Category Archives: Education

Mein Kampf “My Struggle”

by DAVID BROWN | | Oct 03, 2016

“History is written by the victors.” ― Walter Benjamin


If you haven’t read Mein Kampf, you really don’t know what you are missing. When you overlay Mein Kampf on top of a real historical accounting of Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, FDR, WWI & WWII (see Antony C. Sutton)… mind blown.

I love autobiographies.  My favorite is Benjamin Franklin’s.  Though it’s certain these authors only tell what they choose to disclose, these books provide a unique perspective and perhaps a deeper insight into what exactly makes the writer tick; up close and personal.  Unfortunately many of today’s autobiographers use ghostwriters extensively, so to me this seems less insightful and therefore less valuable.  I doubt if Benjamin had any help, but certainly Hitler did, yet Mein Kampf remains personal and approachable.

Now, I have no plans of becoming a Nazi anytime soon and I abhor any act of unprovoked murder, yet we cheat ourselves if we condemn a person of Hitler’s historical importance to obscurity and misunderstanding by refusing to read and understand just exactly what he had to say.  Though many criticize his writing style, I find it brilliant.  Many of us have a simplified version of history imprinted in our minds; taught by our compulsory state-run public school systems, viewed from the perspective of the victors; or perhaps we gained our history from the many references to Hitler in our current era via the entertainment industry.   This, I assure you, does not paint a complete picture, but rather a useful myth promulgated by our current power structure.  I would love to believe all these myths, but they are just not true.

From the Reece committee investigations of 1953, we know that our history has been re-written to please the powerful.  From Antony C. Sutton’s ‘Wall Street and the rise of Hitler’, we know that FDR, Wall Street and many powerful businessmen concealed financial interests and activities that would shock the average American.  We know that the Milner Group controlled –from behind– many of the public faces we are all familiar with during WWI and WWII:  we learn this from Carroll Quigley’s penetrating writing on ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’.  And we know from circumstantial evidence and memos presented by James Perloff that FDR had foreknowledge of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, yet let it occur anyway.  And we know much, much more.

So with WWII, there is much hidden from the general public who have neither the time nor interest to dig deeper for the truth.

My point is not to drill down into the many controversies and hidden history surrounding WWII, but to provide a motivation for all those who haven’t read Hitler’s autobiography to consider giving Mein Kampf a try.  I do not think you will be disappointed.

To this end, I have provided the following three (3) excerpts; additional reading and resources at the bottom of this post ….

Destruction of the Family:

And so this man, who was formerly so hard-working, grows lax in his whole view of life and gradually becomes the instrument of those who use him only for their own base advantage. He has so often been unemployed through no fault of his own that one time more or less ceases to matter, even when the aim is no longer to fight for economic rights, but to destroy political, social, or cultural values in general. He may not be exactly enthusiastic about strikes, but at any rate he has become indifferent.

With open eyes I was able to follow this process in a thousand examples. The more I witnessed it, the greater grew my revulsion for the big city which first avidly sucked men in and then so cruelly crushed them. When they arrived, they belonged to their people; after remaining for a few years, they were lost to it.

I, too, had been tossed around by life in the metropolis- in my own skin I could feel the effects of this fate and taste them with my soul. One more thing I saw: the rapid change from work to unemployment and vice versa, plus the resultant fluctuation of income, end by destroying in many all feeling for thrift, or any understanding for a prudent ordering of their lives. It would seem that the body gradually becomes accustomed to living on the fat of the land in good times and going hungry in bad times. Indeed, hunger destroys any resolution for reasonable budgeting in better times to come by holding up to the eyes of its tormented victim an eternal mirage of good living and raising this dream to such a pitch of longing that a pathological desire puts an end to all restraint as soon as wages and earnings make it at all possible. The consequence is that once the man obtains work he irresponsibly forgets all ideas of order and discipline, and begins to live luxuriously for the pleasures of the moment. This upsets even the small weekly budget, as even here any intelligent apportionment is lacking; in the beginning it suffices for five days instead of seven, later only for three, finally scarcely for one day, and in the end it is drunk up in the very first night.

Often he has a wife and children at home. Sometimes they, too, are infected by this life, especially when the man is good to them on the whole and actually loves them in his own way. Then the weekly wage is used up by the whole family in two or three days; they eat and drink as long as the money holds out and the last days they go hungry. Then the wife drags herself out into the neighborhood, borrows a little, runs up little debts at the food store, and in this way strives to get through the hard last days of the week. At noon they all sit together before their meager and sometimes empty bowls, waiting for the next payday, speaking of it, making plans, and, in their hunger, dreaming of the happiness to come.

And so the little children, in their earliest beginnings, are made familiar with this misery.

It ends badly if the man goes his own way from the very beginning and the woman, for the children’s sake, opposes him. Then there is fighting and quarreling, and, as the man grows estranged from his wife, he becomes more intimate with alcohol. He is drunk every Saturday, and, with her instinct of self-preservation for herself and her children, the woman has to fight to get even a few pennies out of him; and, to make matters worse, this usually occurs on his way from the factory to the barroom. When at length he comes home on Sunday or even Monday night, drunk and brutal, but always parted from his last cent, such scenes often occur that God have mercy!

I have seen this in hundreds of instances. At first I was repelled or even outraged, but later I understood the whole tragedy of this misery and its deeper causes.

Volume One – A Reckoning
Chapter II: Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
18 July 1925

Propaganda, the machine for educating the masses:

By far the greatest bulk of the political ‘education,’ which in this case one may rightly define with the word ‘propaganda,’ is the work of the press. It is the press above all else that carries out this ‘work of enlightenment,’ thus forming a sort of school for adults. This instruction, however, does not rest in the hand of the State, but partly in the claws of very inferior forces. As a very young man in Vienna, I had the very best opportunity of becoming really acquainted with the owners and spiritual producers of this machine for educating the masses. At the beginning I was astonished how short a time it took this most evil of all the great powers in the State to create a certain opinion, even if this involved complete falsification of the wishes or opinions in the minds of the public. In the course of a few days a ridiculous trifle was turned into an affair of State, whereas, at the same time, problems of vital importance were dropped into general oblivion, or rather were stolen from the minds and the memory of the masses.

So they succeeded, in the course of a few weeks, in conjuring up some names out of nothing and attaching incredible hopes to them on the part of the great public, in even giving them a popularity which the really important man may never attain during his whole lifetime; names which in addition, nobody had even heard of only a month before, whereas at the same time old and trustworthy representatives of public or political life, though in the bloom of health, simply died in the minds of their contemporaries, or they were showered with such wretched abuses that soon their names were in danger of becoming the symbol of villainy and rascality. It is necessary to study this infamous Jewish method with which they simultaneously and from all directions, as at a given magic word, pour bucketfuls of the basest calumnies and defamation over the clean garb of honest people, in order to appreciate the entire danger of these rascals of the press.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
18 July 1925

How to read:

By ‘reading,’ to be sure, I mean perhaps something different than the average member of our so-called ‘intelligentsia.’

I know people who ‘read’ enormously, book for book, letter for letter, yet whom I would not describe as ‘well-read.’ True they possess a mass of ‘knowledge,’ but their brain is unable to organize and register the material they have taken in. They lack the art of sifting what is valuable for them in a book from that which is without value, of retaining the one forever, and, if possible, not even seeing the rest, but in any case not dragging it around with them as useless ballast.  For reading is no end in itself, but a means to an end. It should primarily help to fill the framework constituted by every man’s talents and abilities; in addition, it should provide the tools and building materials which the individual needs for his life’s work, regardless whether this consists in a primitive struggle for sustenance or the satisfaction of a high calling; secondly, it should transmit a general world view. In both cases, however, it is essential that the content of what one reads at any time should not be transmitted to the memory in the sequence of the book or books, but like the stone of a mosaic should fit into the general world picture in its proper place, and thus help to form this picture in the mind of the reader.  Otherwise there arises a confused muddle of memorized facts which not only are worthless, but also make their unto fortunate possessor conceited.  For such a reader now believes himself in all seriousness to be ‘educated,’ to understand something of life, to have knowledge; while in reality, with every new acquisition of this kind of ‘education,’ he is growing more and more removed from the world until, not infrequently, he ends up in a sanitarium or in parliament.

Never will such a mind succeed in culling from the confusion of his ‘ knowledge ‘ anything that suits the demands of the hour, for his intellectual ballast is not organized along the lines of life, but in the sequence of the books as he read them and as their content has piled up in his brain If Fate, in the requirements of his daily life, desired to remind him to make a correct application of what he had read, it would have to indicate title and page number, since the poor fool would otherwise never in all his life find the correct place. But since Fate does not do this, these bright boys in any critical situation come into the most terrible embarrassment, cast about convulsively for analogous cases, and with mortal certainty naturally find the wrong formulas.

If this were not true, it would be impossible for us to understand the political behavior of our learned and highly placed government heroes, unless we decided to assume outright villainy instead of pathological propensities.

On the other hand, a man who possesses the art of correct reading will, in studying any book, magazine, or pamphlet, instinctively and immediately perceive everything which in his opinion is worth permanently remembering, either because it is suited to his purpose or generally worth knowing. Once the knowledge he has achieved in this fashion is correctly coordinated within the somehow existing picture of this or that subject created by the imaginations it will function either as a corrective or a complement, thus enhancing either the correctness or the clarity of the picture. Then, if life suddenly sets some question before us for examination or answer, the memory, if this method of reading is observed, will immediately take the existing picture as a norm, and from it will derive all the individual items regarding these questions, assembled in the course of decades, submit them to the mind for examination and reconsideration, until the question is clarified or answered.

Only this kind of reading has meaning and purpose.

An orator, for example, who does not thus provide his intelligence with the necessary foundation will never be in a position cogently to defend his view in the face of opposition, though it may be a thousand times true or real. In every discussion his memory will treacherously leave him in the lurch; he will find neither grounds for reinforcing his own contentions nor any for confuting those of his adversary. If, as in the case of a speaker, it is only a question of making a fool of himself personally, it may not be so bad, but not so when Fate predestines such a know-it-all incompetent to be the leader of a state.

Since my earliest youth I have endeavored to read in the correct way, and in this endeavor I have been most happily supported by my memory and intelligence. Viewed in this light, my Vienna period was especially fertile and valuable. The experiences of daily life provided stimulation for a constantly renewed study of the most varied problems. Thus at last I was in a position to bolster up reality by theory and test theory by reality, and was preserved from being stifled by theory or growing banal through reality.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
Volume One – A Reckoning
Chapter II: Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna
18 July 1925

Additional information: 

“In fifteen years that have followed this resolve, he has succeeded in restoring Germany to the most powerful position in Europe, and not only has he restored the position of his country, but he has even, to a very great extent, reversed the results of the Great War…. the vanquished are in the process of becoming the victors and the victors the vanquished…. whatever else might be thought about these exploits they are certainly among the most remarkable in the whole history of the world.”
-Winston J.Churchill, 1935.

“Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived… he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.”
– John F. Kennedy, President of the  United States of America

Please be aware there are several translations of Mein Kampf:

  • Reynal & Hitchcock translation
  • Murphy translation
  • Manheim translation (The name of Henry Ford was taken out of Manheim)
  • Ford translation

Where to find on line…

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler  – organized by chapter easy reading

Full text of “Mein Kampf” searchable (Reynal & Hitchcock translation)

Audio Book (free on YouTube) 1 of 12…

Additional reading:

The Hitler Speech They Don’t Want You To Hear

Side note: US intelligence involvement in Nazi Ratlines … (part of Operation Paperclip)

If at first US intelligence officers had been mere observers of the Draganović ratline, this changed in the summer of 1947. A now declassified US Army intelligence report from 1950 sets out in detail the history of the people smuggling operation in the three years to follow. According to the report, from this point on US forces themselves had begun to use Draganović’s established network to evacuate its own “visitors”. As the report put it, these were “visitors who had been in the custody of the 430th CIC and completely processed in accordance with current directives and requirements, and whose continued residence in Austria constituted a security threat as well as a source of possible embarrassment to the Commanding General of USFA, since the Soviet Command had become aware that their presence in US Zone of Austria and in some instances had requested the return of these persons to Soviet custody”.

These were suspected war criminals from areas occupied by the Red Army which the US was obliged to hand over for trial to the Soviets. The US reputedly was reluctant to do so, partly due to a belief[citation needed] that fair trial could hardly be expected in the USSR (see Operation Keelhaul), and at the same time, their desire to make use of Nazi scientists and other resources.[citation needed] The deal with Draganović involved getting the visitors to Rome: “Dragonovich [sic] handled all phases of the operation after the defectees arrived in Rome, such as the procurement of IRO Italian and South American documents, visas, stamps, arrangements for disposition, land or sea, and notification of resettlement committees in foreign lands”.  United States intelligence used these methods in order to get important Nazi scientists and military strategists, to the extent they had not already been claimed by the Soviet Union, to their own centres of military science in the US. Many Nazi scientists were employed by the US, retrieved in Operation Paperclip.

Some of the Nazis and war criminals who escaped using ratlines include:

  • Adolf Eichmann, fled to Argentina in 1950, captured 1960, executed in Israel on 1 June 1962
  • Franz Stangl, fled to Brazil in 1951, arrested in 1967 and extradited to West Germany, died in 1971 of natural causes
  • Gustav Wagner, fled to Brazil in 1950, arrested 1978, committed suicide 1980
  • Erich Priebke, fled to Argentina in 1949, arrested 1994, eventually died in 2013
  • Klaus Barbie, fled to Bolivia with help from the United States, captured in 1983, died in prison in France on 23 September 1991
  • Eduard Roschmann, escaped to Argentina in 1948, fled to Paraguay to avoid extradition and died there in 1977
  • Aribert Heim, disappeared in 1962, most likely died in Egypt in 1992
  • Andrija Artuković, escaped to the United States, arrested in 1984 after decades of delay and extradited to Zagreb, Yugoslavia, where died in 1988
  • Ante Pavelić, escaped to Argentina in 1948, initially survived an assassination attempt in 1957, but died of his wounds in Spain in 1959
  • Walter Rauff, escaped to Chile, never captured, died in 1984
  • Alois Brunner, fled to Syria in 1954, died around 2010
  • Josef Mengele, fled to Argentina in 1949, then to other countries, dying in Brazil in 1979. Remains exhumed in 1985 and probably destroyed.
  • Johann Feil (de)

Source: Wikipedia:

A very rare interview of former Hitler Youth leader Baldur Von Schirach in 1960s
Baldur Von Schirach interview with David Frost…

The Three Graces

by DAVID BROWN | | July 26, 2016

File this under productivity.

David Brown

David Brown

As a parent of four, I have always marveled at the potential my children represented. My youngest is now 17, but as a young parent, I thought of how I might best influence their successes and the enjoyment of their lives. My childhood successes and enjoyments sustained me through some difficult times and frightful events that were hidden in my future. So as an adult, I reflect on my childhood to draw on experiences that might help guide me to be a better parent. I realize that many of my youthful experiences might seem ordinary, but at the time had significant long-term impacts and benefits for me personally. Some of these experiences included my immersion in music, art and literature. I can never forget these wonderful times or how they have improved the enjoyment of my life ever since.

So when I posted a beautiful picture of the ‘Three Graces’ (below) on Facebook, I was pleasantly surprised to read Marty Lawrence’s response below my picture. Marty put words to my enjoyment of this great work through a simple, short poem; bringing me instantly back to some of the best memories of my cherished childhood. This is the power of poetry and the power of art.

The Three Graces

1831, by Jean-Jacques Pradier - Musée du Louvre, Paris

1831, by Jean-Jacques Pradier – Musée du Louvre, Paris

The three graces said thus
Come sing, dance with us.
By our beauty be charmed.
We bring joy, never harm.
Mirth, splendor, good cheer
Abound when we’re near.
Come sing, dance with us,
Come sing, dance with us.

–Marty Lawrence from ‘The Queens of Song’ © 2005

Now to continue this story, my wife was a full-time mom and all our children are mostly grown; but I still remember those very special moments when I would sing, play the guitar and read to them at bedtime.  These were very special times for me and for my kids.    I believe this had a positive impact on their lives.  I know it did on mine.   In today’s economy, where both parents work full-time, it can be difficult to find the time, energy and resources to spend time with our children on a regular basis. If major gaps creep into this quality time, we can grow apart, and lose that special connection and influence; so I was happy to discover Marty had put her considerable talents to good use: Marty put together some excellent resources that she originally created for her God Child, Willow.  Marty drew upon her creative background to assemble some fun tools parents can use now with their children.   I’m told that these resources have had a great impact on Willow and so I present some of them here for your enjoyment and consideration.

A few examples from Marty’s poARTry

blue dancers garden still life

About Marty…

Marty Lawrence

Marty Lawrence

Martha (Marty) Lawrence was born in Dunmore, PA; she is one of seven children born to Dr. & Mrs. Salvatore Lawrence. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy from Marywood University in Scranton, PA.

While living in Northeast PA, she was co-owner and artistic director for The Dance Ensemble, a small semi-professional dance company with dance schools located in Scranton and Moscow, PA.

Marty is the author of P&Q’s Colorful Journey through the Garden of Good Manners (music by Ron Baltz & illustrations by Cortney Tucker), and poARTry, a collection of children’s poems inspired by great works of art. Her supposition is: “The Arts introduce children to beauty and truth and it is the Arts which make us truly human.”

Currently she resides in Jacksonville, FL and works in human resources and payroll for Frito-Lay.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of either collection, Marty can be contacted via email:


Tragedy and Hope 101: Got Quigley?

by DAVID BROWN | | June 11, 2016

Get your know on… There are two kinds of people in this world; those who know Quigley and those who don’t and it is very easy to tell the difference.

Hopefully this short / simple video will get more people interested in Quigley’s excellent work.
Tragedy and Hope 101: Got Quigley?

Published on May 30, 2016
Tragedy and Hope 101 provides readers an introduction to the groundbreaking research of Carroll Quigley. Professor Quigley not only spent decades researching and writing about those who secretly control the machinery of our “representative governments,” he was permitted to examine their secret papers. He was invited in, but he ultimately betrayed their trust when he exposed their plans and their methods.

Read it for free at http://www.TragedyAndHope.INFO

The Federal Reserve

by DAVID BROWN | | June 11, 2016

Ed Griffin’s EXCELLENT new video on the Federal Reserve System. Please check it out and “subscribe” to his new YouTube channel at the link below. –Joe Plummer

Published on Jan 3, 2016
A Discourse by G. Edward Griffin

The author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island; A Second Look at the Federal Reserve” addresses these issues:

  • What is the Federal Reserve System?
  • Who drafted the plan for the Fed and when did it occur?
  • How is money created?
  • What impact has this had on the American Dollar?
  • Should our currency be backed by gold or silver?
  • Where does Congress get most of its funding?
  • What is the solution to the problem of fiat money?
  • Why do bankers get away with it?
  • What might happen if we continue on our current path?
  • What might come from a return to constitutional money?
  • What can concerned citizens do?

For more information, or to order a DVD of this presentation, visit

The 7 Lessons of John Taylor Gatto

by DAVID BROWN | | April 16, 2016

John Taylor Gatto

John Taylor Gatto

It’s hard to know where to start with the amazing John Taylor Gatto.    Through the marvel of technology, I have witnessed the speeches and lectures of some of our most awake and aware; including Joseph Campbell (mythology), Anthony C. Sutton (History), Carroll Quigley (History), Richard Feynman (Physics), Leonard Susskind (Physics), Milton Friedman (Economics), G. Edward Griffin (Author) and many others; yet, John Taylor Gatto is different.  He is more subtle, more joyful and more broadly read. With his vast body of knowledge, from many diverse fields of study, he draws his insightful, practical conclusions, seemingly effortlessly.  He is a pleasure to watch as you observe his mind clicking through his body of studies to share unpretentious knowledge and wisdom with you.

So with John, like so many other great thinkers and writers, I have been the thankful beneficiary of his great works. During my personal pursuit to discover untainted, useful information, many great people have contributed to this quest; causing me to turn around and see what was making shadows on the wall of the cave I was haplessly born into.

John was a good, loyal teacher for 30 years, until he decided to stop damaging his students: “He was named New York City Teacher of the Year in 1989, 1990, and 1991, and New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991.  In 1991, he wrote a letter announcing his retirement, titled I Quit, I Think, to the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal, saying that he no longer wished to “hurt kids to make a living.”” – Wikipedia

John slowly discovered that rather than teaching his kids, he was in fact damaging their ability to learn and think.  He was in effect implementing a regimen of social engineering devised by very familiar tax-free foundations to advance a very different agenda.  I think it is important for all of us as parents and concerned citizens to discover exactly what John discovered so that we too will understand how the school systems are damaging our children and what exactly we can do to stop and reverse this damage.

John Taylor Gatto’s Resignation: I Quit. I Think

Below, John Taylor Gatto, tells you what he use to teach in school until he discovered that he was harming his students.

  • The first lesson I teach is confusion.
  • The second lesson I teach is your class position.
  • The third lesson I teach kids is indifference.
  • The fourth lesson I teach is emotional dependency.
  • The fifth lesson I teach is intellectual dependency.
  • The sixth lesson I teach is provisional self-esteem.
  • The seventh lesson I teach is that you can’t hide.

Here is John in his own words.  I encourage you to read it in its entirety to make this real for you…

Continue reading

How Widespread Corruption Is Hurting Kenya

by DAVID BROWN | | April 14, 2016



Very sad to see the widespread corruption in Kenya in the short film below and to understand what this corruption means to the hopes, dreams and hard work of the good people who live there.  Seems like this is a growing epidemic around the world. Mexico seems almost as corrupt as Kenya and of course there is much of the same corruption here in the USA, especially concerning the whistle blowers. Here, like in Kenya, the whistle blowers are also punished. I don’t know how you get rid of corruption once it has taken hold in the government. What do you think the solution is?

Even if you executed those who are corrupt, the question is, who decides who is corrupt? If the ones doing the execution are themselves corrupt, what have you accomplished? Also, once you remove one corrupt regime, in short order the next regime becomes corrupt so the cycle starts all over again. The founders of this country (USA) had it right; creating a republic based on a constitution that attempted to constrain the power of the government, placing the rights of the individual above those of the collective, but over time the evil-doers have corrupted this system too.  To make matters worse, the people of America are ignorant and are corrupt themselves; no government can survive if the people have no morals or character. All I know to do –from my perspective– is to continue to educate people and teach them that morals and character are really the only logical way for humanity.

Why do we need to educate our people?  Because those who would be our masters here in the USA and in Kenya have taken over education and corrupted our youth. They began the replacement of the Trivium system with the Prussian system some 150 years ago.  Trivium teaches critical thought and self reliance using Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric; and that you find authority by discovering the truth. Prussian however teaches that you can only find truth from authority.

How Widespread Corruption Is Hurting Kenya

Joe Plummer Interview | April 12, 2016

Joe Plummer

Joe Plummer

I will be conducting an interview and discussion with the outstanding author and researcher, Mr. Joe Plummer, over the next few weeks.  If you have any questions for Mr. Plummer or would like to suggest topics you would like to see discussed, please let me know. Mr. Plummer does deep historical research and has written several fascinating and well-researched books on Quigley’s ‘Tragedy and Hope’, ‘Dirty Money’ and a chilling novel on one man’s journey ‘Leaving the Illusion’. Mr. Plummer has appeared on Alex Jones’ InfoWARS, Richard Grove’s Tragedy and Hope, James Corbett’s The Corbett Report, John B. Wells’ Caravan To Midnight and others. His ‘Tragedy and Hope 101’ includes the following introduction by G. Edward Griffin…

by G. Edward Griffin

If you have ever watched an illusionist perform up-close magic, you know the power of misdirection and sleight-of-hand. Even in a room full of suspicious and attentive observers, the illusionist can fool them all. By exploiting known weaknesses in the human mind and employing his tools of the trade, he will deceive the crowd whether it wants to be deceived or not.

Imagine what an equally talented “network” of political illusionists can accomplish. Performing before an audience of mostly trusting and casual observers, exploiting known weaknesses in the human mind, and employing their tools of the trade, they, too, will deceive the crowd whether it wants to be deceived or not.

Having spent nearly sixty years of my life researching and writing about the illusionists who control our world, I can say without reservation that you are about to learn some of their closest-held secrets. Joe has done an outstanding job of weeding through Carroll Quigley’s book, Tragedy & Hope. He has captured the essence of what Quigley referred to as “the Network” and made this important information accessible to the average person who simply doesn’t have time to read a 1,300-page history book. Even for those who intend to read the entire volume, Joe has created an introduction and study guide that will serve the serious student well.

Knowledge of who Carroll Quigley was and the deceptions that he revealed is essential for understanding the real world of today. His close relationship with the Network and his approval of its aims made it possible to provide an insider’s analysis of the minds and methods of the global elite. Without this knowledge, the actions of those who dominate the U.S. government and the Western world do not make sense. With it, everything falls into place.

Be forewarned. The journey you are about to begin is not for the faint hearted. If you are comfortable with the illusions that currently pass for political reality, this book is not for you because, once you discover how the deceivers perform their magic, the comfort of ignorance is no longer possible. Once the bell is rung, it cannot be unrung.

The bell starts ringing on the next page.

ClearNFO Book Reviews:

The Absurd Theories of Quantum

by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 03, 2016


I know I will get a lot of flack from this heresy, but it has been a splinter in my brain that must come out. I will not spend endless hours debating this, but I will paint a simpler and a more complete picture soon. The impact of modern philosophy on today’s science: Not many realize that philosophy and science were once the same thing (called natural philosophy); until they split in the late 1,700s. The scientific method transformed natural philosophy into an empirical activity called science; and metaphysics was concerned with the non-empirical inquiry into the nature of existence. Not only that, Immanuel Kant and Plato before him sought to destroy the metaphysics of 1) Identity; 2) Causality and 3) The law of non-contradiction set forth by Aristotle. Aristotle said that A is A; and A is not non-A. Kant, ushering in the modern philosophy, said we really can’t know anything for certain and there are no absolutes (which in itself is a logical fallacy). Examples: Everybody’s entitled to their opinion or It may be true for you but not true for me. This violates any idea of an external reality and has insinuated itself into all aspects of modern theoretical physics. It has bastardized the ideas of identity, causality and the law of non-contraction providing us with the absurd theories of Quantum, String and M-theory and many others which cannot be reconciled into classical physics. It is interesting to note that around this same time our Trivium education system was replaced by the Prussian system which removed critical thought, identity and the law of non-contradiction.


by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 03, 2016



Now I have taken many math classes at the University: from linear & abstract algebra to Calculus 1-3, Topology and more but one day while in Advanced Calculus we had been studying a cut theory for weeks, trying to figure out the difference between a 1 and a 2, and it occurred to me how utterly simple and basic all this math stuff was conceptually; and that even a first grader could understand it; and in fact it is my opinion that we should teach Calculus to all our children in elementary school. To put this into context, I’m not saying we should teach them how to solve complex equations, derivatives or integrals. It is a fact that I was a lousy math student in public school since I didn’t have good number sense or a calculator. I made straight ‘Fs’ in math until I got to the University, where I made straight ‘As’. The difference? The higher you get into math, the less it has to do with numbers and the more it has to do with concepts. What I am saying, is that the concepts are so simple and profound that they apply to everything and should be taught to our children at a very early age. In fact I have taught all my kids calculus –without them knowing it—by the first or second grade. Simply put Calculus is magical, philosophical and depends on faith. It solves an ancient unsolvable problem of determining the exact area under a curve. It just says as you make each square smaller and smaller and as the size goes to zero the limit of the equation that describes the curve is exactly equal to this. Kids can get this stuff and see the beauty and usefulness of math.

Albalone shellserveimage
When you walk along the sea shore, you can pick up an Abalone Shell and tell your kids that if you had the equation for this shell, you could tell EXACTLY how many drops of sea water it would hold.


"a boy playing on the seashore"

“a boy playing on the seashore”

“I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”

–Isaac Newton (developed Calculus in the 17th century)

The unsung Magic of Calculus

A Real Education

by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 03, 2016

A Real Education

A Real Education

To counteract some of the damage done by our public education system, I have given my 17 year old son, Jack, some reading material that should help get his head on straight, while providing him the ability to see through so much of the frankly false history promulgated by our schools, universities and media (The reading list is at the bottom).

I once believed the story of American history as related in the boring history classes I was forced to sit through in school, but as an adult I learned a painful lesson: that this history did not match the documented facts as we now know them today; and worse, much of the most important events have been completely omitted altogether. We know this, not just by going to original source documents, but by reading the minutes of Tax-Free foundations like the Carnage Foundation. We discover through Carnage that this was no mistake or oversight but a well-planned conspiracy that included Rockefeller, Guggenheim and others who sought to re-write the historical record in their own image to accomplish clandestine goals using the American Historical Association our Universities and others who could be controlled through grants.

Beyond just re-writing our history, our school systems have systematically imposed a compulsory education system for all, which replaced the idea of ‘authority based on truth’ with ‘truth based on authority’. This educational lobotomy was accomplished by replacing the Trivium method with the Prussian education system. The Prussian system removed the Trivium techniques of critical thought (grammar, logic and rhetoric) and replaced these with truth by authority. Additionally, data was memorized out of context by rote to confuse the young mind. This was no accident, but planned social engineering by the elite.

The reading list below may sound ominous for a 17 year old, but he has read all the Harry Potter books including ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ which is over 700 pages long, so this should be a walk in the park. A few years ago I was surprised that he took it upon himself to read the entire Bible from cover to cover without any encouragement from me; and now he says he is excited to read these books also.

Jack's Book Shelf

Jack’s Book Shelf

By Joe Plummer:
– Tragedy and Hope 101 (shorter and updated version of Quigley’s ‘Tragedy and Hope’)
– Dishonest Money (shorter and updated version of G. Edward Griffin’s ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’)
– Leaving the Illusion (Novel)

By Anthony C. Sutton:
– Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
– Wall Street and FDR
– Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler

– The Confessions of a Monopolist by Fredric Clemson Howe
– Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley
– The Shadows of Power by James Perloff
– None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen
– The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin unfinished record of his own life from 1771 to 1790
– and for fun… The Iliad and Odyssey by Homer

Additional  background NFO:

Tax-Free Foundations and The Reece Committee

History… Connected: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America w/ Charlotte Iserbyt