Category Archives: Media

Asset-Stripping Ukraine


by DAVID BROWN | | August 20, 2014

Let the ass-raping begin … anyone who has studied the history of the IMF fully realizes and can easily recognize the IMF’s tried and true method of operation when they see it. BTW, the IMF is a tool of the ‘Predominant Power Structure’ which controls the US State Department, Geopolitics and media. Our friendly bankers at the IMF come bearing false gifts of good tidings & money to help needy countries; only to load them up with massive debts that they can never, ever repay. Once they can’t pay back the first traunch, the fun begins. To get more money to help them out of an even more desperate situation, the host country –in this case Ukraine– must then turn over the control of their country to their new money masters at the IMF. History shows that a large portion of the funds go to the private Swiss bank accounts of the heads of state of the host country and rarely to the stated purpose: people or infrastructure. Bottom line is that the bankers create money out of nothing and then use this money as a tool to take control and then asset-strip third-world countries across the globe. This my friends is how the sausage of US Foreign policy is really made. If you don’t have a clue, get a clue. If you can’t afford a clue rent one from me. Do your homework and quit falling for every 10 second headline spewing from the mouths of the gatekeeper press.

Additional Information  …

Who the International Aid Agencies Serve
BFP Exclusive- “The EU and IMF Rape of Ukraine Agriculture”

William Engdahl | August 20, 2014 Ukraine’s rogue regime lifts the ban on sale of farm land and to open its rich agriculture to Monsanto, DuPont & the GMO agribusiness cartel.
Ukraine Crisis Continues — Paul Craig Roberts | August 20, 2014
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (Book) — December 27, 2005 by John Perkins

John Perkins “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”Extended Interview 2008


Obama: ‘Extremist Ideology’ That’s Taken Over GOP, ‘Balkanization of Media’ Has ‘Blocked’ My Agenda


This two bit Marxist dictator –who BTW couldn’t pass an FBI background check– received a coronation worthy that of a king and was admired and lavished great praises as an earthly deity; given the Nobel Peace Prize, though no one could point to any accomplishments? All this occurred with zero critical thought from the media or the majority of the American electorate. This Marxist community organizer cum potentate, cum narcissist, cum psychopath (“I’m really good at killing people.”) had control of both houses of congress for two years, and now claims to have dictatorial power over this republic with his pen and phone; yet now this moron claims that he can’t get his agenda through because of his non-critical brain-dead, lapdog media and of course the spineless Republicans. Are you FRIGGING kidding me? Who amongst our gullible public will eat this vomit? Way too many I suppose.

Breitbart: Obama: ‘Extremist Ideology’ That’s Taken Over GOP, ‘Balkanization of Media’ Has ‘Blocked’ My Agenda


Note to Palestinians: Get rid of Hamas and quit lobbing missiles over into Israel.

by DAVID BROWN | | August 1, 2014

I consider all humanity my brothers and sisters and would never wish harm on any well-intentioned soul including the Palestinians but sometimes there seems there is no antidote to ignorance and intolerance. The Palestinians are poor, uneducated or rather “miseducated” and have been the willing victims of their profiteering leaders like Arafat and are easily manipulated by the Arabic Powers in the region. While Arafat bamboozled them for profit to


accumulate wealth and in return let the Arab world use them politically as human fodder against the Jews, the Palestinians continue to live in squalor with little to no aid coming from their Islamic brothers. The US gives more aid to the Palestinians than their Arab brethren.

Consider the following …

There is no occupation. Why? Because that’s not Arab land, the Arabs have not controlled the land on which Israel exists for a 1000s of years. For 400 years from the 16th century until 1920 that land was controlled by the Turks who are not Arabs… though they are Muslims. Turkey lost that, it was the Ottoman empire. They lost it because they sided with the Germans during the first World War and according to the laws of war to the victor go the spoils and the French and the English carved it up. So now they say that Israel is colonial occupier? Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, they were all created out of the Ottoman empire by the British and French imperialists.
Where does the word Palestine come from? Philistine. It’s not even an Arab word. The Romans gave this name when they destroyed the Jews. Some Jews had a very bad idea in 66 AD to go up against the Roman Empire. They were slaughtered … a million were killed, and were dispersed, and the Romans wanting to stick it to the Jews so gave their homeland to Greek Sailors which is the west bank. Judea and Sumeria…that’s the homeland of the Jews. They [The Roman Empire] gave it the name of the Jew’s enemies the Philistines. The Philistines were Greek Sailors. That’s where Palestine comes from.

So you can see that the “occupation” is a complete fiction propagated by our uneducated news media and the Arab world. What is true is that there is a Nazi crusade to eliminate all non-Muslim people from the middle east. That’s why there’s no peace in the middle east.

Some notes were taken from David Horowitz speech at USC 11/04/09.

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Media: Information Gatekeepers?

It is important to realize that the role of the media is to act as the gatekeepers; to provide the basic building blocks of our collective reality, thus providing us the illusion of freedom by allowing the public debate on how to organize these blocks, but sadly most of us never, ever look at the blocks themselves to discover their construction.

The blocks are created and promulgated by a system designed by the ‘elites’ or whatever name you want to give them. The names change and the people die but the system they have created continues. If we only take in officially approved information, we will never discover the truth of who controls the blocks that we have come to accept as ‘well established fact’. All the real data remains in plain view but we remain oblivious, since our unexamined assumptions prohibit questions of first principles. So how do we replace false data with real data?  It takes some time and effort to dig it out. The elites have almost always been very clear about their intentions in their own writings.  The documentation is there for all to see, if you have the time, energy and access to do the fundamental research. This is not a theory, but a fact.  What does it mean to you if you discover that the assassination of an American president and the 9/11 attacks were inside jobs followed by government coverups … all accomplished in broad daylight for all to see?  Our assumptions will not allow us to question the official narrative which is backed up by the official media and their ‘talking-heads’ and the official education system.  Likewise the government murdering Ambassador Christopher Stevens; or in  arming and financing of Al-Qaeda and ISIS in the Middle East; or the government financing of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine are not to be questioned.

For example, the CIA developed a clever and effective Psychological operation (PSYOP) after many started to doubt the official JFK assassination report. This is documented. The design and purpose of this PSYOP was to stop critical analysis of the facts. When someone uses the term ‘conspiracy theory’ any additional thought stops. You could call this a ‘thought-stopper’. It has worked rather well. If you want to discredit someone or to put them down to make them look stupid you just call them a conspiracy theorist and you are done.  Search the phrase ‘CIA invents Conspiracy Theorist’ and you will find ample documentation.

Most people cannot fathom the power that the ‘elites’ have or that they look upon you and me as useless eaters and breeders … even subhuman. That’s what the ability to call into creation trillions of dollars at the flick of a pen or click of a mouse will do to a mortal man’s ego. He believes he is innately better than all the rest of us and seeks to control us like domesticated livestock. It is well documented by Quigley, Antony C Sutton and others that the elites use and finance socialism, communism, or any ism that will collect and concentrate power: Mao, Stalin and Hitler are a few they have financed in the past.

Here in the USA, elites have used tax-exempt foundations to stash much of their massive wealth only to promulgate the illusion they are philanthropists, kind and generous; but in fact they direct and control where the money is spent tax-free and no one is the wiser.

Admittedly there are a many real kooks out there that will believe anything they see on the internet or in print, so you must thoroughly research history from more than the official narrative; remembering that the victor of war always writes the history that subsequent generations will see and study. Most of the best information comes from inside the inner circles of the elites themselves. A good primer would be Tragedy & Hope 101 by Joseph Plummer, or the Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley. In your journey to discover the real mechanisms of control, it is critical that you understand who Professor Carroll Quigley was and how he and others obtained their source documents revealing the men behind the curtain who control the illusions many believe as fact.

To help in this journey, I have created a partial reading list here.  Enjoy!

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The Establishment’s favorite whipping boy


by DAVID BROWN | | JULY 29, 2014

Alex Jones is sometimes gruff, emotional and angry and his delivery style, voice and physical presence are not to everyone’s liking or taste. After all he’s not a news-anchor babe or a Madison Ave trained talking head. And he didn’t go to any Ivy League school I am familiar with. He would stick out like a sore thumb at any erudite social gathering with the upper class of the Northeast establishment so he is a pariah, an outcast and just doesn’t belong with the politically well-connected or the shakers and the movers of this country. So what makes Alex so popular and what makes him worth our attention?

Simply, Alex has done his homework and unlike so many of his contemporaries, he documents and can substantiate what he says and what he says matters. Is Alex Jones 100% correct in everything he says? Nope. Should you blindly believe everything he says? Nope, but you should check it out for yourself. So many other news sources are beholden to their corporate masters and do little to no documentation since it is much easier to just repeat what is already on the news wire. Alex does his own investigations, his own research and documents just about everything he says or writes. Why? Because if he didn’t, his very formidable enemies would have him for lunch. So next time you hear a gratuitous swipe at Alex, check the facts and you might discover Alex has been right all along.

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