Category Archives: Family


by DAVID BROWN | | November 01, 2014

My college philosophy teacher was and probably still is an atheist, yet he was an amazingly brilliant teacher … one of my best. Despite his lack of faith or belief in things unseen or unproven by his deductive method, he was staunchly anti-abortion. He reasoned as did I that once you minimize or devalue life at one end of the spectrum (very young) what logically will prevent you from minimizing it at the other end (very old); and once so done, one’s foot is squarely placed on the proverbial slippery slope. And where does this slope lead? Well it leads to further adjustments at either or both ends. So if we have scarce resources—which we always do–the value of a person prior to being productive for society would be less than say a person of working age and likewise the value of an older person incapable of vigorous work would be less valuable. So at some point, this logic trip leads us to the conclusion of stratification of value based on age; such that a society would be more interested in investing and/or saving the life of someone between the age of 18 and 35 say. Outside this range, you are less valuable and therefore on your own or possibly a candidate for post-birth abortion. In fact this is already occurring. We have death panels with Obamacare and recent opinion polls on college campuses show a growing approval of post-birth abortion up to age five if it would save jobs. So there you have it. Ideas have power and they have consequences that on first blush you may not have even considered.

Additional reading on this topic …

Miscellaneous Observations on Abortion

Opus 014: The Hoax of materialism

Demographic Winter and Population Growth

by DAVID BROWN | | October 24, 2014

It is important to understand two concepts when thinking about the world population. The fear mongers would have you believe that the growth rate is linear or exponential in an unstoppable upward trend until the masses of humanity consume all the world’s resources. This is just wrong-headed when you don’t consider fertility rates and the necessary lag time for women to reach child bearing age. The facts are that while population in total may be increasing at the present, the rate of growth is decreasing in most countries (see URL link below).

Just to keep a population at a zero growth rate you must constantly replace the people who are dying from old age, illness, accidents, wars, etc. This replacement rate is generally considered to be 2.1 for developed countries and 2.3 for underdeveloped countries.

So in developed states we need a fertility rate of about 2.1 children per woman and in less developed states we need about 2.3 children per woman just to stay at zero growth.

Now, babies don’t just pop out immediately so you have to wait until the woman is of child bearing age plus nine months. This is a lag of say 20 years. Additionally, if fertility rates are below the replacement rates of 2.1 or 2.3, the shrinkage of the population will not be noticed for many years but when it is noticed the drop is dramatic, sudden and can feed on itself for generations. The unintended consequences of low fertility rates: 1) not enough young people to support the elderly; 2) aging work force; 3) necessity to import more fertile immigrants; and 4) resultant changes to the culture and standard of living.

The current fertility rate for the USA and Australia is 1.9 and for the UK and France is 2.0; China is 1.7 and Canada is 1.6; all below the necessary 2.1 to maintain zero growth.

The average total fertility rate in the European Union (EU-27) has been calculated at 1.59.

Most fertility rates are down world-wide
Source of data: The World Bank
Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
  Demographic Winter

Is Greed Our Problem?

money-bag-400301_150Greed is a good word but in my mind there is also a lack of character, morality, ethics, culture, tradition, pride, honor, etc; all of which would tend to constrain greed. The development of these ideals can be traced back –in my opinion– to a basic building block of character and morality called the family. What has happened to the family? With fuzzy logic, we have allowed ourselves to be duped into murdering our own children for convenience sake and then told that this murder was just a medical procedure called abortion. Once we accept this big lie –that a fetus is not a human or a child or alive– then our brain has been prepared to accept the necessary corollary that human life is not special or sacred 1) at the very young end of the time track or 2) at the old end. So now we have death panels wherein we can kill grandma or grandpa for economic convenience when just a few decades ago this would have been unthinkable. This is progress to the ‘Progressive’. So if we will not protect the most vulnerable and the most innocent, what morality or character do we really possess? I say none. We are being slowly marinated in a technocratic ‘Progressive Ideology’ and thus controlled by eugenicists whose publicly stated goal is a reduction of population by 80 to 90%. The chemicals we are consuming are dumbing us down and slowly making us weak, infertile and compliant to the wishes of the ‘powers-that-shouldn’t-be’.

If Al, Jessie, Barry, Eric & the media really cared about Blacks


by DAVID BROWN | | August 22, 2014

If Al, Jessie, Barry, Eric & the media really cared about Blacks, they would be concerned about Blacks with no father: 72.3% of blacks have no father. This was not true during the 60’s before the government insinuated itself into the black family substituting itself for the father. In 1960 the illegitimacy rate in the black community was 2.3%–then the Great Society started.

Miscellaneous Observations on Abortion …

by DAVID BROWN | | February 02, 2012

Choice or Baby?

Choice or Baby?

If you are religious, you can find many persuasive arguments against abortion from the pulpit; but if you are not religious, these arguments are unimpressive, unconvincing and annoying.  If you believe that there is no creator, and that we are just the end result of eons of random successful genetic mutations originating from a primordial soup, the idea of a fetus being just a blob of cells like your liver or spleen– to be removed at will when necessary or convenient– is intellectually reasonable if not entirely emotionally satisfying.  The non-religious would naturally wonder what the big fuss is all about and rightfully feel these religious nuts are encroaching on “my reproductive rights!”   Amazingly, however, faith has found a place in the hearts of the faithless…once the fetus is beyond the birth canal, umbilical cord cut and fetus viable; it somehow magically attains full rights of an individual human being and is so named.   This is part of a long list of “well-established” facts that comprise the credo of the secular world.  They reason that perhaps life may begin a bit earlier than this, but not by much.  To make things more confusing, we are told that no one really knows when life begins anyway; so we can now use this fuzzy construct to smudge any clear demarcation and add confusion to the ill-trained mind.

What kind of barbarian would deny a woman the right to control her own body or her right to practice birth control as she sees fit?   And what about rape, incest and the mother’s life or the quality of life of the infant due to poverty, genetic irregularities, malformations or congenital maladies?  Or you wanted a boy and not a girl or it’s just not convenient just now.  Surely you must see the logic of allowing women to abort their fetuses?   And, to combat the religious nuts, there are websites dedicated to proving that abortion is biblical just in case you are not so sure about all this Deity stuff.  So what’s the big deal?  The non-believer has every angle covered.  It’s just a medical procedure performed by a doctor and his patient.

So, if we are to make any headway on this debate, we have two choices:  we can convert everyone on the planet to agree with our particular religious views—unlikely– or we can take a logical, scientific view upon which believers and non-believers can agree.

So what is a fetus?  Is it a blob of cells?  Yes and no.  Is it a weed or a flower, trash or treasure? A series of electrochemical reactions or a blessing?  I think we can agree that the term fetus is a cold, disinterested name given to a very young human.  It is not a dog.  It is not a cat and it is not a liver or an abscessed tooth to be pulled or a hair or finger nail to be cut.  It is something different.  It depends on the mother for sustenance but it is not part of the mother and does not share its DNA with any other cell in the mother’s body.  Every cell in the Mother’s body has the same DNA as every other cell in the Mother’s body except the fetus or baby which resides within the mother’s womb…there by no fault of its own. Helpless, nature’s most vulnerable.  The baby possesses some DNA from the Father and some from the Mother but woven together in a very unique way.   No two siblings are exactly alike even identical twins differ in terms of gene expression and space and time…and none possess the same combination of DNA as the Mother.

So I think we can safely say that the fetus is not part of the Mother’s body in any logical since unless you also consider the male’s penis part of the mother’s body during coitus and could be aborted as well if not attached to a legally defined separate human.  But such conclusions illustrate the foolishness of the abortionists logic more than my crassness.  And we can safely say that the fetus is a young human though we may disagree if it is alive or not. Since we have no good definition of life this can be problematic.  Some viruses defy our definition of life by many accounts; however, most of us can tell the difference between a virus and a rock yet we get confused when discussing a fetus.

For the non-believer none of this may matter much anyway since the pain to the little human is short –if at all– and it benefits the greater good of the collective to reduce the population, but you must admit that this is a little more consequential than getting a tooth removed or a haircut and there may be some ethical question about killing an innocent life.  And for the agnostic or the ethically challenged… if perchance there is a Creator, I would imagine this creator might be just a little bit pissed at a people who chose of their own free will to pass a law that has resulted in the death of over 50 million of His most innocent ones.

Additional Reading at ClearNFO: