Category Archives: Globalism

Vladimir Putin: Our Struggle for Sovereignty March 16th, 2022

Putin’s Speech on March 16th, 2022

Meeting on socioeconomic support for regions. The President held a meeting, via videoconference, on socioeconomic support for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Putin’s Must Read Speech Prior to the Meeting on Measures of Social and Economic Support for the Regions

Meeting on socioeconomic support for regions The President held a meeting, via videoconference, on socioeconomic support for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Contact: ClearNFO on MeWeGabVK, BitChute; or via email at

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday March 20th, 2022)

by DAVID BROWN | | March 20, 2022


ASB Military News on Gab: $400 million worth of Western supplied weaponry destroyed in a single russian strike on the military base near Lvov — radio intercepted comms suggest that 267 foreign mercenaries have been killed in the strike. 50 year old Peter from Austria who fought alongside the “international legion of Ukraine” said that 800 to 1000 foreign mercenaries were present during the strike. Around 400 mercenaries were evacuated to Poland, many of whom have suffered severe burns & torn limbs from the Kalibr strike. There’s a high number of missing individuals still under the rubble which includes a high number of Americans, Poles and Romanians. Former NATO officers are Amongst the dead.

Contact: ClearNFO on MeWeGabVK, BitChute; or via email at

Why we need a new war

by DAVID BROWN | | March 09, 2022

Biden increases sanctions on Russia

The global debt burden represents  an international debt crisis which must be confronted; thus, some sort of global economic reset will be required. The big question is: what will the world look like after this reset?  Many powerful groups are attempting to shape this new economic world order.  These groups are the same groups who have benefitted from bankrupting the current economic system while gaining unmerited wealth and political influence. Obviously there will be some serious haircuts taken, but their goal is to maintain or improve their current position after the great reset becomes reality.  This great reset represents a rare opportunity for these groups in privileged positions to reshape global governance and cement their position as rulers of the masses using a scientific dictatorship controlled and operated by them.

Not their first rodeo — Some historical context from the Reece Committee investigation into tax-exempt foundations in 1953:

We are now at the year nineteen hundred and eight, which was the year that the Carnegie Foundation began operations. And, in that year, the trustees meeting, for the first time, raised a specific question, which they discussed throughout the balance of the year, in a very learned fashion. And the question is this: Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people? And they conclude that, no more effective means to that end is known to humanity, than war. So then, in 1909, they raise the second question, and discuss it, namely, how do we involve the United States in a war?

Well, I doubt, at that time, if there was any subject more removed from the thinking of most of the People of this country, than its involvement in a war. There were intermittent shows in the Balkans, but I doubt very much if many people even knew where the Balkans were. And finally, they answer that question as follows: we must control the State Department.

And then, that very naturally raises the question of how do we do that? They answer it by saying, we must take over and control the diplomatic machinery of this country and, finally, they resolve to aim at that as an objective. Then, time passes, and we are eventually in a war, which would be World War I.  At that time, they record on their minutes a shocking report in which they dispatch to President Wilson a telegram cautioning him to see that the war does not end too quickly. And finally, of course, the war is over.

At that time, their interest shifts over to preventing what they call a reversion of life in the United States to what it was prior to 1914, when World War I broke out. At that point, they come to the conclusion that, to prevent a reversion, we must control education in the United States.

Norman Dodd, chief investigator in 1953 for U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations (commonly referred to as the Reece Committee).

Rahm Emanuel:You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

Abp. Viganò: Globalists have fomented war in Ukraine to establish the tyranny of the New World Order


from ClearNFO: Tax-Free Foundations and The Reece Committee

Contact: ClearNFO on MeWeGabVKTelegramBitChute; or via email at

On the Matter or Ukraine

by DAVID BROWN | | March 06, 2022

The media are uninformed and lack any real context

What is the context? The US installed their own puppet government in Ukraine in 2014. Since that time, Ukraine has been shelling and murdering its own citizens in the Donbas for eight years which are mostly ethnic Russians. For five days before the Russian incursion this year, Zelensky and the Azov Battalion were shelling the Donbas non-stop and murdering civilians in the Donbas. This is why the break-away countries —Donetsk and Luhansk— are asking for Putin’s help.

There is no evidence of “Russian shelling of a nuclear power plant” There was a training facility building that was hit but we do not know who hit it. Also this nuclear facility is designed to take a direct missile attack. It is bad journalism to assume this was a Russian attack when there was no evidence. If Russia intended on attacking this facility, it would have been leveled to the ground.  BTW, There is plenty of evidence that Ukrainian forces –not Russian– hit the building near the nuclear facility. As to motive: there would be no upside for Russia to have a major release of  radioactive contamination, while there is plenty of motive for  Zelensky and his handlers in the West to use this for propaganda purposes against the Russian incursion — which of course they did with no evidence.

More context…

Putin did not invade Crimea. There was no invasion. Crimea voted 97% to re-associate with Russia to gain protection from the neo-Nazis backed by the US and NATO after the US State Department removed the legitimately elected government in Ukraine in a bloody putsch using their tried and true Operation Gladio techniques called the strategy of tension in 2014. George Soros is even on tape bragging about helping the CIA do this. We have copies of documents where Pierre Omidyar helped in this operation. Pierre is another multi billionaire globalist and founder of eBay and First Look Media. Pierre also bought PayPal in 2002 and stopped all funding to Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks.

Why are there real Nazis in Ukraine?
• Stalin starved some 10 million Ukrainians during the Holodomor (1932 – 1933)
• Anti-communist and nationalist Hitler stupidly invaded Communist Russia called Operation Barbarossa in 1941.
• The Ukrainians – remembering Stalin’s Holodomor in 1932—assisted Hitler in his failed attempt to squash the communist Soviet Union led by Stalin.
• So, to this day many Ukrainians hate Russia and some are neo-Nazis.
• The US State department used this historical division to execute its well-oiled operation Gladio in 2014 to install an anti-Russian puppet government which hated ethnic Russians living in Ukraine. They outlawed the Russian language and started attacking and killing the mostly Russian speaking people in the Donbas area (Donetsk and Luhansk) killing some 10K innocent men, women and children.
• These neo-Nazis were installed and funded by the USA.

Russian legitimate interest in Ukraine
• Why is Ukraine important to Russia? Russia has a 1,426.07 mi border with Ukraine and is traditionally known as the bread basket of Russia.
• Why is Crimea and Sevastopol important to Russia? Since the city’s founding in 1783 it has been a major base for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. The Black Sea is Russia’s only warm water port providing access to the Mediterranean Sea. Think strategic. The US envisioned taking this away from Russia.
• Why is Putin pissed at NATO? Because the US gave Russia assurances that NATO would not move one inch further East. The US and NATO lied. They not only moved an inch they moved 800 miles and are now surrounding Russia with offensive military installations. The US has been pouring billions in arms into Ukraine using its own installed puppet government.

NOTE: U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991, according to declassified U.S., Soviet, German, British and French documents posted today by the National Security Archive at George Washington University.

So now let’s talk about why Putin initiated an incursion into Ukraine.

  • Minsk agreements – were a series of international agreements which sought to end the war in Donbas region of Ukraine.
  • Ukraine and the US refused to abide by this agreement or even discuss it. Why? Because the US wanted to orchestrate a war.
  • Putin warned NATO and the US not to make Ukraine another NATO outpost because this would threaten Russia security. The US ignored Putin and gave him the finger.
  • US murdering ethnic Russians by proxy using its installed government in Ukraine.

Nord Stream 2: 1,230 km (767 mile) pipeline from Russia to Europe. Russia had their doubts about building a second pipeline, but Germany desperately needed this energy after shutting down its nuclear powerplants and insisted on building this pipeline. Russia really didn’t need Nord Stream 2 to sell their Gas since China is also in great need for Russian energy. Russia gave in and agreed to the pipeline thinking I’m sure this would provide more influence over Europe. Now, Germany –against their will and better interest– has delayed the certification of this pipeline under pressure from the USA.

Related information:

From John Smith: “whose vehicles drove into the power plant yes they where taking fire at the Nuclear Power Plant but who stood out of the vehicle and shot an RPG at it. We saw it live while watching webcam LIVE we saw the vehicles shooting at the building to the right. Yes there was firing back and forwards to me i saw flares from the Russians but rockets of some sort incoming was definitely the Ukrainians . I will share a link from original source skip to time stamp 1hr in.”

From ClearNFO:

UPDATE: Excellent summaryUkraine Timeline Tells the Story (June 30, 2023)

David’s Stack of Stuff for Sunday 2/27/2022

by DAVID BROWN | | February 27, 2022

Videos to help you bring it all together – Ukraine & the Clot-Shot

Ted Kaczynski – Canary in the Coal Mine?

by DAVID BROWN | | January 30, 2022

With the COVID Project in full swing, we are witnessing in real-time the dangers of leftism and technocracy Ted warned us about some 27 years ago.

Kaczynski as an assistant professor at UC Berkeley in 1968 Photo Credit: By George Bergman –, GFDL 1.2,

Many of us remember Ted Kaczynski as the Unabomber who was arrested in 1996 for mailing or hand-delivering a series of bombs which killed three and injured twelve, but few have taken time to read the Unabomber’s Manifesto entitled Industrial Society and Its Future.   I’ve had Ted’s Manifesto on my reading list for some time now, but only recently took the time to actually read it.  I was amazed at the clarity and the astonishing prescience of this 1995 writing and recommend its reading to any students of history who seek original, sourced documents to sidestep the filters of media and academia.

Ted provides the most insightful definition and causes of ‘leftism’ –with examples– I’ve read to date.  There are many other nougats of insight concerning the power process, autonomy and the psychological condition modern man faces; providing me a better understanding why freewill, liberty and self-determination will necessarily evaporate if we move into the scientific dictatorship most of us now know as ‘technocracy’.

We need only look at the COVID Project currently underway to see this being played out in real time

Despite Ted’s prescience, I don’t think Ted was able to conceive of the reckless fumbling and crumbling of today’s COVID narrative resulting in a mass-awakening, which could subvert Ted’s dire predictions of a technological takeover. This awakening of the many has the potential to short-circuit Ted’s idea of the inevitable march into technological slavery.   Ted, admits technology is managed by some amorphous elite group of managers,  but apparently sees this process as non-directed or architected by any group.  Man’s loss of freedom is inevitable according to Ted, not by the scheming of the elite, but by the very nature of technological systems as they progress. Ted’s solution is revolution and destruction of these old technological systems to bring us back to pre-17th century technology levels, reasoning reform was not possible since the technological systems will remain.  Evocative of the avoidance of technologies by  Old Order Mennonites and Old Order Amish.

I’m guessing Ted was never exposed to Carroll Quigley, Antony C. Sutton, Technocracy, Inc. or –of course– the current COVID-directed project which clearly shows the bind we find ourselves in is not only about technology itself, but the purposeful, directed use of technology as a weapon by a few who would rule the world.  These would-be rulers of mankind and self-appointed masters of the universe have been sold a lie — a great deception.  They seek to satisfy their absurd vision of immortality using technology to merge with machines.   This incredible delusion of the elite and their technocrats require the creation of a new super-race through directed evolution and augmentation which would eventually separate them from the unwashed masses of human livestock they herd, fleece, skin and render.

Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. –Bertrand Russell The Impact of Science on Society (ed. Routledge, 2016)

Ted seems to have justified the terrorizing, maiming, and killing of presumably innocent people as the only way to draw worldwide attention to his important task.  Ted was terrified of the impending doom for the fate of all mankind and so resorted to extreme measures to promote  his warning to as many people as possible for his revolution.

Paradoxically, Ted’s strategy to destroy the existing system, to then reboot into a new system, matches pretty well with current NWO plans which seek to reduce population, destroy and replace the monetary system, disrupt supply chains, erase borders, delete cultures, etc.  The major difference between Ted and the globalists are the endpoints.  Ted envisions a return of power to the individual, while the globalists envision the concentration of power in their hands.

Full text: Industrial Society and Its Future (1995) Written by Ted Kaczynski Mathematics professor

Outline of the ‘Industrial Society and Its Future’ – Theodore Kaczynski 1995 – 33 pages


Additional, related information:

The ‘Power Process’: Ted Kaczynski’s “The Power Process” is a psychological need in humans to have goals, work towards them, achieve them at a reasonable rate, and do so with autonomy.1 It has four elements: goal, effort, and attainment of goal. The three most clear-cut elements are goal, effort, and attainment of goal.023 The fourth element is more difficult to define and may not be necessary for everyone.0 Kaczynski theorizes that to have healthy, functional lives, people must formulate goals and exert nontrivial efforts to attain them. Reaching goals without effort is not sufficient; reaching goals without effort is not sufficient.4 Kaczynski offers the trend that “leisured, secure aristocracies that have no need to exert themselves usually become bored, hedonistic, and demoralized.”

Ted Kaczynski: The System’s Neatest Trick

  1. What the System Is Not
  2. How the System Exploits the Impulse to Rebel
  3. The System’s Neatest Trick
  4. The Trick Is Not Perfect
  5. An Example

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Waking from our Slumber

by DAVID BROWN | | December 28, 2021

By now, it should be obvious our governments, media and health authorities have been lying about the COVID pandemic; and the safety and efficacy of the mRNA injections.  Yet, many fail to realize this is not their first rodeo.  They’ve been busy lying about much more than our health concerns; they have created a false history to justify many of the wars they have orchestrated, while their experts paint false narratives of whatever enemy they have targeted.   This is no theory.  This is fact.

Every major war of the 20th and 21st century was planned, orchestrated and preceded by a false flag operation to cajole the naïve public to go along with these campaigns of mass murder.   After these conflicts, the paid experts and media propagandists do their clean up to make sure the narrative sticks and then taught uncritically in our compulsory public schools, universities and movie theaters.

The proof of the above is overwhelming, but few have the time, take the time or have the interest to reexamine their assumptions.  The assumptions are based on ‘well-established’ facts which – as it turns out—are not facts at all.

This journey to discovering the truth can be tedious and emotionally disturbing as many of our cherished beliefs are upended.  The good news is that we now have access to the research of those who have done much of the heavy lifting; but we must invest the time and effort to learn what they have uncovered, and to be suspicious of all fact-claims that can not be substantiated by evidence.


Contact: ClearNFO on MeWeGabVKTelegramBitChute; or via email at

Practice (and planning) makes perfect – the COVID Project

by DAVID BROWN | | December 20, 2021

“We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated — for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm” Joe Biden December 16, 2021

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” – Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

Theses are the ones not secrete, not behind closed doors.

OCTOBER 29, 2019:  Universal Flu Vaccine

Health experts discussed the scientific and technological prospects of an effective universal influenza vaccine. Speakers included Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Margaret Hamburg, former FDA commissioner. Panelists discussed the need for more funding for research, better collaboration between the private and government sectors, advances in technology in flu research and the goal of a universal flu vaccine.

October 18, 2019:  Event 201

 Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future.

January to August 2019: Crimson Contagion

 Crimson Contagion was a joint exercise conducted from January to August 2019, in which numerous national, state and local, private and public organizations in the US participated, in order to test the capacity of the federal government and twelve states to respond to a severe pandemic of influenza originating in China.

The simulation, which was conducted by the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services in a series of exercises that ran from January to August 2019, involved a scenario in which a group of about 30 tourists returning from China spread a novel influenza A respiratory virus in the United States, beginning in Chicago. In less than two months the virus had spread from a single index case (a 52 year-old man returning to Chicago) to infect 110 million Americans; 7.7 million patients would require hospitalization, and 586,000 people would die from the novel virus. The 70-page report issued at the conclusion of the exercise outlined the government’s limited capacity to respond to a pandemic. States experienced “multiple challenges” requesting resources from the federal government “due to a lack of standardized, well-understood, and properly executed resource request processes,” the report said. Federal agencies lacked the funds, coordination, and capacities to implement an effective response to the virus.

May 15, 2018: Clade-X

Clade X is a day-long pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of National Security Council–convened meetings of 10 US government leaders, played by individuals prominent in the fields of national security or epidemic response.

Drawing from actual events, Clade X identified important policy issues and preparedness challenges that could be solved with sufficient political will and attention. These issues were designed in a narrative to engage and educate the participants and the audience.

 May 2010: Lock-Step Scenario (excerpt)

In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults.

The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.

The pandemic blanketed the planet — though disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols. But even in developed countries, containment was a challenge. The United States’ initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders.

However, a few countries did fare better — China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a quicker post-pandemic recovery.

China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.

At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty — and their privacy — to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability.

Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests. In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth.

By 2025, people seemed to be growing weary of so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them. Wherever national interests clashed with individual interests, there was conflict. Sporadic pushback became increasingly organized and coordinated, as disaffected youth and people who had seen their status and opportunities slip away — largely in developing countries — incited civil unrest. In 2026, protestors in Nigeria brought down the government, fed up with the entrenched cronyism and corruption. Even those who liked the greater stability and predictability of this world began to grow uncomfortable and constrained by so many tight rules and by the strictness of national boundaries. The feeling lingered that sooner or later, something would inevitably upset the neat order that the world’s governments had worked so hard to establish

January 14, 2005: Atlantic Storm

How would world leaders manage the catastrophe of a fast-moving global epidemic of deadly disease? Atlantic Storm was a ministerial table-top exercise convened on January 14, 2005 by the Center for Biosecurity of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the Center for Transatlantic Relations of the Johns Hopkins University, and the Transatlantic Biosecurity Network. The exercise used a fictitious scenario designed to mimic a summit of transatlantic leaders forced to respond to a bioterrorist attack. These transatlantic leaders were played by current and former officials from each country or organization represented at the table. There was an audience of observers from governments on both sides of the Atlantic as well as from the private sector, but the venue was designed to focus all attention on the summit principals and their discussions around the table.

 June 22-23, 2001: Dark Winter

The Dark Winter exercise, held at Andrews AFB, Washington, DC, June 22-23, 2001, portrayed a fictional scenario depicting a covert smallpox attack on US citizens. The scenario is set in 3 successive National Security Council (NSC) meetings (Segments 1, 2 and 3) that take place over a period of 14 days. Former senior government officials played the roles of NSC members responding to the evolving epidemic; representatives from the media were among the observers of these mock NSC meetings and played journalists during the scenario’s press conferences.

Softening up the terrain –  Virus/pandemic movies flood the theaters 2001 – 2019:

Also… The Andromeda Strain (1971)The Hot Zone (TV Series 2019) ;Contagion (2011); V for Vendetta (film) 2005

And more prep work …

SPARS Pandemic Scenario – Completed Projects  Download document: SPARS Pandemic scenario book (PDF)

Posted June 3rd, 2022: THE PLAN – WHO plans for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030
(Published May 4, 2022)


Contact: ClearNFO on MeWeGabVKTelegramBitChute; or via email at

The Narrative is the Message

by DAVID BROWN | | December 3, 2021

Marshall McLuhan told us in 1964  ‘The Medium is the message’. The medium may be important, but today we are discovering the ‘Narrative is the message’ and the medium is just a much more efficient and effective delivery system for weaponized information bombs dropped non-stop on our non-critical thinkers — which today is most of us.  The power of narrative has been used to convince people across the globe to take a demonstrably dangerous injection that simply does not work:  “He who controls the narrative controls the world”.  The power of narrative and story telling has been thoroughly examined –and proven to my satisfaction– by the late, great educator and researcher Joseph Campbell in his ‘The Power of Myth’ series.

What are some of the narratives the ‘Powers that shouldn’t be’ sell using their influence over  media, experts, captured governments and our WOKE education systems?

  • Man is destroying mother earth (Gaia) by pollution; therefore man is bad ..
  • Man is destroying mother earth (Gaia) by over population; therefore we need to reduce the population ..
  • Man is destroying the climate by carbon emissions; therefore we need to eliminate all fossil fuels and charge a carbon tax ..
  • Man is consuming all the limited resources of mother earth (Gaia); therefore, we must learn to live with less ..
  • Nations are bad because they cause wars, therefore, we must eliminate the notion of the nation-state and replace it with a global governance which can prevent war ..
  • Religions are bad because they are a major source of conflicts and wars; therefore we must replace traditional religions with a new, blended version that is more tolerant and includes mother earth (Gaia) ..
  • White man is particularly bad because his stewardship of the modern world has led to all the bad things listed above; therefore, we must reduce the white race and promote others ..
  • Traditions, social norms and cultures are bad because they stand in the way of changes required to fix these global problems; therefore, we must promote those things which will destroy the family, religion, virtue and wholesomeness ..

Of course these same narratives –and more—have been carefully crafted and then injected into our culture, education systems and media with predetermined endpoints for each; designed to nudge us in a certain direction.  With enough repetition and assurances from trusted authority figures and sophistry, the ‘fact-claims’ above become ‘well-established’ facts indelibly lodged in our collective subconscious.  They become the stories and the myths that are immune to logic;  that can not to be questioned, and thus escape any examination of the assumptions on which they were formed.

I can, and have, refuted to my satisfaction most of these narratives with logic and evidence, but few listen or take the time to understand.  Logic and evidence does not sell. Stories sell.

All these proscribed endpoints or solutions to these narratives are merely the bricks and bars of a mental jail being constructed to create a bleak dystopia for all but the very special few, and  a permanent loss of individual freedom for everyone else.  It is time we start writing our own narratives.

Below are three excellent videos directly addressing the power of these narratives and what we can do to counter this most powerful art of story telling; which, when wielded in the wrong hands will bring about George Orwell’s prediction from Nineteen Eighty-Four:

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”

The first video is from the prolific and fertile mind of  James Corbett who takes on this topic from a secular view; and the second video from the truly Amazing Polly who brings it all home in a much simpler treatment with her amazingly deep, nuanced analysis which provides all of us a happy and prosperous pathway out of this nightmare trap set by those tricksters who would be our masters.  The third video provides fascinating insights into the psychological mechanics of ‘Mass Formation’.   Enjoy.

Video 1: Writing A New Narrative by James Corbett


Video 3: Mass Formation: Mattias Desmet on Our Grave Situation By Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity

ClearNFO on the myths of over population and religion as the cause of war:

Also see: What Hitchcock Taught the Social Engineers Corbett Report Jan 23, 2022, 6:54:23 PM

Find ClearNFO on MeWeGabVKTelegramBitChute Odysee; or contact via email at

Real Solutions to Combat the COVID Project

by DAVID BROWN | | December 3, 2021

Francis Boyle knows his shit. Please pay attention to this solution. Memes and complaining on social media platforms are great fun, but we need real solutions in the real world that will have an impact.

Important information from Francis A. Boyle.  Boyle provides real solutions that actually have a chance of working.  It is obvious to any thinking person our Federal Government has been captured along with the CDC, FDA, NIH, Federal Judiciary, etc.  However, our local prosecutors (district attorneys (D.A.)) and state Attorney Generals are not beholden to the Federal Government in terms of bringing independent charges against criminals (see the 10th Amendment).   Thus, this is the only reasonable path to stop the insanity of the Plandemic and the Bioweapon injections that are being forced on this country.  This is serious.  Please take the time to become informed of this great potential solution to bring these mass murderers to justice.

Note: On the state, county, and municipal levels of government, district attorneys (D.A.) are responsible for bringing offenders charged with crimes to justice and enforcing the criminal laws. In practice, district attorneys, who prosecute the bulk of criminal cases in the United States, answer to no one. The state attorney general is the highest law enforcement officer in state government and often has the power to review complaints about unethical and illegal conduct on the part of district attorneys. But only rarely does a state attorney general discipline a county or city D.A. for prosecutorial misconduct.

Roadmap for Prosecuting COVID Crimes- Interview with Francis A. Boyle  (Nov 29, 2021)

Dr Mercola: Francis Boyle is a repeat guest; I’ve interviewed him twice in 2020 about the likelihood of SARS-CoV-2 having been engineered in a lab. Boyle’s background includes an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago, a juris doctor (lawyer) degree from Harvard and a Ph.D. in political science. He’s a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, and wrote the book, “Biowarfare and Terrorism.”

  • The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 imposes fines and prison sentences on anyone who “knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains or possesses any biological agent, toxin or delivery system for use as a weapon”
  • The problem we face today is that our federal government has been captured by forces that seek to destroy the U.S. from within. As such, we cannot trust the federal judiciary to prosecute and hold those responsible for the pandemic and the toxic COVID shots accountable
  • To circumvent the corrupted federal judiciary, we need to focus on locally elected prosecutors instead. Depending on the state, they may go by titles such as district attorney, state attorney, prosecuting attorney or county attorney
  • Organize locally to find people willing, as a group, to call on your local, elected district attorney to convene a grand jury and indict the individuals suspected of being involved in the creation of SARS-CoV-2, and those responsible for the COVID shots
  • The charge that applies is “murder and conspiracy to commit murder.” For starters, 15 researchers listed on a key paper can be indicted, plus those who funded the research. Those to be indicted in relation to the COVID shots include the chief executive officers, chief operating officers and chief scientific officers of Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson


Mercola and Boyle Transcript:

Boyle and Mercola Roadmap: Mercola and Boyle roadmap: