Very sad to see the widespread corruption in Kenya in the short film below and to understand what this corruption means to the hopes, dreams and hard work of the good people who live there. Seems like this is a growing epidemic around the world. Mexico seems almost as corrupt as Kenya and of course there is much of the same corruption here in the USA, especially concerning the whistle blowers. Here, like in Kenya, the whistle blowers are also punished. I don’t know how you get rid of corruption once it has taken hold in the government. What do you think the solution is?
Even if you executed those who are corrupt, the question is, who decides who is corrupt? If the ones doing the execution are themselves corrupt, what have you accomplished? Also, once you remove one corrupt regime, in short order the next regime becomes corrupt so the cycle starts all over again. The founders of this country (USA) had it right; creating a republic based on a constitution that attempted to constrain the power of the government, placing the rights of the individual above those of the collective, but over time the evil-doers have corrupted this system too. To make matters worse, the people of America are ignorant and are corrupt themselves; no government can survive if the people have no morals or character. All I know to do –from my perspective– is to continue to educate people and teach them that morals and character are really the only logical way for humanity.
Why do we need to educate our people? Because those who would be our masters here in the USA and in Kenya have taken over education and corrupted our youth. They began the replacement of the Trivium system with the Prussian system some 150 years ago. Trivium teaches critical thought and self reliance using Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric; and that you find authority by discovering the truth. Prussian however teaches that you can only find truth from authority.
Don’t miss this important interview with author Joe Plummer (Podcast and Video, below) conducted by James Corbett of the Corbett Report:
Books by Joe Plummer
Interview 1158 – Joe Plummer Teaches Tragedy and Hope 101
Clocking in at 1300 pages of small print text, Carroll Quigley’s seminal work, Tragedy and Hope, is an intimidating and weighty tome. Today we talk to Joe Plummer of about his guide to Quigley’s massive book. Available as a free e-book or as a paperback or kindle purchase and dubbed Tragedy and Hope 101, Plummer’s guide condenses, summarizes, explains and footnotes the highlights and lowlights of the text so you can understand the nature of the conspiratorial network that Quigley exposed and why this information is so important. – The Corbett Report
Imagine, if you will, a vast collection of people, scurrying about doing their daily chores surrounded by walls. Within these walls lay rolling hills of green grass, tall strong oak trees, and of course fruit, wine and game, all for the taking. You and your fellows live within these walls constructed so long ago, that everyone ignores them and has just about forgotten they even exist; so much so, they have become invisible to the average man. But still, every so often, a hapless chap ventures beyond the walls and becomes raving mad. No one will have anything to do with him or even hire him to do a job because he makes no sense. No one knows for sure, where precisely the walls begin or end but by fear. The story goes that if you were to get close to the wall, fear would surly warn of your impending demise and you would quickly go mad if you did not possess the good sense to immediately turn back toward home.
Over the many years of living within the walls, there were disagreements and ruckuses and tussles, but they all stayed clearly within the confines of this walled garden; and so life was not perfect but tolerable, understandable and well-behaved within the garden.
Yet still it is necessary to remind all through education and broadcasting of the tribal knowledge we have gained from past experience. Highly-trained and trusted experts inform the masses that these walls really do not in fact exist as described; they represent only an illusion, yet warn not to get too close lest ye shall surly lose your mind.
So this is where the majority of Americans find themselves today. Even our brave and brilliant luminaries like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and others give homage to our wall.
So what is this wall constructed of? It is made from mythologies and cherished beliefs based on false assumptions. What are some of these beliefs? I have listed a few below, all of which are demonstrably false, yet still the majority of Americans still believe.
That America is a good and decent country trying to save democracy and freedom
That America’s wars of the 20th century were justified to save democracy and freedom
That America uses its financial and military might to spread democracy and freedom in the world
That JFK was killed by a lone gunman
That the Warren Commission Report was a true and accurate report
That the attacks on 9/11 were planned and carried out by Al Qaeda
That the 9/11 Commission Report was a true and accurate report
That the invasion of Iraq was a mistake
That the invasion of Afghanistan was to fight Al Qaeda
That the invasion of Libya was to save the Libyan people
That the war in Ukraine was caused by Putin
That the war in Syria is to save the Syrian people
That the Federal Reserve is federal and has reserves
All of the above constitute parts or bricks of the wall that surrounds our garden. There are many more such bricks but they all have one thing in common. They are all false. Provably false.
When you read or hear sensational news or any news for that matter, please take the time to check it out if it is important to you. The recent release of the so called ‘Panama Papers’ is just such a case. It originally looked like we would get some good, hard evidence against some of the folks floating illicit money around for their own benefit to avoid taxes and the citizens they were ripping off. However, on closer look, we see very, VERY suspicious patterns emerging:
This huge cache of data was only released to a select few news agencies (it should have been released to everyone);
Only a small fraction of this cache was released;
The names associated were mostly the enemy list of the USA;
The amounts of money are very small based on what I know; generally in the few millions or 10s of millions not the 100s of millions or billions;
They are attempting to smear many on this list that had no direct connection to the monies: For example, on his show today (4/5/16), Rush Limbaugh directly blamed the evil ‘Communist / Dictator’ Putin for getting rich off of hiding stolen money from his citizens, but the evidence I’ve seen points to Putin’s child hood friend, not to Putin, and the amounts are trivial compared to what Putin could and likely would try to hide.
So this is a PSYOP in my humble opinion. Who benefits? Look at the Drudge headlines below and you tell me….
‘Powerful force’ behind Panama Papers…
U.S. govt most to gain…
Obama calls for international tax reform…
FLASHBACK: Top German Journalist Admits Media Completely Fake: ‘We All Lie For CIA’…
Icelandic PM Resigns…
Why Are Americans Not Included in Panama Papers?
Leakers Accused Of Being ‘Soros-Funded, Soft-Power Tax Dodge’…
Jerome Corsi has known Trump for over 40 years and says that Trump is the real deal. Jeff Sessions is one of the few Senators who has read the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) and took a strong stand against it. Those who voted for Obama’s fast track of TPP were paid over $200 million to sell our sovereignty to un-elected international bankers and corporations. Sessions also supports Trump.
Longtime friend, confidant and former Trump adviser, Roger Stone told Alex Jones that Trump was “fully awake”. By this I assume we are to believe that Trump knows about the big game to place the US under the control of a super-constitutional authority a.k.a. the NWO, using some of the following:
Open Borders – overwhelm the social system (Cloward-Piven strategy), reduce wages, dilute the vote and remove the idea of the ‘nation-state’
UN Agenda 21 (now 2030 Agenda) – destroy property rights, control people’s behavior, concentrate people into large cities where they can be controlled and monitored thus saving mother earth
Strong Cities Network (SCN) – Global Police Force here in the US, yes that’s right foreign police forces on US streets to prevent violent extremism
Free Trade Agreements – TPP, TTIP, etc. This will cede US Sovereignty to international Banks and Corporations and their paid, un-elected bureaucrats
NATO’s Operation Gladio – used to destabilize governments, now tuned in on the US to divide and conquer, destabilize using color-style revolutions
9/11 inside Job – excuse for unconstitutional and illegal, undeclared wars; and used to remove individual rights though the Patriot Act and the mindless, incessant mantra of ‘National Security’ for all matters increasing the size and scope of government control and the removal of civil liberties
US support for ISIS – the new bigger, badder and better funded boogie man that we can all fear
Etc., etc., etc.…
So far, all of Trump’s positions line up nicely against the above globalist initiatives (strategies); and of course, his enemy list is impressive: DNC/RNC, CFR, Bilderbergers, Davos groupies, Goldman Sachs all of whom are on the exact opposite side of Trump on all of these NWO initiatives.
Trump’s problem, however, is in dealing with the press and of course the naive public. He must, therefore, speak in broad generalities, simple terms, and be circumspect; since neither the uninformed public nor the gatekeeper-press can tolerate the truth, which would require the destruction of deeply-held assumptions and the years of 360º, 24X7 programming by the media.
Thus, when Trump says we need to eliminate NATO because its usefulness and original purpose has long expired or when he says we need to eliminate NATO because we are paying too much, the press and the public jump on this and question his uninformed position by crying “Who will fight ISIS?”, etc. not realizing of course that it was the US and NATO that have long been using ISIS, Al-Qaeda (The Base) and other ‘crazy Islamists’ as their own personal proxy army to accomplish their clandestine geopolitical goals; which BTW are NOT in the interest of US or EU Citizens.
Trump must do the same dance for all the other topics listed above, or any anti-globalist positions for that matter, which may require a sense of history or context to understand. Trump must not say too much, else wise he be labeled the CIA-Weaponized term: ‘A Conspiracy Theorist!’ by those who still believe in the establishment’s synthetic reality.
NOTE: Stone served as an adviser to the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump. He left the campaign on August 8, 2015.
Why Obama and Hillary must stop Donald Trump at all costs: (This video has been removed, sorry.)
No matter who you are supporting –if anyone– for president, it is abundantly clear to anyone with an IQ above that of a stalk of broccoli, both the RNC and the DNC are unabashedly voiding the votes of their party members so that they can steal their respective nominations. This is not a theory, but an in your face conspiracy better known under RICO as Organized Crime and Racketeering. The media may want you to believe that this is acceptable behavior or that a few old boys are misbehaving but this is clearly a crime of deception and misrepresentation. It is a fraud. This is your bellwether notice that this country no longer belongs to the US Citizens but to someone else. This is also your notice that the US Constitution is not worth the paper it is written on until we as a nation rise up and hold these criminals accountable. Wake up and smell the coffee.
WALL: Am I for a wall on our Southern Border? Not necessarily. I would be happy if our Border Patrol Agents were permitted to do their jobs; and I think it is important for any nation that intends on remaining a nation, to know who exactly is entering their country. Even if a wall is never built, Trump’s wall represents a symbol, a chess piece in the grand globalist game; it says that the days of the globalist are ending; it says no more open borders; it is a gutsy, in-your-face challenge to the establishment power structure that says no more, this charade of yours must end. The globalists are freaking.
TRADE: Am I for Free Trade? Hell, yeah! I am for free trade that is fair trade. Am I for trade agreements like TPP that cedes our sovereignty to an unelected bunch of bureaucrats who report only to cabals of international banks and corporations? Nope.
DEFENSE: Am I for a strong defense? Yep. Defense is the operative word; not offense. I am not for going all around the globe kicking everyone’s ass I see. I am not for foreign entanglements all across the globe which serve only to enrich a select group of military contractors and their bought and paid for pals in congress.
NATO: Has outlived its original purpose and has become a tool of the CFR, the RIIA and their geopolitical agenda.
PUTIN: Am I for working with Putin and Russia? Yes! Putin has proven he is the only adult in this crazy game of chicken our Pentagon planners are playing. There is mutual respect between these two.
VETS: Am I for taking very good care of our Vets? You bet’cha! That’s part of the price of waging all these pointless, illegal and unconstitutional undeclared wars. We need to own this.
FED: Am I for auditing the Fed? Duh.
ACTING PRESIDENTIAL (a.k.a. being PC): Since we are all so tired of professional politicians lying to us with their nice sounding words, it would be nice to have someone who was not afraid to say what was on his mind, even if it ruffled a few feathers.
FINANCIAL ACUMEN: Since we have fifteen hundred trillion in derivatives floating around the globe, it would be nice to have a president who actually knew what a derivative was. Since we have $19 trillion in debt and $101 trillion in unfunded liabilities, it would be nice to have a president who has actually read and understands balance sheets and income statements.
HATE: Trump’s list of haters are the same people who are trying to destroy this country and control the world: The Globalists, George Soros, the DNC/RNC duopoly, the Bilderbergers and the Davos crowd.
CAUTION:Will any of the Presidential Candidates be able to deliver on all or most of their promises? No. Why not? Because we have an entrenched structure of special interests and bureaucrats who control the mechanisms of government. Until you change this, there will be no fundamental change. The private CFR for example controls the US foreign policy and dictates our geopolitics. The private Federal Reserve for example can do whatever it wants irrespective of the President or the Congress. The secretive CIA and NSA keeps everyone in line using blackmail or worse.
P.S. Just Trump mentioning the ‘Wall’, sends shivers of fear and loathing down the spines of the Globalists since that would derail a major part of their plans; likewise, Trump’s comments on the so called trade agreements would set them back decades. I like that a lot; but what I’m curious about is the possibility of a real investigation that would expose their role in 9/11. Trump is a builder, a NYC builder and knows full-well that three buildings could not have been brought down by two planes; free-fall no less. Trump knows that this was a controlled demolition that had to be pre-planned months in advance. I bet the Globalists are wetting their pants over this. On the other hand, this might be a grand opportunity for Trump to make the deal of his life or for his life. Sit back and enjoy the full-on offensive as the Globalists and their hired hands uncloak and try to wreck Trump’s assault on their one world government Utopia.
The Western Media act as the gatekeepers of information using two primary methods: Omission: They partially or completely ignore important information without which their consumers cannot make informed judgements. They are in effect the editor of the story they are selling. Propaganda: They use the many tools in the propagandists’ quiver such as the 42 primary logical fallacies, promotion of truth by authority not authority by truth, disinformation based on false assumptions and promulgate information that is fundamentally false and of course Hollywood. At the end of the day, you have a general population who believes the officially promulgated narrative which serves not the consumer’s interest but the interest of others.
So it is not surprising most Americans think Putin invaded Ukraine for example, not realizing it was their own State Department and CIA that orchestrated the violent takeover of a democratically elected government resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children. This is all well-documented, but cannot be found in the major media organs in the West. The techniques of this takeover in Ukraine are also well documented: Gladio B, Color Revolutions, NGOs, etc.
These same techniques were used by the US/NATO using Gladio A, the Arab Spring, etc… setting the entire MENA region on fire; resulting in the deaths of millions, and the total destruction of many nations in this area. Still most Americans blame this on the local people and on IS/ISIS/ISIL, etc. as their media have taught them to do. It is also a well-documented fact, that the US/NATO, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and Qatar have armed, trained and funded IS/ISIS/ISIL for use as their covert proxy army to give them plausible deniability. They pretend to fight ISIS, while at the same time supporting ISIS.
The media have kept this important information from most of their consumers, but they have not been successful hiding the US/NATO actions from the likes of Russia and China and others. All have watched in horror as the leader of the so called ‘Free World’ has uncloaked in front of them, revealing a chilling unchecked duplicity and villainy with no respect for human life, national borders, international law or even the laws of their own countries. The result is that while Russia and China once believed that they could engage in arms-length transactions, build trust and a workable relationship over time; all this has now been shattered by the actions of the US and its vassal states in tow. A great opportunity has been lost.
Now that Russia and China have witnessed the repeated lawlessness of the US, they no longer dream of a partner that they can learn to work with, rather they are now preparing to protect themselves from this rabid, rogue nation; and, perhaps how to confront and put it down.
Many of my astute friends make fun of anyone who is stupid enough to even vote.
Why Vote?
I think their reasoning goes something like this:
Why vote when your vote doesn’t count
Voter fraud
Public manipulation
Pre-selected candidates by the party structure: you have no real choice
They select and then you choose from their rigged selection
Manipulation of the nomination process
Manipulation by the press
Why vote when by voting you are giving credibility to a corrupt system.
Voting is like voting on whose house to burn down.
These are all good reasons not to vote, and so they conclude those who vote are just being bamboozled by the entrenched system, ergo they are stupid.
It’s really hard to argue against their analysis based on history. While the DNC and RNC differ around the edges on divisive issues used to engender support, they are substantially the same on many important issues: More spending, more government, more corruption, more wars, etc. At the same time candidate’s promises are broken on a systemic and regular basis. One side will blame the other for this or that, but if you do a detailed analysis, you will find that both sides are colluding behind closed doors to offer each other cover. Texas Senator John Cornyn is a good example. He put on his boots and cowboy hat and campaigned telling Texas that he was against ObamaCare and would make sure it was repealed. Later we find out through a sneaky cloture vote he in effect voted to fully fund ObamaCare. This cloture vote gave him the cover he needed to maintain to the public that he was against ObamaCare, yet the effect of his vote was to fully fund Obamacare. This sort of thing goes on all the time on both sides and is prearranged out of site of the voters and they know no difference. The Republicans said that they needed the congress to stop Obama. We gave them the congress in 2010 to stop Obama’s unconstitutional usurpation of our rights and our constitution; only to watch them give in to Obama’s slightest whim or desire. Rubio, once the Tea Party darling turned on them once in office and did the exact opposite of what he promised on immigration. Rubio is not the only one.
So each election year is like a grand football game or the super bowl where we get to root for our team Red or Blue. We ignore faults of our team and accentuate the faults of the opposing team; and to make this dance really sad, most of these inflammatory faults are completely irrelevant; provided, du jour, by our master-manipulators in the media and political think tanks. Surly they laugh at us!
American Politics basically boils down to whose lies you like better…do you like the Democrat lies…or, do you like the Republican lies? Once you take sides, you turn your brain off and start yelling at each other until one side gets tired. After a short rest the cycle starts all over. Meanwhile, whilst you are busy passing your time with this popular American sport, your masters in D.C. are taking everything you own. This is the game.
And then along comes Trump. Is he another Marco Rubio or a Mitt Romney or is he different? We shall see.
Neil Bush (Globalist), Jeb’s brother, joined Ted Cruz’s finance team on March 8th.
Jeb Bush (Globalist) endorses Ted Cruz for Republican nomination March 22nd.
Cruz’s wife Heidi was a member of the Globalist CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and helped the CFR craft the document espousing the Globalist North American unity. However, in a campaign event in Tyler, Texas, in 2011, Cruz called CFR “a pernicious nest of snakes” that is “working to undermine our sovereignty.” This BTW is a very true statement that applies to all Globalists including the Bush family and Goldman Sachs.
In the 2007 bestselling book “The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada,” Robert Pastor (CFR), who served as co-chairman of the committee which Hedi served, was called “the father of the North American Union” for the influence the CFR report had on the summit meeting between the heads of state of the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
Heidi served in the Bush White House, under Condoleezza Rice, as economic director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council. She had previously served as the director of the Latin America office at the U.S. Treasury Department and as an assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick (Globalist), U.S. trade representative; an American banker who was the eleventh president of the World Bank.
Ted Cruz first supported Fast Track which would allow Obama (Globalist) to bypass the constitutional treaty approval requirement of 2/3rd senate vote. He even wrote an op-ed supporting this: “We strongly urge our colleagues in Congress to vote for trade-promotion authority” Cruz stated, along with co-author Rep. Paul Ryan (Globalist), R-Wis., in a Wall Street Journal (Globalist) op-ed on April 21.
This Trade Promotion Authority, also called fast-track would allow this treaty now called an agreement to be negotiated in secret by Obama, dumped on the Senate floor with no time to read, debate or change, and passed with a simple up or down vote of only 51% to pass not the 2/3rds required by the US Constitution. This TPP treaty BTW would end US Sovereignty and place this country and our constitution under the control of international corporations (Globalism). Next, Cruz does a 180 on this decision… “Cruz’s criticism of fast-track comes as a surprise, considering his public praise of the bill only two months prior.”
Where was Ted Cruz on the Audit the Fed vote? Answer: Missing in Action, no where to be found. However, Ted had no such problem when it came to reauthorizing the 100% Unconstitutional Patriot Act.
Cruz also had large, unreported loans with Goldman Sachs (Globalist), one of the major promoters of globalism. His wife is an executive at Goldman Sachs.
Globalism 101 explained … This is the same scheme being cooked up with all these so called ‘Free Trade’ agreements: Labour Minister Tony Benn (shortly before his death) emotionally explains why he fought against the European Union all his life and why we should too.