Category Archives: Government


by DAVID BROWN | | March 30, 2015

ukraine-23600_640The Western Press like to portray Russia as the aggressor in the Ukraine conflict but they leave out key information like the $ 5 billion the US CIA spent on a Gladio-style operations designed to destabilize the duly elected government of Ukraine and to effect regime change.   Though Ukraine was ripe for destabilization, CIA-backed NGOs played a key role in this destabilization.  They played on the hopes and dreams and fears of the Ukrainian peoples and set one faction against the other knowing full-well what they were doing.  At stake here was the US Geopolitical Strategy set fourth by Zbigniew Brzezinski to encircle Russia and marginalize and contain Russia’s growing power and prestige in the world.  Never mind the assurances the US gave Russia after the fall of the Berlin wall that NATO wouldn’t move one more inch further east.  And of course the desire to keep Quigley’s Anglo-American Establishment dominant by stunting and punishing Russia.  Also at stake was the plunder of natural resources of Ukraine by the IMF whose method of operation is to burden countries with debt and then move in to ‘asset-strip‘ the targeted country; in this case Ukraine.  The IMF’s detailed method can be found here: Who the International Aid Agencies Serve.  Without an understanding of the history and geography of Ukraine the Western public are easy prey for Western propaganda. The US public would be horrified if they were to learn that the US is backing the neo-nazis in Ukraine and that their tax dollars were being used to slaughter men, women and children all across the Donbass area just to please Mr. Global.   Below, I’ve supplied a few key articles to put this conflict in perspective.   (Click to enlarge picture below)

Ukraine-growth" by Spiridon Ion Cepleanu - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Ukraine-growth” by Spiridon Ion Cepleanu – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Europe: U.S. Deploys More Warplanes, Troops Against Russia

An appropriate picture of ‘Porky’ a.k.a. the US Stooge / Sock-puppet in Ukraine. Poroshenko (Porky) is the clean up man for Murder, Inc. (US/NATO) operating in  the Ukraine.

Ukraine’s Poroshenko Inspects Arrival Of First U.S. Military Vehicles

The sad story of what the West has lost due to public ignorance and the greed and manipulation of the West by Mr. Global.
The Russia They Lost

US tax dollars at work. All based on lies.
The Interventionist Holocaust

How many military bases do we (the US) have worldwide? We have no F-ing idea…
Empire of bases 2.0

Western news outlets have been incessantly attempting to portray Russia as the belligerent power over the past year, even though many of the facts contradict this perspective. In order to justify an illegal coup in Kiev – which is part of a grander strategy of destabilizing, encircling and antagonizing the Russian Federation – the presstitutes are hard at work manufacturing narratives and preparing “Americans for conflict with Russia”, as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts wrote in his article: ‘CNN is Beating the Drums of War’.

Information War Between Russia and the West Intensifies

Though not directly related to the US Orchestrated conflict in Ukraine, similar techniques of duplicity, murder and mayhem using the operation Gladio method can be discovered here:
An ISIS perspective from a Sunni Muslim …
The ISIS Described by the US Media as a “Sunni Muslim Militia” is “Made in America”. It has Nothing to Do with Sunni Islam

New Eastern Outlook

New Eastern Outlook

IMF Asset-Stripping Kiev:

Kiev Commits Energy Hari Kiri
02.04.2015 Author: F. William Engdahl

“What the insane Washington-orchestrated civil war in Ukraine has not yet destroyed in Ukraine over the past year, now the conditions demanded by the US Treasury-controlled International Monetary Fund will. Kiev on March 13 received the first $5 billion tranche of a $17.5 billion three year IMF loan. It desperately needs the cash to avoid insolvency. However, in typical IMF policy, the aim of the money is to act as a poisoned “carrot” to force the victim country to undertake draconian “reforms” whose only effect will be to open the doors to foreign banks and multinationals to further rape and plunder what’s left of their economy. Now Kiev is about to commit energy Hari-Kiri to please the IMF and the US-imposed American-born Finance Minister, Natalie Ann Jaresko.

Before the US coup d’etat on February 22, 2014 in Kiev ousting a democratically-elected Prsident Viktor Yanukovich with aid of CIA snipers, self-styled neo-nazi Pravy Sektor gangsters and George Soros’ Ukrainian NGO, Ukraine’s president had opted to join the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union in return for generous financial loans from Moscow and a huge cut over 30% in the price the country must pay to Russia’s Gazprom to import natural gas. Yanukovich stressed at the time he wanted to continue a dialogue on closer association with the EU as well. For the neo-conservative war faction in the Obama Administration that was a no! no! Washington wanted to destroy Russia and Putin and the way to do that, the ridiculous neo-conservatives such as John Brennan at CIA or Victoria ‘Fuck the EU’ Nuland at the State Department or Joe Biden or Senator John McCain saw it, was creating a pro-NATO coup in Kiev after a similar US Color Revolution in 2004 failed to achieve the goal.”


Additional reading from ClearNFO:
Ignorance is Not an Excuse (Ukraine)
MSM Lying about Ukraine
Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance   Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev

UPDATE: Snowden (03/29/15)

by DAVID BROWN | | March 29, 2015

"Edward Snowden-2" by Laura Poitras / Praxis Films. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

“Edward Snowden-2” by Laura Poitras / Praxis Films. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

I love to read and hear what Snowden and Greenwald say, but are they frauds?  Some things just don’t add up and if you are like me, you are tired of being fooled by someone telling you what you want to hear only to find out later you were part of their game.  Is this a CIA game?   You be the judge.  I’ve written on this topic before  here … Snowden

I thought the letter from Dr Les (Leszek – Leslie) Sachs at the link below was incredibly insightful on many topics, though slightly rambling in the beginning.  I think you will enjoy reading this.

“The world of working for America’s ruling political families, is a cold, depressing world with the stench of death about it. For those of us with a spiritual heart and soul, there is no temptation to join that world – even though my Harvard classmates became Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, a Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, a Secretary of US Homeland Security, media czar for the US President, etc. They have millions of dollars, but their ‘power’ and ‘wealth’ came at the price of visibly poisoning of their souls, and they seem to be not much more than leading prisoners in the jail they helped to build. Whereas I myself, poor and under threat, at least will die a free man with my soul intact.”

Russia gov report Snowden Greenwald are CIA frauds pt1

Cryptome took notice:  No Snowden Asylum, He’s a CIA Fraud

And James Corbett weighs in  … HERE


40 maps that explain the Middle East

world-map-306985Set aside a little bit of time if you plan to actually go through these fascinating maps compiled by Max Fisher.  You may or may not be surprised at all of these maps, but I bet you will improve your understanding of the Middle East considerably.  Enjoy!

40 maps that explain the Middle East by Max Fisher on March 26, 2015

Maps can be a powerful tool for understanding the world, particularly the Middle East, a place in many ways shaped by changing political borders and demographics. Here are 40 maps crucial for understanding the Middle East — its history, its present, and some of the most important stories in the region today.



by DAVID BROWN | | March 29, 2015

Hillary JailConcerning Hillary’s deleted emails: All evidence points to Christopher Stephens being purposefully eliminated by Hillary’s State Department because he stupidly reported on the illegal shipments of arms from CIA cut-out companies here in the USA, directly to Libya and on to Turkey and Jordan for use against Syria’s Assad.  See ClearNFO: Thumbnail sketch on the origin and function of ISIS and the Benghazi Deception.

18 U.S.C.
United States Code, 2009 Edition
From the U.S. Government Printing Office,


U.S. Code Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 101, Section 2071, Paragraph b.
2071. Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally.
2072. False crop reports.
2073. False entries and reports of moneys or securities.
2074. False weather reports.
2075. Officer failing to make returns or reports.
2076. Clerk of United States District Court.

§2071. Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 795; Pub. L. 101–510, div. A, title V, §552(a), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1566; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(I), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

America: The Greatest Force for Good?

by DAVID BROWN | | March 29, 2015

us-flag-301171_640I use to believe that despite America’s many mistakes, that fundamentally she was a good country.  I use to believe the history I learned in America’s state controlled class rooms.  I use to believe that our armed forces were fighting to protect us and to spread democracy.  But then 9/11 happened and the war on terror was launched to protect Americans from these very evil and bad people…  so I started paying attention.  I noticed that despite our war on terror, the US Federal government encouraged open borders and didn’t seem to care to discover who came or who left the country.  Could another terrorist get in?  I then discovered that 15 of the 19 so called hijackers were from America’s ally Saudi Arabia, yet we attacked Iraq and Afghanistan neither of whom attacked us.   I was told that an evil group called Al-Qaeda were behind the attack on 9/11, but then I discovered that Al-Qaeda was created by our own CIA and that we gave $3 billion to its leader Osama bin Laden to fight the Russians in Afghanistan.  The more I read, the more I double and triple-checked my fact-checking of the information of the official 9/11 story.  The more I fact-checked and read, the more I realized that the official story was not even physically possible; yet the official story was told over and over again in our media.  So I continued to read and I discovered that the 9/11 story wasn’t the first time our government and media lied to us.  They lied to get us into the Vietnam War which cost the lives of over 58,000 of my fellow Americans and over 3 million innocent men, woman and children in the countries we bombed and sprayed with Agent Orange.  All of this was based on lies by the US Government and supported by the establishment media which owned the TV content I dutifully watched every day to stay informed.

Since these more innocent times, I have discovered an even bigger story.  That not only does the government and the media routinely lie to the American people, they are controlled and managed by a handful of corporations who have interlocking board of directors who also benefit financially from the many wars and resultant human tragedies this institutionalized murder and mayhem produce.   I discovered that America and the grand ideals America represented in my mind has been captured by a small group of individuals and is used not to spread goodness and democracy but rather the opposite.  This is not an opinion, but a demonstrable fact.

So here I sit today, realizing the sad truth that America is not the greatest force for good in the world but rather the greatest force for evil.

“The September 11 attack on America was planned, coordinated, and carried out under the watchful eyes and with the helpful assistance of top officials in the FBI, CIA, and Bush Administration–officials who did everything in their power to insure that the operation would be a spectacular triumph unequaled in the world of terrorism and political opportunism.”  — R. Joseph, PhD

Mr. Global

by DAVID BROWN | | March 26, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Empirical evidence that Mr. Global is really in charge: Mr. Global’s selection for the next president will certainly agree on the following issues: NDAA, The Patriot Act, The Federal Reserve, DHS, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP), using the CIA and NATO to overthrow sovereign countries across the globe, open borders, NSA illegal spying on the America public. They will never investigate the Fed, the CIA or the NSA. So you may vote Democrat or you may vote Republican and there may be some marginal debates around these issues but all of the above promote Mr. Global’s agenda and is destructive of this nation’s sovereignty, the US Constitution and your individual rights guaranteed therein.

So, if you don’t agree to promote and/or sustain these individual-rights-and-prosperity-killing issues, you will never, EVER get the RNC or the DNC nomination. It’s really that simple. You may disagree on divisive issues (by design) like gay rights, race issues or how much to spend on this or that, on government waste, etc… but you will never, EVER be allowed to change the fundamental trajectory of this tyranny which has been planned and implemented behind closed doors by your real masters. The issues Mr. Global allows debate on have one thing in common: They divide the public. This is a technique that Mr. Global calls Scientific Social Engineering.

Keep watching your sports, your sitcoms, your movies, your corporate news … there is nothing to see here. It’s all just a conspiracy theory made up by all those tin foil hat-wearing buffoons.


Great interview with one of my favorite ladies Catherine Austin Fitts.  Sit back and enjoy this fascinating interview.

Solari | Catherine Austin Fitts

Solari | Catherine Austin Fitts

Published on Mar 13, 2015

Join Dark Journalist and his special guest, Former Assistant Housing Secretary, Financial Expert and Coast to Coast AM contributor Catherine Austin Fitts, for an exhilarating overview of the hidden forces of the Black Budget at work in the 2015 economic landscape. Making her fifth appearance on the show, Catherine exposes an emerging economic trend she calls a “Crash-Up” that may be the next move of the financial cabal she refers to as “Mr Global.” After draining most of the money out of the economy with the disastrous housing bubble and the dire crash of 2008, the cabal is ready to make their next move by Crashing Up equity and relentlessly debasing currencies for even more profit!

Catherine, the publisher of The Solari Report, traces the history of worldwide financial manipulation and draws on her personal experience in high-ranking positions on Wall Street and in Government to expose the global game being played out by a tiny elite of people who dominate the committee to run the world.

She also gives out rare insight and wisdom for finding your economic security while battling the covert forces of mind control, entrainment technology, money harvesting, black budget operations and power centralization.

Spellbinding, informative, startling and provocative, this is the interview you’re going to need to navigate 2015!

George Friedman, “Europe: Destined for Conflict?”

by DAVID BROWN | | March 15, 2015

George FriedmanExcellent speech by George Friedman (below) given at the Chicago Council of Global Affairs.  Mr. Friedman reveals many overlooked dynamics which can provide the listener deeper insight into the EU’s chances of success or failure, the rise of nationalism and the key role Germany will play.  He underscores  a key US strategy to keep Russia and Germany separate and in conflict, fearing a combination of Germany’s financial and technical strength combined with Russia’s vast resources and workforce would threaten the existing US hegemony.

Since Greece cannot pay their bills, Mr. Friedman postulates that Greece will eventually offer to pay some portion perhaps 60% in Greek drachma telling Germany to take it or leave it.  They can have a partial payment or have zero and of course Germany will be forced to take this deal to get something and to keep the contagion from spreading to Portugal, Italy and Spain.  Owing a lot of money, Mr. Friedman explains actually puts Greece in a more powerful position than Germany since Germany needs the EU to sustain its massive export business which represents 50% of its GDP of which 25% goes to the EU; and Greece at this point cannot pay its debts. He speaks to the long held hatreds and rivalries amongst the member states, the rise of nationalism and Europe’s history of settling their differences with bullets.  Explaining the dynamics of Europe, the EU, Greece, Ukraine, Germany, the USA and Russia, he makes some interesting predictions based on his unique analysis.

Despite his apparent acceptance of US war propaganda, you can still benefit from his insightful and informative analysis. Of course you should know I can’t agree with some of the default positions of the sponsor (The Chicago Council on Global Affairs) regarding Russian aggression against Ukraine, and I would presume George Friedman shares this position with the Chicago Council though it was less clear from his speech.

As informed and thoughtful as Friedman is, he seems oblivious to the clandestine history and machinations of the CIA, USAID, Soros, etc. which is designed to destabilize targeted countries like Ukraine through so called ‘Color Revolutions’ using operation Gladio tactics informed by US Geopolitical Policies. He may be very aware that the US is the real culprit in the Ukraine conflict, but holding his cards close to the vest; otherwise, he wouldn’t be invited to speak at places like the Chicago Council.  After all, we must blame what the US is doing in Ukraine on Putin to be accepted by the establishment. He seems to agree with the US’s foreign policy overall, but does warn that the US should only occupy nations by force as a last resort and never get into nation-building as in Iraq.  Better that the US orchestrate fights and heighten divisions amongst power structures than get stuck in unwinnable, protracted conflicts.  Despite my criticisms, and his obvious poor grasp of economics, I found his speech enlightening, brilliant and well worth the view.

Important to note: There is a history to Mr. Friedman’s company, Stratfor, that deserves additional attention, so I have added a link to the Stratfor email leaks below which reveal a murky side to Mr. Friedman and his company; but for now, sit back and enjoy his excellent, though myopic speech.  Friedman’s company, Stratfor, had its emails leaked to the public by Jeremy Hammond via Wikileaks. Much condemning information was discovered as a result.  Here is just one example:

From Wikipedia: “Some emails reveal that Stratfor had been partnering with Shea Morenz, a former Goldman Sachs director, along with other informants, in order to profit from what could be considered insider trading. Stratfor planned to use the intelligence it gathered in order to profit from trading in several worldwide markets. They created an offshore “share structure” known as “StratCap” during 2011, in order to avoid insider trading allegations. The offshore entity, set to launch operations in 2012, is outwardly independent of Stratfor, but CEO George Friedman told his employees that StratCap is secretly integrated with Stratfor.”

Jeremy Hammond is a political activist and computer hacker from Chicago. He was convicted and sentenced in November 2013 to 10 years in US Federal Prison for hacking the private intelligence firm Stratfor and releasing the leaks through the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks.

George Friedman, “Europe: Destined for Conflict?”

COMPLETE Event Summary by Richard C. Longworth

Small excerpt from Mr. Longworth’s summary linked above: “Friedman is concerned with Ukraine, Vladimir Putin’s aggression and the American response to it. But most of his speech dealt with the crisis within the European Union. In this drama, the central player is not Russia but Germany.”

George Friedman Bio

George Friedman is the founder and chairman of the private intelligence and geopolitical forecasting corporation, Stratfor. Friedman is a regular contributor to discussions on international intelligence issues for major news and radio networks including CNN, Fox News, and NPR. He is the author of numerous books on warfare and intelligence, including The Next Decade, The Next 100 Years, America’s Secret War, and The Intelligence Edge. He received his bachelor’s degree from the City College of the City University of New York and his PhD from Cornell University. – See more at:

Additional Links…

2012–13 Stratfor email leak

Regime Change: Georgia’s Rose Revolution Fades to Black

Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance (Engdahl)

EngdahlBrilliant analysis from F. William Engdahl author of ‘A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order‘….  F. William Engdahl hits the nail squarely on the head with this insightful article on the current mood in the former Soviet Union.  As America moves toward increased tyranny and corruption, Russia is experiencing a rebirth of truth and pride in the face of struggle, based on a clear recognition of the current threat from Washington and the reconciliation of their past mistakes.  After the US coup in Ukraine, the Russian people see clearly Washington’s and its vassal states’ present geopolitical game, and have smartly chosen not to play.  Washington may have grossly underestimated the strength, the understanding  and intelligence of the Russian people who have had two revolutions stolen from them by the powers in Washington, D.C. that shouldn’t be: Once in 1917 after the 8 months of the provisional government wherein the Russian people –tired of tyranny– wanted a more libertarian structure, only to have it stolen by the manipulators of the Anglo-American Establishment; and now in the current era –after the fall of the Soviet Union– these same psychopathic, lecherous and criminal anti-human globalists are seeking to destroy any hope of freedom or prosperity for the Russian people and the world at large.  I wish the Russian people well and hope that this time they can throw off the shackles of the Anglo-American Establishment and its corrupt, rigged money system.

Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance
First appeared:



The Obama Crime Family

ROOT: Here we go again. The OCF (Obama Crime Family) is in full enforcer mode. Obama must have been up late two weeks ago watching “Godfather Part II” on HBO. That’s the movie where Michael Corleone takes revenge on everyone who has ever wronged him or his family. He kills them all.

Why not prosecute Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, or Jon Corzine? ROOT For America

Hi I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Here we go again. The OCF (Obama Crime Family) is in full enforcer mode. Obama must have been up late two weeks ago watching “Godfather Part II” on HBO. That’s the movie where Michael Corleone takes revenge on everyone who has ever wronged him or his family. He kills them all.

After watching Obama for the past six years it is clear he’s a psychopath and ego-maniacal tyrant who doesn’t care about morality, the law, checks and balances, or the U.S. Constitution.

I’ve written extensively about the many times this administration has intimidated, persecuted and punished its critics. Obama has used the IRS, NSA, FDA, SEC, EPA; every 3-letter government organization possible to destroy his political opposition.

Take me, for example. I spoke out on Fox News, CNBC and on hundreds of conservative talk radio shows about the criminal actions of this socialist tyrant. During a NBC News special covering “a day in the White House,” NBC’s cameras even showed Obama officials panicking in the war room in reaction to my comments on Fox News.

But I’m not just any critic. I am also Obama’s Columbia College classmate, Class of ‘83. I spoke out publicly about how I believe he committed fraud to gain entrance to a college he never in a million years had the grades to get into. And guess what? His college records are sealed. At one point Donald Trump offered $10 million to the charity of Obama’s choice if he’d just release his records. But not a word.

What’s in those records that is so deadly Obama can’t let them see the light of day? You’ll notice Obama released the birth certificate, but never the college records.

You think I caught his attention? Or Valerie Jarrett’s? Suddenly, I was the victim of a vicious, over-the-top IRS attack. Five days after I won a complete victory in tax court, I was hit by a new IRS attack. Five days! Tax attorneys told me they had never heard of this happening in U.S. tax history.

Here’s the thing folks: If someone in the Obama White House made a call to the IRS to destroy Wayne Root… a crime was committed. As in a “go straight to prison” crime.

Well I’ve got news on that front. Government watchdog Judicial Watch demanded my tax files from the IRS and after a 14 month battle; we now have them in our possession. I’ll release that story with scandalous new details direct from my IRS files in the next two weeks. This will be big news. I’ve already been in contact with United States Senate investigators.

But now Obama has gone even further; with the prosecution of Democratic U.S. Senator Robert Menendez.

It’s clear Obama has tried to intimidate a member of his own crime family. Obama is sending a message to his fellow Democrats — “Embarrass me, fight me, I’ll ruin you, too. No one is off limits. I’m the king and you either follow my orders, or prepare to be destroyed.”

What did Senator Menendez of New Jersey do to Obama to deserve prosecution for a minor offense? He had the nerve to publicly disagree with Obama over Iran and Cuba. Just two days before the indictment announcement, Menendez gave a rousing speech at AIPAC condemning Obama’s Iran policy. Next thing you know: INDICTED. Coincidence? Not likely.

What were the charges? Sitting on a donor’s private plane, then doing the bidding of the donor. Are you kidding me? Every Senator and Congressmen in America does that. They’re all bought and paid for.

Hillary Clinton owed $25 million in campaign debt after her 2008 primary loss to Obama. Then she endorsed Obama and it was quietly paid off. Who made the payments? Over $2 billion dollars has been donated to the Clinton Foundation from billionaires, multinational corporations and foreign governments.

You mean there’s no conflict there? Hillary never accepted a plane ride from any of these same corporations or donors who paid off her massive debt, or funded her Clinton Foundation? She never supported a bill after receiving a donation or free plane ride?

How about her new scandal: She deleted over 30,000 emails. She has multiple email accounts. They were insecure. She claims she had the right to determine which emails were private. She made the decision what to delete. This woman was involved in prosecuting Richard Nixon. It’s clear she learned well from watching Nixon. She is the modern day Tricky Dicky. I guarantee you all her emails relating to Benghazi were deleted. The woman is a criminal.

How about Jon Corzine. He lost the New Jersey governor’s race, went back to Wall Street, and proceeded to lose $1.6 billion (with a B) of his clients’ money — money that was supposed to be protected in escrow accounts.

But Corzine was a major bundler for Obama (twice).  Lo and behold, the U.S. Justice Dept decided not to prosecute. His life moves forward without a blemish. One critic of Obama gets indicted for free plane flights, but the Obama donor is let off scott-free for stealing $1.6 billion from innocent clients.

How about Harry “Whorehouse” Reid. He could be the dirtiest politician in the U.S. Senate. He entered the U.S. Senate with little or no assets then proceeded to become one of the wealthiest men in the Senate on a $170,000 annual salary. Really? All the while doling out billions (with a B) in government contracts and green energy “investments” that ethics watchdogs call “influence peddling.”

Harry put himself in a position of great power to hand out billions. Somehow he got rich. Do you think the two are connected? But no prosecution or indictment of Harry Reid.

Interestingly, all the money that was funneled by the big Democratic donor to Menendez came through a PAC controlled by…wait for it…Harry Reid. Reid’s PAC collected $700,000 of this “dirty money” then gave $600,000 to Menendez. So why isn’t Harry Reid being indicted?

Senator Menendez poked his finger in Obama’s eye and the government decided to ruin his life. Harry Reid has been Obamas’s water boy for six years, enabling all of Obama’s deadly policies to take effect and blocking all attempts to slow him down. Harry is rewarded with no indictment, even though he was smack dab in the middle of the same alleged crime

Folks this smells…and it smells bad. It’s government intimidation and selective persecution at its finest. It’s a message from the OCF — the Obama Crime Family — to follow the orders of Obama, or face ruin, disgrace, destruction and prison. And you can bet the message was heard loud and clear in Washington.

But the worst one of all is Obama. He is the Chicago crook of all crooks. The Marxist tyrant of all tyrants. The sociopath of all sociopaths. Who will save America from the coming two-year reign of terror?

It’s clear Obama is sending a message. His last two years will be like nothing America has ever seen. The question is, after my IRS attacks, after Menendez’s indictment, who has the courage and chutzpah (besides Benjamin Netanyahu) to stand up to the tyrant?

I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. God bless America.

-Wayne Allyn Root