Category Archives: Crime

What Just Happened?

by DAVID BROWN | | January 23, 2021

Now that the old establishment power structure has installed their president, we can make a few observations.  First, the unexpected election of Trump in 2016 –or anyone like Trump– will never be allowed again.  The elections in 2020 were massively rigged and none of our government institutions lifted a finger to investigate or attempt to correct this obvious fraud on the American people.  Big-tech and the media were there to silence opposition and ready to make this fraud seem plausible if not inevitable and even righteous to any foolish enough to consume their propaganda.

Trump populism gave the establishment such a scare; they are wasting no time rolling out the constitutional-shredding Patriot Act II under the guise of domestic terrorism, targeting anything or anyone resembling the MAGA movement.  This new legislation and domestic terrorism unit at the National Security Council will be designed to crush Trump supporters wherever they may find them.

Our new thoroughly rattled tyrants will use the full power of the corrupt FBI and DOJ to prosecute their war against their political opposition.   All this will be done while conforming to a patchwork of agendas including UN Agenda 21/2030, Build Back Better, Carbon Taxes, The Great Reset, the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the destruction of culture, tradition and the notion of the nation-state. We will be one big happy global family and we will like it.  The agendas comprise strategies, while a scientific dictatorship pedigreed in technocracy will provide the operational tactics to accomplish a total global control grid designed to shear, fleece, skin or render the vast unwashed masses.

Not trying to be Debbie Downer here but we must come to terms with the reality of what happened with the 2020 elections if we have any chance of fighting this resurgent beast who now feels empowered to totally dominate the America people.

First, we need to stop feeding the beast with our clicks, eyeballs and money.  This means cutting off the major players who have fully uncloaked themselves recently.  I love the ease and efficiency of Amazon, but I no longer purchase anything from them.  I still shop on their great website, but I find what I want and go elsewhere with my shekels.  Likewise, I deleted my Twitter account and have stopped using Facebook for anything other than a redirect platform to redirect the reader or follower to better platforms and information.   I prefer BitChute and others to YouTube, only using YouTube when there are no other choices.  And so it goes… starving the beast of money, eyeballs and clicks works 100%, 100% of the time.   Your money and your attention matter, so stop feeding the beast whose intent is to devour you.

Some suggestions to try:

  • Brave Browser over Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, IE, etc.
  • MeWe and/or VK, Gab over Facebook
  • Telegram over Twitter
  • over Drudge
  • DuckDuckGo, Yandex, Swisscows over Google search

If you like to listen to podcasts or YouTube, take the time to look at other alternatives like Podomatic, Spreaker, etc.

What are the positives?

The Established Power Structure (DS, Globalists, etc.) have pissed off at least 74M Trump voters and likely many more. Everyone knows the election was a fraud.  Everyone now has the opportunity to observe this tyrannical hydra and all its heads fully uncloaked.  Prior to Trump and the 2020 election, too many were in denial about the power, the coordination, malevolence and the villainy of these people and organizations who conspired to steal the 2020 election; and then, promulgate the preposterous notion Biden won more votes than any man in American history.  No one believes this, and no one believes Biden is legitimate.    This, then, is a problem for the DS– a big problem.  And this is why they are in such a rush to crush any dissenting points of view even if it requires force.

The opportunity for us is clear.  We must not accept their lies and we must promote evidence-based truth to all who can listen.   We must also band together to increase our voice and our strength.


Find me on MeWe:

Additional Reading & Useful Links.. 

Great news sources


First Trump Administration – an assessment

by DAVID BROWN | | December 31, 2020

There is plenty I don’t like about the Trump presidency, but when compared with Obama, Hillary, Biden, and many others, Trump looks pretty darned good to me.

If you take Trump’s campaign speech dated October 13th 2016, he hits the nail pretty squarely on the head.   When you compare this speech with JFK’s speech on April 27th 1961, about “Secret Societies.”, you have a pretty good high-level understanding of some of the problems we face as a people and as a country.  However, after four years of the Trump administration, the corruption and infiltration is wider and deeper than most of us realized.

Trump’s trust in Israel is misplaced: I would fault Trump’s naiveté concerning Israel.  Despite common wisdom to the contrary, Israel is not our friend and I don’t think Trump really gets this.  You can get banned and attacked for even mentioning this, so I will leave this here.  If you want, you can read more about this on my web site @ or take a look at the USS Liberty, Jonathan Pollard, etc. for starters.  You can find real information if you look but the ADL and others have been effective in keeping any and all such material hidden from the public.   It is also illegal in 17 countries to even question historical claims about this tribe.

Trump was / is apparently unaware of just how deep the corruption goes in our legions of three letter agencies (17 in the IC alone) including the most notorious: FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, IRS, etc.  Other areas of misplaced trust were in the CDC, FDA, SES, and W.H.O.

Despite this misplaced trust, the Trump administration by hook or crook has forced this collection of criminals, liars, thieves and traitors to uncloak for all to see.  This then is huge, since our fundamental problem has always been our profound ignorance and naiveté concerning the malevolent US Federal Government and our lying media.

The media and big tech have clearly shown themselves to be untrustworthy and in cahoots with the globalists — they have been outed as liars and traitors to their country of origin.

In my opinion, Trump should have cleaned house the first 30 to 90 days of his administration.  Additionally, he should not have hired Bolton, Barr, Durham among many other very poor choices.

The depths of Trump’s naiveté can be seen in his almost blind trust in big pharma’s vaccines.  His promotion of the ventilators likely killed unknown 1,000s of people.   The untested experimental vaccines are risky and unneeded when we already have safe and effective treatments documented by our Front Line Doctors and others.   The media, big pharma and our captured regulatory agencies are guilty of serious crimes by keeping these life-saving treatments hidden from the public.

For some, all Trump’s negatives, can be explained away by the notion Trump is playing 3D or 4D chess, but can we trust all these apparent mistakes were on purpose?  I say no.

Trump’s biggest accomplishments so far:

I’m hoping on January 6th we will have four more years of Donald J. Trump.


Calling All Minutemen!

by DAVID BROWN | | December 12, 2020

After the massive fraud on America that occurred November 3rd, 2020 it has become clear to me the FBI, the DOJ and our Court System are worthless in helping correct this fraud; they are corrupt and cannot be trusted.

Notwithstanding Trump’s September 12, 2018 Executive Order report (due on December the 18th) which may allow Trump to correct the election, we need a Plan B: My plan is to communicate with those state officials who have shown a willingness to fight the voter fraud.  Joining the Texas lawsuit is one big way many state Attorney Generals demonstrated their desire to see an equitable election.

Who do we have to help? We have 100 million plus wide-awake Americans who can now see this blatant, in-your-face fraud up-close and personal.

There is nothing wrong with clicking the ‘like button’ and sharing information on social media, but we need real action in the real world that will make a difference.   This means we must invest our time and effort to make a difference.

To that end, I will be starting an email and phone call plan to contact all the people on this list (Attorney Generals and Governors) to let them know they have my support to help clean up the corruption demonstrated so clearly by this fraudulent election. Why these people? Because –unlike the Supreme Court, the FBI and the DOJ who have shirked their responsibility– they were brave enough to stand up and be counted with the Texas lawsuit and/or they voted for Trump. This is the core support plus the 100 million or so citizens who realize what deep dodo we are ALL in if we let this fraud stand.

My Golden list of our ‘Virtual Minutemen’ can be found here: List   It is important for these AGs and Governors to know they have our support.

Please take time to call and write the AGs and Governors at least once a week until January 20th to let them know where you stand and that you support their effort to assure the 2020 election was fair and equitable.  Their contact information can be found here: AG addresses.

I have listed their phone numbers, and you can check on their web site for their email address.

Sample letter:

Begin writing your letter by addressing the attorney general as follows:

Dear Mr./Madam Attorney General :

I am deeply troubled by the overwhelming evidence of election fraud and corruption that occurred on November 3rd of this year.  I’m writing you this letter to let you know I support your efforts to correct this fraud; and that I, and many more like me, are here as a backstop to support you in these efforts.  We cannot let this fraud stand.


Your name (and contact information, if you choose to provide it)



9/11 Was a Revenue Enhancement Project

by DAVID BROWN | | September 20, 2020

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, US Military spending declined rapidly – see chart below.  The Neocons and the US Military Industrial Complex needed a new bad guy to scare US taxpayers. A group of Neocons (William Kristol and Robert Kagan) formed the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) in 1997 to come up with a solution.  PNAC proclaimed “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”   At the time, few realized that the new Pearl Harbor would go-live September 11, 2001.

Defense Spending

BTW, Robert Kagan is married to the lady (Victoria Nuland) who ran the violent regime change in Ukraine for the Obama State Department.


Related topics: 

More from ClearNFO on Ukraine:

Will COG be used to remove Trump?

by DAVID BROWN | | Aug 2, 2020

July 20th 2020 on MSNBC Nancy Pelosi said the following…

“The fact is whether he knows it yet or not, he will be leaving,” Pelosi told Brzezinski. “Just because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn’t mean we won’t have an inauguration ceremony to inauguration a duly elected President of the United States. And you know, I’m second in line to the presidency just last week I had my regular continuation of government briefing. This might interest you because I say to them, this is never going to happen, God willing it never will, but there is a process. It has nothing to do with the certain occupant of the White House doesn’t feel like moving and has to be fumigated out of there because the presidency is the presidency. It’s not geography or location so, so much for him. I wouldn’t spend so much time on it that’s a victory for him because then we’re not talking about your first, more important subject, which is, what are we going to do to stop this vicious virus that is making an assault on our health, again, our lives, our livelihood and life of our democracy.”

Even though she mispronounced the name, Pelosi’s reference to the COG (Continuity of Government) is particularly concerning.   This seems to be a deep threat by the deep state to remove Trump forcibly– perhaps their last chance.

We don’t know what the DS has planned with COG, but the COG could be used to push Trump out in Ron Fournier’s scenario below or a variation thereof.  Hopefully Trump has done an adequate job cleaning out the government to preempt a serious challenge with COG. Obviously the CIA and certain factions of the MIC are still rogue along with many other unknown actors and departments in the behemoth we call the US Federal Government.   The coup if it goes hot, could be bloody.    It does seems to me there will be some controversy over the legitimacy of the election one way or the other.  Both sides are posturing and setting the table as November 3rd approaches rapidly.

Oliver North questioned on Continuity of Govt:

Nancy’s statement on MSNBC:

(BREITBART BY Trent Baker 20 Jul 2020) Pelosi: ‘Whether He Knows It Yet or Not’ Trump Will Be Leaving the White House — Even If He ‘Has to Be Fumigated’

Wikipedia: Continuity of government

Additional related resources:

Democrats Run War Games Where They Predict They’ll Push For Secession And Civil War If Trump Wins:

The Real Reason Democrats are Pushing for Mail-In Ballots

Running the clock out: Democrats strategy to delay and/or confuse the election results using mail-in ballots:

US Constitution: Twentieth Amendment; Section 3:

If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.

Will the real child-trafficking predators please stand up?

by DAVID BROWN | | July 4, 2020

We may have picked up the trail of Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell,  but it doesn’t begin there, and it doesn’t end there. The Apex child-trafficking predators –as any astute observer would quickly realize– are paid for by US Tax Dollars and are protected by the spook’s mantra “National Security” (a.k.a. The get-out-of-jail-free-card). It is no secret the CIA, Mossad and other secret government agencies are pros at blackmail, compromise, murder and rape of children and regularly get a pass on sexually abusing children.  Though Congress is presumably under the voter’s control, and the CIA is under Congress’s control, nothing of any substance is ever done about the crimes of these secret agencies with their secret budgets.

According to investigative journalist Vickie Ward — who has been covering the Jeffrey Epstein case since 2003 — Alexander Acosta, the former U.S. attorney who cut Epstein a sweetheart plea deal back in 2007, did so because he had been told to “back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade.”

“I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” Acosta, who resigned as Secretary of Labor on Friday, reportedly claimed.

Just ask Cynthia McKinney what happened to her after she grilled Donald Rumsfeld about Child-sex trafficking by defense contractor DynCorp. Hint: She was primaried by the Democrats and promptly removed from office.

So Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were tools. The real question is who’s hand is on these tools, directing the tools?  The answer is in front of all of us, though we insist on promoting and preserving our own ignorance.



Democrat vs. Republican and Trump

by DAVID BROWN | | May 09, 2020

Of course there really is no such thing as Democrat vs. Republican, though I too use these terms as shorthand to help speed communication since these terms are in general use.

Carroll Quigley said it best:  “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies… is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”

In 2016 most of the Republicans hated Trump as much or more than the Democrats and could not be trusted to support the choice of the people – their people. The RNC did everything in their power to destroy Trump.   With few exceptions, the Republicans are liars and thieves just like the Democrats, so it really boils down to whose lies you prefer.

The term ‘Realpolitik’ was  coined by Ludwig von Rochau  in 1853: “The study of the forces that shape, maintain and alter the state is the basis of all political insight and leads to the understanding that the law of power governs the world of states just as the law of gravity governs the physical world.”

Henry Kissinger was a big proponent of ‘Realpolitik’. Today’s Realpolitik can be seen in the coercive and amoral actions of the established power structure and their controlled media, government and educational organs.  Red Team vs. Blue Team is just another tool to keep their livestock distracted, occupied and confused.   If you get most of your news from the MSM you will not be aware of this simple fact.  One good example is the Trans Pacific Partnership or TPP which would have ceded US Sovereignty to an unelected group of international business interests.  Did the MSM ever alert the American people they were about to lose their sovereignty?  Amazingly, most of your elected officials in both parties were for this nation-destroying treaty, misnamed an agreement to help get it passed in the Senate – even Ted Cruz and Mike Pence were for it before they were against it.  TPP would have been a major win for the One World Government enthusiasts, but Trump killed it.  Trump is now on their shit list. These people have power, money; and they own Big-Tech, Big-Pharma and the media.  They also own people like Fauci, Birx, Gates, Redfield (CDC) and Tedros (W.H.O.).

“Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.” –Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (1953) pgs. 49-50

The world they have planned for us will not be a good place to live.  It will be a world of constant surveillance and control – the idea of freedom will be washed from our collective consciousness.  Our suspicions surrounding the COVID Pandemic are possible and may be probable though not easily provable.   This could be just another attempt to remove Trump.

The COVID virus could be natural or man-made – though recent research point to man-made.  It could have been released by accident or on purpose. It could have been developed in China or in the USA or both.   We are gaining more and more evidence that is making this picture clearer every day.  We have some very good researchers making good progress on this now.   I expect we will discover the truth of the origin of SARS-CoV-2.

Calm before the storm?  I don’t know.  Certainly the existing power structure fighting Trump has committed serious crimes and would therefore desire to protect itself in any way possible without limits.

Coronavirus man-made:

Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity Coronavirus: Are Our Scientists Lying To Us?

A Bad Choice and the Right Choice

by DAVID BROWN | | November 18, 2018

A Texas tale in my county, and not too far from where I use to live. Sorry two people had to die, but this should be part of the risk-calculation when you attempt to rob a gun-toting Texan. In Texas, you just never know who is packing a firearm. Not an easy prey unless you are in a GUN FREE ZONE, where most of our children are warehoused during the week.

Montgomery County Police Reporter (November 18 2018): Late Saturday afternoon two black males attempted to rob four persons in an apartment at the Landmark at Spring Cypress in the 3200 block of Spring Cypress. One of the victims was armed and shot both suspects. One died in the stairwell as he tried to flee the other died at Memorial Hermann in The Woodlands. Harris County Sheriff’s Office is investigating.


Posted by Scott Engle Date: November 18 2018, 3:35 pm in: Harris County, Local / Area News


Silencing Alex Jones

by DAVID BROWN | | August 7, 2018

It has been reported Alex Jones was banned from all the major social media platforms within a 12 hour period. If true, this shows a potentially illegal collusion –dare I say conspiracy– between the big monopoly platforms to punish or mute Alex’s message. While I do not watch or listen to Alex, I have huge respect for this media icon that brought alternative views of history and current events to his audience for over 20 years to great effect. Alex blazed a new trail and motivated some of our best and brightest writers, commentators and podcasters to become involved in the ‘Great Conversation’ to all our benefit. Without Alex, many important voices would have been silenced into obscurity by the established, controlled media. Alex is a great American Icon and hero in my book.

This modern-day book burning is not all bad

  1. The enemies of free thought, free speech and freedom of expression have completely revealed themselves for all to see today. There can be no doubt in any rational mind who these enemies are: Facebook, YouTube (Google), Apple and others.
  2. This free publicity will drive more people to check out Alex Jones
  3. This could setup a great lawsuit for some interesting discovery in this apparent illegal collusion between these behemoths to shut down free speech and to single out Alex Jones for punishment without cause.
  4. Maybe through legal discovery we would finally know what these A-Holes mean by their catch-all phrase ‘community standards’. Not.
  5. This could motivate Alex and others to band together with Mike Adams of Natural News REAL.Video to build out a robust alternative to YouTube.

I’ve always admired Alex Jones

  • He has –or had at one time– almost a photographic memory
  • He has read Quigley – rare in the Alt Media and always a bonus in my book
  • Busted into the Bohemian Grove and took a video
  • Is not afraid to confront some of the really bad actors on the world stage
  • Used a bullhorn at many of the Bilderberg meetings – what fun!
  • Was an early adopter of the continuous rebroadcast of his radio show on smart devices
  • Was an early adopter of simultaneous TV/Radio-cast
  • Is passionate about his work
  • Tries to be accurate in his reporting and is usually successful
  • Has a sense of historical context of current events – though I don’t always agree
  • He has some great guests on his program – sometimes

Three reasons I cannot stand to watch Alex Jones

  1. He constantly interrupts his guests not allowing them to finish their thoughts or sentences;
  2. Too many commercials! Infowars has become an infomercial; and
  3. His pet announcer Owen Shroyer gets way too much air time and is a boring lightweight when it comes to understanding historical context or providing anything higher than a retail-level analysis. I guess he is just a kid and I’m being too harsh. I do wish Alex would sit Owen down and make him read a few books so he would know what he is talking about. I do like David Knight, and of course Paul Joseph Watson.

Continue reading

World War II – A Necessary Re-Evaluation

by DAVID BROWN | | June 04, 2017

Truth Fears No Questions

With the aid of the internet and the great research provided by Quigley, Sutton and Perloff, the real history of WWII can now be told, and it does make a difference.

Feb 13, 1945: Firebombing of Dresden

Over the years, I’ve been asked for my take on World War II many times. I’ve mostly avoided this topic only giving hints at my perspective (warning that it’s not what it appears) until I had time to properly sequence the events in light of the new information I had learned from reading the well-researched and documented writings of Quigley, Sutton and Perloff.   So in lieu of my reasoned opinion based on the more recent and accurate context provided by the three gentlemen above, I offer up two interviews and discussions between Tim Kelly and James Perloff and Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill (below).  To supplement this, consider reading the following relatively short books:

The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley

And Antony C. Sutton’s trilogy:

  1. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists.
  2. Wall Street and FDR
  3. Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler
  4. And watching James’ excellent lecture (found on YouTube) entitled ‘The Shadows of Power; the CFR and decline of America

You can also find James Perloff’s book on this same topic entitled ‘The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline

To round-out your understanding of World War II, it is highly desirable –once you have read the above—to read Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf‘ to get a complete view of the context. You will discover what you have been told by the American education system and the corporate media is a total and complete fabrication. The only way to defeat our masters is to defeat the mythology they have placed in our heads.

Holocaust Encyclopedia

12/22/21: Update.. Since so many of the videos below have been deleted, I’m posting this recent interview here:  Timothy Kelly podcast episode: “E. Michael Jones on the Holocaust Narrative

EPISODE DESCRIPTION: Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Time to discuss his article in this December’s Culture Wars “Dachau for Dummies: A Review of The Defeated.” We also talk about last month’s election in Virginia and how the oligarchs’ attempt to impose centralized technocratic control is revitalizing States’ Rights and undermining the legitimacy of the American Empire. 

Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and the author of several books including Logos Rising: A History of Ultimate Reality and the recently released second edition of The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History.

Mike King on the The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About World War Two by Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly

James Perloff on the Myths of the “Good War”

Published on Jun 3, 2017
James Perloff returns to Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly to discuss his presentation on the Second World War. We talk about several myths of the “Good War” and why a revisionist interpretation of that event is long overdue and necessary to avoid another global conflagration.

James is the author of several books including Shadows of Power and Truth is a Lonely Warrior. His website is

Powers & Principalities Episode 30 (Published on Dec 15, 2017)
The Real Winston Churchill by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill

Tim Kelly interviews Germar Rudolf on the Holocaust (Published on Feb 25, 2017)
Germar Rudolf joins the show to discuss his research regarding the Holocaust and share his experience as a revisionist researcher, writer and lecturer

Germar Rudolf joins the show to discuss his research regarding the Holocaust and share his experience as a revisionist researcher, writer and lecturer on that topic. We discuss what Holocaust revisionism is and what it is not and we talk about some of the evidence that indicates the official narrative of the Holocaust is a gross distortion of history. Later we talk about the migrant crisis in Europe and demographic winter that is enveloping the entire industrialized world. Germar Rudolf was born in Limburg, Germany. He studied chemistry at Bonn University, where he graduated in 1989. From 1990-1993 he prepared a German PhD thesis at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in conjunction with the University of Stuttgart, Germany. During this time Rudolf prepared an expert report on chemical and technical questions of the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz, The Rudolf Report. He is the founder of the small revisionist outlet, Castle Hill Publishers. He has published several books including Dissecting the Holocaust, Lectures on the Holocaust and Resistance is Obligatory. Germar’s website is *Please consider a donation to support this podcast.


False flags do not stand alone. They are better understood – and more credibly explained to skeptics – when seen in history’s context.

Guido Preparata on Conjuring Hitler by Tim Kelly (published July 1, 2017; Length – 1:50:28)

The Morgenthau Plan: The Final Solution to the German Question (Published on Mar 3, 2018) Powers & Principalities: Episode 41 by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill

The true origins of the German National Socialism (Published on Mar 31, 2018)
Powers & Principalities: Episode 45 by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill

More on this topic …

James Perloff: Hitler vs. the Elite Cabal of International Bankers

The Myth Of German Culpability
The 2nd World War
The True Sequence Of Aggression
By Michael Walsh

Chol0cau$t Denial Laws & Free Speech  (Published on Aug 11, 2018) 
Powers and Principalities: Episode 64 by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” –Voltaire

One Third of the Holocaust

(added on 1/19/22): Mike King’s ‘The Bad War’…

The Bad War: The Truth NEVER Taught About World War II (text)
Monika Schaefer on Truth and Justice for Germany
Our Interesting Times (1/19/23)
By Timothy Kelly

Monika Schaefer joins Our Interesting Times to discuss her activism on behalf of Holocaust revisionism and justice for the German people who have been subjected to decades psychological warfare. We talk about the many inconsistencies, contradictions and lies which constitute the ever-changing Holocaust narrative and the necessity for promoting truth in our public discourse.

Monika is a musician and child of German immigrants who re-located to Canada in 1959. Her family stayed connected to “the old country” observing German traditions at home while assimilating into Canadian society. She has devoted much of her adult life to raising public consciousness regarding the crimes committed against Germany in the past century and promoting justice for the German people. Her primary website is Truth and Justice for Germans Society.

Updated 4/27/2023:

Updated 3/1/2023: As you can see many of the videos above have been removed.