Category Archives: Economics

War is a Racket – Smedley Butler

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”

― Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America’s Most Decorated Soldier


War Is A Racket

WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.

How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?

Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few — the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill.

And what is this bill?

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The Federal Reserve

by DAVID BROWN | | June 11, 2016

Ed Griffin’s EXCELLENT new video on the Federal Reserve System. Please check it out and “subscribe” to his new YouTube channel at the link below. –Joe Plummer

Published on Jan 3, 2016
A Discourse by G. Edward Griffin

The author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island; A Second Look at the Federal Reserve” addresses these issues:

  • What is the Federal Reserve System?
  • Who drafted the plan for the Fed and when did it occur?
  • How is money created?
  • What impact has this had on the American Dollar?
  • Should our currency be backed by gold or silver?
  • Where does Congress get most of its funding?
  • What is the solution to the problem of fiat money?
  • Why do bankers get away with it?
  • What might happen if we continue on our current path?
  • What might come from a return to constitutional money?
  • What can concerned citizens do?

For more information, or to order a DVD of this presentation, visit


posted by DAVID BROWN | | May 28, 2016

Important interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts by Dr. Julian Charles
(Published on Saturday, 28 May 2016 21:24)

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

from The Mind Renewed

“Remain” or “Leave”? What does the UK’s EU Referendum—scheduled 23rd June—really amount to? Is it simply the opportunity for UK citizens to decide if Britain should stay in the European Union? Or is it something of greater significance, with broader and more serious implications? And just what is this thing called the EU anyway?

Joining us, once again, to discuss these questions is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former US Assistant Secretary to the Treasury for Ecomonic Policy, who explains the EU’s beginnings as a project of the CIA, and assesses its current role as as an anti-democratic tool of corporate control. Whether or not a majority “leave” vote will actually lead to Brexit, Dr. Roberts argues that a decisive rejection of EU membership by UK citizens could embolden other EU member states to follow suit, thus precipitating the break-up of NATO, and in turn, bringing an end to Washington’s crazy designs for a New World Order.

TMR 145 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Vote Brexit – End the EU, a CIA Covert Operation


How Widespread Corruption Is Hurting Kenya

by DAVID BROWN | | April 14, 2016



Very sad to see the widespread corruption in Kenya in the short film below and to understand what this corruption means to the hopes, dreams and hard work of the good people who live there.  Seems like this is a growing epidemic around the world. Mexico seems almost as corrupt as Kenya and of course there is much of the same corruption here in the USA, especially concerning the whistle blowers. Here, like in Kenya, the whistle blowers are also punished. I don’t know how you get rid of corruption once it has taken hold in the government. What do you think the solution is?

Even if you executed those who are corrupt, the question is, who decides who is corrupt? If the ones doing the execution are themselves corrupt, what have you accomplished? Also, once you remove one corrupt regime, in short order the next regime becomes corrupt so the cycle starts all over again. The founders of this country (USA) had it right; creating a republic based on a constitution that attempted to constrain the power of the government, placing the rights of the individual above those of the collective, but over time the evil-doers have corrupted this system too.  To make matters worse, the people of America are ignorant and are corrupt themselves; no government can survive if the people have no morals or character. All I know to do –from my perspective– is to continue to educate people and teach them that morals and character are really the only logical way for humanity.

Why do we need to educate our people?  Because those who would be our masters here in the USA and in Kenya have taken over education and corrupted our youth. They began the replacement of the Trivium system with the Prussian system some 150 years ago.  Trivium teaches critical thought and self reliance using Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric; and that you find authority by discovering the truth. Prussian however teaches that you can only find truth from authority.

How Widespread Corruption Is Hurting Kenya

The Rape of Western Europe

by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 13, 2016

Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany

Looks like Europe is having a Rape-Fest all around and the police are trying their best to cover all this up.   Let us not forget why the refugees are in Europe in the first place, eh? The US and NATO have destroyed Libya, Syria and caused much mayhem in many other countries in MENA (Middle East & North Africa). It’s a massive human tragedy that we created!!! These people have no place to go!! So our overlords created this problem, and now they are making it worse by letting these people enter their countries un-vetted, not knowing a darned thing about them (just like Obama).   And what is not being reported is the massive number of little girls who are being raped by these same people in the Refugee Camps.  What child should have to face this?  Many so-called refugees are in fact ISIS fighters supported by US/NATO that had their asses kicked by Putin.  And now these refugees and ISIS fighters are having a rape fest and scaring the crap out of the helpless, unarmed people in Europe. Next, the European Union will need to come in and save the day. How? By increasing the power of the police state. This is the oldest hoax in the books if you are a government leader. It’s called PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION.  It’s that simple.  You will see this same technique used over and over again and we fall for it each and every time begging our overlords to save us… and they do… at a price.

Get ready for the invasion of Europe at the request of their leaders no less. With leaders like these who needs enemies? Of course the informed know that this is part of the globalist’s plan to usher in their unworkable Utopia of a one-world government. Once the interlopers have decimated what is left of Europe, the globalists will save the day and dispatch these Islamic Pirates to Allah. America, don’t feel too special even though you are protected by an ocean. Your overlords are shipping them in via airplane and through the Southern border. The idea in their own words is to remove the Nation-State and that means you America. Question: Is there enough testosterone left in Europe and America to quell these soft slow-moving coup d’états?

DRUDGE REPORT: GERMAN OFFICIAL: 10 Million More Migrants Headed for Europe…

The Arabic gang-rape ‘Taharrush’ phenomenon which sees women surrounded by groups of men in crowds and sexually assaulted… and has now spread to Europe

The Spectre of Globalism and what to do about it

by DAVID BROWN | | Oct 25, 2015

Time to read, listen and learn…

Globalism“A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.”

–Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 1848
Communist Manifesto (Prologue)

And today, there is yet another spectre, only this spectre learned to use Karl Marx’s communism and all the other ‘–isms’ (whose common effect is to concentrate power),  in a grand conspiracy to place the entirety of humanity under its singular control. It has many names: New World Order, Global Governance, Globalism, the Network, Shadow Government, etc. but represents the same Anglo-American Establishment.  This is not merely a conjecture or a theory; but a well-documented fact found in their own writings, speeches and actions; and in the detailed writings of Quigley, Sutton, Griffin, Plummer and others, yet most of the structure and the purpose of this spectre remains unknown to the masses.

Unlike the tyrants we have studied in history, this new, fresh batch of authoritarian predators have a much improved arsenal of technological weapons to enslave humanity and they are moving rapidly to consolidate their control with the help of their paid technocrats, political talking heads, international money masters and corporate media organs.

The root of their power was created from and sustained by the ignorance of the masses. Who are the masses? That’s you and me bub.

If ignorance of this threat is the root cause of the enablement of this danger, perhaps the opposite would be the inoculation against this virus unleashed on the world by the predator class though education and the teaching again of the lost art of critical thinking.


If you have a work-a-day job like I do or a long commute to and from work like I do, along with family responsibilities like I do, how on earth do you squeeze out enough time to become educated on important current and historical events?

The average American watches between 2.8 and 5 hours of TV per day. This wide variance depends on whose statistics you use (Nielsen or BLS), age, race and sex. In any event, it can be seen that a lot of TV is watched by Americans on a daily basis as a leisure activity and for news.

Researching for this article, I found thousands of articles on how fast people read, but most sited no authority or source for the generally agreed to speed of 250-300 words per minute. The very few who did site a source: Forbes, for example, all sited the same study which was actually a speed reading test by Staples. It’s worrisome that almost no one takes the time to site sources! This speed reading test is apparently a smart marketing campaign by Staples. In any event, Staples possesses the only statistic I was able to find and this truth-claim has crept into the collective consciousness as a well-established fact.

More detail from Forbes:

  •   Third-grade students = 150 words per minute (wpm)
  •    Eight grade students = 250
  •    Average college student = 450
  •    Average “high level exec” = 575
  •    Average college professor = 675
  •    Speed readers = 1,500
  •    World speed reading champion = 4,700

So if the average American adult can read say 300 words per minute, how many words can they read in 5 hours? The math is simple: 300 wpm X 60 minutes = 18,000 words per hour; times 5 hours = 90,000 words per day. Even if we cut this number by half, that is a lot of words!

Books have an average of 350 words per page according to Writers Services so theoretically the average American could read 257 pages per day rather than watching 5 hrs. Per day of TV. 257 pages per day seems a bit high to me and of course for many, reading is not a leisure activity and thus we aren’t comparing apples to apples here, but it does drive home the point that if most American chose to become educated, they could prioritize their time to provide for their own self-education on matters that matter.

The reason I took the time to go through this analysis was to prove to my fellows and to myself that we do indeed have the time to read some of the most important books of our era, and this reading and resultant enlightenment would change the world we live in permanently for the good. It would usher in true human freedom by putting the powers that shouldn’t be out of business. This is not just another Utopian ideal, since their power has been proven on these pages to be a function of our collective ignorance. What is Utopian is the expectation that enough people will take time away from their leisure to become informed. What are some of these important books? There are many, but here are a few key books that I believe would change the world we live in forever and for the better:

  • Quigley’s Anglo-American Establishment – 354 pages
  • Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton 165 pages
  • Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton 148 pages
  • Wall Street and FDR by Antony C. Sutton 177 pages
  • Dishonest Money by Joseph Plummer 175 pages

Total pages = 1,019

At 51.4 pages per hour, the average time to read: 19.8 hours, say 20. So if we borrowed an hour per day from our TV time to read, we could complete the entire reading list above in 20 days.  I suppose it would take much longer depending on the density of new information and gravitas of what is being read, but this gives us some sort of basis.

Now I chose the short reading list above from a much larger and more comprehensive list  based on the importance of the information contained therein and the shortness of the book. I believe all these books are available for free  on the author’s web site (Joe Plummer) or as a text or PDF on the internet; but if you prefer to touch the book as I do, you can order a real book from Amazon or other booksellers. There are many other equally important books to add to your reading list –some longer and some shorter– that would be good supplements and additions after you have read the above books. A more complete list can be found here.

Now that we have reallocated / adjusted our TV-viewing time a bit, it’s time to look at our long commute to and from work chasing those little green energy flakes we call money. You can chose whatever you like to listen to, but why waste all that time listening to the same establishment drivel every day on the radio. Time to load your smart device with some real NFO. There are many, many sources, but I prefer to download and listen to those who have actually read Quigley. After you have read Quigley and realize just who this man was, I think you will agree. Two of my favorite sources that provide free downloads of their videos and podcasts are:

To get you started, here are two excellent links you can download and place on your smart device:

Additional Reading at ClearNFO:

Interesting background from two select videos: first one on UN Agenda 21 with Rosa Korie and the second on Technocracy by Patrick Wood.  Interesting to note that Patrick Wood was good friends and co-author with the infamous and brilliant historian Antony C Sutton.  Enjoy!

ROSA KOIRE ~ “Secrets Behind U.N. AGENDA 21 & Global Sustainability”

Published on Aug 21, 2014

Age Of Truth TV presenter Lucas Alexander is interviewing American author, truth researcher, Director of the Post Sustainability Institute and former forensic commercial real estate appraiser, ROSA KOIRE in the film: “Secrets Behind U.N. AGENDA 21 & GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY” [Age Of Truth*TV]

Rosa Koire is the author of the book “Behind The Green Mask” and is giving controversial lectures all over the world, exposing what she believes, is the real control agenda behind the 300 page, 40 chapter action plan of U.N. Agenda 21, which was approved and implemented locally by 179 countries at the Rio De Janeiro earth summit in 1992.

~ “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL” ~ Rosa Koire

Rosa Koire is connecting U.N. Agenda 21 with the political, financial and globalized New World Order plan, which most alternative truth researchers claim is a fully controlled One World Government, implemented through a “Problem, Reaction, Solution” strategy.

A fascinating and eye-opening in-depth interview with Rosa Koire by Age Of Truth TV, filmed at the Open Mind Conference at Audonicon, Skanderborg – Denmark on the September 21, 2013.

Premiere and cinematic screening / presentation before a live audience was held at PH Caféen, Copenhagen on August 20, 2014.

Rosa Koire:
“Secrets Behind U.N. AGENDA 21 & Global Sustainability”

Interviewed by: Lucas Alexander
Filmed by: Lauge Felix Black, Erik Hansen-Hansen, Mike Kirkeby Pedersen.

Special Thanks:
Rosa Koire, Open Mind Conference, Mads Wedel-Ibsen, Frank Bjerregaard Rasmussen, Carol Coenca, Sonny Wilson, UP, Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen


Caravan To Midnight – Episode 250 Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising

Published on Mar 20, 2015

Episode 250 – Today we welcome Patrick Wood on board to show us why the U.S., and the world for that matter, has transformed the way it has; and to bring light to the solutions that will quell these issues.

Buy This Caravan To Midnight Episode for 2.99…
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Reference notes:

Intel Collections at the CFR

by DAVID BROWN | | Oct 10, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Yesterday and today, I watched and listened to several Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) media events: from the global economy, to the immigration problem in Europe to Global Warming (see list below).

Now many people have learned the sorry history of the CFR from the likes of Quigley, Sutton and others but the CFR’s official face is one of kindness, intelligence and regal quality, not that of a predator.

So why watch such establishment drivel from the likes of the CFR?   Well, it is important to learn from those who seek to take your freedom and to be blunt, they do their homework and produce quality information. The trick is separating the wheat from the chaff else-wise you get sucked into their beautiful walled-garden of illusions and redirection.

Other than some useful facts, I learned the following:

  • They constantly remind you that The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher.  Joe Plummer: …But they keep quiet about their origins: “The Inquiry” and Cecil Rhodes’ “Round Table Groups,” formed to bring “all habitable portions of the world” under their control.
  • They regularly throughout their presentations warn their speakers especially just before specific sensitive questions that … “Remember, you are on the record.” At which point the speaker may pause and take a bit more time to consider his response to a question.
  • All the speakers, moderators and the audience agree on fundamentals: Russia is evil. Russia invaded the Ukraine and man-made Global Warming. There is never, ever any room to question any of their fundamental assumptions which were given them by their pay masters.  These presentations are — in effect– an echo chamber.
  • They are still using the CFR to infiltrate our schools and our universities with establishment, globalist propaganda; and every single student or doctored professor in attendance eagerly gobbles up this hooey, hook line and sinker, apparently with nary a single critical thought.

Recently viewed media presentations by the CFR:


The Quigley Formula and the CFR

by DAVID BROWN | | Oct 11, 2015

G. Edward Griffin

G. Edward Griffin

Please take time to listen to this outstanding speech by renowned Federal Reserve expert G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island.  There are some sound drop-out issues at the beginning of this video; and the video and sound are out of sync throughout, but the information contained herein is critical to any understanding of who controls the real power centers in the United States and around the world. G. Edward Griffin does an excellent job summarizing Quigley’s 1,300 page Tragedy and Hope volume and quotes from Quigley’s equally important The Anglo-American EstablishmentI’ve listened to many Griffin speeches, but this one does the best job summarizing Quigley’s substantial contribution to our understanding of history and then bringing this critical information into current time.  You will not be disappointed. 

Note: Due to the sync problems of this video, I listened but could not watch.

If you don’t have the time to read Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope, please check out Joe Plummer’s excellent –much shorter version- Tragedy and Hope 101.

Super rich are in a conspiracy to rule the world – G. Edward Griffin – 2007
Uploaded on Jun 11, 2011

A most renowned expert on Federal Reserve and the New World Order will share how the super Rich of the World have organized to create a New World Order that they will control.

Recorded at Freedom Law School’s ( 2007 Texas Justice, Peace, & Freedom Conference


Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview

Patrick Wood

Patrick Wood

Author Patrick Wood discusses his recent book “Technocracy Rising”, in a 3-part interview. (Summary of parts, below)  Technocracy Rising

Patrick Wood is an author and lecturer who has studied elite globalization policies since the late 1970’s, when he partnered with the late Antony C. Sutton to coauthor Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II. He remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order.”

An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession and an American Constitutionalist by choice, Wood maintains a Biblical world view and has deep historical insights into the modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom. Such attacks are epitomized by the implementation of U.N. policies such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth and in education, the widespread adoption of Common Core.

Wood is a frequent speaker and guest on radio shows around the nation. His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony, focusing on Transhumanism, Technocracy and scientism, and how these are co-opting economics, politics and religion around the world.

Technocracy, Trilaterals & TPP: An Interview with Patrick Wood

Published on Sep 11, 2015 by Richard Grove with Tragedy and Hope

Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 1 of 3) Length – 1:13:53
Part 1: Energy based Currency, Columbia University origins of Technocracy, Eugenics, Population Control, and Agenda 21, origins of Positivism and Scientism;

Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 2 of 3) Length –  56:40
Part 2: Trilaterals, CFR, Rockefellers, U.N., 1992 Rio Conference, Agenda 21 and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP);

Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 3 of 3) Length – 57:21
Part 3: Wood’s work with Antony C. Sutton, the Origins of the Trilateral Commission, Trilaterals and Larry King, and how the Trilateral Commission influenced the U.S. Govt. since 1973 to present day. Thanks to Ernie & Donna Hancock at for the use of their studio, and to Rick Malchow for his assistance in bringing you this interview.

Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse Of Global Transformation Paperback – December 29, 2014 by Patrick M. Wood (Author)

Technocracy Rising by Patrick Wood

Technocracy Rising by Patrick Wood