Category Archives: Economics

Practice (and planning) makes perfect – the COVID Project

by DAVID BROWN | | December 20, 2021

“We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated — for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm” Joe Biden December 16, 2021

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” – Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

Theses are the ones not secrete, not behind closed doors.

OCTOBER 29, 2019:  Universal Flu Vaccine

Health experts discussed the scientific and technological prospects of an effective universal influenza vaccine. Speakers included Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Margaret Hamburg, former FDA commissioner. Panelists discussed the need for more funding for research, better collaboration between the private and government sectors, advances in technology in flu research and the goal of a universal flu vaccine.

October 18, 2019:  Event 201

 Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future.

January to August 2019: Crimson Contagion

 Crimson Contagion was a joint exercise conducted from January to August 2019, in which numerous national, state and local, private and public organizations in the US participated, in order to test the capacity of the federal government and twelve states to respond to a severe pandemic of influenza originating in China.

The simulation, which was conducted by the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services in a series of exercises that ran from January to August 2019, involved a scenario in which a group of about 30 tourists returning from China spread a novel influenza A respiratory virus in the United States, beginning in Chicago. In less than two months the virus had spread from a single index case (a 52 year-old man returning to Chicago) to infect 110 million Americans; 7.7 million patients would require hospitalization, and 586,000 people would die from the novel virus. The 70-page report issued at the conclusion of the exercise outlined the government’s limited capacity to respond to a pandemic. States experienced “multiple challenges” requesting resources from the federal government “due to a lack of standardized, well-understood, and properly executed resource request processes,” the report said. Federal agencies lacked the funds, coordination, and capacities to implement an effective response to the virus.

May 15, 2018: Clade-X

Clade X is a day-long pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of National Security Council–convened meetings of 10 US government leaders, played by individuals prominent in the fields of national security or epidemic response.

Drawing from actual events, Clade X identified important policy issues and preparedness challenges that could be solved with sufficient political will and attention. These issues were designed in a narrative to engage and educate the participants and the audience.

 May 2010: Lock-Step Scenario (excerpt)

In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults.

The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.

The pandemic blanketed the planet — though disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols. But even in developed countries, containment was a challenge. The United States’ initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders.

However, a few countries did fare better — China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a quicker post-pandemic recovery.

China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.

At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty — and their privacy — to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability.

Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests. In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth.

By 2025, people seemed to be growing weary of so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them. Wherever national interests clashed with individual interests, there was conflict. Sporadic pushback became increasingly organized and coordinated, as disaffected youth and people who had seen their status and opportunities slip away — largely in developing countries — incited civil unrest. In 2026, protestors in Nigeria brought down the government, fed up with the entrenched cronyism and corruption. Even those who liked the greater stability and predictability of this world began to grow uncomfortable and constrained by so many tight rules and by the strictness of national boundaries. The feeling lingered that sooner or later, something would inevitably upset the neat order that the world’s governments had worked so hard to establish

January 14, 2005: Atlantic Storm

How would world leaders manage the catastrophe of a fast-moving global epidemic of deadly disease? Atlantic Storm was a ministerial table-top exercise convened on January 14, 2005 by the Center for Biosecurity of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the Center for Transatlantic Relations of the Johns Hopkins University, and the Transatlantic Biosecurity Network. The exercise used a fictitious scenario designed to mimic a summit of transatlantic leaders forced to respond to a bioterrorist attack. These transatlantic leaders were played by current and former officials from each country or organization represented at the table. There was an audience of observers from governments on both sides of the Atlantic as well as from the private sector, but the venue was designed to focus all attention on the summit principals and their discussions around the table.

 June 22-23, 2001: Dark Winter

The Dark Winter exercise, held at Andrews AFB, Washington, DC, June 22-23, 2001, portrayed a fictional scenario depicting a covert smallpox attack on US citizens. The scenario is set in 3 successive National Security Council (NSC) meetings (Segments 1, 2 and 3) that take place over a period of 14 days. Former senior government officials played the roles of NSC members responding to the evolving epidemic; representatives from the media were among the observers of these mock NSC meetings and played journalists during the scenario’s press conferences.

Softening up the terrain –  Virus/pandemic movies flood the theaters 2001 – 2019:

Also… The Andromeda Strain (1971)The Hot Zone (TV Series 2019) ;Contagion (2011); V for Vendetta (film) 2005

And more prep work …

SPARS Pandemic Scenario – Completed Projects  Download document: SPARS Pandemic scenario book (PDF)

Peter Daszak
Posted June 3rd, 2022: THE PLAN – WHO plans for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030
(Published May 4, 2022)


Contact: ClearNFO on Twitter/X  or via email at

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday April 25th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | April 25th, 2021

Cadence & Cascade

Those familiar with the 76-year-old ‘Strategy of Tension’ a.k.a. Operation Gladio developed after WW2 by NATO and the CIA, will certainly recognize this strategy being implemented today across America and across the globe.  This strategy was first uncovered in a 1984 court case in Italy.  Since that time, Operation Gladio — Latin for “sword”—has been honed and refined into a useful and predictable tool to undermine existing governments for regime change.  You can see its footprint in the Mosaddeq coup – CIA Operation Ajax, the Arab Spring operations and more recently in the 2014 overthrow of the Ukraine government in 2014 by the CIA, US State Department and others including George Soros who bragged he contributed $10M to this operation.

The Bologna Massacre, the ‘Strategy of Tension’ and Operation Gladio

Victoria Nuland (Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs) and Geoffrey Pyatt (8th United States Ambassador to Ukraine) were deciding who to put in charge of Ukraine after the CIA’s successful Gladio operation. Read here: Leaked Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt phone call.  Listen here: “Fuck the EU!” original File Victoria Nuland phone call with Geoffrey Pyatt.

Interesting to note Nuland is married to Robert Kagan. Robert Kagan co-founder in 1998 of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC); who along with Bill Kristol identified and presaged the necessity of the attacks on 9/11 to rehydrate military spending after the fall of the Soviet hobgoblin in 1991.   With defense spending down, we needed a new villain and PNAC was ready with the solution: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

The 9/11 Project

The reason I paint the recent thumbnail history above is to provide some context for how this same strategy of tension is being deployed here in the US today by the same deep-state operators.

Like Ukraine, in 2014 old injustices and grudges were flammed into action by Gladio operators to prep the ground for a hot civil war.  Ukraine sits at the bottom of Russia, between Russia and the Black Sea.  On the Western end you have mostly Ukrainians ethnically and as you move East you move to the Donbas area and into Crimea where there is a higher concentration of Russian-speaking residents who identify with Russia ethnically.   A study of the history of Ukraine would reveal a bitter hatred of Russia based on the Holodomor where millions of ethnic Ukrainians were starved to death by Stalin in 1932-1933.  BTW, the New York Times received a Pulitzer Prize for covering up Stalin’s genocide.  See Hitler, Stalin and Mr. Jones.

Ukraine remembered the Holodomor during Operation Barbarossa and assisted Hitler in his failed attack on the Soviet Union in 1941.  Thus, you can still find the remnants of this support in the form of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine today.   These same Neo-Nazis were used by the US State Department in Ukraine in 2014 to ignite civil tension much like Antifa, BLM and others are being used today in the US.  During the Euromaidan Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kyiv, CIA-backed snipers were deployed on buildings around the Maidan Square to shoot both the students and the police to help stir up the crowds and increase anger, fear and of course the tension.

This worked brilliantly and provided the State Department and Victoria Nuland the opportunity they needed to use the muscle power of the Neo-Nazis to complete their takeover of Ukraine.

This short historical lesson above is important to understand what is going on here in the US today.  Operation Gladio has now been turned in upon the previous benefactors.

The necessity of a flawed victim

The George Floyd fiasco is a perfect example of an effective PSYOP to increase tension.  This case gives each side something to be angry about  – it inflames emotions no matter what side you are on; thus, a great tool to divide and increase civil tension.  George had to be an imperfect victim.  Why?  To give each side something to complain about no matter the outcome.  George was not blameless and the police officer was a white male so our corrupted media served up the perfect entrée of tension –hot and steamy– for both sides to gorge on.  Had George been a saint and the white police officer a bad guy, everyone could get behind the the guilty verdict, but this would not escalate the division (tension) the media have worked so hard to create and sustain.  The media chose this case from potentially 100s of other cases –which might have  demonstrated real police abuse– to assure both sides could feel hurt and wronged with the required ‘Politically Correct’ guilty verdict.  To tip the scales for guilt, the press made sure the jurors were sufficiently doxed in case anyone dared to side with the evil white guy — ‘wrong-vote’ would get your ass beat or worse.

COVID and –more importantly– the irresponsible reaction to COIVID by our ‘well-paid experts’ has increased tension just as the Floyd-Chauvin theatrical media production did. The COVID reaction is discarding the old idea of informed consent and violating the Nuremburg Code.  A civil war is just what is needed to complete the total and complete destruction of any civil rights which may remain.

The impediments and thus the enemies of the Ruling Elite are:  the family, the white male, culture, history, traditions, 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments and of course Christianity; and so all are under attack by the same folks who are running the George Floyd and COVID PSYOPS.

Here are two links I think are important in context to the above that will bring this closer to home:

Tim Kelly & Joe Atwill discuss The Trial of Derek Chauvin
Powers & Principalities: Episode 200 by Our Interesting Times

James Corbett discusses the future according to the oligarchs that rule our world.
Episode 400 – Visions of the Future

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David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday April 18th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | April 18th, 2021


Received a call late Thursday night from my sister in Arizona explaining one of our beloved family members had died after a piece of heavy furniture fell on her – she was only 9 years old. What a tragedy for this young, beautiful girl and her family. My sister needed help tending her horses, dogs, wild birds and our 90-year old mother, so I flew to AZ early Friday morning. My sister was already in Utah by the time I  arrived providing what support she could.  She arranged to have friends pick me up at the airport and take me to the ranch. I had to get my sea-legs — I mean my ranch legs– quickly  in terms of feeding schedules, medications, etc. So far, so good. In the meantime the immediate family is trying to come to terms with this loss. I’m a fix-it man, but I can’t fix this. All I can do is be there and offer support, no advice and no commentary. I will be here as long as I am needed.  Some pictures from AZ:

Below, you will find a wide range of information documenting the march of Globalism.  All are interrelated so it is difficult to classify with clear demarcations.  It is interesting to note that the old fascism of Mussolini and Hitler  combined government and corporate power leaving government in the driver’s seat; our new form of fascism in America puts the corporations in charge of the government to usher in the unworkable wet-dream of Technocracy.  It is important to note above this corporatocracy rides the remnants of Quigley’s ‘network’ or ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’ –a new aristocracy– which have morphed into a global scientific dictatorship poised to devour any and all freewill.


Mission Accomplished: The Corbett Report Removed From YouTube

Vimeo Removes Film “trustWHO” Which Exposes Corruption at W.H.O.

The Military Origins of Facebook

BROWN: most of the media reports I’ve read on Ukraine are based on recycled lies and fraud. The reality is that the USA State Department orchestrated and funded a coup in Ukraine in 2014 which killed 1,000s of innocent Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the Donbas and other areas. Crimea therefore voted over 95% to re-associate with Russia for protection against the new US-backed regime. Russia did not invade or attack Ukraine. The USA did, however. The MSM are lying to you.

BROWN: After Amazon murdered Parler, I tried to stop buying anything from them; however, I just received my second package from Walmart shipped with the Amazon smile logo on the outside of the box.

Amidst yet another night of violent unrest in Minnesota, Google is effectively shadow banning searches for “riots today” despite other search engines providing links to stories about the riots when the same search term is used.

Journalists, Learning They Spread a CIA Fraud About Russia, Instantly Embrace a New One



from The Highwire with Del Bigtree: ANOTHER CDC FAIL


From IPOT (In Pursuit Of Truth) POP – TRAILER


Interview 1631 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Fake Punks Get The Real Jab – #NewWorldNextWeek

Primary Doctor Medical Journal November 2020:  “Due to the high risk for mask wearers … we urgently recommend that NO ADULT OR CHILD BE FORCED TO WEAR THE MASK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. In addition, we recommend that the risks of wearing a mask be published and available to the public, and that masks should only be worn by adults who choose to do so, and only with voluntary, informed consent, with FULL AWARENESS OF THE RISKS, and that their use is FORBIDDEN. for children, students and employees ”

PDMJ: COVID-19 Deaths A Look at US Data Submitted March 18, 2021 Completed peer-review March 25, 2021

BROWN: Will the fun never end?  3rd Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Dose ‘Likely’ Needed Within a Year, CEO Says

from PRC: Florida’s Governor DeSantis Saved Florida by Breaking Out of the Fear Narrative

US Hospitals Getting Paid More to Label Cause of Death as ‘Coronavirus’


BROWN: Not only were we lied to about the major wars in the 20th Century, we were lied about the Civil War. Take a cool, refreshing drink of some real history by Ryan Dawson who is a brilliant researcher on the US Civil War.  This podcast brings to light how the powers that shouldn’t be use false histories to advance their agenda.

Argentinian journalist (Mauro Viale) who had no health issues, dies two days after taking the jab. The day after taking the vaccine he tested positive for covid and passed away two days later due to a cardiac arrest.


An Investigation Has Unearthed Photos Of Australian Soldiers Allegedly Committing War Crimes

Waco, the Big Lie is a 1993 American documentary film directed by Linda Thompson that presents video based analysis regarding the Waco siege. Waco, the Big Lie gained significant notoriety when it was viewed during the trial of “American domestic terrorist” Timothy McVeigh. As part of the defense, McVeigh’s lawyers showed Waco, the Big Lie to the jury. What is the connection?

The USA govt is intentionally terrorizing the public. The USA govt was deeply involved in the OK City Bombing, Waco, 9-11 and many, many other events.

The TOP brass of the Arizona Highway Patrol lied to every officer about the OK City bombing.

Georgia probe of Stacey Abrams-tied group ongoing with fight over subpoenaed documents

James O’Keefe joins Sean Hannity on Fox News to discuss Project Veritas’ new #ExposeCNN​ bombshell

Situation Update, April 13th, 2021 – Vaccine antibodies CAUSE blood clots in the brain, lungs and heart


Macron would amend the law in force since 1905 for Muslim votes



from EFF (Electronic Founter Foundation) Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea

Cover your tracks: See how trackers view your browser

Test your own browser … I use Brave … here are my test results…



EU countries move towards COVID passes to reopen summer travel

Tim Kelly interviewed by the Second Society Project by Our Interesting Times

Democrats to Unveil Bill to Expand Supreme Court by 4 Justices

Yep, These People Are Serious! ALL Domains Registered On The Same Day, (In 2016) By The Same Person, From The Same Location! Dot = Com, Org, Info,Net

Indiana House Shuts Down Efforts to Ban Vaccine Passports

from the Atlantic Council: Global Sanctions Dashboard: March

The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?

House panel approves bill to pave way for slavery reparations

Tucker Carlson & the Great Replacement Powers & Principalities: Episode 199
by Our Interesting Times

Ridicule, humor and memes

from the satire site The Babylon Bee… Democrats Propose Packing Court With Illiterate Justices To Make Sure There’s No Chance They’ll Be Influenced By The Constitution

BROWN: Wonder if these do-gooder geniuses know where the electricity comes from they use to charge or build those electric cars? Do they know how much fossil fuel is required just to manufacture these electric motors and batteries?


You can contact David Brown at | You can catch up with him on MeWe here… | And on Telegram here @ClearNFO

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday April 4th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | April 4th, 2021


Back before the great purge of free thought and free speech by Big Tech, life was much simpler.  If you wanted great independent news and opinions, you could depend on YouTube to deliver and you could depend on Google to provide an unadulterated return on your searches.  If you wanted to express your opinions and gather breaking new information you could do this on Facebook and Twitter.  Those days are long gone.  Today’s Big Tech platforms have become ghettos of bastardized information reeking of ham-fisted propaganda obvious to anyone who is capable of rational thought.

After Big Tech splintered authentic content creators into a thousand pieces and scattered them to the winds, today’s information sleuth has a much more challenging task when trying to uncover the unvarnished truth.   Still, as the dust settles, the task is within reach.  Some of our best content creators have relocated to other platforms.  It takes some effort to find these great truth tellers, but once the new platforms have been located, it can be pretty much business as usual until the next attack from the powers that shouldn’t be.

Of course, before he was hung by his heels, this iconic fascist Benito Mussolini informed that “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” … and, of course, the government of Nazi Germany was a fascist, totalitarian state.   Today, as the USA shreds any protections it once had from the authoritarian state, we uncover a new style of fascism.  Yes it is a merger of the state and corporations, but rather than having the state in charge, we clearly see the US Federal Government is the bitch of these large corporate and banking interests… so we still have fascism but turned on its head.

The good news is more and more of us are becoming aware of the corrupt power of the state amplified by their corporate partners in crime.  We no longer believe the fairytale we have a Constitutional Republic; which is not to say we can’t try to use the protections of the US Constitution to get our collective asses out of the sling, but still the state and corporate power “do what thou wilt” despite the Constitution or the protestations of the people they rule with impunity and unearned privilege.

It is obvious to me after the fraud of the 2020 election, the DOJ, FBI, Congress,  the MSM, Big-Tech and the Supreme Court were all in on the illegal removal of the duly elected president of the USA.  Even ‘Et tu, Brute’-Pence landed one for the big guys.   In prior years, the power eliet  foud it expidious –and educational for the unwashed masses– to shoot a president who displeased them in the head, in public, for all to see and let their media dutifully cover it up.   The 2020 election was a coup and those listed above were willing participants in this conspiracy; guilty of the most serious of crimes possible against this Republic.

So now that Trump has been removed, no time can be wasted to cement their power over the citizens of the USA and the rest of the world to birth their unworkable wet-dream of a NWO with them in the driver’s seat.

They are rushing to mandate experimental vaccines and pushing the idea of vaccine passports; they are using fear of COVID and its next version to control the majority of the masses– herding their livestock down a one way road to a total scientific dictatorship; otherwise known as a technocracy (their word, not mine); but as they rush, many of us are watching and becoming more and more aware of what they are doing and how they are getting away with these massive crimes against freedom and self-determination.  We are observing and learning… and this information is spreading like wildfire, despite all attempts to control and constrain the truth by Big Tech and the captured media.

I choose to be ‘the happy warrior’ and therefore choose to engage the enemy of man on the battlefield of ideas and non-compliance.

But to be effective we must discover who the enemy is, which can be difficult for most of us since so many of us carry around a false sense of history in our collective consciousness.  This false history was provided by the same folks who serve our enemy.  The enemy of our freedom has virtually unlimited economic power, political power and they control our healthcare, education system, universities and media.   They therefore seek to divide us by setting men against women, black against white, Christian against Muslim, liberal against conservative, Republican against Democrat and red against blue.

To start clearing the air a bit, we must reclaim our real history starting with the major wars of the 20th century orchestrated, financed and promulgated by the Anglo-American Establishment > RIIA > CFR > US State Department, and others.  These relationships were documented and exposed by Carol Quigley, Antony C. Sutton and others.

For a great update on this control structure, I submit this great interview by Tim Kelly

Matt Ehret on the British Origins of the Deep State and the Reconquest of America by Perfidious Albion by Our Interesting Times:  Matt Ehret joins Our Interesting Times to discuss the British origins of the Deep State and how America was gradualy pulled back into the orbit of Perfidious Albion in the 19th and 20th centuries.Matt is historian and author of Untold History of Canada book series. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of The Canadian Patriot Review and a co-founder of the Rising Tide Foundation.

So despite a formatable enemy owning the major levers of power, we have the truth and we have some of the brightest minds and researchers on our side: These include Tim Kelly, Joe Plummer, James Corbett, Ryan Dawson, Mark Kulacz, Jason Goodman, Charles Ortel, John E. Hoover, Patrick Wood, Richard Grove, Amazing Polly and many others.  We must support these people with our eyeballs, clicks and our money when and if we can.

So I am the Happy Warrior, ready for battle.  Let the games begin!

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David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday March 28th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | March 21st, 2021


I use many sources to stay informed and to satisfy my desire to learn … too many to discuss here, but there are a few I’d like to mention today.  Besides reading excellent books as I find them, there are a few internet sites I visit on a regular basis: these include Tim Kelly, James Corbett, Amazing PollyJason Goodman, Farmer Jones LawSGT Report,  the Spidr (news aggregator) … all for different reasons.

I consider Tim Kelly and James Corbett reliable sources of well-researched information.  Amazing Polly does some great research and comes up with novel approaches and ideas that are very insightful. Mark Kulacz with Housatonic Live has done truly amazing deep research on many topics, uncovering important facts Tim Kelly and James Corbett missed on Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, for example.  Though not as prolific, I consider Mark the Mae Brussell of our era.

PSB (Patriot Soap Box): I’ve been watching Radix Verum and her husband Pamphlet as they grow, shrink, and change to meet many challenges as the MSM and others hunt them down attempting to silence their voice — so far, unsuccessfully.  This shows what a threat they are to the MSM.   Though there are only a few shows I listen to on their 24X7 broadcast, I still find value in their new paradigm on news delivery and hope they succeed.  I am a Christian, but PSB has way too much religiosity and music videos for my taste when I’m looking for hard-hitting news.  Of course this is their choice not mine.  Still there is some valuable and important information revealed on this unique alternative news outlet.   They are struggling and showing growth pains as they venture into some real history via Quigley and Sutton.  They have even started broadcasting some James Corbett and JBS.  The breakup of the Q phenomenon and the Trump / Kushner presidency fiasco has been painful; but Radix & Pamphlet are young and resilient, so I think they will survive this current, painful and disruptive coming of age milestone they are working their way through.

A lot of major influencers have migrated to Telegram after being driven from mainstream platforms; and so, I find a lot of interesting information there along with specific people I can have extended conversations with.

Also for way-out-on-the-limb kind of NFO, I look at 4Chan’s /pol/  (Politically Incorrect) for gems that may have slipped through the cracks of the Overton window, but the reader please beware of this little grease trap since this site is heavily infiltrated by DS players, LEOs, the IC and other nefarious actors promulgating false and misleading NFO. (Note:  Some say the CIA operated the DC/Servers in Austin, TX hosting the notorious Usenet alt.binaries back in the day)

If you tire of MSM’s retail propaganda, you can find more sophisticated propaganda here: I subscribe to the RIIA’s (Chatham House) the CFR’s (Pratt House) and the Atlantic Council’s newsletters among others to see what the great deceivers and apex predator class are up to.

John E Hoover does some great prezos using beautiful graphs based on the actual COVID data from the CDC; unfortunately, John is still mostly on YouTube –which in today’s cancel culture and censorship hysteria– is a risky gamble.  Maybe his pal Jason Goodman can pull him over to his new streaming servers once John is kicked off YouTube.

Suspicious0bservers (YouTube) – Space and earth weather.  Most excellent: entertaining and informative to the max.  Apparently YouTube hasn’t figured out this channel does not parrot their globalist narrative, so they are safe for now; and,  they have their own web site here:

Mark Kulacz  Housatonic Live – deep dives on a range of topics.

  • YouTube:
  • Web site:

PSB (Patriot Soap Box)

  • 24X7 Live:
  • Their Shows:
  • Web site:

The Corbett Report

  • Web site:

Tim Kelly produces ‘Our Interesting Times’.  Can be found on the following platforms:

  • Bitchute:
  • Rumble:
  • Podomatic:
  • Internet Archive:

Note: Tim does a weekly podcast with Joe Atwill called Powers & Principalities also found on the above platforms

I used to use the Drudge Report as an aggregator of news to get a view of what was trending in the MSM, but since Drudge has gone rogue– propagating DS/Globalist naratives,  I rarely if ever visit his site.  I do use as an alternative to peek in on what the MSM wants us to believe on any given day without giving them the benefit of my clicks.

And for a higher quality propaganda, I turn to the CFR and the Atlantic Counsel where I’m subscribed to their newsletters.

Checkout Substack  Bokhari: Establishment Media Is Terrified of Substack, for Good Reason

The March of Globalism

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David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday February 21st, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | February 21st, 2021

Igloo our son built in the back yard.

BROWN: A week of winter in Houston like none I’ve ever experienced.  I’ve lived in snowy areas like Boston and Denver, but the greater Houston area is known for its mild winters where you will find yourself wearing shorts and sandals during much of the winter months.  Not so much starting the night of Valentines Day 2021.  We had predictions of 4 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit (Celsius: -13 to  -16).  We wrapped our pipes as best we could not knowing that we would also be without power for almost 5 days during this bitter cold spell.  Our house is 100% electric, so no gas to heat the house or the water.   Many of my neighbors and co-workers suffered through 20 °F internal house temps and numerous frozen and broken water pipes.  Luckily our house never got below 43 °F but still without power it was dark and cold. We had no frozen pipes I think because we of course opened a few faucets and let the water run out slowly.  We also would turn off the water at the meter every evening at ~5:00 p.m.  drain the pipes and then refill the next day around 11:00 a.m. We had no power to cook with so we used a Colman camping stove outside to heat water for coffee.  After a few days a friend from work brought over an extra power generator that we put on our covered back porch.  This ran one space heater for one room and our computer equipment.  Prior to that, I was running my business out of my warm running car with my cell phone.  Looking for POs on a cell phone or conducting WebEx meetings and taking notes is not easy. Laptop battery was dead, so I had no choice.  One unfortunate lady we knew was set to close on her house only to find the ceiling fell in from water damage on the day of closing.

This cold week without power has taught us many, many lessons on preparedness.  I thought I was prepared, but I would do so many things differently if I had a do-over: buy more bread for sandwiches, paper plates, paper or plastic bowls, plastic eating utensils, an electric hot plate, water proof shoes, gloves, etc.,   I believe we are now motivated to act on our plans for a full house power failover system with a 500 or 1,000 gallon LP tank.  I’ve already been shopping prices and have requested a bid.   This is exciting.  No longer will I be subject to our unreliable power company during rain, cold or hurricanes.  It will be nice to just sit here as though nothing at all has happened and carry on as usual.

BROWN: My reaction to the winter forecast below on 2/14 was this: Hey, this is Houston-F’ing-Texas for Pete’s sake!!!! 9 °F tomorrow and 4 °F Tuesday!!!! WTF HOMER!!! Is there a vaccine for Global Cooling?

Continue reading

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday February 7th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | February 7th, 2021

Below you will find a select few items that caught my attention this week.  Hope you can benefit and enjoy.  On some of the longer podcasts and lectures, I download to my computer and then upload to my phone to listen while on the treadmill or when I have some down-time.

Where is the footprint? Bubonic plague killed about 25% to 60% of the European population. What percentage has SARS-CoV-2 killed? In the US, the overall death rate remains substantially  the same over the past several years despite COVID-19.

A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19 from Johns Hopkins was promptly erased from the internet, only to be found on archive dot org… (what are they hiding?)

The Final Chapter: Part 3 – HEROES: A Tribute to Dr Scott Jensen

Information is important

The false narratives of WW1 & WW2: Like the false narratives about November 3rd and  January 6th the MSM promotes today, the victors of the great wars accuse the victims of being villains and sell this to the gullible masses for generations.  However, we live in amazing times.  For the first time in history, it is possible for the average Joe –like me– to discover the real criminals who caused and benefitted from the death of some 70M naïve participants in these pre-planned and orchestrated world wars.  Spent some time this week gathering more information on WW1 and WW2.  Of course these conflicts do not resemble anything I was taught in public school, the university or TV and the movie theaters.  Important to pull this story together by watching James Perloff’s lecture first, followed by reading: Antony C. Sutton’s trilogy: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution; Wall Street and FDR; Wall Street and the rise of Hitler.  Next read Quigley’s ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’, then Mein Kampf, Guido Preparata on Conjuring HitlerAlso, HITLER’S REVOLUTION – IDEOLOGY, SOCIAL PROGRAMS, FOREIGN AFFAIRS – CHAPTERS 1, 2 & 3 IDEOLOGY BY RICHARD TED.   Having done all this, you will be well prepared to start learning.   Don’t forget James Corbett’s excellent documentary on WW1 below.  So glad to see James and others finally dipping their toes into some Quigley’s ‘Anglo-American Establishment’. This really improved and focused this most excellent documentary.  You can tell they’ve read Quigley when they mention guys like Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner.  Next up from James will be WW2 no doubt and should be a blockbuster.

Of course who will take the time to read all of this?  Most would prefer the easier path provided by the masters of propaganda and besides that, “Americans don’t read.” It is far easier to let the media and the paid experts do your thinking for you.


Helena Blavatsky and WW2 mentioned by Joe in this episode…
Powers & Principalities: Episode 189 by Tim Kelly & Joe Atwill
Our Interesting Times Clown World Politics and Blue Terror – Feb 6th

The WW1 Conspiracy (Full Documentary | 2018)

The WWI Conspiracy

Interview 1616 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Guido Preparata on Conjuring Hitler

Our Interesting Times  EPISODE DESCRIPTION: Guido Giacomo Preparata joins Our Interesting Times to discuss his book Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America made the Third Reich. We talk about how Great Britain fomented two world wars to prevent an alliance forming between Germany and Russia and how the rise of National Socialism in Germany was not an aberration or accident of history but the result of Anglo-American financial support and intrigue. Guido Giacomo Preparata has been an Associate Professor of Political Economy at the University of Washington. He completed his PhD in Political Economy and Economic History at the University of Southern California in 1998. He is the author several books including The Ideology of Tyranny and New Directions for Catholic Social and Political Research. His website is


Next a short history lesson from James Perloff…
JAMES PERLOFF THE SHADOWS OF POWER – THE CFR, FEDERAL RESERVE, AND THE AMERICAN DECLINE: Great PowerPoint Lecture from James Perloff – brief historical primer on major US conflicts

Not a big fan of Infowars since I consider Alex a limited hangout designed to stir the pot.  In any event, author and self-help guru Tony Robbins is calling out the manipulation of death statistics propping up the Covid-19 scamdemic.

This looks to be a good resource:  Truth Stream Media . com

“Love Your Servitude – Aldous Huxley & George Orwell”

Mark Kulacz says goodbye to Twitter: Ep 73.1: Goodbye Twitter! Not Misinfo: Dr Bavari (USAMRIID) and 9/11 Anthrax, Ebola, COVID19 Pandemic (note: Mark has done the best research I’ve seen on Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Bill Barr and others)

Huxley the Berkeley lectures:

Interesting diversion into Rudolf Steiner …
The Karma of Untruthfulness
Secret Societies, the Media, and Preparations for the Great War
Author: Rudolf Steiner
Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press
Category: Body, Mind & Spirit

Rudolf Steiner Audio web site:

And finally some Totto-Chan (this book brought Steiner’s thinking to China)

Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window

Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window


Totto-chan – Little Girl at the Window – English Part 1


Totto-chan – English Part 2


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David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday January 31st, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | January 31, 2021

David’s stack.

I will be starting a weekly posting of David’s Stack of Stuff.  The idea here is to save you time and perhaps provide some little gems you may have overlooked during your busy week of making a living.   Enjoy…

Note: Once there was the great hope of ‘splintering the CIA into a thousand pieces and scattering it into the winds’, yet the CIA and their pals in Big-Tech have successfully splintered any opposing views and scattered them  across the web into little echo chambers.   Gone are the days of free expression on any of the major platforms.   Our best and brightest have either gone out of business as a result of this massive coordinated attack on free speech or they have re-constituted on alternative platforms with smaller audiences.  Many payment processors have joined in this coordinated attack designed to silence any views that do not support the current established mythology promulgated by our technocratic overlords.   This modern-day book burning has occurred as our captured regulators and corporate media cheered, not realizing the bland, gray, lifeless monolithic moonscape they are creating for everyone.

The Duran: News – Video – Analysis: Putin delivers anti-globalist Davos speech. Macron delivers pro-globalist Davos speech
The Duran: Episode 874

THOMAS SOWELL from Free to Choose Media

If you’ve been looking for IPOT, you can find it here on BitChute…  LAGO – IPOT PRESENTS – 1.29.21

Likewise, Amazing Polly is now here on BitChute …  Amazing Polly on BitChute

Ryan Dawson’s ANC is on BitChute…  Ryan Dawson on BitChute

SGT Report on BitChute…  SGT Report on BitChute

FBI: Pipe Bombs at RNC, DNC Were Planted Night Before Jan. 6

Jason Bermas on Rokfin…

Richard Grove on Rokfin

GameStop Shares: Dark Pools Owned by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, UBS, et al, Have Made Tens of Thousands of Trades

New Report Indicates New York Nursing Home COVID Death Scandal Far Worse Than Previously Known

Jason Bermas | Special Guest on Grand Theft World 12

How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS 2020

from Paul Craig Roberts…If you use Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Google, you are supporting Fascists

If you use Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Google, you are supporting Fascists



CENSORSHIP Now They’re Trying to Ban Telegram
Facebook and Twitter remain immune to the same standards.

Kay Griggs – Exposing The Elite and Military Secrets Part 1 of 4


The Great Reset Part 2 | Jay Dyer with Richard Grove

Scientific Dictatorship (Technocracy) Quick Start by Patrick Wood…

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active – And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued

Dr Paul Craig Roberts talks money and politics 1.23.2021 on Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog…


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Democrat vs. Republican and Trump

by DAVID BROWN | | May 09, 2020

Of course there really is no such thing as Democrat vs. Republican, though I too use these terms as shorthand to help speed communication since these terms are in general use.

Carroll Quigley said it best:  “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies… is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”

In 2016 most of the Republicans hated Trump as much or more than the Democrats and could not be trusted to support the choice of the people – their people. The RNC did everything in their power to destroy Trump.   With few exceptions, the Republicans are liars and thieves just like the Democrats, so it really boils down to whose lies you prefer.

The term ‘Realpolitik’ was  coined by Ludwig von Rochau  in 1853: “The study of the forces that shape, maintain and alter the state is the basis of all political insight and leads to the understanding that the law of power governs the world of states just as the law of gravity governs the physical world.”

Henry Kissinger was a big proponent of ‘Realpolitik’. Today’s Realpolitik can be seen in the coercive and amoral actions of the established power structure and their controlled media, government and educational organs.  Red Team vs. Blue Team is just another tool to keep their livestock distracted, occupied and confused.   If you get most of your news from the MSM you will not be aware of this simple fact.  One good example is the Trans Pacific Partnership or TPP which would have ceded US Sovereignty to an unelected group of international business interests.  Did the MSM ever alert the American people they were about to lose their sovereignty?  Amazingly, most of your elected officials in both parties were for this nation-destroying treaty, misnamed an agreement to help get it passed in the Senate – even Ted Cruz and Mike Pence were for it before they were against it.  TPP would have been a major win for the One World Government enthusiasts, but Trump killed it.  Trump is now on their shit list. These people have power, money; and they own Big-Tech, Big-Pharma and the media.  They also own people like Fauci, Birx, Gates, Redfield (CDC) and Tedros (W.H.O.).

“Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.” –Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (1953) pgs. 49-50

The world they have planned for us will not be a good place to live.  It will be a world of constant surveillance and control – the idea of freedom will be washed from our collective consciousness.  Our suspicions surrounding the COVID Pandemic are possible and may be probable though not easily provable.   This could be just another attempt to remove Trump.

The COVID virus could be natural or man-made – though recent research point to man-made.  It could have been released by accident or on purpose. It could have been developed in China or in the USA or both.   We are gaining more and more evidence that is making this picture clearer every day.  We have some very good researchers making good progress on this now.   I expect we will discover the truth of the origin of SARS-CoV-2.

Calm before the storm?  I don’t know.  Certainly the existing power structure fighting Trump has committed serious crimes and would therefore desire to protect itself in any way possible without limits.

Coronavirus man-made:

Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity Coronavirus: Are Our Scientists Lying To Us?

China: End Run for World Domination

by DAVID BROWN | | August 12, 2018

The Old Silk Road (114 BC – 1450s AD) was an ancient network of trade routes that connected the East and West: From China, India, Persia (Iran), Arabia, Somalia, Egypt to Europe.

The Old Silk Road – Connecting China to Europe

China’s New Silk Road

Today, China is planning to re-hydrate these ancient trading routes with a new modern Silk Road having already spent more than the US spent on WWII’s Marshall plan; with another $1.3 trillion waiting to build railways, roads, ports, and power grids over the next 10 years.

China’s new Silk Road – the Belt and Road Initiative

“Who rules the World Island commands the world”

The new Silk Road is now called the “Belt and Road” initiative, and is under active construction. With all this excitement and activity, one can’t help but think of Helford Mackinder’s (1861 – 1947) Heartland Theory of the World Island and his prescient words:

“Who rules Eastern Europe commands the Heartland
Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island
Who rules the World Island commands the world”

Helford Mackinder – Heartland Theory of the World Island

The Rimland is not enough

During the pinnacle of the British Empire’s power, Briton found it too costly –and the logistics technologically impractical– to go inland to conquer the ‘Heartland’ of the ‘World Island’;  so the Empire chose to control the seas and impose its will inward from the Rimland.  Once the greatest sea power the world had ever known, the Empire –weakened by The Great Wars–  encouraged its former colony (America) to fill the vacuum.  Still, the Heartland of the World Island –and the power it could unleash– was mostly ignored or forgotten by many –until recently.    Though Mackinder’s Heartland theory  is outdated, it’s basic premise is still valid and it seems clear China believes it can command the world by commanding the World Island.

NOTE: The “heartland”  was also referred to as the “pivot area” and as the core of Eurasia. Mackinder considered all of Europe and Asia as the World Island.

Additional reading on this topic