Category Archives: Crime

The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire | The Secret World of Finance

The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire | The Secret World of Finance

The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire | The Secret World of Finance Michael Oswald’s film The Spider’s Web reveals how at the demise of the empire, the City of London’s financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in The Secret World of Finance.

From Grok: Here is a detailed outline of the provided text:

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On the matter of DOGE by Jeffrey A Tucker

I’m  concerned that many people do not understand the historical and institutional context in which the DOGE labor reforms are unfolding. They look at this as if these are some random, chaotic, arbitrary, strange, and even cruel measures to impose on a devoted civil service.

The reality is very different, and I’m not even sure that Elon entirely understands this. For more than a century, even dating back to 1883, the civil service has grown and grown without check from the elected branch, either the presidency or the legislature . The bureaucracies have ballooned from a few to 450 or so. The bloat and absurdities have grown too.

Get this: no one has ever known what to do about it. Not Coolidge, not Hoover, not Nixon, not Reagan, not Clinton, no one. No president has been able to crack this nut. The only reforms ever to have made it through are those that make the administrative state bigger, never smaller.

Countless cabinet secretaries have come and gone, always with the intention of making a change but leaving saddened, demoralized, outwitted, outgunned, and ultimately devoured.

No president has seriously taken on this problem because they simply did not know how. The unions are powerful, the intimidation from the deep institutional knowledge is overwhelming, the fear of the media as been powerful, and every single president comes to power vaguely feeling threatened by the intelligence agencies. The industries that have captured every single agency were also far too powerful to unseat or control.

This combination of institutional inertia has blocked serious reform for a full century. No one has dared. No one has even had a theory or strategy about what to do about this problem. It had become so terrible that most people in politics have simply surrendered, like homeowners who know there are rats in the basement and bats in the attic but long ago gave up trying to fix the issue.

All this time, the American people have felt themselves ever more oppressed, weighed upon, taxed and regulated, spied upon, brow beaten, and otherwise overwhelmed. Voting never made any difference because the politicians no longer controlled the system. The bureaucracies ruled all.

The Biden years underscored the point. We didn’t even need a conscious and present executive. We only needed a figurehead to pretend to be president, just like the Soviet premiers in the old days. The institutions ran everything and the people controlled nothing.

How to deal with this? Trump alone figured it out in his last term: he simply took charge of the agencies in a limited way. There were screams of horror and plots galore. They performed a long stream of clever schemes to destroy him and show him who is boss, which is not the democratically elected president but the forces behind the scenes.

The job of the president, goes the message from all the insiders, is to PRETEND to be in charge but not actually do anything meaningful. Shut up, mug up, obey, and disturb nothing, let the administrative state do its thing without oversight or disruption, and then you will get your honorary library and bestselling autobiography and go down in history as great.

Trump refused the deal and look what happened.

Four years have gone by and Trump is back again, this time with a determination to slay this beast, one that he knows all-to-well. The efforts of DOGE and MAHA and MAGA are epic in scope, breaking a century of pathetic acquiescence toward the deep, middle, and shallow states, at last using moral courage to confront the problem head on, come what may.

They are profoundly aware that they MUST act fast and with some degree of ferocity, even recklessness, else we will default back to the status quo of leaders who pretend to be in charge while the embedded system runs things behind the scenes.

It has been this way for TOO LONG. The voters this time have demanded change, and mustered the faith to believe that change is possible. This is precisely what DOGE is attempting, to make good on a promise, a promise that for once the voters actually believed was credible.

They simply must succeed. There might never be another chance. The way of failure is the path everyone knows the US was on, toward economic stagnation, political scolerosis, and eventual irrelevance in the unfolding of the next stage of social evolution.

4:18 PM · Feb 23, 2025 3.6M  Views


Sad day for Syria. Sad day for the world.

Posted December 08, 2024 



Former commander of Al-Qaeda Abu Mohammed al-Jolani is the new leader of Syria.

‘Syria: A Battle Lost Amid a Wider War’   with Brian Berletic (aka Tony Cartalucci) of The New Atlas (previously Land Destroyer) 

  • Syria’s collapse is a loss for the Syrian people and their Iranian, Russian, and Chinese allies;
  • It is a reminder that while US military and industrial power wanes, it still possesses potent “superweapons” in terms of monopolizing information space, poisoning populations against their own best interests, and toppling nations;
  • The US strategy has been to create multiple crises for Russia along its periphery including in Syria, forcing Russia to make difficult decisions regarding where it commits limited resources;
  • The multipolar world must accept the reality that what is essentially World War 3 is ongoing and they will all eventually be targeted in turn;
  • Investment is required in securing and defending national and regional information space from US interference through the creation of local education programs producing journalists and analysts, local social media platforms to replace US-based platforms, and laws ending foreign funding of media inside targeted countries;


New Yorker – The Redirection (2009):
Judicial Watch – DIA document (2012):
NYT – U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings (2011):
CNN – Syrian rebel leader says goal is to ‘overthrow’ Assad regime (Dec. 6, 2024):
US State Dept. – Foreign Terrorist Organizations:
RAND Corporation – Extending Russia (2019):



From Caitlin Johnson (@caitoz) on X:

Another Nation Absorbed Into The Blob Of The Empire And now the imperial blob rolls on to absorb its next target, having grown one Syria-sized increment larger after spending years digesting that nation via proxy warfare, sanctions, relentless bombing campaigns from Israel, and a military occupation designed to steal its food and fuel. Reading by Tim Foley.

Patrick Henningsen Syria the collapse and the BS of the entire War

Syrian Girl on Twitter/X @Partisangirl

Stopping ISIS


Scott Ritter: The Fall of Assad and its consequences in Syria and Beyond

Syria power vacuum w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live)

America’s Deep State and London

Posted August 10, 2024

City of London coat of arms on the street | Domine Dirige Nos “Lord Direct Us”. On a public toilet near Monument tube station. | By Mike Quinn, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Schiller Institute / ICLC
Presidents Day Conference 1994
Solving the Paradox of Current World History

The Origins of the Deep State in North America. 
by Matthew Ehret
Origins of the Deep State in North America.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Gold Goats & Guns Episode 171 – Richard Poe and All Roads Lead to London?

The Untold Story of Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, MI6, and the Russian Revolution

Introduction: Solving the Paradox of Current World History by Nancy Spannaus
Presidents Day, 1994,_3rd_Viscount_Palmerston

Watergate Revisited

Posted August 10, 2024

Letter of Resignation (1974)

Watergate Was A Scam (And Now They’re Scamming Trump)

Powers & Principalities: Episode 360
by Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly & Joe Atwill

Daniel Estulin on the removal of President Nixon: 

The True Story of The Bilderberg Group. The North American Union Edition by Daniel Estulin. Published 2009. Chapter Seven: Watergate Con Game pages 55 – 60

How to create a deadly pandemic in five easy steps

How to create a deadly pandemic in five easy steps

A copybook for dictators and psycho-philanthropists globally.


  1. Release an ordinary virus (because your GoF abilities suck).
  2. Euthanise old folk and blame it on the virus.
  3. Advise against the usual early treatment of frontline antibacterials and corticosteroids for those you cannot get away with euthanising.
  4. Introduce a “cure” in the form of a “vaccine” which is deadly and blame it on the virus.
  5. Slowly, allow again the use of antivirals – previously admonished as being only for animal use – in addition to the antibacterials and corticosteroids, and let the “vaccine” take the credit.


Joel Smalley

From ClearNFO…

‘The protocol’

  1. Patient presents with flu-like symptoms
  2. Patient sent home with Tylenol and watchful waiting
  3. Patient  having trouble breathing, lips turn blue
  4. Patient goes to hospital
  5. Hospital prescribes Remdesivir which damages kidneys and other organs
  6. Lungs fill with fluid
  7. Patient given morphine and put on a vent
  8. Patient leaves hospital in a box
  9. Hospital reports another COVID death and collects their payout
  10. Go to step one and repeat

More background on Project COVID:

This Week in Tautology – A Response To Racaniello et al.

Charles Rixey & Kevin W. McCairn PhD.

This Week in Tautology – A Response To Racaniello et al. with Kevin W. McCairn PhD. & Charles Rixey  (Length 1:56:31) Streamed live on: Jun 18, 9:18 am EDT


IPOT (In Pursuit of Truth) Episode V | Narrated by Sir Patrick Mack

All five Episodes:

Episode V (Acts I & II)

Jews Declaration of War
Hitler Wins Libel Suit
Hitler speeches PDF
Haavara Links:
Hanotea Receipt
Klaus Polkehn
Yeshuda Arazi
’51 Documents’
Eliezer Hoofien
Nazi/Zionist Connection
Athenia Sinking

Episode V (Acts II & III)



Pat Buchanan Hitler

IPOT1776 on Bitchute

From ClearNFO… 

World War II – A Necessary Re-Evaluation

* More background for Episodes 1&2 from the Hollywood angle by Jay Dyer ( Jay’s Analysis)

  • Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults & Symbols in Film (book 1)
  • Esoteric Hollywood 2: More Sex, Cults & Symbols in Film (book 2)

Jay’s two books above are available on his web:
Also available on Amazon:

The Network Behind FTX – Whitney Webb

Tony Blair, Bill Clinton & Sam Bankman-Fried at FTX/Salt Conference

The Network Behind FTX:  Marty Bent and Mike Krieger join Whitney to unravel the network behind the meteoric rise of Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX and what was actually going on at the company. The discussion goes far beyond the obvious fraud at FTX and looks at the networks that brought Bankman-Fried to power and were using him as a front for a dangerous agenda.

Listen to podcast here:

Show notes:

Links discussed:

Big Media Implodes: The Intercept And Other Media Engulfed By Scandal: FTX Was Giving Millions To Outlets Including The Intercept, ProPublica, VOX. Semafor, Vanity Fair, And More… To Control All Messaging Around Covid 19, “biosafety and pandemic prevention,” to ban certain virologists, and worse

Links Emerge Between Arizona Democrat Katie Hobbs and FTX