Category Archives: Gladio

Episode 001 – Meet Joe Plummer (Video)

Joe Plummer SnowPlease join me in a video conversation with author and researcher Mr. Joseph Plummer below.  Joe is the author of several excellent fiction and non-fiction books including  Leaving the Illusion, Dishonest Money and Tragedy and Hope 101. You can find reviews on each of these books and many others at  Despite some serious Skype issues, this interview turned out great. Enjoy!

Meet Joe Plummer

Episode 001 – part 1 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 2 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 3 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 4 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 5 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 6 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by


Interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney

William Binney 504392832_640Please take the time to view this important interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney.  Important source information is contained herein.  Mr. Binney is obviously very intelligent and provides important key insights and details of the inner operations of the NSA that most  are unaware.  It is also obvious that Mr. Binney has been so close to the action and so focused on the duties of his 36 year career, he has not had the time to investigate what part his actions have played in the larger picture. For example, he was not aware of operation Gladio, or the grander Anglo-American Geopolitical strategies and goals that direct the NSA; and though he found the official 9/11 report not credible,  he still seemed to hold out a faint belief that mistakes were made; not that they were orchestrated by the same system he served.  Despite this, this is a key video to be aware of; so please invest the time to become knowledgeable –up close and personal with William Binney– of the imminent and existential threat we all face at the hands of the NSA and the Stasi state they are currently creating.

–David Brown

View Richard Grove’s Tragedy and Hope interview with Mr. Binney at the link below…

The Future of Freedom: A Feature Interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney from Tragedy and Hope on Vimeo.

A 36-year veteran of America’s Intelligence Community, William Binney resigned from his position as Director for Global Communications Intelligence (COMINT) at the National Security Agency (NSA) and blew the whistle, after discovering that his efforts to protect the privacy and security of Americans were being undermined by those above him in the chain of command.

The NSA data-monitoring program which Binney and his team had developed — codenamed ThinThread — was being aimed not at foreign targets as intended, but at Americans (codenamed as Stellar Wind), was destroying privacy here and around the world. Binney voices his call to action for the billions of individuals whose rights are currently being violated.

William Binney speaks out in this feature-length interview with Tragedy and Hope’s Richard Grove, focused on the topic of the ever-growing Surveillance State in America.

On January 22, 2015: (Berlin, Germany) – The Government Accountability Project (GAP) is proud to announce that retired NSA Technical Director and GAP client, William “Bill” Binney, will accept the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence Award today in Berlin, Germany. The award is presented annually by the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) to a professional who has taken a strong stand for ethics and integrity.

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Tragedy and Hope is funded by those who tune-in to our productions, and the members of the Tragedy and Hope online critical thinking and research community, who subscribe after witnessing the value provided, and voluntarily deciding to contribute in a way to ensure we can continue producing educational media with integrity and consistency. Sacrifice the Tragedy, Preserve the Hope.

T&H: Re-Contextualizing History one Episode at a Time. Thank you for Tuning-In, and not Dropping-Out!

Tragedy and Hope by Richard Grove.


Ukraine: USA/NATO aka Murder, Inc.

Ukraine 22607955099_nUSA/NATO aka Murder, Inc.

It is no secret tDonbas_no the informed that the US and NATO have orchestrated and funded last year’s coup in Kiev and continue to foment the conflict in Ukraine after installing their own puppet government at the seat of power in Kiev.  The result, is the wholesale murder and slaughter of innocent men, women and children to please Ukraine’s new ‘Anglo-American Establishment‘ masters.
Some frequent updates on the conflict in Ukraine are available from ‘Bürgerinitiative für Frieden in der Ukraine’ (Citizens’ Initiative for Peace in Ukraine) on Facebook HERE. (In German, but can be easily translated in most cases with one click.)

Here’s one example of the near real-time reporting available with videos and pictures …

+++ Video +++ UKRA FASCIST artillery BOMBED residential areas of the city STAKHANOV in LUGANSK. +++ A reporter of life News TV station interviewed citizens of the city of 75,000 residents Stakhanov in Lugansk, whose Stadt weeks massively destroyed by the ukra fascist of heavy artillery and zerbwird!

The people flee in the direction of Lugansk, including many families with children. They had a long time hiding in their cellars from the bomb attacks of nag, but now many houses no longer stand. Almost all residential areas of the city Stakhanov are bombed!

In the video, you can see several sad scenes. One it shows how ordinary citizens of the town berries must – things their killed relatives while in the background the ukra fascist artillery further bombed their town!

At the beginning of the video, the man shows that the artillery of the Kiev regime shoots just in the city. Schools, school facilities and residential, without any strategic or military significance be met!

This is a blatant genocide of the Donbass population – in the middle of Europe! And the world is silent!

The war criminals in Kiev may bomb continue with impunity entire cities and civilian population – without that one critical word from the EU comes!

Of the United States, we want to not even talk because they are the mainstay of this kriegsverbrecherischen bloody regime in Kiev!

Video here.

The Comments are very telling.  The US and NATO are not fooling these people.  They know full-well who is behind this Operation Gladio.

More on this conflict from ClearNFO here…



The Lone Gladio – Book Review

ClearNFO Rating: 5 / 5 Stars
The Lone Gladio a Novel by Sibel Edmonds (August 7, 2014)
Paperback: 366 pages
Sibel Edmonds’ first Novel
Available at Amazon and other book resellers

The Lone GladioAfter reading Sibel Edmonds’ previous book –also reviewed here on ClearNFO– which was an excellent non-fiction entitled Classified Woman, and after watching her numerous interviews on the very real Operation Gladio, one must wonder how much of her first novel The Lone Gladio is fiction and how much is fact.  The details are obviously fiction, but very much of the rest is based in fact and on informed conjecture.   I must admit that I don’t read many novels, but since I was familiar with her excellent non-fiction work, I took the plunge and was not disappointed.  It took me a few chapters to get my sea-legs, but then I was hooked and finished the book in record time,  unable to put it down.  After her ferocious struggle with the government leading up to publishing her first book, I think the literary genre of the novel –which by definition is fiction– provides Ms. Edmonds a safer, easier and less constrained vehicle to communicate to her loyal audience, in an entertaining AND informative mode.  I can’t but help think The Lone Gladio is Ms Edmonds’ venue to say what she couldn’t say in ‘Classified Woman’.  One other note:  I bet Sibel’s husband, Matthew, was just a little bit surprised when he first read The Lone Gladio discovering possibly a new dimension to his lovely bride . . . or maybe not.  In any event, get the book, read the book and enjoy . . . just remember, that much of this is based on the real Gladio operatives deployed by the US and NATO across the globe.

If ‘The Lone Gladio’ is ever made into a movie, I know the perfect person to play Greg McPhearson . . .

Jim Caviezel, born 9-26-68, Mount Vernon, Washington.

Jim Caviezel, born 9-26-68, Mount Vernon, Washington.

From the back cover: “Assassinations. Drug running. False flag ops. A shadow paramilitary global network. Synthetic wars. CIA-NATO: A darker truth. Operation Gladio Plan B: Murder. OG 68—aka Greg McPhearson—no longer works for the company. The hunter has now become prey. He knows this beast: what created him and shattered his soul. Until Mai. When he opened the door to her three years ago, he opened what soul he had left. Yet he belatedly discovers that no amount of pride or power can ever replace one precious breath . . . When the CIA orders his FBI bosses to call off a sting, Special Agent Ryan Marcello decides to do some digging. He calls in senior analyst Elsie Simon, expert in the Turkey-Central Asian-Caucasus nexus, to help track down the high-level target with ties to ruthless power players in a global narcotics-terrorism ring. Every lead and each new suspect brings them that much closer to home. With Elsie’s help, and their lives at stake, the two begin their own investigation . . . The murdered son of a U.S. mogul leads to the hiring of Ryan and Elsie, who are used and then trapped in a byzantine scheme of retribution: of black ops within black ops, trails gone cold, kidnappings, blackmail, unexplained murders . . . a plot that extends from Russia and Azerbaijan to Cambodia, Vietnam, and is buried inside the Deep State. For his final mission, in a world where reality now stands on its head—My enemy’s enemy is my enemy”—no one would be spared . . . the Gladio would be acting alone.”

Additional Information on Operation Gladio


Who the International Aid Agencies Serve

by DAVID BROWN | | November 22, 2014

How International Aid Agencies really work 

  1. Country “X” is identified as being financially weak, yet has valuable assets like natural resources or has geopolitical value
  2. Country “X” is then targeted by the USAID, IMF & World Bank for loans.
  3. Representatives are sent into Country “X” to do studies to prove up (by exaggerated estimates) what this or that infrastructure will do for the economy of Country “X”.
  4. This inflated estimate for money is then included as part of a loan request to the bank.  This is the cover.
  5. Loan is committed
  6. Heads of State of Country “X” siphon off much of the money to private bank accounts
  7. Most of the work for the infrastructure improvements goes to well-connected multinational corporations not to local companies.
  8. Country “X” cannot pay loan back
  9. Bank offers additional money to help Country “X” if they will implement “austerity measures” which effectively puts the bankers in charge of running the country.
  10. Country “X”, still cannot make payments on loan.
  11. Bank takes control of assets and natural resources of Country “X”
  12. Bank sells assets, natural resources of Country “X” or provides monopolies to multinational corporations at pennies on the dollar, which still does not satisfy the debt.

NOTE: Much of this is coordinated with the help of the US, CIA, NATO and the EU.  If Country “X” will not go along with the loan, then Operation Gladio is implemented with the aid of NGOs such as NED (National Endowment for Democracy) to destabilize Country “X” for regime change.


The IMF is a self-described “organization of 188 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.”

The World Bank’s official goal is the reduction of poverty. According to its Articles of Agreement, all its decisions must be guided by a commitment to the promotion of foreign investment and international trade and to the facilitation of capital investment.

USAID has adopted as its mission statement “to partner to end extreme poverty and to promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing the security and prosperity of the United States.” USAID operates in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe.

Read more here:


by DAVID BROWN | | November 02, 2014

So the CIA and State Department implemented a not so covert foreign regime change in Russia’s next door neighbor Ukraine, overthrowing the democratically elected government; and then magically the U.S. blamed Russia as the aggressor; the United States’ newly minted puppet government then started bombing innocent Russians in central and eastern Ukraine killing thousands of innocent civilians. Crimea which is mostly Russian voted overwhelmingly to join Russia for protection. The U.S. MSM chirped right in telling the world how evil Putin was and that he amazingly was the aggressor and that he had designs to relive the glory of the old USSR. All 100% B.S. The US psychopaths in Ukraine’s capital in the West, Kiev, continued to bomb and butcher innocent civilians in the Donets Basin or Donbas region of Ukraine. BTW, proving once again that the word of America is worthless, In 1990 Moscow was assured that there would be no expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe. In exchange for Moscow permitting a reunified Germany to be a NATO member.

“The corrupt and duplicitous Clinton regime broke the agreement that the George H.W. Bush administration gave Moscow in 1990. In exchange for Moscow permitting a reunified Germany to be a NATO member, Washington agreed that there would be no expansion of NATO to the east. Gorbachev, US Secretary of State James Baker, US ambassador to Moscow Jack Matlock, and declassified documents all testify to the fact that Moscow was assured that there would be no expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe.”

–October 6, 2014 Paul Craig Roberts

Now, the U.S. has implemented economic sanctions against Russia which have damaged the Russian economy. This, BTW is an act of war. Russia has been backed into a corner and still has nuclear weapons. Obama and team are playing a dangerous game of lies and deceit.

NATO bases surround Russia

NATO bases surround Russia

The US caught on the phone planning the overthrow of the democratically elected government in Ukraine. BTW, the U.S. spent $5 billion on covert NGOs to foment civil war along the Gladio operation MO. This included hiring snipers to shoot and kill both the Ukraine police and the protestors.

Cut-out of a phone call between two American fun guys talking about maidan’s puppets. The actors are: Victoria Nuland: US-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Geoffrey R. Pyatt: United States Ambassador to Ukraine.

Russia plays nuclear war-games in Barents Region
Russia has over the last 72 hours tested its entire nuclear triad consisting of strategic bombers; submarines and this ICBM launched Saturday morning.

Is ISIS the next rally to war?

news-65343_640The first video beheading was staged but James Foley was indeed beheaded. I saw high res pics on so there is no doubt in my mind. I don’t know about the second beheading of Steven Sotloff. What is a fact is that both of these are designed propaganda to put anger into the American public. At the bottom of anger is always fear. This anger and fear can be used by the U.S. to gain a public consensus for more war which is already underway.

Many Americans are demanding action. Just listen to the news media, including many of the conservative talk shows. They have all been duped into this new mindset which will give the U.S. Government more control and free range for more ‘kinetic actions’.   So the question is why and how have our brightest conservatives been duped?   Well first off, many on the conservative side –called neocons by some– are very pro-military action.   Secondly, few have taken the time to investigate what is actually happening. and have a very short memory.   Despite being easily documented, most do not understand these simple facts:

1) CIA created Al-Qaeda by giving Osama bin Laden $3 billion in 1979.  Osama bin Laden was in effect a CIA operative against the Russians in Afghanistan.  The term Al-Qaeda was invented by the CIA/FBI and means the database which was the name of a file in a filing cabinet containing a list of various groups of violent Islamists.   Even Zbigniew Brzezinski bragged about the success of this operation in Afghanistan.

2) The U.S. has been supporting Al-Qaeda and similar groups since that time (1979) using them as proxy armies against several countries in the Middle East, Chechnya and other places.

3) The U.S. and NATO transformed their tried and true ‘Operation Gladio A’ which used neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, the Red Brigades and the Baader-Meinhof Gang to destabilize target groups and countries to advance the U.S. Geopolitical initiatives.  The Current Geopolitical Chessboard was designed by Brzezinski, his predecessors and others.   Gladio A was used mostly in Europe in the early days in Greece, Turkey, and the island state of Cyprus. This technique has been used successfully since WWII.  Recently ‘Gladio A’ –mutated into Gladio B and was first used in Turkey.   Gladio B uses Islamists not Neo-Nazis as the proxy force to accomplish the U.S. Geopolitical Goals.

4) IS, ISIS, ISIL, Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, etc. have all been used by the U.S. as proxy armies to destabilize regions and countries (Syria, Libya, Egypt, etc.) to advance the US Geopolitical goals. The groups have been funded, armed and trained by the US.

This is not a pleasant truth we want to believe about America, but a truth nonetheless.

What makes this even more diabolical is that fact that the U.S. Government has purposefully left our borders unguarded to provide an easy ingress point for another 9/11 event that will mobilize the American citizens to accept more restrictions on their freedom and more war.

Additional ClearNFO links:

Thumbnail sketch on the origin and function of ISIS

Operation Gladio A & B for your pleasure …

The Plan — according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.)

Zbigniew Brzezinski to Jihadists: Your cause is right!

Additional Reading:

The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski (Sep 18, 1998)

Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe by Richard Cottrell (First Eddition, 2012)

Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir by Sibel D Edmonds (Mar 9, 2012)

Donetsk Republic Sends Captured Ukrainian Soldiers Home to Mothers and Wives

ukraine-23600_640Folks, it is important to remember that the war in Ukraine was a creation of the U.S. and NATO, not Ukraine or Russia. After spending $5 billion of your tax dollars to foment civil unrest in Ukraine, the U.S. has removed the democratically elected government and installed its own puppet. The IMF has promised massive loans to the new U.S. puppet government.  Kiev, the capital of Ukraine has been bombing civilian targets in Eastern Ukraine indiscriminately. The video below is a capture of Kiev (US / NATO backed) soldiers who surrendered to the militia in Eastern Ukraine now called the Donetsk Republic. This new republic, represents their attempt to separate from the US controlled Western Ukraine and secure peace and democracy. What you are hearing from Washington and their state media gatekeepers are lies. This is an orchestrated fight to surround Russia with NATO forces which violates an agreement that the West made to Russia after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The U.S. is trying to bully Russia and foment a confrontation with Russia. Don’t be the fool here. Don’t support yet another illegal war. Get a clue.  -db

PCR (Paul Craig Roberts):

“Donetsk Republic Sends Captured Ukrainian Soldiers Home to Mothers and Wives”

“This is an extremely interesting 9 minute video from the Donetsk Republic. It shows extraordinary humane treatment and release of captured Ukrainian soldiers. The Christian behavior of the Donetsk Republic puts to shame the crude barbarians who rule in America and Europe and the media shills who whore for the Western barbarians.”

Ukraine Crisis | Ukr. Soldiers Deserting to Militia | English Subtitles

The Worm Turns


Now that this information (below) is slowly seeping out into the Alt & MS Media, I bet the rats on the good ship USA will be bailing or at least hedging their bets. Obama is at the helm, but you can bet many in Congress, the State Department, the CIA & FBI were in on the deal. We need to hold every last one of these treasonous war criminals personally accountable for the betrayal of the trust and security of the citizens of the United States and for international war crimes. BTW, the US takeover of Ukraine is no less duplicitous or vicious.

The Origin & Function of ISIS

Breaking: Whistleblower Reveals U.S. State Dept. Ships Arms Directly to al-Qaeda


Asset Stripping Ukraine