Category Archives: Education

‘Scientific study backs intelligent design’ ?


Good informative article below entitled ‘Scientific study backs intelligent design’ but I have a few comments.   First, I would not have used the term ‘Intelligent Design’. Why? Because there is no clear definition for this term.  It means different things to different people and it is so divisive it causes many to disengage.   What we can say is that Darwinian-style Evolution is a theory not a fact.  I have been preaching this for years to my kids teachers who try to fill their heads with this fuzzy thinking.  Are there natural and other types of selection for a better genotype? Yes. We have the ‘Delicious Apple’, the ‘Hereford cattle’, and all the different breeds of dogs, cats, etc. so yes there is a mechanism for genetic change and stabilization both natural and assisted by man. But how do you get from a primordial soup to an amoeba or from an amoeba to a horse; and why don’t our evolutionists tell us that Dr. Leakey’s missing link called Lucy wasn’t a missing link after all?  Why is it that sharks or lampreys haven’t changed one gene in millions of years?  What about the Pre-Cambrian Explosion of Life forms in the Geologic time scale?  No one has adequately answered that question!  Why does man build spaceships, computers and massive skyscrapers while the ants build dirt mounds?  These are important questions that the myth of “Settled Science” omits from the domain of logical discussion.

“Cause-and-effect physical determinism…cannot account for the programming of sequence-dependent biofunction.’”

‘Scientific study backs intelligent design’

Some additional thoughts …

We are told that Chimps and Man share 96 – 99% of the same genes, but they neglect to tell us that man also shares 55% of the same genes with a banana. So what are we to conclude from this? First that the dogma of “Settled Science” attempts to stop any questioning or logical discussion of their sacred dogma as with the Global Warming hoax.

Secondly I think we can conclude that if chimps and man share 99% of the same genes, we may have over emphasized the determinative importance of adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine as the DNA bases.

So our vaulted scientists tell us that Darwin’s theory of evolution is a fact not a theory and in their hubris they talk about the Universe as if they know what this is when they should use the modifier ‘KNOWN’ universe.

Our scientists –while a very useful tool– don’t even know what gravity is or the cause of –as Einstein called it “Spooky Motion at a Distance”– or quantum entanglement

More information:

David Berlinski Explains Problems With Evolution.




NOTE: This book is on the ClearNFO Reading List

Introduction for 2002 Edition

 AMERICAS SECRET ESTABLISHMENT ‘has had an unusual publishing history.

The book began with an anonymous donation to the author of an 8-inch package of documents in the early 1980s. Nothing less than the membership list and supporting documents for a truly secret society the Yale Skull and Bones.

The late Johnny Johnson, of Phoenix Arizona was the spark that moved me to write first a four-part series and later, a jumbo volume based on this material. This volume went to several editions with several publishers, even a Russian edition of 12,000 copies. Probably in the past few years, as many copies have been sold in Russia as in the United States.

America’s Secret Establishment has had little publicity, few reviews ignored by mainline distributors yet, has sold steadily for the past 16 years at a rate of several hundred copies a month.

This activity, in turn, has generated other articles and books by other authors. But my real intent, to generate an exploration of Hegelian influence in modern America, has not been fulfilled. In great part, this can be attributed to an educational system based on a statist-Hegelian philosophy, and which has already achieved the “dumbing down” of America.

This disastrous, destructive philosophy, the source of both Naziism and Marxism, has infected and corrupted our constitutional republic. Much of the blame for this corruption is with an elitist group of Yalie “Bonesmen.” Their symbol of Skull and Bones, and their Hegelian philosophy, says it all, although with typical duplicity, they would have you believe otherwise.

Hegelianism glorifies the State, the vehicle for the dissemination of statist and materialist ideas and policies in education, science, politics and economics.

Wonder why we have a “dumbed-down” society? Look no further than the Bonesman troika who imported the Prussian education system into the U.S. in the 19″ h Century. A political philosophy in direct opposition to the classical liberalism nurtured in 19″ h Century British and American history. In classical liberalism, the State is always subordinate to the individual. In Hegelian Statism, as we see in Naziism and Marxism, the State is supreme, and the individual exists only to serve the State.

Our two-parry Republican-Democrat (= one Hegelian party, no one else welcome or allowed) system is a reflection of this Hegelianism. A small group – a very small group – by using Hegel, can manipulate, and to some extent, control society for its own purposes.

More than that, reflect on their pirate flag. An emblem found on poison bottles, the symbol of the Nazi Death Head Division in World War Two. Not only did Skull and Bones become a major force in drug smuggling (the Bush and Prescott families in the 1860s), but in true Hegelian fashion, generated the antithesis, the so-called “war on drugs.” This hypocritical policy maintains the price of drugs, controls supply, and puts millions in jail while the gainers, in great part, are none other than the same “Bonesmen” who pass the laws to prohibit (Bonesman Taft, 1904).

Right and Left – A Control Device

For Hegelians, the State is almighty, and seen as “the march of God on earth.” Indeed, a State religion.

Progress in the Hegelian State is through contrived conflict: the clash of opposites makes for progress. If you can control the opposites, you dominate the nature of the outcome.

We trace the extraordinary Skull and Bones influence in a major Hegelian conflict: Naziism vs. Communism. Skull and Bones members were in the dominant decision-making positions – Bush, Harriman, Stimson, Lovett, and so on – all Bonesmen, and instrumental in guiding the conflict through use of “right” and “left.” They financed and encouraged the growths of both philosophies and controlled the outcome to a significant extent. This was aided by the “reductionist” division in science, the opposite of historical “wholeness.” By dividing science and learning into narrower and narrower segments, it became easier to control the whole through the parts.

In education, the Dewey system was initiated and promoted by Skull and Bones members. Dewey was an ardent statist, and a believer in the Hegelian idea that the child exists to be trained to serve the State. This requires suppression of individualist tendencies and a careful spoon-feeding of approved knowledge. This “dumbing down” of American education is not easily apparent unless you have studied in both foreign and domestic U.S. universities – then the contrast becomes crystal clear.

This dumbing down is now receiving attention. Two excellent books are The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt (Conscience Press, Revenna Ohio, 2001), and The Dumbing Down of America, by John Taylor Gotta. Both books trace this process to the impact of education, and both give remarkable detail of the process. We go further, in that we trace the import of the system to three Yalies – members of Skull & Bones.

For Iserbyt, in The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, the American education system begins with Rockefeller and Gates. But in fact, this statist system is a reflection of the Hegelian ideas brought to the United States by the Skull and Bones “troika” of Oilman, White and Dwight, and then financed by Rockefeller.

People Control

Today in California, one can see in real time the use of controlled conflict to achieve a desired outcome. The debate over the energy crisis is carefully contained to a debate over price caps and price control. Republicans want no caps and no controls. Most Democrats want price controls through caps.

But look at what is NOT discussed anywhere. The entire spectrum of almost free energy, based on a decade of research is carefully kept out of the discussion. Isn’t this highly relevant to an energy crisis?

In fact, the existence of free energy systems just down the road is the reason for the controlled debate. Mills Blacklight Power now has its patents and some utilities have already bought in. Bearden’s MEG energy from space, is under discussion. Working models exist. The maligned cold fusion has hundreds of successful experiments, but so far as we know, cannot be repeated with sufficient assurance. Other systems have come into the view of government agencies, and then disappear from sight.

A knowing public would ask, Why are these not included in the discussion?” – Simple. Because the utilities know they are for real, and only a few years down the road. The problem for utilities is not the price of energy today, but how to dump their fixed assets (hydro plants, transmission lines, etc.) onto the public. These “valuable” assets will have zero value down the road, because all new systems are stand-alone units which don’t need fixed plant and transmission lines. If the public is aware of the dilemma of the utilities, the ability to dump assets onto the State is heavily reduced.

The Republican-Democrat debate over “caps” is a diversion. The relevant question carefully avoided is, how long will it take to get these new systems into production?

Another example is Monsanto Corporation development of genetic engineering and predator seed, a barely-concealed effort for world domination of agriculture.

President George Bush, Jr. , a Bonesman, appoints a Monsanto vice president, Dr. Virginia Weldon, as Director of Food and Drug Administration, which has the power to block labeling of genetically-engineered foods, and pass on other corporate control efforts.

Just before this, in New Technology, we had the 1989 dramatic announcement of “cold fusion.” When this announcement was made public, President George Bush (also a Bonesman) called establishment scientist the late physicist Seagrum into his office and gave instructions.

We don’t know what was said, but we know what happened. Cold fusion, a valid process for free energy, as was subsequently revealed, was slandered and harassed by the establishment, no doubt fearful of what free energy would do to the oil industry.

What is to be Done?

If the voting public was even vaguely aware of this rampant and concealed scenario, it could, and possibly would force change. However, this is not a likely possibility. Most people are “go-along” types, with limited personal objectives and a high threshold for official misdeeds.

What has taken over a century to establish cannot be changed in a few years. The initial question is education. To eliminate the Hegelian system that stifles individual initiative and trains children to become mindless zombies, serving the State.

We need a lot less propaganda for “education” and a more individual creative search for learning. Instead of more money for education, we need to allocate a lot less. The existing system of education is little more than a conditioning mechanism. It has little to do with education in the true sense, and a lot to do with control of the individual.

It is more likely that time, rather than the voting booth, will erode the secret power of this Yale group, Nothing this outrageous can survive forever.

Antony Sutton

If Al, Jessie, Barry, Eric & the media really cared about Blacks


by DAVID BROWN | | August 22, 2014

If Al, Jessie, Barry, Eric & the media really cared about Blacks, they would be concerned about Blacks with no father: 72.3% of blacks have no father. This was not true during the 60’s before the government insinuated itself into the black family substituting itself for the father. In 1960 the illegitimacy rate in the black community was 2.3%–then the Great Society started.

Media: Information Gatekeepers?

It is important to realize that the role of the media is to act as the gatekeepers; to provide the basic building blocks of our collective reality, thus providing us the illusion of freedom by allowing the public debate on how to organize these blocks, but sadly most of us never, ever look at the blocks themselves to discover their construction.

The blocks are created and promulgated by a system designed by the ‘elites’ or whatever name you want to give them. The names change and the people die but the system they have created continues. If we only take in officially approved information, we will never discover the truth of who controls the blocks that we have come to accept as ‘well established fact’. All the real data remains in plain view but we remain oblivious, since our unexamined assumptions prohibit questions of first principles. So how do we replace false data with real data?  It takes some time and effort to dig it out. The elites have almost always been very clear about their intentions in their own writings.  The documentation is there for all to see, if you have the time, energy and access to do the fundamental research. This is not a theory, but a fact.  What does it mean to you if you discover that the assassination of an American president and the 9/11 attacks were inside jobs followed by government coverups … all accomplished in broad daylight for all to see?  Our assumptions will not allow us to question the official narrative which is backed up by the official media and their ‘talking-heads’ and the official education system.  Likewise the government murdering Ambassador Christopher Stevens; or in  arming and financing of Al-Qaeda and ISIS in the Middle East; or the government financing of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine are not to be questioned.

For example, the CIA developed a clever and effective Psychological operation (PSYOP) after many started to doubt the official JFK assassination report. This is documented. The design and purpose of this PSYOP was to stop critical analysis of the facts. When someone uses the term ‘conspiracy theory’ any additional thought stops. You could call this a ‘thought-stopper’. It has worked rather well. If you want to discredit someone or to put them down to make them look stupid you just call them a conspiracy theorist and you are done.  Search the phrase ‘CIA invents Conspiracy Theorist’ and you will find ample documentation.

Most people cannot fathom the power that the ‘elites’ have or that they look upon you and me as useless eaters and breeders … even subhuman. That’s what the ability to call into creation trillions of dollars at the flick of a pen or click of a mouse will do to a mortal man’s ego. He believes he is innately better than all the rest of us and seeks to control us like domesticated livestock. It is well documented by Quigley, Antony C Sutton and others that the elites use and finance socialism, communism, or any ism that will collect and concentrate power: Mao, Stalin and Hitler are a few they have financed in the past.

Here in the USA, elites have used tax-exempt foundations to stash much of their massive wealth only to promulgate the illusion they are philanthropists, kind and generous; but in fact they direct and control where the money is spent tax-free and no one is the wiser.

Admittedly there are a many real kooks out there that will believe anything they see on the internet or in print, so you must thoroughly research history from more than the official narrative; remembering that the victor of war always writes the history that subsequent generations will see and study. Most of the best information comes from inside the inner circles of the elites themselves. A good primer would be Tragedy & Hope 101 by Joseph Plummer, or the Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley. In your journey to discover the real mechanisms of control, it is critical that you understand who Professor Carroll Quigley was and how he and others obtained their source documents revealing the men behind the curtain who control the illusions many believe as fact.

To help in this journey, I have created a partial reading list here.  Enjoy!

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June 12, 2011 at 8:37pm

“In authoritarian and totalitarian societies schools exist to indoctrinate students in the orthodoxy of the state. In a democracy, by contrast, we teach students how to think, not what to think. In other words, in a free society the very purpose of education is to open students’ minds and encourage future citizens to figure out what conclusions to draw by themselves. It is not the purpose of a democratic education to force-feed students opinions on controversial issues that the teacher deems ‘politically correct’.” ~David Horowitz

Opus 016: Do we have a democracy or a republic?

by DAVID BROWN | | October 17, 2009

Democracy VS Republic

What form of government do we have in the USA anyway?

We can always debate the finer points but to put it simply, a democracy is “rule by the majority” and a republic is a “rule by law”. The distinction here is more important than most US citizens realize. Let’s take a look at the difference.

Let’s say Mr. Smith had worked hard as a young man and bought a plot of land 10 miles out side of his home town of Pleasantville. Over many years, he had worked hard and paid for the land in full and had been able to work the land through careful planning and irrigation to build a rather fine grape vineyard producing some of the best grapes, wine, raisins, grape juice and jelly in all the land.

A Democracy (rule by mob):
Seeing how fine the vineyard was and how Mr. Smith had prospered, the town councilmen took a look at their overworked budget and proposed a vote to the citizens that Mr. Smith’s land should rightfully become the property of the town and therefore be divided up amongst the good citizens of Pleasantville. By majority vote, this proposal was passed overwhelmingly and the land became the property of the town. Everyone was delighted and very happy except Mr. Smith. There could be no consoling Mr. Smith and so he had raised such a fuss about all of this the town folk voted to put Mr. Smith in prison for unbecoming behavior which was very unpleasant to the erudite and sophisticated sensibilities of the refined citizens of Pleasantville. Everyone was horrified at Mr. Smith’s words and angry outburst in public and couldn’t tolerate such behavior.

A Republic (rule by law):
If Mr. Smith in the story above lived under the protection of the rule of law or a republic, a simple majority vote couldn’t have deprived him of his property or freedom. The city councilmen would have had their powers limited by the rule of law. Mr. Smith would have been provided certain rights and been protected by the rule of law, due process and the rights guaranteed to him by a constitution and bill of rights.

The US founding fathers were keenly aware of this distinction and that is why the Constitution and The Bill of rights limit the power of the government. These documents are your shield and are there to protect you. When our educators, politicians and news media continually preach about the democracy please remember that this is a representative REPUBLIC and not a democracy.

Do you pledge allegiance to the Democracy or the Republic?

From the American View…

As the story goes, at the close of the Constitutional Convention, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government the Constitution was bringing into existence. Franklin replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

It has been baldly asserted that in a Democracy, majority rules, whereas in a Republic, Law rules. Consider, in a Democracy, there is no need for a Constitution, since the majority can simply change Law at a whim. In a Republic, there is a Law above the government, and in our case there is a written Constitution.

Definitions from Wikipedia…

The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the United States. It is the foundation and source of the legal authority underlying the existence of the United States of America and the federal government of the United States. It provides the framework for the organization of the United States government and for the relationship of the federal government to the states, to citizens, and to all people within the United States.

In the United States, the Bill of Rights is the name by which the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution are known.