Category Archives: Globalism

Hitler as the fool

by DAVID BROWN | | February 9th, 2021

Despite repeated deceptions, lies, extortions and murders of his fellow countrymen; Hitler continued to  negotiate in good faith, trying to understand his opponent’s logic.  Their only logic was total destruction of Germany.   Unfortunately for the German people, Kaiser Wilhelm had already sprung the trap set in 1914 — well before Hitler’s pointless and naïve attempts to negotiate with the Anglo-American Establishment.

Chapter 3 documents Hitler’s futile attempts.  Listen and learn.

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday February 7th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | February 7th, 2021

Below you will find a select few items that caught my attention this week.  Hope you can benefit and enjoy.  On some of the longer podcasts and lectures, I download to my computer and then upload to my phone to listen while on the treadmill or when I have some down-time.

Where is the footprint? Bubonic plague killed about 25% to 60% of the European population. What percentage has SARS-CoV-2 killed? In the US, the overall death rate remains substantially  the same over the past several years despite COVID-19.

A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19 from Johns Hopkins was promptly erased from the internet, only to be found on archive dot org… (what are they hiding?)

The Final Chapter: Part 3 – HEROES: A Tribute to Dr Scott Jensen

Information is important

The false narratives of WW1 & WW2: Like the false narratives about November 3rd and  January 6th the MSM promotes today, the victors of the great wars accuse the victims of being villains and sell this to the gullible masses for generations.  However, we live in amazing times.  For the first time in history, it is possible for the average Joe –like me– to discover the real criminals who caused and benefitted from the death of some 70M naïve participants in these pre-planned and orchestrated world wars.  Spent some time this week gathering more information on WW1 and WW2.  Of course these conflicts do not resemble anything I was taught in public school, the university or TV and the movie theaters.  Important to pull this story together by watching James Perloff’s lecture first, followed by reading: Antony C. Sutton’s trilogy: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution; Wall Street and FDR; Wall Street and the rise of Hitler.  Next read Quigley’s ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’, then Mein Kampf, Guido Preparata on Conjuring HitlerAlso, HITLER’S REVOLUTION – IDEOLOGY, SOCIAL PROGRAMS, FOREIGN AFFAIRS – CHAPTERS 1, 2 & 3 IDEOLOGY BY RICHARD TED.   Having done all this, you will be well prepared to start learning.   Don’t forget James Corbett’s excellent documentary on WW1 below.  So glad to see James and others finally dipping their toes into some Quigley’s ‘Anglo-American Establishment’. This really improved and focused this most excellent documentary.  You can tell they’ve read Quigley when they mention guys like Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner.  Next up from James will be WW2 no doubt and should be a blockbuster.

Of course who will take the time to read all of this?  Most would prefer the easier path provided by the masters of propaganda and besides that, “Americans don’t read.” It is far easier to let the media and the paid experts do your thinking for you.


Helena Blavatsky and WW2 mentioned by Joe in this episode…
Powers & Principalities: Episode 189 by Tim Kelly & Joe Atwill
Our Interesting Times Clown World Politics and Blue Terror – Feb 6th

The WW1 Conspiracy (Full Documentary | 2018)

The WWI Conspiracy

Interview 1616 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Guido Preparata on Conjuring Hitler

Our Interesting Times  EPISODE DESCRIPTION: Guido Giacomo Preparata joins Our Interesting Times to discuss his book Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America made the Third Reich. We talk about how Great Britain fomented two world wars to prevent an alliance forming between Germany and Russia and how the rise of National Socialism in Germany was not an aberration or accident of history but the result of Anglo-American financial support and intrigue. Guido Giacomo Preparata has been an Associate Professor of Political Economy at the University of Washington. He completed his PhD in Political Economy and Economic History at the University of Southern California in 1998. He is the author several books including The Ideology of Tyranny and New Directions for Catholic Social and Political Research. His website is


Next a short history lesson from James Perloff…
JAMES PERLOFF THE SHADOWS OF POWER – THE CFR, FEDERAL RESERVE, AND THE AMERICAN DECLINE: Great PowerPoint Lecture from James Perloff – brief historical primer on major US conflicts

Not a big fan of Infowars since I consider Alex a limited hangout designed to stir the pot.  In any event, author and self-help guru Tony Robbins is calling out the manipulation of death statistics propping up the Covid-19 scamdemic.

This looks to be a good resource:  Truth Stream Media . com

“Love Your Servitude – Aldous Huxley & George Orwell”

Mark Kulacz says goodbye to Twitter: Ep 73.1: Goodbye Twitter! Not Misinfo: Dr Bavari (USAMRIID) and 9/11 Anthrax, Ebola, COVID19 Pandemic (note: Mark has done the best research I’ve seen on Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Bill Barr and others)

Huxley the Berkeley lectures:

Interesting diversion into Rudolf Steiner …
The Karma of Untruthfulness
Secret Societies, the Media, and Preparations for the Great War
Author: Rudolf Steiner
Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press
Category: Body, Mind & Spirit

Rudolf Steiner Audio web site:

And finally some Totto-Chan (this book brought Steiner’s thinking to China)

Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window

Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window


Totto-chan – Little Girl at the Window – English Part 1


Totto-chan – English Part 2


You can contact me at or join me on MeWe @

What Just Happened?

by DAVID BROWN | | January 23, 2021

Now that the old establishment power structure has installed their president, we can make a few observations.  First, the unexpected election of Trump in 2016 –or anyone like Trump– will never be allowed again.  The elections in 2020 were massively rigged and none of our government institutions lifted a finger to investigate or attempt to correct this obvious fraud on the American people.  Big-tech and the media were there to silence opposition and ready to make this fraud seem plausible if not inevitable and even righteous to any foolish enough to consume their propaganda.

Trump populism gave the establishment such a scare; they are wasting no time rolling out the constitutional-shredding Patriot Act II under the guise of domestic terrorism, targeting anything or anyone resembling the MAGA movement.  This new legislation and domestic terrorism unit at the National Security Council will be designed to crush Trump supporters wherever they may find them.

Our new thoroughly rattled tyrants will use the full power of the corrupt FBI and DOJ to prosecute their war against their political opposition.   All this will be done while conforming to a patchwork of agendas including UN Agenda 21/2030, Build Back Better, Carbon Taxes, The Great Reset, the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the destruction of culture, tradition and the notion of the nation-state. We will be one big happy global family and we will like it.  The agendas comprise strategies, while a scientific dictatorship pedigreed in technocracy will provide the operational tactics to accomplish a total global control grid designed to shear, fleece, skin or render the vast unwashed masses.

Not trying to be Debbie Downer here but we must come to terms with the reality of what happened with the 2020 elections if we have any chance of fighting this resurgent beast who now feels empowered to totally dominate the America people.

First, we need to stop feeding the beast with our clicks, eyeballs and money.  This means cutting off the major players who have fully uncloaked themselves recently.  I love the ease and efficiency of Amazon, but I no longer purchase anything from them.  I still shop on their great website, but I find what I want and go elsewhere with my shekels.  Likewise, I deleted my Twitter account and have stopped using Facebook for anything other than a redirect platform to redirect the reader or follower to better platforms and information.   I prefer BitChute and others to YouTube, only using YouTube when there are no other choices.  And so it goes… starving the beast of money, eyeballs and clicks works 100%, 100% of the time.   Your money and your attention matter, so stop feeding the beast whose intent is to devour you.

Some suggestions to try:

  • Brave Browser over Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, IE, etc.
  • MeWe and/or VK, Gab over Facebook
  • Telegram over Twitter
  • over Drudge
  • DuckDuckGo, Yandex, Swisscows over Google search

If you like to listen to podcasts or YouTube, take the time to look at other alternatives like Podomatic, Spreaker, etc.

What are the positives?

The Established Power Structure (DS, Globalists, etc.) have pissed off at least 74M Trump voters and likely many more. Everyone knows the election was a fraud.  Everyone now has the opportunity to observe this tyrannical hydra and all its heads fully uncloaked.  Prior to Trump and the 2020 election, too many were in denial about the power, the coordination, malevolence and the villainy of these people and organizations who conspired to steal the 2020 election; and then, promulgate the preposterous notion Biden won more votes than any man in American history.  No one believes this, and no one believes Biden is legitimate.    This, then, is a problem for the DS– a big problem.  And this is why they are in such a rush to crush any dissenting points of view even if it requires force.

The opportunity for us is clear.  We must not accept their lies and we must promote evidence-based truth to all who can listen.   We must also band together to increase our voice and our strength.


Find me on MeWe:

Additional Reading & Useful Links.. 

Great news sources


First Trump Administration – an assessment

by DAVID BROWN | | December 31, 2020

There is plenty I don’t like about the Trump presidency, but when compared with Obama, Hillary, Biden, and many others, Trump looks pretty darned good to me.

If you take Trump’s campaign speech dated October 13th 2016, he hits the nail pretty squarely on the head.   When you compare this speech with JFK’s speech on April 27th 1961, about “Secret Societies.”, you have a pretty good high-level understanding of some of the problems we face as a people and as a country.  However, after four years of the Trump administration, the corruption and infiltration is wider and deeper than most of us realized.

Trump’s trust in Israel is misplaced: I would fault Trump’s naiveté concerning Israel.  Despite common wisdom to the contrary, Israel is not our friend and I don’t think Trump really gets this.  You can get banned and attacked for even mentioning this, so I will leave this here.  If you want, you can read more about this on my web site @ or take a look at the USS Liberty, Jonathan Pollard, etc. for starters.  You can find real information if you look but the ADL and others have been effective in keeping any and all such material hidden from the public.   It is also illegal in 17 countries to even question historical claims about this tribe.

Trump was / is apparently unaware of just how deep the corruption goes in our legions of three letter agencies (17 in the IC alone) including the most notorious: FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, IRS, etc.  Other areas of misplaced trust were in the CDC, FDA, SES, and W.H.O.

Despite this misplaced trust, the Trump administration by hook or crook has forced this collection of criminals, liars, thieves and traitors to uncloak for all to see.  This then is huge, since our fundamental problem has always been our profound ignorance and naiveté concerning the malevolent US Federal Government and our lying media.

The media and big tech have clearly shown themselves to be untrustworthy and in cahoots with the globalists — they have been outed as liars and traitors to their country of origin.

In my opinion, Trump should have cleaned house the first 30 to 90 days of his administration.  Additionally, he should not have hired Bolton, Barr, Durham among many other very poor choices.

The depths of Trump’s naiveté can be seen in his almost blind trust in big pharma’s vaccines.  His promotion of the ventilators likely killed unknown 1,000s of people.   The untested experimental vaccines are risky and unneeded when we already have safe and effective treatments documented by our Front Line Doctors and others.   The media, big pharma and our captured regulatory agencies are guilty of serious crimes by keeping these life-saving treatments hidden from the public.

For some, all Trump’s negatives, can be explained away by the notion Trump is playing 3D or 4D chess, but can we trust all these apparent mistakes were on purpose?  I say no.

Trump’s biggest accomplishments so far:

I’m hoping on January 6th we will have four more years of Donald J. Trump.


Confessions of a Normie

by DAVID BROWN | | October 28, 2020

I use to be a normie.

But I’ve learned truth is rare, necessary for survival and hard to come by,  so now I’m a collector of data points.  I collect data points until a picture emerges which may point my way to truth.

I am of the age of the US-Vietnam conflict era.  Too young to be drafted, but I did get a draft card near the end of the war.   I remember being in high school and watching “the most trusted man in America” tell us “…And that’s the way it is,” at the end of each broadcast.  The  name of this trusted figure was Walter Cronkite.  I later learned this man couldn’t be trusted at all. In fact Walter had a big secret to hide.   See video.   I remember the nightly body bag count and seeing black body bags and flag-draped metal coffins full of dead boys about my age being loaded into the back of large military planes for shipment back to the USA. Neither I nor any of my friends in high school knew why we were way over there fighting this bloody, unwinnable war in a land far, far away.  We were told we were fighting against the Godless communists who desired  to enslave us all, but something just didn’t seem to make sense to our young minds.

Image by Monica Volpin from Pixabay

I remember the Vietnam memorial –the wall of names– and I remember mothers going to that wall to see their son’s name and to make a trace of their memory.

I was nine when someone shot the president  in the head in broad daylight.  I still remember the horrible feelings I had that day.  I remember the Warren Report and thinking something is just not right, but I accepted the official story and moved on with my life.

I remember the attacks on 9/11 and I remember the official story as told by the news media and by the 9/11 Commission thinking something is just not right about this story; so this time, I paused and started to observe and study.  Yes, I did move on with my life, but I had enough data points to start asking questions about what I believed to be true.  And I did.  The answers were unexpected.

I read a lot of books, written mostly by very careful historians who do not make their statements lightly, or  without the documentation to back them up. Some like Antony C. Sutton paid a price for their honesty.  Among my favorite are:

Reading List: 

What I learned

We were lied into the following wars by our government and by our media…

  • The Spanish American war
  • World War I
  • World War II
  • The Korean War
  • The Vietnam War
  • The Invasion of Iraq
  • The Invasion of Afghanistan
  • The attack and intervention in Libya
  • The intervention and civil war in Syria
  • The civil war in Ukraine

James Perloff does an excellent job summarizing many of these lies in his PowerPoint and lecture.

So today in the year 2020 as I sit here writing these words, I am no longer a normie.  I don’t believe anything our government or our established media tell us.  What they say is just another data point to consider; to collect and to compare with other data points — and observable facts, when available.   What I do know, is that these lies cannot be a mistake and are therefore used to control and enslave us — to herd us like livestock to be skinned and rendered– so long as we believe the lies.  The cure is simple.  Stop believing their lies and do it now.   If you don’t want to be treated like livestock, stop acting like livestock.

The solution above was exposed some 500 years ago in an excellent book called ‘The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude’ by Etienne de la Boetie

Additional related topics:


9/11 Was a Revenue Enhancement Project

by DAVID BROWN | | September 20, 2020

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, US Military spending declined rapidly – see chart below.  The Neocons and the US Military Industrial Complex needed a new bad guy to scare US taxpayers. A group of Neocons (William Kristol and Robert Kagan) formed the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) in 1997 to come up with a solution.  PNAC proclaimed “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”   At the time, few realized that the new Pearl Harbor would go-live September 11, 2001.

Defense Spending

BTW, Robert Kagan is married to the lady (Victoria Nuland) who ran the violent regime change in Ukraine for the Obama State Department.


Related topics: 

More from ClearNFO on Ukraine:

Fox News Smacks-Down Newt for Daring to Mention Soros

by DAVID BROWN | | September 20, 2020

Former CIA Analyst / Spokesperson Marie Elizabeth Harf – Don’t worry George, Marie’s got your back on this one!

In an amazing –and likely unintended– reveal, former CIA analyst and spokesperson Marie Elizabeth Harf, demanded Newt Gingrich stop talking about Soros in mid-sentence causing a long, cringe-worthy pause.    Of course Newt was speaking about Soros financing the DAs who refuse to prosecute the violent BLM and Antifa rioters.   Listen for yourself: 

Newt Gingrich gets cut off on Fox by saying “Soros”. Newt Gingrich Gets Booted Off of Fox News Set…

Newt wrote more about the Fox News attempted censorship here…  Newt’s Article on the censorship of mentioning Soros:

Faulkner’s next-day, teleprompter-read, explanation was not helpful…

It is common knowledge and open source that Soros’ has been financing local District Attorneys in the USA for years.  This recent dust-up on Fox News happened Wednesday September 16th 2020.  For anyone doubting the CIAs’ Operation Mockingbird or the Smith–Mundt Modernization Act, these doubters received a front-row demonstration of the watchful eye of the DS and the CIA over what you are allowed to see / hear from the MSM.

H.R. 5736 Smith–Mundt Modernization Act of 2012:  The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (SMMA) was buried in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act for good reason – because it repealed the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act. The Smith-Mundt Act is also known as the U.S. Information and Education Act, which authorized the State Department to engage in propagandizing foreign countries as a form of public diplomacy.

Former CIA as an analyst and spokesperson Marie Elizabeth Harf called a halt to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich when he mentioned George Soros’ role in supporting Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA terror

Marie Elizabeth Harf (CIA) acting as George Soros’ personal body guard on Fox News.  @marieharf  #UnitedForUkraine

Headlines with a Voice – Get Out Now!

Daily Press Briefing: December 5, 2013

Marie Harf and Joshua Lucas announcement in the NYT of all places April 15, 2012

OUCH! AP reporter asks Harf if she wants Americans trapped in Yemen to ‘swim’ home  April 10, 2015 | Michael Dorstewitz

Fox News Panel Melts Down After Gingrich Exposes George Soros

Fox News Panel Melts Down After Gingrich Exposes George Soros

Complete List Of U.S. Organizations Funded By George Soros
By Editorial Staff -September 18, 2020


Pence is a Globalist and Cannot be Trusted

by DAVID BROWN | | September 20, 2020

Leaders from 10 of the 12 prospective member states at a TPP summit in 2010. A summit with leaders of the (then) negotiating states of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP). Pictured, from left, are Naoto Kan (Japan), Nguyễn Minh Triết (Vietnam), Julia Gillard (Australia), Sebastián Piñera (Chile), Lee Hsien Loong (Singapore), Barack Obama (United States), John Key (New Zealand), Hassanal Bolkiah (Brunei), Alan García (Peru), and Muhyiddin Yassin (Malaysia). Six of these leaders represent countries that are currently negotiating to join the group.

Mike Pence is a true globalist, though many uninformed have debated me on this.  Pence being labeled as a conservative Christian is enough for them.   What they do not realize is that I was doing some homework on Pence prior to his selection as VP.  What I discovered was very disturbing.  I read Pence’s web site while he was Governor of Indiana (2013–2017).  On his web site was a glowing, detailed endorsement of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) which was my major concern with Cruz.  This was removed from the Website immediately after Pence was picked for VP.  Unknown to many who have their head permanently stuck inside the propaganda cannon we call TV, the TPP would have ceded US sovereignty to an unelected board of bureaucrats reporting to international banking and business interest subjugating the US Constitution under this globalist framework. The TPP would have controlled the movement of goods services and people and relegated the US Constitution to an historical foot note.  Even the passage of the fast track authorization for TPP in the Senate was done underhandedly.  Since the TPP is a treaty and not an agreement it is required to have a 2/3rds vote (66) in the senate—which they did not have– but the Republican-controlled senate changed this constitutional requirement to a simple majority vote of 51 calling this treaty an agreement.  Additionally, the agreement was held behind locked doors in the basement where none of the Senators could read this 5,544 page treaty prior to passage without special provisions.  You could not have a cell phone, take pictures or notes or have an aid accompany you.

NPR: “For any senator who wants to study the draft TPP language, it has been made available in the basement of the Capitol, inside a secure, soundproof room. There, lawmakers surrender their cellphones and other mobile devices. Any notes taken inside the room must be left in the room.

Only aides with high-level security clearances can accompany lawmakers. Members of Congress can’t ask outside industry experts or lawyers to analyze the language. They can’t talk to the public about what they read. And Brown says there’s no computer inside the secret room to look something up when there’s confusion. You just consult the USTR official.”

So for Pence to support TPP, either he is a moron, uninformed or he is a globalist.  Pence is no moron.

U.S. Cedes Sovereignty To New Authority