Category Archives: Geopolitics

The Spectre of Globalism and what to do about it

by DAVID BROWN | | Oct 25, 2015

Time to read, listen and learn…

Globalism“A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.”

–Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 1848
Communist Manifesto (Prologue)

And today, there is yet another spectre, only this spectre learned to use Karl Marx’s communism and all the other ‘–isms’ (whose common effect is to concentrate power),  in a grand conspiracy to place the entirety of humanity under its singular control. It has many names: New World Order, Global Governance, Globalism, the Network, Shadow Government, etc. but represents the same Anglo-American Establishment.  This is not merely a conjecture or a theory; but a well-documented fact found in their own writings, speeches and actions; and in the detailed writings of Quigley, Sutton, Griffin, Plummer and others, yet most of the structure and the purpose of this spectre remains unknown to the masses.

Unlike the tyrants we have studied in history, this new, fresh batch of authoritarian predators have a much improved arsenal of technological weapons to enslave humanity and they are moving rapidly to consolidate their control with the help of their paid technocrats, political talking heads, international money masters and corporate media organs.

The root of their power was created from and sustained by the ignorance of the masses. Who are the masses? That’s you and me bub.

If ignorance of this threat is the root cause of the enablement of this danger, perhaps the opposite would be the inoculation against this virus unleashed on the world by the predator class though education and the teaching again of the lost art of critical thinking.


If you have a work-a-day job like I do or a long commute to and from work like I do, along with family responsibilities like I do, how on earth do you squeeze out enough time to become educated on important current and historical events?

The average American watches between 2.8 and 5 hours of TV per day. This wide variance depends on whose statistics you use (Nielsen or BLS), age, race and sex. In any event, it can be seen that a lot of TV is watched by Americans on a daily basis as a leisure activity and for news.

Researching for this article, I found thousands of articles on how fast people read, but most sited no authority or source for the generally agreed to speed of 250-300 words per minute. The very few who did site a source: Forbes, for example, all sited the same study which was actually a speed reading test by Staples. It’s worrisome that almost no one takes the time to site sources! This speed reading test is apparently a smart marketing campaign by Staples. In any event, Staples possesses the only statistic I was able to find and this truth-claim has crept into the collective consciousness as a well-established fact.

More detail from Forbes:

  •   Third-grade students = 150 words per minute (wpm)
  •    Eight grade students = 250
  •    Average college student = 450
  •    Average “high level exec” = 575
  •    Average college professor = 675
  •    Speed readers = 1,500
  •    World speed reading champion = 4,700

So if the average American adult can read say 300 words per minute, how many words can they read in 5 hours? The math is simple: 300 wpm X 60 minutes = 18,000 words per hour; times 5 hours = 90,000 words per day. Even if we cut this number by half, that is a lot of words!

Books have an average of 350 words per page according to Writers Services so theoretically the average American could read 257 pages per day rather than watching 5 hrs. Per day of TV. 257 pages per day seems a bit high to me and of course for many, reading is not a leisure activity and thus we aren’t comparing apples to apples here, but it does drive home the point that if most American chose to become educated, they could prioritize their time to provide for their own self-education on matters that matter.

The reason I took the time to go through this analysis was to prove to my fellows and to myself that we do indeed have the time to read some of the most important books of our era, and this reading and resultant enlightenment would change the world we live in permanently for the good. It would usher in true human freedom by putting the powers that shouldn’t be out of business. This is not just another Utopian ideal, since their power has been proven on these pages to be a function of our collective ignorance. What is Utopian is the expectation that enough people will take time away from their leisure to become informed. What are some of these important books? There are many, but here are a few key books that I believe would change the world we live in forever and for the better:

  • Quigley’s Anglo-American Establishment – 354 pages
  • Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton 165 pages
  • Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton 148 pages
  • Wall Street and FDR by Antony C. Sutton 177 pages
  • Dishonest Money by Joseph Plummer 175 pages

Total pages = 1,019

At 51.4 pages per hour, the average time to read: 19.8 hours, say 20. So if we borrowed an hour per day from our TV time to read, we could complete the entire reading list above in 20 days.  I suppose it would take much longer depending on the density of new information and gravitas of what is being read, but this gives us some sort of basis.

Now I chose the short reading list above from a much larger and more comprehensive list  based on the importance of the information contained therein and the shortness of the book. I believe all these books are available for free  on the author’s web site (Joe Plummer) or as a text or PDF on the internet; but if you prefer to touch the book as I do, you can order a real book from Amazon or other booksellers. There are many other equally important books to add to your reading list –some longer and some shorter– that would be good supplements and additions after you have read the above books. A more complete list can be found here.

Now that we have reallocated / adjusted our TV-viewing time a bit, it’s time to look at our long commute to and from work chasing those little green energy flakes we call money. You can chose whatever you like to listen to, but why waste all that time listening to the same establishment drivel every day on the radio. Time to load your smart device with some real NFO. There are many, many sources, but I prefer to download and listen to those who have actually read Quigley. After you have read Quigley and realize just who this man was, I think you will agree. Two of my favorite sources that provide free downloads of their videos and podcasts are:

To get you started, here are two excellent links you can download and place on your smart device:

Additional Reading at ClearNFO:

Interesting background from two select videos: first one on UN Agenda 21 with Rosa Korie and the second on Technocracy by Patrick Wood.  Interesting to note that Patrick Wood was good friends and co-author with the infamous and brilliant historian Antony C Sutton.  Enjoy!

ROSA KOIRE ~ “Secrets Behind U.N. AGENDA 21 & Global Sustainability”

Published on Aug 21, 2014

Age Of Truth TV presenter Lucas Alexander is interviewing American author, truth researcher, Director of the Post Sustainability Institute and former forensic commercial real estate appraiser, ROSA KOIRE in the film: “Secrets Behind U.N. AGENDA 21 & GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY” [Age Of Truth*TV]

Rosa Koire is the author of the book “Behind The Green Mask” and is giving controversial lectures all over the world, exposing what she believes, is the real control agenda behind the 300 page, 40 chapter action plan of U.N. Agenda 21, which was approved and implemented locally by 179 countries at the Rio De Janeiro earth summit in 1992.

~ “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL” ~ Rosa Koire

Rosa Koire is connecting U.N. Agenda 21 with the political, financial and globalized New World Order plan, which most alternative truth researchers claim is a fully controlled One World Government, implemented through a “Problem, Reaction, Solution” strategy.

A fascinating and eye-opening in-depth interview with Rosa Koire by Age Of Truth TV, filmed at the Open Mind Conference at Audonicon, Skanderborg – Denmark on the September 21, 2013.

Premiere and cinematic screening / presentation before a live audience was held at PH Caféen, Copenhagen on August 20, 2014.

Rosa Koire:
“Secrets Behind U.N. AGENDA 21 & Global Sustainability”

Interviewed by: Lucas Alexander
Filmed by: Lauge Felix Black, Erik Hansen-Hansen, Mike Kirkeby Pedersen.

Special Thanks:
Rosa Koire, Open Mind Conference, Mads Wedel-Ibsen, Frank Bjerregaard Rasmussen, Carol Coenca, Sonny Wilson, UP, Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen


Caravan To Midnight – Episode 250 Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising

Published on Mar 20, 2015

Episode 250 – Today we welcome Patrick Wood on board to show us why the U.S., and the world for that matter, has transformed the way it has; and to bring light to the solutions that will quell these issues.

Buy This Caravan To Midnight Episode for 2.99…
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Reference notes:

Intel Collections at the CFR

by DAVID BROWN | | Oct 10, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Yesterday and today, I watched and listened to several Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) media events: from the global economy, to the immigration problem in Europe to Global Warming (see list below).

Now many people have learned the sorry history of the CFR from the likes of Quigley, Sutton and others but the CFR’s official face is one of kindness, intelligence and regal quality, not that of a predator.

So why watch such establishment drivel from the likes of the CFR?   Well, it is important to learn from those who seek to take your freedom and to be blunt, they do their homework and produce quality information. The trick is separating the wheat from the chaff else-wise you get sucked into their beautiful walled-garden of illusions and redirection.

Other than some useful facts, I learned the following:

  • They constantly remind you that The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher.  Joe Plummer: …But they keep quiet about their origins: “The Inquiry” and Cecil Rhodes’ “Round Table Groups,” formed to bring “all habitable portions of the world” under their control.
  • They regularly throughout their presentations warn their speakers especially just before specific sensitive questions that … “Remember, you are on the record.” At which point the speaker may pause and take a bit more time to consider his response to a question.
  • All the speakers, moderators and the audience agree on fundamentals: Russia is evil. Russia invaded the Ukraine and man-made Global Warming. There is never, ever any room to question any of their fundamental assumptions which were given them by their pay masters.  These presentations are — in effect– an echo chamber.
  • They are still using the CFR to infiltrate our schools and our universities with establishment, globalist propaganda; and every single student or doctored professor in attendance eagerly gobbles up this hooey, hook line and sinker, apparently with nary a single critical thought.

Recently viewed media presentations by the CFR:


Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview

Patrick Wood

Patrick Wood

Author Patrick Wood discusses his recent book “Technocracy Rising”, in a 3-part interview. (Summary of parts, below)  Technocracy Rising

Patrick Wood is an author and lecturer who has studied elite globalization policies since the late 1970’s, when he partnered with the late Antony C. Sutton to coauthor Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II. He remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order.”

An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession and an American Constitutionalist by choice, Wood maintains a Biblical world view and has deep historical insights into the modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom. Such attacks are epitomized by the implementation of U.N. policies such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth and in education, the widespread adoption of Common Core.

Wood is a frequent speaker and guest on radio shows around the nation. His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony, focusing on Transhumanism, Technocracy and scientism, and how these are co-opting economics, politics and religion around the world.

Technocracy, Trilaterals & TPP: An Interview with Patrick Wood

Published on Sep 11, 2015 by Richard Grove with Tragedy and Hope

Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 1 of 3) Length – 1:13:53
Part 1: Energy based Currency, Columbia University origins of Technocracy, Eugenics, Population Control, and Agenda 21, origins of Positivism and Scientism;

Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 2 of 3) Length –  56:40
Part 2: Trilaterals, CFR, Rockefellers, U.N., 1992 Rio Conference, Agenda 21 and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP);

Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 3 of 3) Length – 57:21
Part 3: Wood’s work with Antony C. Sutton, the Origins of the Trilateral Commission, Trilaterals and Larry King, and how the Trilateral Commission influenced the U.S. Govt. since 1973 to present day. Thanks to Ernie & Donna Hancock at for the use of their studio, and to Rick Malchow for his assistance in bringing you this interview.

Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse Of Global Transformation Paperback – December 29, 2014 by Patrick M. Wood (Author)

Technocracy Rising by Patrick Wood

Technocracy Rising by Patrick Wood

The History You Never Knew

Observe, while these two fine gentlemen discuss the history that created the world we live in today. Enjoy!

Kevin Cole on Carroll Quigley, Cecil Rhodes and the Reconquest of America

Published on Aug 24, 2015

Show Notes from Tragedy and Hope: Our Interesting Times: Carroll Quigley, Cecil Rhodes, and the Reconquest of America (through the creation of an International Polity)

“Kevin Cole joins the “Our Interesting Times” podcast with Timothy Kelly to discuss his paper “Carroll Quigley and the Article that Said Too Little: Reclaiming History from Omission and Partisan Straw Men” and the historical importance of Quigley’s magnum opus Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In Our Time. We also talk about Cecil Rhodes and how his plan to reclaim America for the British Empire was largely achieved in the 20th century via the creation of an elite international polity.

Kevin is a historian, writer and researcher. He has also assisted in the production of several documentaries including State of Mind: The Psychology of Control and The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto.”

(Recorded 8.23.2015)

PDF: “Professor Carroll Quigley and the Article that Said Too Little: Reclaiming History from Omission and Partisan Straw Men”

Also discussed: Western Civilization, Trivium, History of the Trivium Method, Liberal Arts, Education, Isocrates, Cybernetics, Anglo-Saxon Prussianism, Neoliberalism, The Round Table Group, The Pilgrims Society, The Reece Committee, Imperialism, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, International Relations History, Andrew Carnegie, Rhodes Scholarships, The English-Speaking People, The Anglosphere, Internationalism, World Bank, IMF, United Nations, NATO, Tax-Free Foundations, Rothschild, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Institute for International Peace, 5-Eyes, Intelligence, William Binney, John Taylor Gatto, Compulsory Education

“Our Interesting Times Podcast” w/Timothy Kelly

Want to Know More?

“History… The Last Will of Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo-American Establishment”

Tragedy and Hope: “Professor Carroll Quigley and the “Article that Said Too Little” by Kevin Cole


This Sea of Ignorance

by DAVID BROWN | | September 10, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Sometimes it is a bit frustrating to debate people who have not taken the time to read Quigley’s  ‘Anglo-American Establishment’  or the many historical accounts of Antony C Sutton; but I must take the world as I find it.  Most of these people are smart and well-intentioned but lack key information.      Faced with similar frustrations, Joe Plummer would give away Quigley’s books in the hope someone would read them, only to find out the challenge was too great.   Rather than give up, however, Joe decided to write his own slimmed-down, easier to understand and updated book on Quigley called appropriately Tragedy and Hope 101.    In this sea of ignorance, how can we have an intelligent or sane conversation without 1) key information on the real players; 2) fundamental knowledge of methods and procedures and 3) the proven historical backdrop provided by Quigley and other researchers?   That is the question.   Without the historical context and an understanding of the genealogy and pedigree of the current batch of oligarchs, how can we advance our mutual understanding and how can we engage in an effective contest for our freedom as the collective noose is tightened around our collective necks?

We are encouraged by the rapid spread of information through the internet; and we are encouraged to understand, historically, the information wars can be won by as few as 5% of the populations.    I am also encouraged by the many people who have not read Quigley, yet by the sheer force of their own intellectual skills and keen observations, can impute without the direct information provided by Quigley.   Without Quigley, they point to inconsistencies in the official historical record and the official stories of finance, geopolitics and social engineering that deserve a complete accounting and then demand an explanation.   The interview below with Paul Craig Roberts is a very good example of the brilliant intellect of PCR who struggles without the benefit of Quigley.

Paul Craig Roberts Interviewed by John B. Wells, Caravan To Midnight

Another good example of brilliance overcoming ignorance without the benefit of Quigley can be seen in the excellent interview of NSA Whistleblower William Binney by Richard Grove here.
Obviously, Mr. Grove is well versed in Quigley, but the question must be asked:  How much more effective would Binney or PCR be if they had the benefit of Quigley’s and Sutton’s documented evidence?

I’ve often said …

“There are two kinds of people: Those who have read Quigley and those who have not; and it is very easy to tell the difference.” 

I didn’t say this to be offensive or elitist or to prove I’m smarter than anyone else. I said it simply because it is true. Once the truth of what Quigley said hits you, you can never go home again, you can never see the world the same way again. Your innocence is lost.   Your naive belief in the goodness of so many institutions is forever shattered by documented fact. You see with clear eyes and so you are more difficult to fool by those who build the walled-gardens of propaganda where most of your fellows live out their intellectual lives; never questioning the construction of these walls, built of ‘well-established’ assumptions which are in fact lies.

But even with the revelations provided by Quigley, Sutton and others, the picture is never complete and of course changes over time.   The old guards die, providing room for the new oligarchs and their attendant power structures; but these changes are mostly traceable and predictable. The footprints of the past are seen everywhere in the present. Today, we have a new generation of brave, brilliant investigators and heroes who have continued –sometimes at great personal sacrifice– to peel back the curtain so that we can observe those who seek to enslave the rest of us for their own selfish purposes. See the Julian Assange interview below.

Assange on ‘US Empire,’ Assad govt overthrow plans & new book ‘The WikiLeaks Files’ (EXCLUSIVE)

Published on Sep 9, 2015

Afshin Rattansi goes underground with the world’s most wanted publisher – the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange. He has just co-authored a book – the WikiLeaks Files, and it paints a picture of systemic US torture and killing as well as the destruction of the lives and livelihoods of billions of people right around the world.

There are many examples of our Superstars who have read and understand Quigley and Sutton:

Your chance to read a secret Pentagon document

by DAVID BROWN | | Aug 18, 2015

Mark Twain, detail of photo by Mathew Brady, February 7, 1871

Mark Twain, detail of photo by Mathew Brady, February 7, 1871

“Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.” — Mark Twain

Let us not forget that Saddam was supported by the U.S. in his war against Iran (500,000 Iraqi dead and 750,000 Iranian dead) and was given the green-light to invade Kuwait … but this green-light was a calculation by the U.S., designed to provided political cover for the Gulf War codenamed Operation Desert Shield:

On July 25, 1990, Saddam Hussein entertained a guest at the Presidential Palace in Baghdad: U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie. Glaspie told the Iraqi president: “I have direct instructions from President (George H.W.) Bush to improve our relations with Iraq. We have considerable sympathy for your quest for higher oil prices, the immediate cause of your confrontation with Kuwait.”

AND let us not forget about “The Kuwaiti Incubator Babies – LIE ” Behold the lie that put the public behind the war – The Kuwaiti Incubator Babies…LIE. This entire story was manufactured. The “innocent” girl who testifies “tearfully”, is, in reality, a member of the Kuwaiti royal family and her “story” has been given to her – she was coached.

Behold the former head of the CIA and then current President of the United States, George H.W. Bush,…LIE…through his teeth, about the incubator babies. Do you think that the former head of the CIA would make up such a story?

Joe Plummer: I would add that US aid to “ISIS” also keeps the “war on terror” meme rolling along. It “justifies” the illegal / unconstitutional expansion of government power at home, while maintaining the pretext for continued intervention in the Persian Gulf. This quote from PNAC in 2000 (taken from “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”) provides further insight:

“In the Persian Gulf region, the presence of American forces, along with British and French units, has become a semipermanent fact of life.

Though the immediate mission of those forces is to enforce the no-fly zones over northern and southern Iraq, they represent the long-term commitment of the United States and its major allies to a region of vital importance. Indeed, the United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security.

While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.”

from August 17, 2015 By Jim Babka
Your chance to read a secret Pentagon document

Additional Reading on this topic:

U.S. Vs. Iraq: 25 Years and Counting. Who Triggered the 1991 Gulf War?
Global Research, August 16, 2015 |By Mickey Z

3D Geopolitics

by DAVID BROWN | | July 29, 2015

Another chess piece moved (Iran) by the U.S. in the Geopolitical game to constrain Russia and China… at this point it looks like a masterful move by the Obama Administration. This is an example of what James Corbett calls, 3D chess (geopolitics)  whereby most people are focused on a 2D chess game, whilst the oligarchs play 3D. After all, the oligarchs have more in common (to maintain and increase their power) with each other than they do with their respective citizens.

Making Sense of the Iran Nuclear Deal: Geopolitical Implications
By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh
Global Research, July 29, 2015

With US Sanctions biting into the Russian economy and China’s stock market faltering, what will be the impact on the New Silk Road Infrastructure plans?  While the rigged stock markets are good at pushing paper for the benefit of the few, they are no longer used to allocate resources based on real underlying economic dynamics.  I’m assuming the new silk road plans will continue despite China’s huge losses in the stock market; since after all, the new silk road represents real economic growth potential, unlike the rigged Casino we call the stock market.

Wall Street Still Didn’t Get The Memo—–China’s Done, Tops In!
by David Stockman • July 29, 2015

Additional Reading:

In the article below, Pepe Escobar details Russia and China’s reaction to U.S. aggression, driven by a rabid U.S. desire for ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’.  If Russia and China are successful, this does not bode well for the masters of the Angelo-American Establishment.

BRICS, China, Iran, P5+1, Russia, US Empire
The Seeds of Eurasia; A vision manifests, by Pepe Escobar
July 26, 2015

Paul Craig Roberts provides some clear insights into the U.S. Geopolitics of Russian containment…
Paul Craig Roberts: ‘US Wants to Coerce Russia Into Submission’
July 29, 2015

Phoney Opposition: The Truth About the BRICS
Broc West • 08/19/2015 •

via Devon Douglas-Bowers

This is a transcript of a recent email interview conducted between Devon Douglas-Brewers and independent journalist James Corbett, where they discuss BRICS, the view that many have of the organization as a resistance force and the truth behind that. The conversation ends with how we can fight back against the powers that be in our own way.

Screwing the Pooch

by DAVID BROWN | | July 28, 2015

eyes-14660_640Did the U.S. Screw the Pooch by its bloody warmongering across the Middle East, North Africa and Ukraine?  Despite millions of casualties, the U.S. has not succeeded in intimidating Russia or China but rather put them both on high alert.  Interesting that after the failed U.S. putsch to install U.S.-backed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, former U.S. ally Egypt is now also fully awake to the ‘Realpolitik’ tactics of the Empire of Chaos.  Who –other than the U.S. Media– could miss the mass-murder and suffering created by the U.S. slogging its way through the Middle East and North Africa, destabilizing and wrecking Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan; none of whom are national security threats and have done nothing to threaten the U.S. in any way.  And now a pivot to Asia?  What madness!  Russia and China wanted to be arms-length partners with the U.S. but U.S. military planners would have none of it. Now the U.S. has driven these two former rivals closer together to build a financial and security counterbalance against murderous U.S. global hegemony. The NWO must be crapping in their pants. We live in interesting times. Russia, China and others realize that the NWO represents an existential threat to the idea of the ‘Nation-State’ and to most of humanity; including the American people. Most Americans have yet to wake up to see who their real enemies are; hint: It’s not Russia or China. According to Catherine Austin Fitts, the Western Banks have stolen at least $40 trillion from their citizens, so these money masters still have plenty of juice to cause some global havoc advancing their mission. While Americans struggle under the tyranny emanating daily from their masters in D.C., will they finally wake from their slumber in time to identify the real villains in this geopolitical drama for world domination? Americans have been robbed, raped, pillaged and plundered, yet they remain loyal to the illusion that their vote still actually counts and America is a beacon of freedom for the world. Even after the U.S. Congress handed over the keys to America’s sovereignty to international bankers and corporations (all done in secret) with TPP, Americans are none the wiser. This soft coup d’état of America has already taken place, yet Americans still live clueless in their walled-garden of propaganda constructed by their masters.

In the article below, Pepe Escobar details Russia and China’s reaction to U.S. aggression, driven by a rabid U.S. desire for ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’.  If Russia and China are successful, this does not bode well for the masters of the Angelo-American Establishment who use America as a military enforcement appliance.

BRICS, China, Iran, P5+1, Russia, US Empire
The Seeds of Eurasia; A vision manifests, by Pepe Escobar
July 26, 2015

Countering the neo-Cold Warriors
by Wayne Madsen
Voltaire Network | Washington D. C. (États-Unis) | 18 July 2015

Counting the Dead in Iraq

A Reporter Said “Screw the Pooch” on Face the Nation. Where Does That Phrase Come From?

12 Dictators, Tyrants And Terrorist Groups Aided By The US Federal Government News update (07-27-2015)

Joe Plummer

Joe Plummer

Throughout the history of United States Foreign policy the U.S. Government has often justified or called for the invasion of another country by claiming the need to remove a dictator who was committing human rights abuses against his own people.

But what is not commonly known is that throughout that same history the U.S. Government also gave military and financial support to numerous tyrants and terrorists with the full knowledge and awareness that these groups were committing human rights abuses against their own people.

This is something the mainstream media in America will never talk about.

And while the media and the U.S. Government tells us that “terrorists hate us for our freedoms”, perhaps it’s much closer to the truth to say they hate us for propping up dictators around the world, who kill, torture, steal from and unjustly imprison their citizens.

Here is a partial list of some of the worst tyrants and dictators your tax dollars have aided and abetted over the years… Read full article at: 12 Dictators, Tyrants And Terrorist Groups Aided By The US Federal Government

COMMENT: “Again, as Quigley points out, the “power structure” that he exposed isn’t loyal to Communism, or Socialism, or Fascism, or capitalism. The Network is happy to exploit the rhetoric of any movement or ideology, prop up any dictator or tyrant, and support any economic or political model, provided it serves their one overarching aim. That aim, to bring “all the habitable portions of the world under their control,” is as old as the lust for power itself. The death and suffering that their policies have already caused in pursuit of this aim are incalculable. Allowing them to continue as they have will only bring more of the same.

Tragedy & Hope 101 by Joe Plummer

Tragedy & Hope 101 by Joe Plummer

–If there is one goal for this book, it is to expose the attitude and inherent nature of those who seek to dominate others. Don’t worry about remembering all of the dates and names that have been listed. Don’t worry about trying to recall all of the specific events. (All of that information will always be here if you need to find it again.) Instead, make it a point to simply verify the following: there is no lie that these men will not tell. There is no crime that they will not commit. The only measure of “right” and “wrong,” in their view, is whether their tactics succeed or fail. This might sound like hyperbole now, but by the end of this short book you will understand the truth of this assertion. (The Network’s game is won by those who calculate properly, and moral considerations only impede accurate calculation.)” —Tragedy and Hope 101

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : On the So-Called “Greek Debt Crisis”

by DAVID BROWN | | July 26, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

If you understand how the money powers use USAID, IMF the World Bank and other financial orgs to transfer ownership of real assets on the cheap, you will recognize these same techniques being used on Greece today. This is commonly known as ‘Asset-Striping’ a country by those who do this for a living. PCR (Paul Craig Roberts) recently did an excellent breakdown on this in an interview on The Mind Renewed by Dr. Julian Charles. Below, I have broken down the steps used in 3rd – World nations in Latin America and other regions of the globe. Why is this important? Well, this is what is being done to Greece and what is in store for any other members of the EU who get out of line; and it must be noted that the USA is not immune.

ASSET-STRIPPING Sovereign Nations, by the books:

1. Country “X” is identified as being financially weak, yet has valuable assets like natural resources or has geopolitical value
2. Country “X” is then targeted by the USAID, IMF & World Bank for loans.
3. Representatives are sent into Country “X” to do studies to prove up (by exaggerated estimates) what this or that infrastructure will do for the economy of Country “X”.
4. This inflated estimate for money is then included as part of a loan request to the bank. This is the cover.
5. Loan is committed
6. Heads of State of Country “X” siphon off much of the money to private bank accounts
7. Most of the work for the infrastructure improvements goes to well-connected multinational corporations not to local companies.
8. Country “X” cannot pay loan back
9. Bank offers additional money to help Country “X” if they will implement “austerity measures” which effectively puts the bankers in charge of running the country.
10. Country “X”, still cannot make payments on loan.
11. Bank takes control of assets and natural resources of Country “X”
12. Bank sells assets, natural resources of Country “X” or provides monopolies to multinational corporations at pennies on the dollar, which still does not satisfy the debt.
NOTE: Much of this is coordinated with the help of the US, CIA, NATO and the EU. If Country “X” will not go along with the loan, then Operation Gladio or a ‘Color Revolution’ is implemented to destabilize Country “X” for regime change.

Enjoy the Brilliant interview with Paul Craig Roberts by Dr. Julian Charles of The Mind Renewed just below…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : On the So-Called “Greek Debt Crisis
Published on Friday, 24 July 2015 13:37 by The Mind Renewed:

What is the so-called “Greek Debt Crisis”? Is it simply the result of economic mismanagement by the Greek people and their successive governments, or is there more to it than meets the eye?

Joining us to answer this question, we welcome once again Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy), who explains that the crisis is not fundamentally about debt at all, but rather the playing out of a strategy by the financial and political elites to establish two main principles: the looting of European countries by the “One Percent”, and the systematic destruction of their national sovereignty.

We also discuss the Iran Nuclear Deal and the recent address by UK Prime Minister David Cameron on “extremism” (described by Glenn Greenwald as “one of the creepiest and most authoritarian speeches you’ll ever hear.”)

Related NFO from Catherine Austin Fitts:
Central Bank Warfare Model Wearing Thin (Published on Jul 19, 2015)
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts of

Show notes from ‘Central Bank Warfare Model Wearing Thin’:
Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts says, “The central banking warfare model is wearing thin. There are three things you can do: You can have war, you can have depopulation or you can have change. The voice you are hearing coming back from the BRICS, the voice you are hearing coming back from the Greek people is let’s try change. The IMF is saying . . . you know they have a point. Puerto Rico and Greece have rung that bell that says we have to create value in the real economy. You can’t eat it if you don’t grow it, and we can’t grow it if we are all engaged in disaster capitalism.”

Some additional clarity on the Iran nuclear deal:
Obama’s line on the Iran nuclear deal: A second false narrative
by Gareth Porter | MIDDLE EAST EYE |Saturday 25 July 2015