Category Archives: Gladio

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : On the So-Called “Greek Debt Crisis”

by DAVID BROWN | | July 26, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

If you understand how the money powers use USAID, IMF the World Bank and other financial orgs to transfer ownership of real assets on the cheap, you will recognize these same techniques being used on Greece today. This is commonly known as ‘Asset-Striping’ a country by those who do this for a living. PCR (Paul Craig Roberts) recently did an excellent breakdown on this in an interview on The Mind Renewed by Dr. Julian Charles. Below, I have broken down the steps used in 3rd – World nations in Latin America and other regions of the globe. Why is this important? Well, this is what is being done to Greece and what is in store for any other members of the EU who get out of line; and it must be noted that the USA is not immune.

ASSET-STRIPPING Sovereign Nations, by the books:

1. Country “X” is identified as being financially weak, yet has valuable assets like natural resources or has geopolitical value
2. Country “X” is then targeted by the USAID, IMF & World Bank for loans.
3. Representatives are sent into Country “X” to do studies to prove up (by exaggerated estimates) what this or that infrastructure will do for the economy of Country “X”.
4. This inflated estimate for money is then included as part of a loan request to the bank. This is the cover.
5. Loan is committed
6. Heads of State of Country “X” siphon off much of the money to private bank accounts
7. Most of the work for the infrastructure improvements goes to well-connected multinational corporations not to local companies.
8. Country “X” cannot pay loan back
9. Bank offers additional money to help Country “X” if they will implement “austerity measures” which effectively puts the bankers in charge of running the country.
10. Country “X”, still cannot make payments on loan.
11. Bank takes control of assets and natural resources of Country “X”
12. Bank sells assets, natural resources of Country “X” or provides monopolies to multinational corporations at pennies on the dollar, which still does not satisfy the debt.
NOTE: Much of this is coordinated with the help of the US, CIA, NATO and the EU. If Country “X” will not go along with the loan, then Operation Gladio or a ‘Color Revolution’ is implemented to destabilize Country “X” for regime change.

Enjoy the Brilliant interview with Paul Craig Roberts by Dr. Julian Charles of The Mind Renewed just below…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : On the So-Called “Greek Debt Crisis
Published on Friday, 24 July 2015 13:37 by The Mind Renewed:

What is the so-called “Greek Debt Crisis”? Is it simply the result of economic mismanagement by the Greek people and their successive governments, or is there more to it than meets the eye?

Joining us to answer this question, we welcome once again Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy), who explains that the crisis is not fundamentally about debt at all, but rather the playing out of a strategy by the financial and political elites to establish two main principles: the looting of European countries by the “One Percent”, and the systematic destruction of their national sovereignty.

We also discuss the Iran Nuclear Deal and the recent address by UK Prime Minister David Cameron on “extremism” (described by Glenn Greenwald as “one of the creepiest and most authoritarian speeches you’ll ever hear.”)

Related NFO from Catherine Austin Fitts:
Central Bank Warfare Model Wearing Thin (Published on Jul 19, 2015)
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts of

Show notes from ‘Central Bank Warfare Model Wearing Thin’:
Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts says, “The central banking warfare model is wearing thin. There are three things you can do: You can have war, you can have depopulation or you can have change. The voice you are hearing coming back from the BRICS, the voice you are hearing coming back from the Greek people is let’s try change. The IMF is saying . . . you know they have a point. Puerto Rico and Greece have rung that bell that says we have to create value in the real economy. You can’t eat it if you don’t grow it, and we can’t grow it if we are all engaged in disaster capitalism.”

Some additional clarity on the Iran nuclear deal:
Obama’s line on the Iran nuclear deal: A second false narrative
by Gareth Porter | MIDDLE EAST EYE |Saturday 25 July 2015

U.S. Cedes Sovereignty To New Authority

by DAVID BROWN | | June 23, 2015

Using the same template that created the EU (European Union), globalists and their hired technocrats are swiftly neutering the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Constitution and the American people with the recent ‘fast-tracking’ of secretive Obamatrade deals; which have amazingly passed both houses of Congress without so much as a whimper from any but Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL).

Jeff Sessions: TPP Cedes U.S. Sovereignty Permanently To New Authority: “Same Language Used To Start EU”

Curious why any U.S. Congressman would vote so eagerly to limit their own power while permanently damaging the financial vitality of what is left of the American middle class; but the “yea” votes received almost $200 million and of course most have not even bothered to read the trade agreement, since it is assumed by ‘the powers that shouldn’t be’ a fait accompli.  The American middle class, once represented the strength and vitality of the United States, but no more. Gone are the remnants of the free market or honest price discovery in our markets, replaced by the crony capitalism of insider elites and their privileged, government-protected and sustained monopolies; whose purpose is to drive out any and all honest competition.  But like Obamacare before it, one must pass the trade bill to find out what is in it. These secret trade agreements –taken together– paint a very worrisome picture for the future vitality and independence of the average American worker and put another nail into the coffin of the U.S. as a nation-state. Additionally, these so called free trade agreements further shred the US Constitution by imposing an extra-constitutional, unelected body that as in the EU will effectively create law and pass judgement on anything having to do with trade of products, services or the movement of people.  One need look no further than the Trilateral Commission or the Bilderberg Group to understand the genesis or the end goal of these secret agreements: Total world domination bringing together under one control structure the EU, The North America Union and the Trans Pacific including Oceania.

Apparently some holdouts against the hegemony of this Unipolar world structure still believe in the nation-state and are therefore not as eager as the U.S. Congress to auction off their nations to the globalists: These include China, Russia, Iran, Syria and other hold-outs. To counter this Unipolar world, Russia and China are building their own financial global infrastructure and trade agreements as fast as they can. To bring Russia into compliance, the U.S. and NATO are threatening a hot war on Russia’s doorstep, just itching for a fight. The propaganda against Putin and for war in the West is thick as molasses, yet after all the recent pointless wars, many Americans are eager to believe this latest false narrative.

Over the years, the U.S. Constitution has been a major thorn in the side of the globalists, but no more. This week’s vote by both houses of congress to bypass the U.S. Constitution in full view of the American people fully demonstrate there is no fear by our elected leaders of public backlash. Already the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments are under serious assault; and with UN Agenda-21 (2030 Agenda) in full swing in almost every county in the USA, private property rights may soon succumb to the social engineering of a people asleep.

There is a long history of missteps leading up to this week’s silent coup d’état of America. Major pivot points would be handing over the supply and control of this nation’s money to a few private bankers in the 1913 Federal Reserve Act; the ingestion of Nazis into the OSS/CIA after WWII; mission creep of the U.S. Federal Government though the constant abuse of the 10th Amendment, the assassination of JFK, the attacks of 9/11 and countless illegal, undeclared wars. There are many other pivot points including U.S. bankers’ and political leaders’ support for the likes of Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and Hitler; Operation Gladio, the repeal of the Glass–Steagall legislation, etc. but the biggest failure rests solely with the ignorance of the American people and their willingness to continually believe the lies promulgated by the U.S. Government and its state propaganda organs in the news and entertainment media. But to be fair, most Americans work all day and therefore have little time left to discover the facts for themselves.


Additional Free Trade Agreements: The United States has free trade agreements in force with 20 countries. These are:

  1.    Australia
  2.    Bahrain
  3.    Canada
  4.    Chile
  5.    Colombia
  6.    Costa Rica
  7.    Dominican Republic
  8.    El Salvador
  9.    Guatemala
  10.    Honduras
  11.    Israel
  12.    Jordan
  13.    Korea
  14.    Mexico
  15.    Morocco
  16.    Nicaragua
  17.    Oman
  18.    Panama
  19.    Peru
  20.    Singapore

Office of the United States Trade Representative

OUSTR: Trade Agreements

UPDATE (11/21/2015) : TMR 126 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Paris, TPP & the NWO

UPDATE: (12/06/2015) Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: TPP & the New World Order

NORTH AMERICAN UNION EXPOSED on Lou Dobbs w/ Marcy Kaptur & Bill Tucker

RAND Corporation on Ukraine

by DAVID BROWN | | June 1, 2015

RAND Corporation

RAND Corporation

Most people have no clue of who the RAND Corp. is, their history or their function within the U.S. Federal Government.  Below is the leaked document from the RAND Corp. that identifies their plan for eastern Ukraine.  Why is this important to you?  Because it reveals their methods and procedures that our U.S. Pentagon Planners take very seriously and frequently act upon.  This will also give you some sense of what to expect when and IF these techniques are turned in upon U.S. Citizens.  There are many other interested parties and participants in the U.S.-backed and orchestrated coup in Ukraine back in Feb of 2014, but this provides a level of detail left out of some of the other geopolitical strategies found in Zbig’s Grand Chessboard, etc.

A strategic document by the US military think tank RAND Corporation on the plan in eastern Ukraine was leaked.​ The Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko follows the action plan proposed by RAND analysts. The document provides three stages of a military operation in eastern Ukraine.

  • During the first stage of the military operation in Ukraine martial law should be introduced, considering that all local citizens are terrorists or sympathizers. Regions supporting militias must be completely isolated. All types of communications should be blocked, curfews should be established.
  • The second stage of the plan involves the seizure of territories. The cities should be entered with armed vehicles, which open fire on all armed people. All the men sent to filtration camps. People featuring traces of combat engagement shall be tried in court for terrorism.
  • The third phase of the plan involves the restoration of the regions. The borders shall be strengthened to avoid possible provocations. All the refugees should be checked for possible support for separatists in internment camps.

The document stresses that the area of ​​operation should not be representatives of the foreign media. Should also be carried out mass propaganda campaign.
Confidential document on Ukraine by the RAND Corporation leaked (5. Jul 2014, 16:29)


by DAVID BROWN | | March 30, 2015

ukraine-23600_640The Western Press like to portray Russia as the aggressor in the Ukraine conflict but they leave out key information like the $ 5 billion the US CIA spent on a Gladio-style operations designed to destabilize the duly elected government of Ukraine and to effect regime change.   Though Ukraine was ripe for destabilization, CIA-backed NGOs played a key role in this destabilization.  They played on the hopes and dreams and fears of the Ukrainian peoples and set one faction against the other knowing full-well what they were doing.  At stake here was the US Geopolitical Strategy set fourth by Zbigniew Brzezinski to encircle Russia and marginalize and contain Russia’s growing power and prestige in the world.  Never mind the assurances the US gave Russia after the fall of the Berlin wall that NATO wouldn’t move one more inch further east.  And of course the desire to keep Quigley’s Anglo-American Establishment dominant by stunting and punishing Russia.  Also at stake was the plunder of natural resources of Ukraine by the IMF whose method of operation is to burden countries with debt and then move in to ‘asset-strip‘ the targeted country; in this case Ukraine.  The IMF’s detailed method can be found here: Who the International Aid Agencies Serve.  Without an understanding of the history and geography of Ukraine the Western public are easy prey for Western propaganda. The US public would be horrified if they were to learn that the US is backing the neo-nazis in Ukraine and that their tax dollars were being used to slaughter men, women and children all across the Donbass area just to please Mr. Global.   Below, I’ve supplied a few key articles to put this conflict in perspective.   (Click to enlarge picture below)

Ukraine-growth" by Spiridon Ion Cepleanu - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Ukraine-growth” by Spiridon Ion Cepleanu – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Europe: U.S. Deploys More Warplanes, Troops Against Russia

An appropriate picture of ‘Porky’ a.k.a. the US Stooge / Sock-puppet in Ukraine. Poroshenko (Porky) is the clean up man for Murder, Inc. (US/NATO) operating in  the Ukraine.

Ukraine’s Poroshenko Inspects Arrival Of First U.S. Military Vehicles

The sad story of what the West has lost due to public ignorance and the greed and manipulation of the West by Mr. Global.
The Russia They Lost

US tax dollars at work. All based on lies.
The Interventionist Holocaust

How many military bases do we (the US) have worldwide? We have no F-ing idea…
Empire of bases 2.0

Western news outlets have been incessantly attempting to portray Russia as the belligerent power over the past year, even though many of the facts contradict this perspective. In order to justify an illegal coup in Kiev – which is part of a grander strategy of destabilizing, encircling and antagonizing the Russian Federation – the presstitutes are hard at work manufacturing narratives and preparing “Americans for conflict with Russia”, as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts wrote in his article: ‘CNN is Beating the Drums of War’.

Information War Between Russia and the West Intensifies

Though not directly related to the US Orchestrated conflict in Ukraine, similar techniques of duplicity, murder and mayhem using the operation Gladio method can be discovered here:
An ISIS perspective from a Sunni Muslim …
The ISIS Described by the US Media as a “Sunni Muslim Militia” is “Made in America”. It has Nothing to Do with Sunni Islam

New Eastern Outlook

New Eastern Outlook

IMF Asset-Stripping Kiev:

Kiev Commits Energy Hari Kiri
02.04.2015 Author: F. William Engdahl

“What the insane Washington-orchestrated civil war in Ukraine has not yet destroyed in Ukraine over the past year, now the conditions demanded by the US Treasury-controlled International Monetary Fund will. Kiev on March 13 received the first $5 billion tranche of a $17.5 billion three year IMF loan. It desperately needs the cash to avoid insolvency. However, in typical IMF policy, the aim of the money is to act as a poisoned “carrot” to force the victim country to undertake draconian “reforms” whose only effect will be to open the doors to foreign banks and multinationals to further rape and plunder what’s left of their economy. Now Kiev is about to commit energy Hari-Kiri to please the IMF and the US-imposed American-born Finance Minister, Natalie Ann Jaresko.

Before the US coup d’etat on February 22, 2014 in Kiev ousting a democratically-elected Prsident Viktor Yanukovich with aid of CIA snipers, self-styled neo-nazi Pravy Sektor gangsters and George Soros’ Ukrainian NGO, Ukraine’s president had opted to join the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union in return for generous financial loans from Moscow and a huge cut over 30% in the price the country must pay to Russia’s Gazprom to import natural gas. Yanukovich stressed at the time he wanted to continue a dialogue on closer association with the EU as well. For the neo-conservative war faction in the Obama Administration that was a no! no! Washington wanted to destroy Russia and Putin and the way to do that, the ridiculous neo-conservatives such as John Brennan at CIA or Victoria ‘Fuck the EU’ Nuland at the State Department or Joe Biden or Senator John McCain saw it, was creating a pro-NATO coup in Kiev after a similar US Color Revolution in 2004 failed to achieve the goal.”


Additional reading from ClearNFO:
Ignorance is Not an Excuse (Ukraine)
MSM Lying about Ukraine
Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance   Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev

George Friedman, “Europe: Destined for Conflict?”

by DAVID BROWN | | March 15, 2015

George FriedmanExcellent speech by George Friedman (below) given at the Chicago Council of Global Affairs.  Mr. Friedman reveals many overlooked dynamics which can provide the listener deeper insight into the EU’s chances of success or failure, the rise of nationalism and the key role Germany will play.  He underscores  a key US strategy to keep Russia and Germany separate and in conflict, fearing a combination of Germany’s financial and technical strength combined with Russia’s vast resources and workforce would threaten the existing US hegemony.

Since Greece cannot pay their bills, Mr. Friedman postulates that Greece will eventually offer to pay some portion perhaps 60% in Greek drachma telling Germany to take it or leave it.  They can have a partial payment or have zero and of course Germany will be forced to take this deal to get something and to keep the contagion from spreading to Portugal, Italy and Spain.  Owing a lot of money, Mr. Friedman explains actually puts Greece in a more powerful position than Germany since Germany needs the EU to sustain its massive export business which represents 50% of its GDP of which 25% goes to the EU; and Greece at this point cannot pay its debts. He speaks to the long held hatreds and rivalries amongst the member states, the rise of nationalism and Europe’s history of settling their differences with bullets.  Explaining the dynamics of Europe, the EU, Greece, Ukraine, Germany, the USA and Russia, he makes some interesting predictions based on his unique analysis.

Despite his apparent acceptance of US war propaganda, you can still benefit from his insightful and informative analysis. Of course you should know I can’t agree with some of the default positions of the sponsor (The Chicago Council on Global Affairs) regarding Russian aggression against Ukraine, and I would presume George Friedman shares this position with the Chicago Council though it was less clear from his speech.

As informed and thoughtful as Friedman is, he seems oblivious to the clandestine history and machinations of the CIA, USAID, Soros, etc. which is designed to destabilize targeted countries like Ukraine through so called ‘Color Revolutions’ using operation Gladio tactics informed by US Geopolitical Policies. He may be very aware that the US is the real culprit in the Ukraine conflict, but holding his cards close to the vest; otherwise, he wouldn’t be invited to speak at places like the Chicago Council.  After all, we must blame what the US is doing in Ukraine on Putin to be accepted by the establishment. He seems to agree with the US’s foreign policy overall, but does warn that the US should only occupy nations by force as a last resort and never get into nation-building as in Iraq.  Better that the US orchestrate fights and heighten divisions amongst power structures than get stuck in unwinnable, protracted conflicts.  Despite my criticisms, and his obvious poor grasp of economics, I found his speech enlightening, brilliant and well worth the view.

Important to note: There is a history to Mr. Friedman’s company, Stratfor, that deserves additional attention, so I have added a link to the Stratfor email leaks below which reveal a murky side to Mr. Friedman and his company; but for now, sit back and enjoy his excellent, though myopic speech.  Friedman’s company, Stratfor, had its emails leaked to the public by Jeremy Hammond via Wikileaks. Much condemning information was discovered as a result.  Here is just one example:

From Wikipedia: “Some emails reveal that Stratfor had been partnering with Shea Morenz, a former Goldman Sachs director, along with other informants, in order to profit from what could be considered insider trading. Stratfor planned to use the intelligence it gathered in order to profit from trading in several worldwide markets. They created an offshore “share structure” known as “StratCap” during 2011, in order to avoid insider trading allegations. The offshore entity, set to launch operations in 2012, is outwardly independent of Stratfor, but CEO George Friedman told his employees that StratCap is secretly integrated with Stratfor.”

Jeremy Hammond is a political activist and computer hacker from Chicago. He was convicted and sentenced in November 2013 to 10 years in US Federal Prison for hacking the private intelligence firm Stratfor and releasing the leaks through the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks.

George Friedman, “Europe: Destined for Conflict?”

COMPLETE Event Summary by Richard C. Longworth

Small excerpt from Mr. Longworth’s summary linked above: “Friedman is concerned with Ukraine, Vladimir Putin’s aggression and the American response to it. But most of his speech dealt with the crisis within the European Union. In this drama, the central player is not Russia but Germany.”

George Friedman Bio

George Friedman is the founder and chairman of the private intelligence and geopolitical forecasting corporation, Stratfor. Friedman is a regular contributor to discussions on international intelligence issues for major news and radio networks including CNN, Fox News, and NPR. He is the author of numerous books on warfare and intelligence, including The Next Decade, The Next 100 Years, America’s Secret War, and The Intelligence Edge. He received his bachelor’s degree from the City College of the City University of New York and his PhD from Cornell University. – See more at:

Additional Links…

2012–13 Stratfor email leak

Regime Change: Georgia’s Rose Revolution Fades to Black

Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression

David Brown

David Brown

by DAVID BROWN | | March 8, 2015

Great lengthy but enjoyable podcast of over 14 hours with an equally important and extensive reference map documenting the podcast.  I downloaded this to my computer and then uploaded it to my smartphone so that I could listen as time permitted.    The Reference Map provides many great ‘take-off points’ for additional study.  Though I have heard many of these ‘clips’ before like the Interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney in its entirety, I learned more on the second listening to certain out-takes.  For example, Mr. Binney listed several CIA operations that I was not familiar with, so I took some time to look them up.  One in particular was Operation Amadeus, which eventually led me to an excellent article by David Guyatt entitled The Mafia, The CIA, & The Vatican’s Intelligence Apparatus which led me to David Guyatt’s website called DeepBlackLies.   You can take your own journey to increased knowledge about the world we live in by exploring  the excellent links below, but see if you can carve out some time between work and family to take a listen to the montage put together in Episode 087 below.  Enjoy.

Continue reading

MSM Lying about Ukraine

by DAVID BROWN | | March 7, 2015

Brian W LiarHow do you know the entire MSM (Mainstream Media) are lying to you about Russia and Ukraine? It is an easily provable fact to any person capable of critical thought that the US orchestrated the war in Ukraine, not Russia, yet the MSM insist on blaming Russia. How do I know this? The evidence is overwhelming to anyone who cares to pay attention.

The Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State Victoria Jane Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt have been caught on a leaked phone call planning the replacement of the democratically elected government in Ukraine. Prior to this takeover by the US, the CIA spent over $5 billion on covert NGOs to foment unrest in Ukraine. George Soros has admitted to helping the CIA with this putsch and we have copies of original documents showing that billionaire Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with the US government.

Frederic Mousseau, who is a Policy Director at The Oakland Institute:

“We saw in 2013 that Monsanto invested $140 million in new seed plans in Ukraine. It is clearly the bread basket of Europe and it is a key target for a company like Monsanto, which sees this huge potential for production and this huge market. Europe has been quite resistant in allowing GMOs, but if they are successful in Ukraine then there might be a domino effect in Europe.”

The $17 billion IMF loan to Ukraine is contingent on Ukraine allowing GMO crops: IMF loan stipulations require permitting GMO production.


Crimea for Dummies

Published on Sep 12, 2014:  Miguel Francis, a Los Angeles film school graduate, travels to Crimea to discover for himself how life there has changed since it was reunited with Russia. He explores the beautiful Peninsula’s history and cultural heritage and takes in some of Crimea’s tourist attractions while talking to local people about their attitudes to becoming Russian citizens.

The famous Russian documentary on Crimea with Putin (with subtitles)

GMO and Europe’s “Bread Basket”. Monsanto’s Land Grab in Ukraine
Monsanto in Ukraine: IMF loan for Ukraine may give GMO giant a backdoor into EU
Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with US government, documents show
US spent $5 billion to destabilize Ukraine

Related articles from ClearNFO:
Macedonia: Kiev Version 2.0
Can Ukraine Escape IMF trap?
Crisis in Ukraine
Asset-Stripping Ukraine
CFR: Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault
Ukraine Crisis
Ukraine: USA/NATO aka Murder, Inc.
Ukraine: Stop the Killing!
Ukraine Update – Saker Podcast #5

Who does Ayman Al-Zawahiri work for?

Ayman_al-Zawahiri_portraitCritically important information on the the head of Al Qaeda and who he works for –NATO and the USA– from James Corbett’s excellent podcast… Know Your Terrorists: Ayman Al-Zawahiri

Corbett Report: We are told a certain tale about the story of Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Osama Bin Laden’s right-hand man and the inheritor of the Al Qaeda operation… but we are not told everything.  Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we go in search of the real Ayman Al-Zawahiri and uncover some surprising connections.

Wikipedia: Ayman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiri (Arabic: أيمن محمد ربيع الظواهري‎  ʾAyman Muḥammad Rabīʿ aẓ-Ẓawāhirī, born June 19, 1951)  is the current leader of al-Qaeda and a current or former member and senior official of Islamist organizations which have orchestrated and carried out attacks in North America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. In 2012, he called on Muslims to kidnap Western tourists in Muslim countries.

TTIP and other secrets

prison-370112_150TTIP and other secret treaties are secret for a reason.  Not even the US Congress is privy to these individual-rights-destroying agreements. Many of these treaties have the effect of removing the idea of a nation-state, or your country’s sovereignty.  Much like the EU agreements, these secret treaties destroy the governance of the nation-state and replace it with an over-arching unelected bureaucracy, reporting only to its monied masters which in this case would be the large multinational corporations, central banksters, and the powers that shouldn’t be. This is a secret coup snaking its way across the globe, and includes things like carbon taxes, NAFTA, CAFTA, FFTA, TPP, UN Agenda-21, and others. The plan here, is that one day you wake up and find your country is gone and you have new masters.  Some call this the NWO where everything is ‘sunshine, lollipops and rainbows‘ but more likely will be a horrific dystopia making George Orwell’s 1984 look like walk in the park.  All the big shots are in on this: The folks at Davos, Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission, etc. are in on this scam to make you their slaves.  But it gets worse. They not only see you as their slaves, many of you are seen as worthless breeders and eaters and must therefore be culled from the herd.  Can you say eugenics?

Related topics…

I’ve seen the secrets of TTIP, and it is built for corporations not citizens

Bill Gates: “We need a world government”

U.N. Climate Chief: We’re ‘Intentionally’ Transforming The World Economy


Operation Gladio Basics

by DAVID BROWN | | Feb 8, 2015

Started as aDavid Brown Pic SnapShot left behind strategy after WWII to counter a potential Warsaw Pact invasion of Europe, Operation Gladio  quickly morphed into a “strategy of tension” used by NATO to shape public opinion with false flag operations employing rightwing terrorists; first in the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombings  killing 17 people and wounding 88.  Gladio was so successful in shaping public opinion after the Piazza Fontana bombings in Italy that NATO and the CIA continued Gladio, improving and modifying to include regime change via a putsch.  This is Gladio A.  Later, in Turkey, Islamist terrorist were used as proxies for the first time in what became known as Gladio B.  Gladio B employed Al-Qaeda, then ISIS to perform Gladio operations. However, in the case of Ukraine, A & B were mixed slightly with the use primarily of neo-Nazis (A) in Kiev and a small smattering of Islamists (B) further east.  During the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, much of the more technical aspects of Gladio was likely outsourced to private military companies (PMCs).  According to Kelley Vlahos’ article on ‘A Blackwater World Order’: “From 1999 to 2008, at the peak of the wars, Pentagon spending on outsourcing alone increased from $165 billion to $466 billion a year.”  It is important to note that many of these operations –as in the case of Ukraine– start with Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) which are in reality CIA fronts or cutout organizations which the target countries naively accept as a positive influence or assistance.  These operations are guided by the geopolitical goals outlined in the Wolfowitz Doctrine and the Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski with input and coordination from the CFR, The Royal Institute of International Affairs and GCHQ and no doubt the HIGHLANDS forum/group.  All of these organizations support the larger financial interests which control the FSB (Financial Stability Board), the BIS (Bank for International Settlements)  and Central Banks.  The origins of this control structure and their tactics can be found in Carroll Quigley’s ‘Anglo-American Establishment’ and ‘Tragedy and Hope’ among other historical, investigative books.

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B – Part 1

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B – Part 2

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B – Part 3

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B – Part 4

Operation Gladio – Full 1992 documentary BBC

NATO’s Secret Armies – Operation GLADIO

Silenced Whistleblower Defies Authorities: A Conversation with Sibel Edmonds

More Resources …

Below is a link to Joseph Plummer’s highlighted references from Daniele Ganser’s excellent book on NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio…

NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe (Contemporary Security Studies)