Category Archives: Government

America’s Dangerous Geopolitical Chess Game

David Brown

David Brown

by DAVID BROWN | | March 11, 2015

America is playing a dangerous geopolitical chess game with Russia.  But for what purpose?  What good can come from this direct challenge to Russia?  America’s strategy reads like a playbook from PNAC, the Wolfowitz Doctrine, and Zbigniew Brzezinski’sThe Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives‘.  While the average American is busy working, paying taxes and taking care of their families, ‘the powers that shouldn’t be’ are busy plotting and planning their next global conquest.  To be sure, this is not all America’s fault but rooted in Quigley’s Anglo-American Establishment‘s plan for a single world government; enabled and condoned by the globalists in Western Europe.   The table —or in this case the geopolitical chessboard— has been set.  What Russia will do to counteract this direct threat is the big question.  After the fall of the Berlin Wall, America assured Russia that NATO forces would not move one inch further East.  Russia relaxed and America lied.  Russia is no longer relaxed and America’s grand scheme has been revealed to all with functioning brains and eyes to see.  Unable to take care of her veterans of countless ‘kinetic military actions‘ or even to fix the potholes in the streets, America has decided rather to ramp up the goal of surrounding Russia and China to make real the psychopathic dreams of Wolfowitz and Brzezinski.  What other conclusions can we reach after America’s orchestrated Ukraine putsch and the expansion of NATO forces on Russia’s doorstep?  America, it seems, is itching for a war at any cost and to damage Russia.  [Note: You can read much about this sorry history at ClearNFO by searching on the word ‘Ukraine’.]  Is the plan to distract the world and the American people from the impending economic catastrophe — precipitated by unprecedented sovereign debt created out of thin air by the globalists– or does America really believe she can bludgeon Russia into submission and win anything worth having?  History should have taught the Pentagon planners in Washington that Russia is no easy mark.  It is my opinion that Russia will not be dragged quietly into the bloody nightmare of the Wolfowitz-Brzezinski doctrine.  Review the facts presented below and make up your own mind.

U.S. Military Moves To Russian Borders For First Time Ever



From Willy Wimmer’s letter below … #9. North of Poland, it is important to maintain the complete control of entry from St. Petersburg to the Baltic Sea. [6] Thus this means to cut away Russia from its Baltic Sea connection and therefore to cut it off from Europe.




Mr Gerhard Schroeder, MP
Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany,
Federal Chancellery,
Schlossplatz 1, 10178 Berlin

Berlin, 05-02-2000

Dear Chancellor,

Last weekend, I was in the Slovakian capital of Bratislava, where I had the opportunity to participate in a conference jointly organized by the US State Department and the American Enterprise Institute (the institute of the Republican Party foreign policy) with focus on the themes of the Balkan and NATO enlargement.

The event was attended by high-ranking personalities already reflected in the presence of several prime ministers and foreign and defense ministers from the region. Of the many important issues that could be dealt with under that topic, some deserve particularly to be reported.

1. The organizers requested that the Allies achieve recognition of the independence of the state of Kosovo, according to international law. [1]

2. The organizers declared that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was beyond any jurisdiction, in particular beyond the Final Act of Helsinki. [2]

3. The European legal system is an obstacle to the implementation of NATO plans. The American legal system was more suitable for this, even when being used in Europe.

4. The war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was conducted to revise a false decision made by General Eisenhower in World War II. Due to strategic reasons, the decision to deploy US soldiers in the region had to be rectified. [3]

5. The European Allies went along with the war in Yugoslavia in order to overcome de facto the dilemma caused by the April 1999 ‘New Strategic Concept’, which was enacted by the Alliance and the European predisposition of an existing mandate from the UN or the OSCE.

6. Irrespective of the subsequent legalistic European interpretation, where the enlarged task field of NATO in the Yugoslavian war exceeded the contract territory, it was an exceptional case, obviously a precedent which anyone at any time could and would rely on. [4]

7. The goal of the recently pending NATO expansion, is to restore the geographical situation between the Baltic Sea and Anatolia, as it had been at the time of the height of Roman expansion. [5]

8. In order to achieve this, Poland is to be surrounded in the north and south by democratic neighboring states. Romania and Bulgaria are to secure the ground connection to Turkey, Serbia (most likely to ensure a US military presence) was to be permanently excluded from European development.

9. North of Poland, it is important to maintain the complete control of entry from St. Petersburg to the Baltic Sea. [6]

10. In each case, the right of self-determination is given priority over all other provisions or rules of international law. [7]

11. The assessment, according to which NATO, when attacking the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia actually infringed upon international rule and, above all, any relevant provisions of international law, did not evoke contradiction. [8]

After this very candidly run event and in view of participants and organizers, one cannot help but make an assessment of the statements made at this conference.

In the global context and in order to achieve their goals, the American side, deliberately and intendedly wants to lever out the international legal system which was developed as a result of two world wars in the last century. Power shall precede law. Where international law stands in the way, it will be eliminated.

When a similar development happened to the League of Nations, the Second World War was not far off. This type of thinking which considers its own interests as being absolute, can only be called totalitarianism.


Willy Wimmer
Member of Parliament,
Chairman oft he CDU district association Lower Rhine,
Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

[1] So far, the Kosovo continues to nominally be a province of Serbia, which in turn is a constituent republic of Yugoslavia. Maintaining this status, had been a prerequisite for the termination of the so-called Kosovo war in June 1999. Officially, maintaining this status is the program of the West until today.
[2] The Helsinki Final Act, the so-called CSCE Order, had put down the foundations of coexistence of the European states in 1975. These principles included amongst others the inviolability of borders.
[3] This seems to refer to the Allied invasion of Europe during the Second World War. Churchill had demanded then that an Allied invasion of the Balkans was to take place. Instead, Eisenhower as Commander of Chief of the Allied forces commanded invasions of Sicily (1943) and France (1944). As a result, there was no Western occupation of the Balkans at the end of the Second World War.
[4] On the part of NATO, the 1999 Kosovo war was performed without UN mandate. Such a mandate would have complied with the wish of the European governments but not the American government. The latter wants to act preferably self-confidently without international restrictions. Items 5 and 6 apparently meant that with this war a) the European states would have overcome their commitment towards their public regarding such a UN mandate and b) a precedent for future operations without UN mandate was created.
[5] The Roman Empire never extended to the Baltic Sea. Should Wimmer here have reported the statements correctly, ‘Roman’ on the one hand, means the Roman Empire, and on the other hand, the Roman church.
[6] Thus this means to cut away Russia from its Baltic Sea connection and therefore to cut it off from Europe.
[7] Emphasizing this right of self-determination, the American Wilsonianism, coined after the former president Woodrow Wilson, shows itself once again, according to Rudolf Steiner who was a main opponent of the founding of the threefold movement. Steiner saw this as a program for the “destruction of the coexistence of the European peoples”. It allows the destruction of almost all European countries by accentuating “minority problems”.
[8] Apparently, this is about the reactions to a Wimmer draft. The conference participants were apparently aware of these violations against the provisions of international law, yet they did not care.

Willy Wimmer Interview RT Russia Today 26.04.2014 Washington organized events happening in Ukraine


The Nato-Aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999
by Milica Radojkovic-Hänsel
Voltaire Network | 28 April 2013

NOTE: For additional background information on this topic, please search for ‘Ukraine’ and / or ‘Russia’ at

Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression

David Brown

David Brown

by DAVID BROWN | | March 8, 2015

Great lengthy but enjoyable podcast of over 14 hours with an equally important and extensive reference map documenting the podcast.  I downloaded this to my computer and then uploaded it to my smartphone so that I could listen as time permitted.    The Reference Map provides many great ‘take-off points’ for additional study.  Though I have heard many of these ‘clips’ before like the Interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney in its entirety, I learned more on the second listening to certain out-takes.  For example, Mr. Binney listed several CIA operations that I was not familiar with, so I took some time to look them up.  One in particular was Operation Amadeus, which eventually led me to an excellent article by David Guyatt entitled The Mafia, The CIA, & The Vatican’s Intelligence Apparatus which led me to David Guyatt’s website called DeepBlackLies.   You can take your own journey to increased knowledge about the world we live in by exploring  the excellent links below, but see if you can carve out some time between work and family to take a listen to the montage put together in Episode 087 below.  Enjoy.

Continue reading

FB Posts from Robert Tosh Plumlee

Robert Tosh Plumlee
Robert Tosh Plumlee:

1993; CBS clip.

Here is something that MSM and CBS was told to pull off their site because of a violation of National Security, 1993.

Shortly after the host Connie Jung was replaced. Some have said she was forced to resign because of her knowledge of this interview about Marine Col. Sabow and Tosh Plumlee and other sensitive information involving the Clintons.

Plumlee testified to the Senate and provided the maps seen in this film clip to the Senate of the United States and to the Senate Intelligence Committee as documented and reference in the letter from Senator Gary Hart, Feb. 14, 1991.

This is a very “rare” tape and hard to find these days. It was taken from the CBS program, ‘EYE to EYE’, Connie Jung, 1993 and records federal investigators and the Plumlee Interview in reference to Guns and Drug running in and out of Military installations.

Mena Ark. was a transshipment point as well as El Toro. This clip shows the C-130 and Plumlee flying the “Pirate Flag” taxing into Mena Ark. Plumlee and Berry Seal worked together out of Mena. Plumlee helped rig the camera on Seal’s C-123, The Fat Lady, that was later shot down in Nicaragua. Seal had photographed Colombians loading Seals Fat Lady with cocaine and sometime later the US government and POTUS released the photos public and a few weeks later Berry Seal was assassinated by Colombians who were allowed to enter this country for the hit.

Here is another 1994 CBS clip that was considered a “violation of National Security and was asked to be replace because of an “On Going Investigation” and a “Matter of National Security”.Yes. I’m still, ‘Shaking it Boss’ . You can forward this clip if you like. I just found these old clips buried in old archives that very few know still exist. ( I protect my sources)

Yes I am going all the way and proving the chapters found in the book DCSG with documented and vetted background information. I am attempting to protect my ass while doing it… somebody has to do it…protect my ass that is… Uncle Sam sure as hell is not going anywhere near this can of ‘old’ worms… I abide by the ‘Sunshine Law”.. Information before the fact… Perhaps the “Clintons” or ‘Bushes’, even perhaps old ‘Ollie North’ might like to comment. … MSM? I think not. They had their chance long ago and past.

Stop drinking the ‘Hater-Aid’

by DAVID BROWN | | March 7, 2015

Now I know it is popular to hate the police, the illegal aliens, the white racists, the ungrateful minorities and the Muslims; but I think it is important to pause for a minute, sit back and take in the larger view; or as I would term it, the Gestalt view to see the ‘Bigger Picture’.  Now, are there bad police, bad whites, bbeverage-15706_1280ad blacks, bad illegals and bad Muslims? Yes there are; but that does not provide us the answers we need to certain questions we should always ask when confronted with external forces that are generating strong emotional valences like hate: Questions like 1) who is responsible for generating or orchestrating the hate; 2) who benefits from our hatred; and 3) for what practical purpose has our hatred been ‘genned-up’?

Police:  Yes, they have killed people’s dogs, murdered the very people they are sworn to protect, acted thuggish; they have  shredded the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights and yes, they have been militarized by the folks in Washington, D.C.

Illegal Aliens:  Yes, they have broken the law by entering the USA illegally and yes many are committing more crimes once they are here, but Washington, D.C. has allowed and even promoted this.  It is interesting to observe that in the EU,  Muslim immigrants are being used in much the same way as the Latino illegal aliens here in the US.

White racists: Yes, there are white racists, but there are also black racists and Latino racists; but most people are not racist, yet the media love to hype this division between the races; and yes, the current US Administration has been caught red-handed ‘Race-Baiting’ when Eric Holder Likens Michael Brown to Emmett Till.

Ungrateful minorities:  Yes, there are some minorities that have yet to figure out that life is a struggle and that not all their problems are the ‘white devil’s’ fault. Many minorities have overcome the challenges of language and culture to prosper, yet others are stuck in the blame game enabled by Washington DC.

Muslims: Yes, some have cut heads off, committed honor killings against their daughters and sisters, committed FGM (female genital mutilations), destroyed ancient artifacts, bombed people and things and acted like a bunch of brainwashed morons. If you look at pictures from the 1960 – 1970, it was not always this way.

Iran in 1960 - 70s

Iran in 1960 – 70s

Despite reformatting their countries after WWI, Islam was on the path to moderation and modernization, until the US began stirring the shit in earnest according to the ‘Made in America’ strategies cooked up by Wolfowitz, Brzezinski and others.

So, if we drink the ‘hater-aide’ and play into this game, what we have is something called division, never having lifted our heads up to see who has been orchestrating all this hate and division.

It is clear to any thinking person that Washington, D.C. is inflaming racial hatred and militarizing our police; and Washington D.C. is inviting undocumented and illegal aliens into this country ‘en masse’.  So what is Washington D.C.’s role in the Muslim problem? Well, first off they have been involved in regime change in Muslim countries for the better part of the last century. They have created Al-Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL and IS in this century and supported many other Muslim and right-wing terrorist groups though Operation Gladio. Not only have they created these groups, they have armed, trained and funded them; and radicalized them in torture camps strewn across the globe … and they used them to destabilize various targeted countries. Additionally, Washington, D.C. has brutally slaughtered millions of innocent Muslims (men, women and children). Would you expect no hatred or blow-back from this? One fine point on blow-back: It’s not technically blow-back if it was planned.

So we have a common and the proximate cause to all this hatred and division: Washington, D.C. But it is not only Washington, DC but the people who control the vortex of power here in the US of A.

Ignorance Fear Hate

So who benefits from all this fear, Ignorance and hate that produces division? Answer: The Military-Industrial Complex, the international bankers and the power centers in Washington, D.C. increase their relevancy to the protection of the good citizens of these United States of America. Washington, D.C. increases the scope of their power and control, while the individual loses his freedoms as guaranteed by this country’s founding documents.

So now we have the answers to 1 & 2 above: Who caused this, who benefits and a partial answer to the question of purpose. The answer to Question 3 (for what purpose) flows from 1 & 2 but to fully understand this question, we must look at some of the larger geopolitical moves by Washington, D.C. and its controllers on a global basis.

The big moves are:

  1. The rapid bankrupting of nation-states worldwide with historic levels of debt created out of thin air.
  2. The destruction of nation-states though treaties and agreements. For example the EU in Europe destroyed the sovereignty of the duly elected representatives of nation-states and handed over the reins of power to unelected officials controlled by an elite group of globalists.
  3. Likewise, in the Americas, agreements like NAFTA, TTIP, TPP and others along with UN-Agenda 21 have bypassed the duly elected representatives of America and handed over the reins of power to unelected officials controlled by an elite group of globalists.

We can therefore reasonably conclude that the purpose of all this hatred and division is to destroy the idea and function of the nation-state and turn over the power to certain well-placed individuals who seek to control the world from a single fulcrum.

So the question to you is: do you want to play their game? I say no. Rather than drink their ‘Hater-Aid’ against the police, the whites, the blacks, the Latinos, the Illegal Aliens, the Muslims, etc., perhaps we should identify the real culprits and go after them.

Additional Reading:

MSM Lying about Ukraine

by DAVID BROWN | | March 7, 2015

Brian W LiarHow do you know the entire MSM (Mainstream Media) are lying to you about Russia and Ukraine? It is an easily provable fact to any person capable of critical thought that the US orchestrated the war in Ukraine, not Russia, yet the MSM insist on blaming Russia. How do I know this? The evidence is overwhelming to anyone who cares to pay attention.

The Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State Victoria Jane Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt have been caught on a leaked phone call planning the replacement of the democratically elected government in Ukraine. Prior to this takeover by the US, the CIA spent over $5 billion on covert NGOs to foment unrest in Ukraine. George Soros has admitted to helping the CIA with this putsch and we have copies of original documents showing that billionaire Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with the US government.

Frederic Mousseau, who is a Policy Director at The Oakland Institute:

“We saw in 2013 that Monsanto invested $140 million in new seed plans in Ukraine. It is clearly the bread basket of Europe and it is a key target for a company like Monsanto, which sees this huge potential for production and this huge market. Europe has been quite resistant in allowing GMOs, but if they are successful in Ukraine then there might be a domino effect in Europe.”

The $17 billion IMF loan to Ukraine is contingent on Ukraine allowing GMO crops: IMF loan stipulations require permitting GMO production.


Crimea for Dummies

Published on Sep 12, 2014:  Miguel Francis, a Los Angeles film school graduate, travels to Crimea to discover for himself how life there has changed since it was reunited with Russia. He explores the beautiful Peninsula’s history and cultural heritage and takes in some of Crimea’s tourist attractions while talking to local people about their attitudes to becoming Russian citizens.

The famous Russian documentary on Crimea with Putin (with subtitles)

GMO and Europe’s “Bread Basket”. Monsanto’s Land Grab in Ukraine
Monsanto in Ukraine: IMF loan for Ukraine may give GMO giant a backdoor into EU
Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with US government, documents show
US spent $5 billion to destabilize Ukraine

Related articles from ClearNFO:
Macedonia: Kiev Version 2.0
Can Ukraine Escape IMF trap?
Crisis in Ukraine
Asset-Stripping Ukraine
CFR: Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault
Ukraine Crisis
Ukraine: USA/NATO aka Murder, Inc.
Ukraine: Stop the Killing!
Ukraine Update – Saker Podcast #5

Power Seeks Power

by DAVID BROWN | | March 5, 2015

Power always seeks power. So what are three of the major power centers in America today and how do they work together? Well, you have the Military-Industrial Complex or MIC for short and you have the government which has a monopoly on violence and then you have the central bankers to provide the grease to make everything work.  Each of these have their unique talents and roles to play on the Grand Geopolitical Chessboard. There are other power centers, but let’s just focus on these three for Power Structurenow so that we can discover the mechanics of their operation and how they work so well together.   Besides killing a lot of people across the globe, the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) contains several alphabet agencies that operate in secret with secret agendas and secret budgets … hidden under the cloak of the tried and true National Security meme; after all, who would want to put the safety and security of an entire nation at risk for one misplaced word or sentence or for just a little too much transparency, truth or justice?

The National Security ruse works every time for the anesthetized American Lemmings. With national security at stake, you can hide illegal arms transfers, drug and child sex trafficking, barbaric human experimentation, murders, assassinations, torture, etc. All illegal if not for National Security.  Now being secret has its benefits. For example, you can gather information on just about anyone and then use it against them if they get out of line. So if you wanted to increase your power you would make sure that whomever was elected to high office could be compromised in some way and if not compromised sufficiently, you could –though your secret operations– add whatever was needed to put the collar around said official’s neck.    J. Edgar Hoover was head of the FBI for 37 years and perfected this technique. Others learned from his example.   In short, the best person for high office is someone you could blackmail if they got out of line. Now, all power centers need the government because it has the legal monopoly on violence and taxation.   The government and the MIC need the Central Bankers to keep them supplied with cash when tax revenues are slim.

Additional Reading:

Who’s the Boss? at ClearNFO

Washington’s Scare Games

David Brown Pic SnapShotThe Evolution of a Nation:

Illegal Aliens > Illegal Immigrants > Unauthorized Immigrants > Undocumented Workers > Americans in waiting

A nation consists of three things:

  1. Language
  2. Culture
  3. Borders

If Washington was serious about the so called ‘War on Terror’, they would be keenly interested in who is entering this country; but they are not.  Our borders are wide open.  This one fact proves that the War on Terrorism is a hoax, so we must ask what is the real agenda?  To divide this country, overwhelm the system and to usher in changes that they otherwise would not be able to accomplish.  What are those changes?  To dismantle the remaining obstacles to the free reign of tyranny against the American people.  That obstacle is the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.  And who do we have to protect our beloved Republic?  The Conservatives?  The conservatives and most of the opposition have their heads buried in the sand and busy themselves with the false choice of left vs right, or DNC vs RNC and so the game goes all the while the Empire gets stronger and its scope of control increases.

What do you make of bright, likeable and articulate people like Shawn Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin who take every opportunity to lay the blame of ISIS at the feet of Obama, while completely ignoring the facts that the US State Department and CIA created, trained, funded and armed ISIS?   Seems they wish to direct our angst against the DNC and Obama rather than educate the public on the facts? By ignoring these facts, the so-called conservatives are playing into Washington’s scare game designed to keep Americans scared of ISIS so that we will gladly give up all our rights for some illusion of security.

US Supreme Court has lost its way

Supreme_Court_US_2010At stake before the US Supreme Court is the Constitutionality of the Obamacare subsidies for states who did not build their own exchanges. Obamacare is clearly unconstitutional to anyone capable of critical thought, and according to the ACA (Affordable Care Act) aka Obamacare, subsidies for states without exchanges, is clearly illegal by the very words contained within the ACA law. Obama decided with his pen and his phone to provide subsidies to 7.5 million people in states who opted out of the state exchange despite this being clearly against the very language contained within the ACA itself. Thus this is an illegal act.

If the Supreme Court rules against Obama’s subsidies, then 7.5 million may lose their health care insurance. This is patently unfair since many of these people were forced off of the healthcare they had previously and on to Obamacare. A large portion of these 7.5 million likely have Medicare / Medicaid not Obamacare, so will not be impacted by this ruling.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court –to add more problems for the survival of this Republic– have forgotten their role and that is to interpret the US Constitution not to legislate. Congress too has forgotten its role to legislate and has left this up to the Executive.   Our government is a mess. It is one big political rugby match, the Constitution be damned and your rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the Constitution as well.

It is not the Supreme Court’s job to worry about a “death spiral” of Obamacare. That is the job of Congress; a Congress that passed a terrible law through terrible means.

The Roberts Court, October 2010

  1. Sonia Sotomayor (Obama lock)
  2. Stephen G. Breyer (Obama lock)
  3. Samuel A. Alito (?)
  4. Elena Kagan (Obama lock)
  5. Clarence Thomas (?)
  6. Antonin Scalia (?)
  7. Chief Justice John Roberts (Back-stabbing SOB)
  8. Anthony Kennedy (Swing vote)
  9. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Obama lock)

 Obama bots: Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan

Picture of the US Supremes Rugby Team above:”Supreme Court US 2010″ by Steve Petteway, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States – Roberts Court (2010-) – The Oyez Project. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons –

The Jack Boot of DHS

DHS_Seal_Hi-ResDr. Ron Paul tells us to “Shut down the Dept. of Homeland Security”.   I agree.  The Dept. of Homeland Security is just the domestic ‘jack-boot’ of the newly, expanded Empire in Washington, D.C. aka International Murder, Inc.  By passively standing by, watching as our government scourges the world, spreading its death and destruction (in the name of democracy), we have unwittingly unleashed the beast that will now consume us here at home.  The USA is a psychopathic international war criminal turned in upon itself.   The DHS represents the operational arm designed for the destruction of individual rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the foundational laws of this country, which are consistently ignored and bastardized to suit the whims of those illegitimate officials who –without earned merit and in violation of their oaths– have insinuated themselves into every nook and cranny of the bureaucratic control apparatus designed to subdue the good citizens of this country. Like a malignant tumor, it cannot be reformed or bargained with, the DHS must be removed wholesale and thrown into the fire, else-wise it will enslave the people and consume the entire body of this nation under the false pretense of protection. Through trickery, they have put themselves in charge of the very levers of power in this country our founding documents were designed to protect us against. The DHS represents just such a tyranny that would put King George III to shame.

Macedonia: Kiev Version 2.0

by DAVID BROWN | | February 17, 2015

Top U.S. diplomat Victoria Nuland meets with Tyahnybok and Yatsenyuk weeks before they were handed power under Ukraine’s new US-backed interim government in Kiev Version 1.0:

nuland-ukraine-ldrsThe brilliant and very plugged-in Wayne Madsen provides us additional details on the US State Department’s next regime change in the article linked below.   Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, was working on Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje, Macedonia when she got caught. Her target this time must have learned from Kiev Version 1.0.   The US assembled the same cast of characters as they did in the Ukraine coup including the infamous George Soros. It is interesting to note that Victoria’s husband Robert Kagan co-founded PNAC. Small world, eh? This tells me that Victoria has a lot more invested in these regime changes than her government paycheck.

“Nuland has been charged by Macedonian intelligence with conspiring with Zaev of the Macedonian Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), the former Communist Party that has been thoroughly co-opted by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Soros operative. Also charged in the attempted putsch against Gruevski is Radmila Sekerinska. Zaev and Sekerinska are said by Macedonian insiders to be nothing more than fronts for former Prime Minister and President Branko Crvenkovski who continues to head up the SDSM and accept large amounts of largesse from such CIA NGO laundry operations as the National Democratic Institute (NDI), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Freedom House, and Soros’s Open Society Institute (OSI) to foment a themed revolution against Gruevksi’s right-of-center VMRO-DPMNE government.”  Wayne Madsen

Skopje is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Macedonia

Nuland attempts Kiev Version 2.0 in Skopje by Wayne MADSEN

Related information:

PNAC’s “New Pearl Harbor”

Ukraine: USA/NATO aka Murder, Inc.