Category Archives: News

What does the the ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ mean?

1933_Nobel_Peace_Prize_awarded_to_Norman_AngellHave we not two brain cells to rub together to get a spark of understanding? Why do we –like Pavlov’s doggie– get all hot and bothered and salivate when someone gets the Nobel Peace Prize?

Consider that the most murderous president in recent history Barack Obama received this prize in 2009. This same president said and I quote: “I’m really good at killing people” when discussing his drone warfare in Pakistan.

The Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 went to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr. The IPCC has been caught twice falsifying global warming records and Gore is an absolute money-grubbing fraud.

The Nobel Peace Prize 2002 went to Jimmy Carter. Anyone who has followed this man’s statements over the past 20 years can only conclude that he is clinically insane.  I won’t waste the space here.  Discover this for yourself. Good Grief, he was actually attacked by a bunny rabbit.

The Nobel Peace Prize 1994 went to known terrorist Yasser Arafat who pilfered billions from the very people he was supposed to represent and secreted it off to a Swiss bank account.

The Nobel Peace Prize 1993 went to Nelson Mandela. If all your news comes from the MSM, you’d think this man was a saint, but look into the practice of ‘Necklacing’ in South Africa where they put a car or truck tire around the neck of a victim, pour gasoline into the tire and set it on fire. It takes a long time for this person to die an agonizing death. Nelson’s group and his wife practiced this regularly, yet Nelson did nothing to condemn or prevent these actions.

Need I mention that alleged War Criminal, Henry Kissinger (Heinz Alfred Kissinger) won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973?

BTW, Hitler was nominated but did not win.

So here you have a short history of the Nobel Peace Prize and the criminal psychopaths who win it … so next time you hear about it just remember that it means absolutely nothing about peace and everything about manipulating you the public.

BREAKING: 4 police killed in suicide blast outside concert hall in Chechnya, Russia

What the average American doesn’t know is that the U.S. funds and operates terrorist camps in Chechnya. You might also recall that the so-called Boston Bombers (Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev) were both from Chechnya. It’s a small, small world after all. Interesting to note that a friend of the Boston Bombing Suspect –Ibragim Todashev– was shot dead by an FBI agent in May 2013 during an interrogation in Orlando.

4 police killed in suicide blast outside concert hall in Chechnya, Russia

CIA Financing of Chechen and Caucasus Regional Terrorists


Is the U.S. a force for good or evil?

by DAVID BROWN | | Sep 10, 2014

Why do so many find it so difficult to believe the documented evidence that the U.S. Government has become the greatest force for evil in the world today?

prison-370112_150We all come to the ‘truth-table’ with different life experiences so when a set of claims are put on the table for consideration, our past experiences are brought forward to help us determine the validity or the plausibility of these fact-claims. If these statements are outliers or too far outside of our normal dataset of agreed-to facts, these statements become suspicious. So the question arises, should we give these new fact-claims additional consideration to attempt to validate or should we summarily toss them off the table as being irrational or unimportant?

Since all of us come to the table with limited life experiences, how can we broaden our scope of understanding?

As a child, my news was limited to ABC, CBS and NBC. Even as a child, it seemed suspicious that there was almost 100% agreement amongst these three networks in terms of what was selected as important topics and the particular interpretation of the fact-claims they presented. My only other source early on was from the history usually taught by the football coach in public state-run schools. My recollection was that the history was dry, boring and supported a singular point of view; that being that the USA was good and did good things even if they didn’t always turn out good, America’s heart was good.

At about the age of 12, I had access to the local college library and here I sought other view points from the CFR publication entitled ‘Foreign Affairs’, ‘Scientific American’, ‘Newsweek’, ‘Wall Street Journal’, ‘Psychology Today’ and others. I absorbed all the data I could; still not realizing the context of this data, or who paid to have this data published or why. One day I ventured over into the philosophy section where I began my long quest for a deeper understanding of self. My first few books were all on Existentialism by Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche and Sartre. I thought, how refreshing that these existentialists were willing to go outside the bounds of societies’ normative considerations of what is allowable to discover a deeper truth. I saw these fellows as warriors for truth who were willing to gore their most sacred belief assumptions in the search for perfect truth. They all seemed willing to go where their logic would take them no matter how scary or disruptive to long-held beliefs; and without fear of harsh judgments from others.

As I matured, I started to learn not just data and collections of fact-claims, I started to learn context. I also learned the importance of finding the source of the data since much of what I had been taught was not ‘source-data’ but data about data in other words I was learning expert’s opinions about what they wanted me to know. This was not satisfactory, since I discovered that everyone seemed to have an opinion or an agenda; and so would justify their assumptions and opinions with the facts that they discovered and collected and then present these opinions as fact. I found many examples of incorrect data. After studying psychology in the University and in periodicals, I had the occasion of reading Sigmund Freud’s actual lab notes and discovered that I had been completely misled about Freud. About this time, I discovered that my bank –whom I had always trusted– misled me about the interest rate on my first car loan. They told me that it was 6.25% but in fact it was well over 11% APR. They were able to get away with this deception by calculating the interest rate using a different formula; still it was a deception. I learned upstairs at the bank’s commercial department they only quoted APR since they assumed that businessmen wouldn’t fall for this cheap trick. This trick was reserved for the consumer installment loans and the ignorant like me. I learned that my government had lied to an entire generation about the ‘Gulf of Tonkin Incident’ in Vietnam which cost the lives of 58,209 young men in the war in Vietnam. Though I was too young to be drafted, many of these people were my friends.

I learned that the details of the assassination of president JFK were kept hidden from the public. I always asked why our government would classify this information unless they had something to hide. I learned in 1999 about a court decision that U.S. “Government Agencies” were Found Guilty in Martin Luther King’s Assassination.

After building this short dossier on our government and on authorities in other areas, I developed a healthy skepticism about what was generally accepted fact. I renamed facts in my brain as ‘fact-claims’ to remind me that a fact-claim is not necessarily a fact.

After studying the Federal Reserve, I learned that my public schooling had deceived me about the origin and purpose of the private cabal of bankers who deceptively took control the US Economy in 1913. After studying the attacks on the City of Oklahoma, I discovered that our government had deceived me and the nation. After studying the attacks on 9/11, I discovered that my government’s account of this national tragedy was an impossible fairytale.

I knew that I was being lied to by the U.S. Government, but I did not understand why until I took the time to read the real history of the ‘Anglo-American Establishment’ by Professor Carroll Quigley who himself was an insider. This was my first understanding of what was really going on and why. This book and others would tie all these lies and deceptions together into a believable narrative which showed actual methods, names dates, etc. and revealed the names of the true power brokers who most people have never ever heard of; and certainly none of these people were ever mentioned in the news or in our history classes.

I then read Zbigniew Brzezinski’s ‘The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives’ and amazingly I possessed the magical power to predict geopolitical skirmishes around the globe since they fit within the template outlined in this book. While the public was lied to and deceived, I knew what was going on behind the scenes and suddenly it all started to make sense. Real politics and the resultant wars are just a grand chess game to the powers that shouldn’t be …

So, if you’d like to begin your journey to discover the truth of history, banking, geopolitics and who the men are behind the curtain, I can recommend other important books –listed below– that will provide clarity about where we are today and where the predominant power structure seeks to lead all of us.

Short Reading List:

  • Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley (Jun 1, 1975)
  • Tragedy and Hope 101: The Illusion of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy by Joseph Plummer, Introduction by G. Edward Griffin (Apr 24, 2014)
  • None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen (December 1, 1971)
  • The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice – March 25, 2008 by Paul Craig Roberts
  • How America Was Lost: From 9/11 to the police/Warfare State by Paul Craig Roberts
  • Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir by Sibel D Edmonds (Mar 9, 2012)
  • The Rockefeller File, Secret by Gary Allen (1976)
  • The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin unfinished record of his own life from 1771 to 1790
  • Great Books of the Western World by Mortimer J. Adler, Clifton Fadiman and Philip W. Goetz
  • Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State by Gary Allen (Jun 1981)
  • Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the… by Anthony C. Sutton (Jan 1, 2012)
  • America and the World: Conversations on the Future of American Foreign Policy by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft and David Ignatius (Sep 1, 2009)
  • The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin (Sep 11, 2010)
  • The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quigley (Aug 1, 1979)
  • Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making by David Rothkopf (Mar 3, 2009)
  • The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order (Council… by Benn Steil (Mar 23, 2014)
  • Confessions of an Economic Hit Man — December 27, 2005 by John Perkins
  • America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones by Antony C. Sutton
  • Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich

Is ISIS the next rally to war?

news-65343_640The first video beheading was staged but James Foley was indeed beheaded. I saw high res pics on so there is no doubt in my mind. I don’t know about the second beheading of Steven Sotloff. What is a fact is that both of these are designed propaganda to put anger into the American public. At the bottom of anger is always fear. This anger and fear can be used by the U.S. to gain a public consensus for more war which is already underway.

Many Americans are demanding action. Just listen to the news media, including many of the conservative talk shows. They have all been duped into this new mindset which will give the U.S. Government more control and free range for more ‘kinetic actions’.   So the question is why and how have our brightest conservatives been duped?   Well first off, many on the conservative side –called neocons by some– are very pro-military action.   Secondly, few have taken the time to investigate what is actually happening. and have a very short memory.   Despite being easily documented, most do not understand these simple facts:

1) CIA created Al-Qaeda by giving Osama bin Laden $3 billion in 1979.  Osama bin Laden was in effect a CIA operative against the Russians in Afghanistan.  The term Al-Qaeda was invented by the CIA/FBI and means the database which was the name of a file in a filing cabinet containing a list of various groups of violent Islamists.   Even Zbigniew Brzezinski bragged about the success of this operation in Afghanistan.

2) The U.S. has been supporting Al-Qaeda and similar groups since that time (1979) using them as proxy armies against several countries in the Middle East, Chechnya and other places.

3) The U.S. and NATO transformed their tried and true ‘Operation Gladio A’ which used neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, the Red Brigades and the Baader-Meinhof Gang to destabilize target groups and countries to advance the U.S. Geopolitical initiatives.  The Current Geopolitical Chessboard was designed by Brzezinski, his predecessors and others.   Gladio A was used mostly in Europe in the early days in Greece, Turkey, and the island state of Cyprus. This technique has been used successfully since WWII.  Recently ‘Gladio A’ –mutated into Gladio B and was first used in Turkey.   Gladio B uses Islamists not Neo-Nazis as the proxy force to accomplish the U.S. Geopolitical Goals.

4) IS, ISIS, ISIL, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, etc. have all been used by the U.S. as proxy armies to destabilize regions and countries (Syria, Libya, Egypt, etc.) to advance the US Geopolitical goals. The groups have been funded, armed and trained by the US.

This is not a pleasant truth we want to believe about America, but a truth nonetheless.

What makes this even more diabolical is that fact that the U.S. Government has purposefully left our borders unguarded to provide an easy ingress point for another 9/11 event that will mobilize the American citizens to accept more restrictions on their freedom and more war.

Additional ClearNFO links:

Thumbnail sketch on the origin and function of ISIS

Operation Gladio A & B for your pleasure …

The Plan — according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.)

Zbigniew Brzezinski to Jihadists: Your cause is right!

Additional Reading:

The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski (Sep 18, 1998)

Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe by Richard Cottrell (First Eddition, 2012)

Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir by Sibel D Edmonds (Mar 9, 2012)

Book Review: Tragedy and Hope 101

Tragedy and Hope 101: The Illusion of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy by Joseph Plummer, Introduction by G. Edward Griffin (Apr 24, 2014)

T and Hope 101 front-RCLEARNFO Rating: 5 / 5 Stars
203 Pages (Paperback)
Available at Amazon and other book re-sellers
Also available at no charge from Mr. Plumber’s web site HERE

Don’t have time to read 1,300 pages?  Joseph Plummer’s ‘Tragedy & Hope 101’ is for you.

There is no question in my mind that one of the seminal books that authoritatively exposes the predominant power structure’s manipulation of world events is Carrol Quiqley’s ‘Tragedy & Hope’; but it is over 1,300 pages of incredible detail, which most of us don’t have time to read.  This is why ‘Tragedy & Hope 101’ is such an important book.

Without an understanding of statecraft, it’s nearly impossible to make sense of the chaos in our world. Carroll Quiqley’s books are the on-ramp to this understanding.

To give you a taste of what you can expect from Plummer’s new book, here is a short excerpt from the Introduction to ‘Tragedy & Hope 101’ by G. Edward Griffin . . .

“Knowledge of who Carroll Quigley was and the deceptions that he revealed is essential for understanding the real world of today. His close relationship with the Network and his approval of its aims made it possible to provide an insider’s analysis of the minds and methods of the global elite. Without this knowledge, the actions of those who dominate the U.S. government and the Western world do not make sense. With it, everything falls into place.

Be forewarned. The journey you are about to begin is not for the faint hearted. If you are comfortable with the illusions that currently pass for political reality, this book is not for you because, once you discover how the deceivers perform their magic, the comfort of ignorance is no longer possible. Once the bell is rung, it cannot be unrung.

The bell starts ringing on the next page.”

ClearNFO gives ‘Tragedy & Hope 101’ 5 out of 5 stars for a well researched, written and organized book that does more than summarize Quigley’s ‘Tragedy and Hope’; it makes this important knowledge accessible to the average person.  ClearNFO recommends this book as a primer for Quigley’s T&H and perhaps more importantly as a companion for Quigley’s ‘Ango-American Establishment’.

As a Bonus Mr. Plummer is offering a 90 percent reduced “excerpts” version of ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’ and ‘Tragedy and Hope’, where you can find a few hundred pages from the two books here: Tragedy & Hope 101 – Bonus Material

Additional Information on this topic:
The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture

From The Naked Capitalist, Skousen’s review of Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope:

“Power from any source tends to create an appetite for additional power… It was almost inevitable that the super-rich would one day aspire to control not only their own wealth, but the wealth of the whole world.” “As I see it, the great contribution which Dr. Carroll Quigley unintentionally made[…]was to help the ordinary American people realize the utter contempt which the network leaders have for ordinary people. Human beings are treated en masse as helpless puppets on an international chess board where giants of economic and political power subject them to wars, revolution, civil strife, confiscation, subversion, indoctrination, manipulation and outright deception as it suits their fancy and their concocted schemes for world domination.”

MORE NFO: Excellent commentary and summary of Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy & Hope can be found at the link below. T&H is perhaps the most important book of the 20th Century. Don”t neglect Quigley’s ‘Anglo-American Establishment’. Excellent reading list below in the show notes including critical books by Antony C Sutton. An understanding of the contents of these books will make current national and geopolitics crystal clear. All these books are sourced and based on documented fact that today’s educational systems have been rigged to obfuscate.

Peace Revolution episode 018: (Podcast)

A History of the World in Our Time / Origins of Tragedy and Hope  (Duration: 1:09:40)

The Worm Turns


Now that this information (below) is slowly seeping out into the Alt & MS Media, I bet the rats on the good ship USA will be bailing or at least hedging their bets. Obama is at the helm, but you can bet many in Congress, the State Department, the CIA & FBI were in on the deal. We need to hold every last one of these treasonous war criminals personally accountable for the betrayal of the trust and security of the citizens of the United States and for international war crimes. BTW, the US takeover of Ukraine is no less duplicitous or vicious.

The Origin & Function of ISIS

Breaking: Whistleblower Reveals U.S. State Dept. Ships Arms Directly to al-Qaeda


Asset Stripping Ukraine



Financial Uncertainty & Tyranny

by DAVID BROWN | | August 30, 2014

arrow-15589_640Now I can prove to you that according to GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), the US is bankrupt: see link below. Of course technically, a country like the US whose currency is the world’s reserve can’t go bankrupt, we just print more money; but the seriousness of our financial condition is nonetheless just as critical and no one has a plan to fix it.   We are in uncharted territory and we are numb with uncertainty.   Our government and financial institutions continue to get what they can while they can before this whole charade collapses. No one knows when or how, but there is a general dread amongst most here in the US when the day of reckoning finally knocks on our front door. In the meantime, we scurry about trying to get as much socked away as possible with no long-term proactive plan to mitigate or fix what I would term the worst financial crisis in the history of the world. This feeling of dread beneath the celebration of the recent stock market highs insinuates itself into every sinew and tissue of our society; and the result, is a society who has forgotten its virtue and its values and has chosen rather to render for processing what cattle are left as soon as possible. I would postulate that this is the proximate cause of our willingness to tolerate the criminal activities of our Federal government and the endless wars it has started; thinking –of course– what matter does it make at this point anyway since it will all be falling down around our heads at some time uncertain.  We will get the tyranny we tolerate.

Sobering Numbers

A little background: Who are the Russians?



Who are the Russians?

by Gaither Stewart at the Greanville Post

Important article from Gaither Stewart on Russian history.  Anyone who has read Russian histroy can attest to the complexity and the almost impossible necessity to memorize an endless list of difficult names to put all the pieces together.  Here, Mr. Stewart has done much of the heavy lifting for us.  Even though this is a relatively lengthy article, it represents a very short, but understandable history that I believe will help ClearNFO readers understand some vital background to help put today’s geopolitics in some sort of context that is very much missing in our media and sadly in the CIA and US State Department.   Enjoy!

CFR: Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault

CFR Headquarters located in the former Harold Pratt House in New York City

The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin

Excellent article from the CFR below with great detail and timeline. However, a few ugly facts were glossed over or omitted. Obama is currently planning another overt attack on Syria. Obviously, Obama and team didn’t learn the first time Putin pulled their chestnuts out of the fire. US/NATO used tried and true operation Gladio techniques to destabilize Ukraine’s democratically elected government. The US gave Russia assurances –which it broke– that they would not move NATO one more inch to the east after the fall of the USSR. There is NO spreading of democracy by the USA or NATO. This is a geopolitical move to isolate and marginalize Russia according to the Brzezinski Doctrine not to spread democracy. The IMF will use the debt to asset strip Ukraine and the threat of withholding additional funds to completely control Ukraine. Also, I read from certain whistle-blowers that it was the US/NATO who provided the snipers who shot both the Ukraine authorities and the protestors killing many to foment the civil war. Kiev is currently indiscriminately bombing innocent civilian populations of mostly Russian speaking people in East Ukraine.

CFR: Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault

Additional NFO:

Asset-Stripping Ukraine

Crisis in Ukraine

Can Ukraine Escape IMF trap?