Category Archives: History

Is ISIS the next rally to war?

news-65343_640The first video beheading was staged but James Foley was indeed beheaded. I saw high res pics on so there is no doubt in my mind. I don’t know about the second beheading of Steven Sotloff. What is a fact is that both of these are designed propaganda to put anger into the American public. At the bottom of anger is always fear. This anger and fear can be used by the U.S. to gain a public consensus for more war which is already underway.

Many Americans are demanding action. Just listen to the news media, including many of the conservative talk shows. They have all been duped into this new mindset which will give the U.S. Government more control and free range for more ‘kinetic actions’.   So the question is why and how have our brightest conservatives been duped?   Well first off, many on the conservative side –called neocons by some– are very pro-military action.   Secondly, few have taken the time to investigate what is actually happening. and have a very short memory.   Despite being easily documented, most do not understand these simple facts:

1) CIA created Al-Qaeda by giving Osama bin Laden $3 billion in 1979.  Osama bin Laden was in effect a CIA operative against the Russians in Afghanistan.  The term Al-Qaeda was invented by the CIA/FBI and means the database which was the name of a file in a filing cabinet containing a list of various groups of violent Islamists.   Even Zbigniew Brzezinski bragged about the success of this operation in Afghanistan.

2) The U.S. has been supporting Al-Qaeda and similar groups since that time (1979) using them as proxy armies against several countries in the Middle East, Chechnya and other places.

3) The U.S. and NATO transformed their tried and true ‘Operation Gladio A’ which used neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, the Red Brigades and the Baader-Meinhof Gang to destabilize target groups and countries to advance the U.S. Geopolitical initiatives.  The Current Geopolitical Chessboard was designed by Brzezinski, his predecessors and others.   Gladio A was used mostly in Europe in the early days in Greece, Turkey, and the island state of Cyprus. This technique has been used successfully since WWII.  Recently ‘Gladio A’ –mutated into Gladio B and was first used in Turkey.   Gladio B uses Islamists not Neo-Nazis as the proxy force to accomplish the U.S. Geopolitical Goals.

4) IS, ISIS, ISIL, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, etc. have all been used by the U.S. as proxy armies to destabilize regions and countries (Syria, Libya, Egypt, etc.) to advance the US Geopolitical goals. The groups have been funded, armed and trained by the US.

This is not a pleasant truth we want to believe about America, but a truth nonetheless.

What makes this even more diabolical is that fact that the U.S. Government has purposefully left our borders unguarded to provide an easy ingress point for another 9/11 event that will mobilize the American citizens to accept more restrictions on their freedom and more war.

Additional ClearNFO links:

Thumbnail sketch on the origin and function of ISIS

Operation Gladio A & B for your pleasure …

The Plan — according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.)

Zbigniew Brzezinski to Jihadists: Your cause is right!

Additional Reading:

The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski (Sep 18, 1998)

Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe by Richard Cottrell (First Eddition, 2012)

Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir by Sibel D Edmonds (Mar 9, 2012)

Anglo-American Establishment

by DAVID BROWN | | Sep 02, 2014

Tha Anglo American Establishment by Carroll Quigley

Anglo-American Establishmen
by Carroll Quigley (June 1, 1981) Paperback: 354 pages

One of the most important books I have ever read.  There is no review that can do justice to the sheer magnitude and gravitas of this book.  It unashamedly and unabashedly builds fact upon fact, detail upon detail in a raw presentation of the names, dates, relationships, methods, sources, strategies and tactics of the predominant powers who were behind the scenes creating the world we live in today.  If geopolitics appears confusing to you today, many of the missing pieces of the puzzle will fall nicely into place after a reading of this book.  You may not have known or heard of many of the people in this book, but these were the men pulling the strings behind the historical personalities historians prattle about and study today.   Moving continents, people and resources like pieces on a chess board;  controlling heads of state; starting wars or making peace when convenient; making deals with Hitler, Stalin and others … these methods, organizations, societies and minds are the foundation of today’s world.   Within this book you will discover the importance of Cecil Rhodes and the  Rhodes Scholarship and what it means today.  You will discover the origins of the CFR and its older sister the RIIA and much, much more.

This amazing book by historian and insider Carroll Quigley provides an eye-opening front-row seat to the secret machinations of power. Quigley is such a through, detailed researcher providing excellent documentation, that he has a reputation of having few claims or statements of fact disputed. After reading this book, what historian would dare put in the detail or the effort to challenge such precise accounting? What an amazing trip through the many relationships of the very secret inner circle of the Milner Group and the Cecil Bloc with their many levers of power and propaganda and their interrelationships: Oxford Colleges of Balliol College; All Souls College; New College and others; the second ring, the Kindergarten, Cecil Rhodes, the Round Table, the Times, RIIA (Royal Institute of International Affairs) which is the British version of the CFR, the CFR, Rhodes Scholarship, Rockefeller Foundation,  J.P. Morgan, Lord Rothschild, the Rhodes Trust, the Beit Trust, the Carnegie Trust, etc, etc, etc ….

The immense power of the Milner group started by Toynbee and Milner lasted from 1875 to 1945 and is still in existence today but lost most of its political power after some very bad decisions in India and their ill-fated support of Hitler in the run up to WWII. Nonetheless, there are real gems in this reading that can be had nowhere else like a true accounting of Hitler’s real power leading to WWII or the lies and deception used to terrorize the British public. I think the best information for me is an understanding of the roots of today’s power centers which gained their start with the Milner group and that they have yet to give up the dream of a one world government. Other benefits include the methods and techniques of how real power is wielded in private behind closed doors. The politicians we see in the media are there for show and to communicate what has already been decided by those who have the real power and know how to use it.

More on this topic here:

History… Connected: Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo American Establishment redux

See also:

Tragedy and Hope 101 by Joseph Plummer

Book Review: Tragedy and Hope 101

Tragedy and Hope 101: The Illusion of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy by Joseph Plummer, Introduction by G. Edward Griffin (Apr 24, 2014)

T and Hope 101 front-RCLEARNFO Rating: 5 / 5 Stars
203 Pages (Paperback)
Available at Amazon and other book re-sellers
Also available at no charge from Mr. Plumber’s web site HERE

Don’t have time to read 1,300 pages?  Joseph Plummer’s ‘Tragedy & Hope 101’ is for you.

There is no question in my mind that one of the seminal books that authoritatively exposes the predominant power structure’s manipulation of world events is Carrol Quiqley’s ‘Tragedy & Hope’; but it is over 1,300 pages of incredible detail, which most of us don’t have time to read.  This is why ‘Tragedy & Hope 101’ is such an important book.

Without an understanding of statecraft, it’s nearly impossible to make sense of the chaos in our world. Carroll Quiqley’s books are the on-ramp to this understanding.

To give you a taste of what you can expect from Plummer’s new book, here is a short excerpt from the Introduction to ‘Tragedy & Hope 101’ by G. Edward Griffin . . .

“Knowledge of who Carroll Quigley was and the deceptions that he revealed is essential for understanding the real world of today. His close relationship with the Network and his approval of its aims made it possible to provide an insider’s analysis of the minds and methods of the global elite. Without this knowledge, the actions of those who dominate the U.S. government and the Western world do not make sense. With it, everything falls into place.

Be forewarned. The journey you are about to begin is not for the faint hearted. If you are comfortable with the illusions that currently pass for political reality, this book is not for you because, once you discover how the deceivers perform their magic, the comfort of ignorance is no longer possible. Once the bell is rung, it cannot be unrung.

The bell starts ringing on the next page.”

ClearNFO gives ‘Tragedy & Hope 101’ 5 out of 5 stars for a well researched, written and organized book that does more than summarize Quigley’s ‘Tragedy and Hope’; it makes this important knowledge accessible to the average person.  ClearNFO recommends this book as a primer for Quigley’s T&H and perhaps more importantly as a companion for Quigley’s ‘Ango-American Establishment’.

As a Bonus Mr. Plummer is offering a 90 percent reduced “excerpts” version of ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’ and ‘Tragedy and Hope’, where you can find a few hundred pages from the two books here: Tragedy & Hope 101 – Bonus Material

Additional Information on this topic:
The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture

From The Naked Capitalist, Skousen’s review of Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope:

“Power from any source tends to create an appetite for additional power… It was almost inevitable that the super-rich would one day aspire to control not only their own wealth, but the wealth of the whole world.” “As I see it, the great contribution which Dr. Carroll Quigley unintentionally made[…]was to help the ordinary American people realize the utter contempt which the network leaders have for ordinary people. Human beings are treated en masse as helpless puppets on an international chess board where giants of economic and political power subject them to wars, revolution, civil strife, confiscation, subversion, indoctrination, manipulation and outright deception as it suits their fancy and their concocted schemes for world domination.”

MORE NFO: Excellent commentary and summary of Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy & Hope can be found at the link below. T&H is perhaps the most important book of the 20th Century. Don”t neglect Quigley’s ‘Anglo-American Establishment’. Excellent reading list below in the show notes including critical books by Antony C Sutton. An understanding of the contents of these books will make current national and geopolitics crystal clear. All these books are sourced and based on documented fact that today’s educational systems have been rigged to obfuscate.

Peace Revolution episode 018: (Podcast)

A History of the World in Our Time / Origins of Tragedy and Hope  (Duration: 1:09:40)

A little background: Who are the Russians?



Who are the Russians?

by Gaither Stewart at the Greanville Post

Important article from Gaither Stewart on Russian history.  Anyone who has read Russian histroy can attest to the complexity and the almost impossible necessity to memorize an endless list of difficult names to put all the pieces together.  Here, Mr. Stewart has done much of the heavy lifting for us.  Even though this is a relatively lengthy article, it represents a very short, but understandable history that I believe will help ClearNFO readers understand some vital background to help put today’s geopolitics in some sort of context that is very much missing in our media and sadly in the CIA and US State Department.   Enjoy!

CFR: Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault

CFR Headquarters located in the former Harold Pratt House in New York City

The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin

Excellent article from the CFR below with great detail and timeline. However, a few ugly facts were glossed over or omitted. Obama is currently planning another overt attack on Syria. Obviously, Obama and team didn’t learn the first time Putin pulled their chestnuts out of the fire. US/NATO used tried and true operation Gladio techniques to destabilize Ukraine’s democratically elected government. The US gave Russia assurances –which it broke– that they would not move NATO one more inch to the east after the fall of the USSR. There is NO spreading of democracy by the USA or NATO. This is a geopolitical move to isolate and marginalize Russia according to the Brzezinski Doctrine not to spread democracy. The IMF will use the debt to asset strip Ukraine and the threat of withholding additional funds to completely control Ukraine. Also, I read from certain whistle-blowers that it was the US/NATO who provided the snipers who shot both the Ukraine authorities and the protestors killing many to foment the civil war. Kiev is currently indiscriminately bombing innocent civilian populations of mostly Russian speaking people in East Ukraine.

CFR: Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault

Additional NFO:

Asset-Stripping Ukraine

Crisis in Ukraine

Can Ukraine Escape IMF trap?


What are NSK and Laibach?

by DAVID BROWN | | Aug 26, 2014

Never speak the passions of your breast unless you know the remedy.’
The Wanderer (Old 10th Century Anglo-Saxon Viking Warrior Poem)

LAIBACH_Press_Photo_2011If you’ve never been in a major war or had your country and cities invaded and subjugated by ruthless, powerful forces, you may have a difficult time understanding the fear, anger, helplessness and hopelessness of enduring such insults to customs, icons and loved ones with no way to fight back.  Add to this the cheat of being sold on a new better government to correct the injuries of the past only to find out that the new and improved government is much, much worse; and for some in Eastern Europe, the cycle continues; yet what remains today is a distant memory of family, friends, traditions and of nationalism … and it is those memory fragments along with a deep archetype of the meaning of freedom that can be accessed through story, art and music.

Those of us familiar with the rise of totalitarian regimes will also be familiar with their use of symbolism and art to create, focus, amplify and manipulate the body politic into slavery, death and destruction. So how to fight back against the overwhelming force of the state? The state uses art for propaganda so why not use art against the state?  Laibach attempts to turn this abuse of art on its head by using the totalitarian regimes’ own art, symbolism and artifacts in avant-garde / kitsch mixtures of high production value music and art to expose the tyranny all governments hold over the people they seek to control. Maybe they hope that through art, they can warn people; or that they can rekindle the latent memories of tyranny, death and destruction people so easily forget? Maybe they seek to use the emotive forces of their art and music to bypass the critical thinking mind for more direct access to the longer lasting and powerful emotional memories stored deeply in the sinews and crevasses of the collective subconscious. Whatever the case, I think you will find their art interesting, enjoyable and perhaps disturbing.

NSK_LogoFrom Wikipedia: Neue Slowenische Kunst (a German phrase meaning “New Slovenian Art”), a.k.a. NSK, is a controversial political art collective that announced itself in Slovenia in 1984, when Slovenia was part of Yugoslavia. NSK’s name, being German, is compatible with a theme in NSK works: the complicated relationship Slovenes have had with Germans. The name of NSK’s music wing, Laibach, is also the German name of the Slovene capital Ljubljana, creating controversy through evoking memories of the Nazi occupation of Slovenia during the Second World War and Slovenia’s previous seven centuries as part of the Austrian Empire.”

Laibach – The Whistleblowers

Laibach – Eurovision

 Laibach – Across the Universe (Official video)

Documentary on Laibach…
Laibach — Predictions of Fire [Prerokbe Ognja] [English Subtitles]

from the Q&A of Laibach…

Q: Why God does not exist ? (Frédéric)
L: Because God is God and he does not need to exist!

Q: Reason or Faith? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: Reason is doubt. Faith without the doubt is a dead faith.

Additional links:

Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones


From the Reading list

America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones by Antony C. Sutton

Publisher’s Foreword:

Antony Sutton was a giant among men. His integrity cost him dearly: his vocation, his income, his family … maybe even his life.

After coming across this book in 1988, I searched out and read all that I could find of Professor Sutton’s works. One reason: his books helped me to understand what my father had told me in 1969, ten years after he had quit a high-level job at the CIA — because he wouldn’t go along with their corrupt practices. Dad had mentioned “secret societies,” drug trafficking, and that the fight-to-the-death struggle between Communism and Capitalism was a “managed” conflict. Almost twenty, I was newly married with a baby, and had no idea what my father was talking about. America’s Secret Establishment contributed greatly to my garnering a different thesis of how the world actually works, versus what was presented to me by the media and schooling.

Kris Millegan
March 3, 2009

ANTONY SUTTON was a research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, from 1968 to 1973. He is a former economics professor at California State University Los Angeles. He was born in London in 1925 and educated at the universities of London, Gottingen and California with a D.Sc. degree from University of Southampton, England.

Authors Preface:
America’s Secret Establishment

After 16 books and 25 years in basic research I thought I’d heard it all … the world was a confused mess, probably beyond understanding and certainly beyond salvation – and there was little ’1 could do about it.

Back in 1968 my Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. In three substantial volumes I detailed how the West had built the Soviet Union. However, the work generated a seemingly insoluble puzzle – why have we done this? Why did we build the Soviet Union, while we also transferred technology to Hitler’s Germany? Why does Washington want to conceal these facts? Why have we boosted Soviet military power? And simultaneously boosted our own?

In subsequent books, the Wall Street series, I added more questions – but no answers. I had more or less arrived at the conclusion that there was no rational answer that could be proven.

Then a year or so ago I received an eight-inch batch of documents – nothing less than the membership lists of an American secret society. Glancing through the sheets it was more than obvious – this was no ordinary group. The names spelled Power, with a capital P. As I probed each individual a pattern emerged … and a formerly fuzzy world became crystal clear.

The book you will read here is a combined version of a series reporting on this research. Each volume builds on the previous volume in a logical step-by-step process.

These volumes will explain why the West built the Soviets and Hitler; why we go to war, to lose; why Wall Street loves Marxists and Nazis; why the kids can’t read; why the Churches have become propaganda founts; why historical facts are suppressed, why politicians lie and a hundred other whys.

This series is infinitely more important than the original Western Technology series on technological transfers. If I have a magnum opus, this is it.

Phoenix, Arizona
July 30, 1983

I recommend purchasing the book, but here is a full text copy that is searchable.

Those were the days!


Southwest Airlines Air Hostess, 1968

by DAVID BROWN | | August 22, 2014

Those were the days! I remember when stewardesses were stewardesses and flying was fun … and I could just walk onto a plane with no metal detector, naked x-ray shot or pat-down and your family could meet you at the gate. Now we have the TSA looking for Al-Qaeda in our underwear while our borders remain wide open.  Progress?  I think not.

What Capitalism is not


by DAVID BROWN | | August 22, 2014

Just a reminder … capitalism is NOT crony capitalism or corporatism. Crony capitalism and corporatism are in fact a form of fascism not capitalism.  For capitalism to operate effectively, there must be free markets. When corporations cozy up to the government to get special favors or pass laws to limit their competition, you have a merger of corporations and the state which is fascism. Even though central banks are corporations and privately held, they have achieved the ultimate merger with the state. They have inserted a straw directly into the blood of their host and can drink freely engorging themselves while the body suffers.