the IMF and the World Bank have transmuted into economic weapons used to asset-strip targeted countries for the benefit of a few multinational corporations and then control sovereign nations. (See Confessions of an Economic Hit Man). BTW, it has been estimated that there will be a 40% drop in the overall living standard in the USA when the US Dollar loses its reserve currency status. From my perspective, it appears that U.S. bullying of Russia to surrender their sovereignty to the Anglo-American financial structure has backfired and caused China and Russia to make plans to replace the US and it’s vassal states in tow. Many of these vassal states are in a process of abandoning the good ship USA while joining the new China-Russia paradigm; keeping one foot in the old system and one in the new, to hedge their bets.

Additional Reading at ClearNFO:

UPDATE: Osama bin Laden

by DAVID BROWN | | May 11, 2015

‘The Killing of Osama bin Laden’ by Seymour M. Hersh

And again here …

Seymour Hersh: ‘Obama’s Entire Account Of bin Laden’s Death Is One Big Lie; This Is What Really Happened’

Osama bin Laden Capture

Osama bin Laden Capture

Headlines like those above are being posted and re-posted on Facebook and elsewhere by many disillusioned Mainstream Media-Types like Mark Levin and Wayne Allen Root since it is considered safe territory because Sey Hersh is a major Mainstream Media guy himself.  This is not to say I don’t like or appreciate Levin, Root or Hersh, but like so many making a real living reporting the ‘news’, they dare not walk too far off the beaten path else-wise they be labeled kooks or labeled with the CIA created weaponized term ‘Conspiracy Theorists’.  It is safe waters to follow Hersh into the lies of Obama concerning the killing of Osama bin Laden, but no further.

Hersh’s articles above represent just another important data point, but let us not dismiss the existence of other evidence that Osama bin Laden had died prior to the Navy Seal assault on Abbottabad and that there is exactly zero physical evidence he was killed by the US at all. We also should remember that Osama was at one time a CIA asset and was paid $3 billion of your tax dollars to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. Many think Osama continued as a CIA asset even after the Russians withdrew hostilities in Afghanistan. It is also important to realize that other than the geopolitical importance of Afghanistan and of giving the Russians their Vietnam, Opium is key. The opium trade since the US takeover of Afghanistan has grown from 10% to an estimated 80% of the world’s supply; and that it is a documented fact that US military are on the ground in Afghanistan protecting the opium fields and production that once belonged to the Russians. It is also a fact that the CIA has a long history of supplementing its US-funded black budget with illegal drug trafficking. And one last nagging question: If Osama bin Laden was in fact head of Al-Qaeda, and in fact it was Al-Qaeda who attacked the U.S. on 9/11, why would the Navy Seals be ordered to kill the greatest potential source of intelligence on Al-Qaeda and the attacks of 9/11? None of this passes the smell test. It is a documented fact that Al-Qaeda is a creation of the U.S. and the forensics of the 9/11 attack have been hidden and subverted by top levels in the U.S. Government. The 9/11 Commission report is blatantly false and a whitewash. Further, there is great evidence that the House of Saud assisted U.S. Officials in the attacks on 9/11.

And one must wonder why after documenting lie after lie from Obama, Hersh ends this article with the following Obama complement on Iran, while shifting some blame onto conservative Republicans in Congress :

“Obama today is not facing re-election as he was in the spring of 2011. His principled stand on behalf of the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran says much, as does his decision to operate without the support of the conservative Republicans in Congress. High-level lying nevertheless remains the modus operandi of US policy, along with secret prisons, drone attacks, Special Forces night raids, bypassing the chain of command, and cutting out those who might say no.”

Very bizarre to say the least.

Though we know the U.S. Government runs on lies and propaganda, it’s refreshing to see that none of this nonsense fools the intrepid and brilliant Paul Craig Roberts…

Seymour Hersh Succumbs To Disinformation — Paul Craig Roberts

Seems that PCR is one of the few who have finally put down the official government Kool-Aid, drank a little coffee and looked over the ‘Walled-Garden’ of politics within which so many voluntary place themselves.

Small progress, but progress none the less.

Other background NFO:
Oops… uh oh…  guess Obama lost some eye witnesses to the bin Laden killing.

ABC NEWS (Aug. 6, 2011) : “A helicopter was shot down today by Afghan insurgents as it was rushing to aid troops in a firefight, killing 30 Americans, including 22 Navy SEALs, most of whom belonged to Team 6, the unit whose members were involved in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, U.S. officials said.” 30 Americans Killed Including 22 SEALs When Afghan Insurgents Shoot Down Helicopter

Report: Bin Laden Already Dead

Osama Bin Laden Dead Since 2001 (Benazir Bhutto Says Osama Bin Laden Dead In 2007)

Additional reading on the ‘Walled-Garden at ClearNFO:

Those Nutty Jade Helm Conspiracy Theorists

by DAVID BROWN | | May 8, 2015

Jade Helm 15

Jade Helm 15

I heard a news clip on the radio yesterday that went something like this: An Army official was giving a speech somewhere and was asked if Jade Helm would be a federal takeover of Texas. He simply said “No.” and the entire crowd broke into a smug, mocking laughter apparently aimed at all the ‘tin-foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists‘ like Alex Jones. Only problem — Alex never said that. This MEME of the takeover is a creation of the establishment MSM. I read a lot of news, and I’ve never heard any serious person postulate that Jade Helm would be a federal takeover of Texas but rather a very large, unnecessary and expensive exercise to help integrate the military with the local law enforcement while getting the general public used to these sorts of exercises. There are very good reasons for keeping the military and our peace keepers separate as our founders knew, as well as those who wrote the Posse Comitatus Act in 1878. The military kill people and break things. Law enforcement are public servants and keepers of the peace. Very different roles wouldn’t you say? To mix the two is to cause problems we really don’t need. Moreover the military usually try to train where they will fight which means they try to emulate the environment in which they plan to kill and break things. So why the big push to train on the streets of America? We have spent billions on first rate training facilities for our military all over this nation (see below) and we have in excess of 900 military bases strewn across the globe, so why Texas and why now is a very good question that is lost in the self-righteous laughter of the lemmings whose default position is to trust everything the government says or does.

Where are the five major Army Training Centers?

Fort Jackson Website

The largest and most active IET Center in the U.S. Army. Located within the city of Columbia, S.C., Fort Jackson encompasses 52,000 acres and 53 ranges and field training sites to train and prepare Soldiers to take their place in the Army of a nation at war. Fort Jackson also supports a number of other training missions to include the United States Army Soldier Support Institute, Drill Sergeant School, the United States Army Chaplain Center and School, the Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment, and two AIT schools.

Fort Benning Website

More than 108,000 Soldiers train annually in one of the 61 courses conducted seven days a week, 50 weeks out of the year on Fort Benning. Every American who joins the Army as an elite Infantryman does initial training on Fort Benning. Last year alone more than 25,000 new Infantrymen trained here in skills and competencies required to succeed in combat. As they enter our gates as civilians, they graduate as some of the Nation’s most lethal, new warriors.

Fort Sill Website

The United States Army Field Artillery Center and Fort Sill will train Soldiers, Marines, and develop Field Artillery leaders; design and develop fire support for the force; support unit training and readiness; mobilize and deploy operating forces; and maintain installation infrastructure and services.

Fort Knox Website

The Armor Center and School is the largest organization on Fort Knox and performs the mission of training all armor Soldiers and Marines. The Army Recruiting Command headquarters conducts the mission of bringing men and women into the U.S. Army.

Fort Leonard Wood Website

Home of the Maneuver Support Center (MANSCEN) which includes the U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear, Engineer, and Military Police schools, a gender-integrated Basic Training Brigade, and one of the five reception stations in the Army for newly accessed Soldiers.

Additional Reading on this topic at ClearNFO:

Creeping Fascism – Jade Helm

Jade Helm 15: Additional Thoughts

Jade Helm 15: Additional Thoughts

by DAVID BROWN | | April 27, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Sometimes we get focused in on the details of a specific event(s) and fail to step back to see the larger context which may be allowing, or in some cases encouraging these events. If we take the recent contagion of police brutality and abuse of the very citizens and the constitution they are sworn to protect, we can blame this on thuggery, racism, low IQ, criminality, lack of training, etc. but these would all be what I call ‘proximate causes’ or in other words local to the specific event. If you think about it, we have always had these elements in our local police and in fact in the general population. What generation has not had thugs, racism, imbeciles, criminality, poor training, etc.? Something has changed systemically on a massive scale; tectonic plates have moved and I don’t believe it is helpful to focus in on the easy proximate causative factors described above since we are witnessing a systemic problem on the increase. We must step back and look at the larger context to see what may have set this all in motion.

What we know is that our own DHS has purchased enough ammo to fight a red-hot war in Iraq for decades; only this ammo is to be used here at home, not in some distant war.

What we know is that our own DHS purchased paper targets to practice shooting some of these bullets, which depicted not Middle Eastern terrorists, but average American citizens like an old man, pregnant woman and a boy.

We know that the Federal Government is providing military-grade equipment at low or zero cost to local law enforcement all across this nation. Why? For what purpose?

What we know is that the military are planning the largest domestic military exercise in the history of this country (integrating and working with local law enforcement), and none of the authorities are asking why this is necessary and why just now? What is the expense? Is it justified? What are we training for?

Massive changes have already taken place and it looks like more are on the way. If we get distracted by the proximate causative factors and neglect looking at the larger picture, we will never know what hit us and from whence it came.

Additional Reading at ClearNFO

Creeping Fascism – Jade Helm


by DAVID BROWN | | March 30, 2015

ukraine-23600_640The Western Press like to portray Russia as the aggressor in the Ukraine conflict but they leave out key information like the $ 5 billion the US CIA spent on a Gladio-style operations designed to destabilize the duly elected government of Ukraine and to effect regime change.   Though Ukraine was ripe for destabilization, CIA-backed NGOs played a key role in this destabilization.  They played on the hopes and dreams and fears of the Ukrainian peoples and set one faction against the other knowing full-well what they were doing.  At stake here was the US Geopolitical Strategy set fourth by Zbigniew Brzezinski to encircle Russia and marginalize and contain Russia’s growing power and prestige in the world.  Never mind the assurances the US gave Russia after the fall of the Berlin wall that NATO wouldn’t move one more inch further east.  And of course the desire to keep Quigley’s Anglo-American Establishment dominant by stunting and punishing Russia.  Also at stake was the plunder of natural resources of Ukraine by the IMF whose method of operation is to burden countries with debt and then move in to ‘asset-strip‘ the targeted country; in this case Ukraine.  The IMF’s detailed method can be found here: Who the International Aid Agencies Serve.  Without an understanding of the history and geography of Ukraine the Western public are easy prey for Western propaganda. The US public would be horrified if they were to learn that the US is backing the neo-nazis in Ukraine and that their tax dollars were being used to slaughter men, women and children all across the Donbass area just to please Mr. Global.   Below, I’ve supplied a few key articles to put this conflict in perspective.   (Click to enlarge picture below)

Ukraine-growth" by Spiridon Ion Cepleanu - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Ukraine-growth” by Spiridon Ion Cepleanu – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Europe: U.S. Deploys More Warplanes, Troops Against Russia

An appropriate picture of ‘Porky’ a.k.a. the US Stooge / Sock-puppet in Ukraine. Poroshenko (Porky) is the clean up man for Murder, Inc. (US/NATO) operating in  the Ukraine.

Ukraine’s Poroshenko Inspects Arrival Of First U.S. Military Vehicles

The sad story of what the West has lost due to public ignorance and the greed and manipulation of the West by Mr. Global.
The Russia They Lost

US tax dollars at work. All based on lies.
The Interventionist Holocaust

How many military bases do we (the US) have worldwide? We have no F-ing idea…
Empire of bases 2.0

Western news outlets have been incessantly attempting to portray Russia as the belligerent power over the past year, even though many of the facts contradict this perspective. In order to justify an illegal coup in Kiev – which is part of a grander strategy of destabilizing, encircling and antagonizing the Russian Federation – the presstitutes are hard at work manufacturing narratives and preparing “Americans for conflict with Russia”, as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts wrote in his article: ‘CNN is Beating the Drums of War’.

Information War Between Russia and the West Intensifies

Though not directly related to the US Orchestrated conflict in Ukraine, similar techniques of duplicity, murder and mayhem using the operation Gladio method can be discovered here:
An ISIS perspective from a Sunni Muslim …
The ISIS Described by the US Media as a “Sunni Muslim Militia” is “Made in America”. It has Nothing to Do with Sunni Islam

New Eastern Outlook

New Eastern Outlook

IMF Asset-Stripping Kiev:

Kiev Commits Energy Hari Kiri
02.04.2015 Author: F. William Engdahl

“What the insane Washington-orchestrated civil war in Ukraine has not yet destroyed in Ukraine over the past year, now the conditions demanded by the US Treasury-controlled International Monetary Fund will. Kiev on March 13 received the first $5 billion tranche of a $17.5 billion three year IMF loan. It desperately needs the cash to avoid insolvency. However, in typical IMF policy, the aim of the money is to act as a poisoned “carrot” to force the victim country to undertake draconian “reforms” whose only effect will be to open the doors to foreign banks and multinationals to further rape and plunder what’s left of their economy. Now Kiev is about to commit energy Hari-Kiri to please the IMF and the US-imposed American-born Finance Minister, Natalie Ann Jaresko.

Before the US coup d’etat on February 22, 2014 in Kiev ousting a democratically-elected Prsident Viktor Yanukovich with aid of CIA snipers, self-styled neo-nazi Pravy Sektor gangsters and George Soros’ Ukrainian NGO, Ukraine’s president had opted to join the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union in return for generous financial loans from Moscow and a huge cut over 30% in the price the country must pay to Russia’s Gazprom to import natural gas. Yanukovich stressed at the time he wanted to continue a dialogue on closer association with the EU as well. For the neo-conservative war faction in the Obama Administration that was a no! no! Washington wanted to destroy Russia and Putin and the way to do that, the ridiculous neo-conservatives such as John Brennan at CIA or Victoria ‘Fuck the EU’ Nuland at the State Department or Joe Biden or Senator John McCain saw it, was creating a pro-NATO coup in Kiev after a similar US Color Revolution in 2004 failed to achieve the goal.”


Additional reading from ClearNFO:
Ignorance is Not an Excuse (Ukraine)
MSM Lying about Ukraine
Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance   Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev

UPDATE: Snowden (03/29/15)

by DAVID BROWN | | March 29, 2015

"Edward Snowden-2" by Laura Poitras / Praxis Films. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

“Edward Snowden-2” by Laura Poitras / Praxis Films. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

I love to read and hear what Snowden and Greenwald say, but are they frauds?  Some things just don’t add up and if you are like me, you are tired of being fooled by someone telling you what you want to hear only to find out later you were part of their game.  Is this a CIA game?   You be the judge.  I’ve written on this topic before  here … Snowden

I thought the letter from Dr Les (Leszek – Leslie) Sachs at the link below was incredibly insightful on many topics, though slightly rambling in the beginning.  I think you will enjoy reading this.

“The world of working for America’s ruling political families, is a cold, depressing world with the stench of death about it. For those of us with a spiritual heart and soul, there is no temptation to join that world – even though my Harvard classmates became Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, a Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, a Secretary of US Homeland Security, media czar for the US President, etc. They have millions of dollars, but their ‘power’ and ‘wealth’ came at the price of visibly poisoning of their souls, and they seem to be not much more than leading prisoners in the jail they helped to build. Whereas I myself, poor and under threat, at least will die a free man with my soul intact.”

Russia gov report Snowden Greenwald are CIA frauds pt1

Cryptome took notice:  No Snowden Asylum, He’s a CIA Fraud

And James Corbett weighs in  … HERE


40 maps that explain the Middle East

world-map-306985Set aside a little bit of time if you plan to actually go through these fascinating maps compiled by Max Fisher.  You may or may not be surprised at all of these maps, but I bet you will improve your understanding of the Middle East considerably.  Enjoy!

40 maps that explain the Middle East by Max Fisher on March 26, 2015

Maps can be a powerful tool for understanding the world, particularly the Middle East, a place in many ways shaped by changing political borders and demographics. Here are 40 maps crucial for understanding the Middle East — its history, its present, and some of the most important stories in the region today.


Mr. Global

by DAVID BROWN | | March 26, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Empirical evidence that Mr. Global is really in charge: Mr. Global’s selection for the next president will certainly agree on the following issues: NDAA, The Patriot Act, The Federal Reserve, DHS, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP), using the CIA and NATO to overthrow sovereign countries across the globe, open borders, NSA illegal spying on the America public. They will never investigate the Fed, the CIA or the NSA. So you may vote Democrat or you may vote Republican and there may be some marginal debates around these issues but all of the above promote Mr. Global’s agenda and is destructive of this nation’s sovereignty, the US Constitution and your individual rights guaranteed therein.

So, if you don’t agree to promote and/or sustain these individual-rights-and-prosperity-killing issues, you will never, EVER get the RNC or the DNC nomination. It’s really that simple. You may disagree on divisive issues (by design) like gay rights, race issues or how much to spend on this or that, on government waste, etc… but you will never, EVER be allowed to change the fundamental trajectory of this tyranny which has been planned and implemented behind closed doors by your real masters. The issues Mr. Global allows debate on have one thing in common: They divide the public. This is a technique that Mr. Global calls Scientific Social Engineering.

Keep watching your sports, your sitcoms, your movies, your corporate news … there is nothing to see here. It’s all just a conspiracy theory made up by all those tin foil hat-wearing buffoons.