Years ago, when I was at the University studying mathematics and philosophy, I would wander down to the most excellent library and ply my way through some of the more exotic periodicals. Two were particularly interesting. One was called ‘Defense Attaché’; a magazine which advertised military weapons like tanks, jets, automatic guns, ammo, bombs, missiles, etc. Unlike most magazines I had read about the military prior to this, Defense Attaché was unabashed and completely unafraid to reveal their real purpose; which was to sell implements of death and destruction to anyone with money. The ads were nonchalant and matter of fact about what they were selling; and amazingly they used the same advertising techniques found on Madison Avenue. One ad for a tank showed a man sitting on the tank with his pals smoking a cigarette with a very satisfied look on his face. His arm resting on the gun turret and he was bragging about how many people he had just killed before lunch, etc. What was also amazing was all the ‘mom and pop’ ‘All-American’ companies who advertised in Defense Attaché like Garcia fishing rods, Ralston Purina, etc. They were all in on this very lucrative business of blowing their fellow humans to smithereens without a second thought.
Since that time, I’ve tried to get a copy of Defense Attaché, but it has completely disappeared or perhaps it still exists but is not readily available via a Google search. The IDE and Conference video below reminds me of Defense Attaché’s shopping mall atmosphere.
“Terrorists” Take Over the Stage (Extra Scene from ‘Rearming Iraq’) VICE News uploaded a new video. Here’s what the opening ceremony of an arms show in Abu Dhabi looks like:
Fort Hood has put a boot on the ground for every American life lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. A powerful memorial. Yet, another way to honor the war dead is to put a stop to all these pointless, unconstitutional wars.
If you have time to read the three well-researched and documented books by Antony C. Sutton listed here …
1) Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler; 2) Wall Street and FDR; 3) Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists … the self-righteous myths that tell us the USA is all about the spreading of democracy and the protecting of freedom will become an obvious, painful hoax to you. Yes, I too believed in these myths, but after the JFK assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the obvious coverup concerning the attacks on 9/11, it was finally time for me to dig in, invest some time and take a closer look at what our government was actually doing. Do I disparage our brave soldiers who fight to protect this country; who believe they are fighting for truth, justice and the American way? Not at all. I honor their well-intended sacrifices. But I am now aware of the deals made behind closed doors, as documented by Carroll Quigley (Anglo-American Establishment), Sutton and other top historians that base their research — not on official establishment propaganda– but on the facts as they find them; thereby removing the political spin and propaganda that we have all grown up believing. This is the critical point for me: If we care to regain the honorable ideals of a free and prosperous people, we must confront the evil that has infiltrated our government and surreptitiously controls the money system and therefore the government and all its machinery. This can not be done by pretending that facts are not facts. So if you choose to take this brave journey to the truth, buckle your seat-belts, it going to be a bumpy ride.
Here is just one example how our vaulted sultans of American Foreign policy honor our military:
“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”
― Henry Kissinger
P.S. And to all my fellow patriotic citizens: Before you go about bashing my head against the wall with your fists, please read the above mentioned three books by Sutton and then we can sit down as adults and talk –not fight– about solutions and the sad predicament we all find ourselves and our beloved America in now on this May 25th, 2015 Memorial Day.
From Wikipedia: Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country’s armed forces. The holiday, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May, originated as Decoration Day after the American Civil War in 1868, when the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans — established it as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers. By the 20th century, competing Union and Confederate holiday traditions, celebrated on different days, had merged, and Memorial Day eventually extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service. It typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end.
War is a Racket (Video) by Smedley Butler is a famous speech denouncing the military industrial complex. This speech by two-time Congressional Medal of Honor recipient exposes war profits that benefit few at the expense of many. Throughout his distinguished career in the Marines, Smedley Darlington Butler demonstrated that true patriotism does not mean blind allegiance to government policies with which one does not agree. To Hell with war.
Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex.
Enjoy some brilliant analysis and incredible detail from one of my favorite writers and researchers, F. William Engdahl. The complete article is linked below.
On the tragedy of Beslan …
“On September 1, 2004, armed terrorists from Basayev and al-Khattab’s IIB took more than 1,100 people as hostages in a siege that included 777 children, and forced them into School Number One (SNO) in Beslan in North Ossetia, the autonomous republic in the North Caucasus of the Russian Federation near to the Georgia border.
On the third day of the hostage crisis, as explosions were heard inside the school, FSB and other elite Russian troops stormed the building. In the end, at least 334 hostages were killed, including 186 children, with a significant number of people injured and reported missing. It became clear afterward that the Russian forces had handled the intervention poorly.
The Washington propaganda machine, from Radio Free Europe to The New York Times and CNN, wasted no time demonizing Putin and Russia for their bad handling of the Beslan crisis rather than focus on the links of Basayev to Al Qaeda and Saudi intelligence. That would have brought the world’s attention to the intimate relations between the family of then US President George W. Bush and the Saudi billionaire bin Laden family.
On September 1, 2001, just ten days before the day of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, Saudi Intelligence head US-educated Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, who had directed Saudi Intelligence since 1977, including through the entire Osama bin Laden Mujahideen operation in Afghanistan and into the Caucasus, abruptly and inexplicably resigned, just days after having accepted a new term as intelligence head from his King. He gave no explanation. He was quickly reposted to London, away from Washington.
The record of the bin Laden-Bush family intimate ties was buried, in fact entirely deleted on “national security” (sic!) grounds in the official US Commission Report on 911. The Saudi background of fourteen of the nineteen alleged 911 terrorists in New York and Washington was also deleted from the US Government’s final 911 Commission report, released only in July 2004 by the Bush Administration, almost three years after the events.
Basayev claimed credit for having sent the terrorists to Beslan. His demands had included the complete independence of Chechnya from Russia, something that would have given Washington and the Pentagon an enormous strategic dagger in the southern underbelly of the Russian Federation.
By late 2004, in the aftermath of the tragic Beslan drama, President Vladimir Putin reportedly ordered a secret search and destroy mission by Russian intelligence to hunt and kill key leaders of the Caucasus Mujahideen of Basayev. Al-Khattab had been killed in 2002. The Russian security forces soon discovered that most of the Chechen Afghan Arab terrorists had fled. They had gotten safe haven in Turkey, a NATO member; in Azerbaijan, by then almost a NATO Member; or in Germany, a NATO Member; or in Dubai–one of the closest US Allies in the Arab States, and Qatar-another very close US ally. In other words, the Chechen terrorists were given NATO safe haven.”
No surprises here for regular readers of ClearNFO, but now it has been fully documented by the U.S. Government itself; only because of the constant legal pressure of Judicial Watch. This BTW is only the tip of the iceberg. Read a summary on the Benghazi / ISIS connection here, and search ISIS and/or Benghazi on the ClearNFO search function for more background NFO.
“These documents are jaw-dropping. No wonder we had to file more FOIA lawsuits and wait over two years for them. If the American people had known the truth – that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials knew that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaeda terrorist attack from the get-go – and yet lied and covered this fact up – Mitt Romney might very well be president. And why would the Obama administration continue to support the Muslim Brotherhood even after it knew it was tied to the Benghazi terrorist attack and to al Qaeda? These documents also point to connection between the collapse in Libya and the ISIS war – and confirm that the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists,” stated Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch president. “These documents show that the Benghazi cover-up has continued for years and is only unraveling through our independent lawsuits. The Benghazi scandal just got a whole lot worse for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”
As Russia and China move closer together both strategically and economically to counterbalance U.S. aggression, other nations are following. As Russia and China setup the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), BRICS, the SWIFT analog, and the conversion of RMB into an international reserve currency based on the introduction of its gold standard, other nations follow. Here are a few unanswered questions about this move to a new bipolar NWO:
Will these efforts of China and Russia actually work?
Will the New, NWO offer a counterbalance to the existing ‘Anglo-American’ NWO? or
are the existing global elites merely hollowing out America to transfer their vast wealth into the new China-Centric NWO structure?
CCTVNews: Speaking to CCTV, India’s Ambassador to China, Ashok Kantha, has said that the two countries need to take their economic relationship forward. He expects the two sides to sign more than 20 business deals during Indian PM Narendra Modi’s visit to China:China & India likely to ink over 20 deals during Modi’s visit
Photo by REX/HAP/Quirky China News (3205531a) Geoerge Osborne talking to Ren Zhengfei, president of Huawei Company – George Osborne trade visit to China – 16 Oct 2013
Important to note that the IMF and the World Bank resulted from the Bretton Woods system designed to rebuild the international economic system while World War II was still raging (1–22 July 1944). Since 1944, the IMF and the World Bank have transmuted into economic weapons used to asset-strip targeted countries for the benefit of a few multinational corporations and then control sovereign nations. (See Confessions of an Economic Hit Man). BTW, it has been estimated that there will be a 40% drop in the overall living standard in the USA when the US Dollar loses its reserve currency status. From my perspective, it appears that U.S. bullying of Russia to surrender their sovereignty to the Anglo-American financial structure has backfired and caused China and Russia to make plans to replace the US and it’s vassal states in tow. Many of these vassal states are in a process of abandoning the good ship USA while joining the new China-Russia paradigm; keeping one foot in the old system and one in the new, to hedge their bets.
It has always been my opinion that the oligarchs of Russia, China and the West have more in common with each other than they do with their respective citizens within the countries of their origin. Thus, they are all globalists seeking power without regard to nation-state or the benefit of the individual. The report below challenges this idea. China and Russia seek to build a second world order to create a bipolar world order to offer a kinder, gentler world order and an alternative to the failing financial structure of the Anglo-American oligarchs of the West; or so this report would have you believe. I have no reason to doubt the sincerity of their intentions but human nature is consistent across national and cultural boundaries and absolute power corrupts absolutely, so I wouldn’t expect much better treatment under the new management. As they say: “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”. So Russia and China would convince us to trade one world order for another; yet most of us will have no choice. I am impressed that this report reveals Russia and China clearly understand what is a stake here and are under no illusions of the real intent and purposes of the ruling elite of the West. The days of the corporatocracy embodied in the American empire are numbered and that is clear to anyone who is vaguely familiar with arithmetic or the facts. So the question is, what comes next and what will the American empire do in the throws of self-inflicted wounds to save itself? Will America create WWIII to write off its massive debts? Will America turn in on itself as it apparently is doing, and destroy itself like it has done to so many other countries: Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Ukraine, etc. (See America’s Achilles Heal, below)
Russia, China and others are building a new, replacement or alternative NWO (AIIB, BRICS, SWIFT analog, and the conversion of RMB into an international reserve currency based on the introduction of its gold standard), but this time they seek to do it ‘right’; based on the nation-state and with the consideration of the benefit of the individual citizen.
Below is an insightful report based on the recent ‘scientific-practical conference’ held in Beijing on May 4th, 2015. Despite being broken up into four parts it is a relatively short read showing that neither China nor Russia are the USA’s fools. It is no secret that the West’s oligarchs have destroyed the middle class and therefore the market economy; or that the massive debts created by the central banks can ever be repaid; and it is no secret that the unfunded liabilities or the promises the USA has made to its citizens can ever be paid and it is no secret that almost 100 million Americans are out of work despite the rosy official jobs reports. Both Russia and China are therefore making plans to combine their efforts financially and strategically to counteract what will inevitably be the failure of the US Dollar and the Western economies. They are very much aware that WWIII may be the West’s only solution for a debt write off, and are preparing for that challenge. The USA coup in Ukraine and the formation of a Nazi state has put both Russia and China on notice of the abject duplicity and corruption of the USA’s geopolitical strategy. Nothing could be clearer than the naked overthrow of Ukraine government by the USA to demonstrate to Russia and China that the US cannot be trusted. This has driven China and Russia closer together.
To counteract the fall of the USA, Russia and China –along with other countries– are currently constructing a second World Order governed not by international corporations but by Nation-States who consider not only efficiencies represented by profit but the benefit of their own citizens. A better NWO if you will. It is uncertain if the current NWO of the Western Globalists will survive or in what form, but in any event, China and Russia are preparing the infrastructure without asking the USA or its vassal states.
From Fort Russ by Mikhail Delyagin Translated by Kristina Rus. The familiar world has crumbled. Russia and China must create a new one. About the need to unite the potential of both countries. The article is based on the report at the scientific-practical conference “China and Russia in a changing world” in Beijing, on May 4, 2015.
Below is a fascinating –and I believe important speech– by Putin critic Mr. Bill Browder given on April 20th, 2015 at The Chicago Council on Global Affairs entitled Putin’s Number One Enemy?. It is fascinating, because of the very personal and up close accounts and the unique delivery style of Mr. Browder; and it is important, because it provides some insight and detail on Putin and his relationship to the criminal oligarchs he must manage to stay in power. I think Mr. Browder identifies key elements necessary for Russia to prosper as a nation. Those elements are the rule of law and the ideal of personal property rights. It has been proven back in the Soviet era that a single pig farmer who owned his land was ten times more productive than a large collective of the state. individual protections by law and the right to own land are primary for any society to prosper in my opinion. These issues also point to what is wrong with America today and how America has strayed from its founding documents. The Russian people are striving for a new and better way, yet the oligarchs –as in America– seek to secure monopolies and unfair advantage. A fatal flaw in Mr. Browder’s speech is his unfortunate and mistaken belief that Putin invaded Ukraine, but much of the remaining is well worth your time.
And of course you should know I can’t agree with some of the default positions of the sponsor (The Chicago Council on Global Affairs) regarding Russian aggression against Ukraine which is a myth whipped up by Western globalists and their vassal media organs. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, was founded in 1922 and includes a who’s who of elites from Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, Boeing and token political lightweight elite wannabes like Michelle Obama.
Show notes from The Chicago Council on Global Affairs:
“In 2013 foreign investment in Russia reached a record high of $94 billion and Bloomberg Business called it one of the “50 Best Countries to do Business In.” Just one year later, the Ukraine crisis decimated Russia’s international standing, and the country’s economic fortunes plummeted in tandem with the value of the ruble. As the relationship between Russia and the West continues to deteriorate, economic problems appear of little concern to Vladimir Putin—a fact that former hedge-fund manager Bill Browder attributes to the endemic corruption among top Russian officials. Since 2005, Browder has publicly lambasted Putin for leading a regime he characterizes as brutal and corrupt, comparing it with a widespread criminal enterprise. Can Russia’s aggressive actions be attributed solely to Mr. Putin, or do they instead represent a return to the politics of Russia’s past? And as companies continue to invest in Russia and other emerging markets, what lessons can they take from Browder’s brush with Vladimir Putin’s Russia?”
Putin’s Number One Enemy? The Chicago Council on Global Affairs (Apr 20, 2015):
Headlines like those above are being posted and re-posted on Facebook and elsewhere by many disillusioned Mainstream Media-Types like Mark Levin and Wayne Allen Root since it is considered safe territory because Sey Hersh is a major Mainstream Media guy himself. This is not to say I don’t like or appreciate Levin, Root or Hersh, but like so many making a real living reporting the ‘news’, they dare not walk too far off the beaten path else-wise they be labeled kooks or labeled with the CIA created weaponized term ‘Conspiracy Theorists’. It is safe waters to follow Hersh into the lies of Obama concerning the killing of Osama bin Laden, but no further.
Hersh’s articles above represent just another important data point, but let us not dismiss the existence of other evidence that Osama bin Laden had died prior to the Navy Seal assault on Abbottabad and that there is exactly zero physical evidence he was killed by the US at all. We also should remember that Osama was at one time a CIA asset and was paid $3 billion of your tax dollars to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. Many think Osama continued as a CIA asset even after the Russians withdrew hostilities in Afghanistan. It is also important to realize that other than the geopolitical importance of Afghanistan and of giving the Russians their Vietnam, Opium is key. The opium trade since the US takeover of Afghanistan has grown from 10% to an estimated 80% of the world’s supply; and that it is a documented fact that US military are on the ground in Afghanistan protecting the opium fields and production that once belonged to the Russians. It is also a fact that the CIA has a long history of supplementing its US-funded black budget with illegal drug trafficking. And one last nagging question: If Osama bin Laden was in fact head of Al-Qaeda, and in fact it was Al-Qaeda who attacked the U.S. on 9/11, why would the Navy Seals be ordered to kill the greatest potential source of intelligence on Al-Qaeda and the attacks of 9/11? None of this passes the smell test. It is a documented fact that Al-Qaeda is a creation of the U.S. and the forensics of the 9/11 attack have been hidden and subverted by top levels in the U.S. Government. The 9/11 Commission report is blatantly false and a whitewash. Further, there is great evidence that the House of Saud assisted U.S. Officials in the attacks on 9/11.
And one must wonder why after documenting lie after lie from Obama, Hersh ends this article with the following Obama complement on Iran, while shifting some blame onto conservative Republicans in Congress :
“Obama today is not facing re-election as he was in the spring of 2011. His principled stand on behalf of the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran says much, as does his decision to operate without the support of the conservative Republicans in Congress. High-level lying nevertheless remains the modus operandi of US policy, along with secret prisons, drone attacks, Special Forces night raids, bypassing the chain of command, and cutting out those who might say no.”
Very bizarre to say the least.
Though we know the U.S. Government runs on lies and propaganda, it’s refreshing to see that none of this nonsense fools the intrepid and brilliant Paul Craig Roberts…
Seems that PCR is one of the few who have finally put down the official government Kool-Aid, drank a little coffee and looked over the ‘Walled-Garden’ of politics within which so many voluntary place themselves.
Small progress, but progress none the less.
Other background NFO:
Oops… uh oh… guess Obama lost some eye witnesses to the bin Laden killing.
ABC NEWS (Aug. 6, 2011) : “A helicopter was shot down today by Afghan insurgents as it was rushing to aid troops in a firefight, killing 30 Americans, including 22 Navy SEALs, most of whom belonged to Team 6, the unit whose members were involved in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, U.S. officials said.” 30 Americans Killed Including 22 SEALs When Afghan Insurgents Shoot Down Helicopter
Operation Paperclip was a foundational building block for the CIA:
Operation Paperclip “…(originally Operation Overcast) (1949–1990) was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS now the CIA) program in which over 1,500 German scientists, technicians, and engineers from Nazi Germany and other foreign countries were brought to the United States for employment in the aftermath of World War II.
To circumvent President Truman’s anti-Nazi order and the Allied Potsdam and Yalta agreements, the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) worked independently to create false employment and political biographies for the scientists. The JIOA also expunged from the public record the scientists’ Nazi Party memberships and régime affiliations. Once “bleached” of their Nazism, the scientists were granted security clearances by the U.S. government to work in the United States. Paperclip, the project’s operational name, derived from the paperclips used to attach the scientists’ new political personae to their “US Government Scientist” JIOA personnel files.” — Wikipedia
Having read the Antony Sutton books James Corbett references in his excellent podcast (below), certainly helps provide for a much better historical context; and helps to fill in the gaps in any story this big. As usual, this is a well-researched video/podcast that will provide a deeper understanding of the ruling oligarchies, and also an understanding of the way James vets and conducts his research. Many hours/years put into this short piece. If you are familiar with Antony C. Sutton’s and Carroll Quigley’s work, all of this will make much more sense. In any event, Hope you enjoy and benefit.
James Corbett:“Military tensions, cyber espionage accusations, a brewing currency war; with every passing day, the headlines paint a convincing portrait of an emerging cold war between China and the West. But is this surface level reality the whole picture, or is there a deeper level to this conflict? Is China an opponent to the New World Order global governmental system or a witting collaborator with it? Join us in this in-depth edition of The Corbett Report podcast as we explore China’s position in the New World Order.”
China and the New World Order…
A final thought: So what is the Big Picture? First off, the state does not equal the oligarch. One oligarch will play, maneuver and influence one or more states into a particular configuration to his liking to influence relatively current events. More often one or more oligarchs will combine their efforts for a particular goal. See the specific techniques used by Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner of the Milner group. For the longer-term strategies, they use the outer rings of the kindergarten, along with the media, prestigious Universities rewriting history if necessary by cultivating and seducing those bright minds it discovers and supports financially for doing the right thing. Remember, they are the establishment. All other opinions are suspect. Quigley gives specific, documented examples of how this is constructed and how it is accomplished in the real world. Joe Plummer does an excellent job making some of these techniques up-close, personal and real in his novel ‘Leaving the Illusion’. It is important to remember that despite the position of the state and the people within the state, the oligarchs have much more in common with each other than they do with their respective citizens. The state represents pieces on the chessboard and they are not generally emotionally vested in a state the same way commoners are. Many in Lord Milner’s day did, however, believe that the British culture was superior; today’s oligarchs are less inclusive and represent a ‘break-away’ civilization. Most of these people show all the love and care and remorse of your typical psychopath and LITERALLY see most of their fellow citizens as bugs to be squished beneath their feet. To most of these folks, we are worthless breeders and eaters consuming their resources. –David Brown
Postscript and additional clarification: Let’s see if I can deconstruct my comments above just a bit: My first comment was that the state does not equal the Oligarch. What this means is that to a certain extent, the state and those who support and believe in the state do not necessarily have parallel agendas with the real power centers. For example, within the state, you have true believers of the state’s authority and legitimacy in the general population, in universities, authorities, politicians, bureaucrats and the trained technocrats (who BTW work for the oligarchy without realizing it); and of course, certain elements in the defense apparatus. So this collection of folks in say China or Russia can have disagreements with their analogues in say the USA, etc. But what none of these folks are aware of, is the real power which controls the overall vector (direction and force). These folks can be seen as looking at just part of the elephant without ever seeing the entire beast and thus the beast is not recognized for what it is. This is what Quigley calls rings within rings.
The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture
Additional NFO:
At least 18 of the Immortals’ descendants own or run entities linked to companies registered offshore, including the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands, as well as Liberia and other jurisdictions that offer secrecy, the reporting showed.
While the Immortals vilified the “bourgeois individualism” of capitalist nations, almost half of their heirs lived, studied or worked abroad, some in Australia, England and France. The princelings were among the first to travel and study overseas, giving them an advantage not available to ordinary Chinese.
The U.S., which established diplomatic ties with Communist China in 1979, was the top destination: At least 23 of the Immortals’ descendants and their spouses studied there, including three at Harvard University and four at Stanford University, according to the Bloomberg data. At least 18 worked for U.S. entities, including American International Group Inc. and the law firm White & Case LLP, which hired one of Deng’s grandsons. Twelve owned property in the U.S.
There is no accepted measure for the degree of control the princelings exert on the economy. Academics who study China estimate that wealth and influence is concentrated in the hands of as few as 14 and as many as several hundred families.
“MAO WAS A YALIE – Back in 1903, Yale Divinity School established a number of schools and hospitals throughout China that were collectively known as ‘Yale in China.’ It has since been shown that ‘Yale in China’ was an intelligence network whose purpose was to destroy the republican movement of Sun Yat-sen on behalf of the Anglo-American Establishment. The Anglo-American “Establishment” hated Sun, because he wanted to develop China. On the other hand, they loved the Chinese communists because they intended to keep China backward, and were committed to growing dope. One of ‘Yale in China’s’ most important students was Mao Zedong.
“During World War II, ‘Yale in China’ was a primary instrument used by the U.S. Establishment and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to install the Maoists into power. ‘Yale in China’ was run by OSS operative Reuben Holden, the husband of Bush’s cousin, and also a member of Skull and Bones.
“The Maoists made China into the world’s largest opium producer. “‘Yale in China’ was also closely associated with the New York-based Union Theological Seminary, which has been a center for U.S. subversion of Asia (literal wolves in sheep’s clothing – Branton). Every prominent radical leader operating in Korea today, for example, was trained at Union Theological. Union Theological was dominated for twenty years by Henry Sloane Coffin, a U.S. intelligence executive from the Sloane and Coffin families. He was a Skull and Bones member as were a dozen of his relatives.
“Nor should it be forgotten that Averell Harriman, the former Ambassador to Moscow who did so much to build up the Soviet Union, was a member of Skull and Bones. Harriman was also a business partner of Prescott Bush, Sr., the father of Maoist enthusiast George Bush.”
Note: This Skull and Bones – Communist connection is also confirmed by geopolitical and economicsresearchers such as Dr. Antony Sutton (Sutton’s books may be obtained through THE PATRIOT REVIEW., 33836 SE Kelso Rd. #6., P.O. Box 596., Boring, OR 97099; OR via THE MIDNIGHT MESSENGER., P.O. Box 472., Altadens, CA 91001). Not only did the Skull and Bones (Western Illuminati) help to build up the Communist movement in China, but they gave considerable financial aid to the Soviet Union communists as well. According to Sutton, this power cult has for centuries been playing a “two ends against the middle” type of game, attempting to control America (the thesis) and Russia (the anti-thesis) and other countries or movements, carefully pitting them against each other at the lower levels in order to keep the populations of the world in a state of confusion and despair, to the point that they will – hopefully – resign themselves into accepting the New World Order “synthesis” as the only alternative to solve the very “problems” which THEY, the New World Order initiators, created in the first place! One startling, though documented, claim which Mr. Sutton makes is that the Nazi Movement was largely financed by the Skull and Bones -Illuminati as well. This connection was recently described in a mailer describing Val Valerian’s book MATRIX III (c/o Leading Edge Research., P.O. Box 481-MU58., Yelm, WASH 98597). Part of this mailer states:
“Interspaced with the material comes a host of data, supplementary material, interviews, and revealing information. The ‘Final Scenario’ is discussed relative to the New World Order and the plans for total economic control, a one-world religion, and the electronic mind control objectives, schools of thought, and research. MATRIX III brings out in detail how various families in the United States and Europe are also involved in a scenario which has as its main tenet the suppression and elimination of human beings on many levels – a scenario which includes worldwide traffic of drugs, vast laundering of drug money by national banks of several countries, and assassination and murder. These are the people who arranged and supported all the wars. There is discussion of the Bush family, and how Prescott Bush assisted the finance and management of the Nazi empire – the so-called Hitler project…
The membership list of the Trilateral Commission (Pacific Asian Group), the Rockefeller org similar to the Atlantic Bilderbergers is litered with Chinese names: