Category Archives: Banking

Who’s the Boss, pt. 3

by DAVID BROWN | | Aug 26, 2017

Remarkably, Carroll Quigley’s ‘Tragedy and Hope’ and his ‘Anglo-American Establishment’ omit much about Rockefeller; and this is no accident.   Even an insider like Quigley must be careful not to reveal too much or to touch on certain topics as he demonstrated in his 1974 interview with Rudy Maxa of the Washington Post.  

Kevin Cole explains:

Throughout the interview, Quigley incessantly signaled for the interviewer to turn off the tape recorder, and to be “discreet” and at one point even stated, “I don’t know if you want to put this on tape”… “You have to protect my future…as well as your own.”    We may never know what Quigley was so afraid of or why he omitted so much of Rockefeller in his writings on the inside workings of the ‘network’. 

So now we turn our attention to Josh G as he helps fill in some of the gaps Quigley and others left out of the story of the ruling oligarchs who control man’s destiny. You can read Josh’s PDF in the links below.  Josh G starts with a holy grail of sorts, and an unlikely source, revisiting the incredible Business Plot to overthrow FDR.  Through careful research, Josh G helps us understand Smedley Butler’s excellent book ‘War is a Racket’ is in reality a limited hangout or a partial reveal to deflect attention; and Smedley’s testimony before Congress on the infamous Business Plot was Smedley playing a role. We further discover the implausibility of Smedley being a Quaker as claimed and make some excellent connections within the small group of men who control our world, and –up until now– have had the freedom to write our history.  

Luckily, two of my favorite podcasters, Tim Kelly and Joe Atwell, discuss Josh G’s article ‘The Bogus Business Plot’; and as they do, a much clearer picture begins to emerge that will help all of us discover our real history and the authors of this history.

Powers & Principalities Episode 14 (Tim Kelly and Joe Atwell)

Published on Aug 26, 2017
The Bogus Business Plot, the FDR myth, the Bankers, the Secret Society


  • Business Plot
  • Miles Mathis (who is hosting Josh G’s pdf):
  • Professor Carroll Quigley and the Article that Said Too Little: Reclaiming History from Omission and Partisan Straw Men by Kevin Cole   Kevin Cole: While we can be grateful that someone had the foresight to sit down and record Quigley before he would pass away several years later, I can’t help but be disappointed with the missed opportunity to ask tough questions and actually report on them in the article that follows. We now know from listening to the audio tape that the article that followed the interview was selective in its scope and omitted many instances of Carroll Quigley seemingly in fear for his career and/or life if certain facts were disclosed. Throughout the interview, Quigley incessantly signaled for the interviewer to turn off the tape recorder, and to be “discreet” and at one point even stated, “I don’t know if you want to put this on tape”… “You have to protect my future…as well as your own.”
  • THE BOGUS BUSINESS PLOT  (PDF) Part 1: What Isn’t a Racket?
    With Commentary on the Great Depression, the New Deal, the Roosevelt, Warburg, Morgan and Spencer Families and a Whole Lot More By Josh G
  • The FDR you never knew
  • Wall Street and FDR
  • Who’s the Boss, pt. 1
  • Who’s the Boss, pt. 2

Who is they?

Powers & Principalities Episode 39 (Tim Kelly and Joe Atwell)

Published on Feb 17, 2018

Update: Douglas Gabriel (Thomas Paine) and Michael McKibben discuss their latest findings from their research. Learn how the America you were taught in school is not the America that is actually operating.  American Intelligence Media | Published on Apr 27, 2018

World War II – A Necessary Re-Evaluation

by DAVID BROWN | | June 04, 2017

Truth Fears No Questions

With the aid of the internet and the great research provided by Quigley, Sutton and Perloff, the real history of WWII can now be told, and it does make a difference.

Feb 13, 1945: Firebombing of Dresden

Over the years, I’ve been asked for my take on World War II many times. I’ve mostly avoided this topic only giving hints at my perspective (warning that it’s not what it appears) until I had time to properly sequence the events in light of the new information I had learned from reading the well-researched and documented writings of Quigley, Sutton and Perloff.   So in lieu of my reasoned opinion based on the more recent and accurate context provided by the three gentlemen above, I offer up two interviews and discussions between Tim Kelly and James Perloff and Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill (below).  To supplement this, consider reading the following relatively short books:

The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley

And Antony C. Sutton’s trilogy:

  1. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists.
  2. Wall Street and FDR
  3. Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler
  4. And watching James’ excellent lecture (found on YouTube) entitled ‘The Shadows of Power; the CFR and decline of America

You can also find James Perloff’s book on this same topic entitled ‘The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline

To round-out your understanding of World War II, it is highly desirable –once you have read the above—to read Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf‘ to get a complete view of the context. You will discover what you have been told by the American education system and the corporate media is a total and complete fabrication. The only way to defeat our masters is to defeat the mythology they have placed in our heads.

Holocaust Encyclopedia
The Witness Tree by Brendan Howley & John J. Loftus

12/22/21: Update.. Since so many of the videos below have been deleted, I’m posting this recent interview here:  Timothy Kelly podcast episode: “E. Michael Jones on the Holocaust Narrative

EPISODE DESCRIPTION: Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Time to discuss his article in this December’s Culture Wars “Dachau for Dummies: A Review of The Defeated.” We also talk about last month’s election in Virginia and how the oligarchs’ attempt to impose centralized technocratic control is revitalizing States’ Rights and undermining the legitimacy of the American Empire. 

Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and the author of several books including Logos Rising: A History of Ultimate Reality and the recently released second edition of The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History.

Mike King on the The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About World War Two by Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly

James Perloff on the Myths of the “Good War”

Published on Jun 3, 2017
James Perloff returns to Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly to discuss his presentation on the Second World War. We talk about several myths of the “Good War” and why a revisionist interpretation of that event is long overdue and necessary to avoid another global conflagration.

James is the author of several books including Shadows of Power and Truth is a Lonely Warrior. His website is

Powers & Principalities Episode 30 (Published on Dec 15, 2017)
The Real Winston Churchill by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill

Tim Kelly interviews Germar Rudolf on the Holocaust (Published on Feb 25, 2017)
Germar Rudolf joins the show to discuss his research regarding the Holocaust and share his experience as a revisionist researcher, writer and lecturer

Germar Rudolf joins the show to discuss his research regarding the Holocaust and share his experience as a revisionist researcher, writer and lecturer on that topic. We discuss what Holocaust revisionism is and what it is not and we talk about some of the evidence that indicates the official narrative of the Holocaust is a gross distortion of history. Later we talk about the migrant crisis in Europe and demographic winter that is enveloping the entire industrialized world. Germar Rudolf was born in Limburg, Germany. He studied chemistry at Bonn University, where he graduated in 1989. From 1990-1993 he prepared a German PhD thesis at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in conjunction with the University of Stuttgart, Germany. During this time Rudolf prepared an expert report on chemical and technical questions of the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz, The Rudolf Report. He is the founder of the small revisionist outlet, Castle Hill Publishers. He has published several books including Dissecting the Holocaust, Lectures on the Holocaust and Resistance is Obligatory. Germar’s website is *Please consider a donation to support this podcast.


False flags do not stand alone. They are better understood – and more credibly explained to skeptics – when seen in history’s context.

Guido Preparata on Conjuring Hitler by Tim Kelly (published July 1, 2017; Length – 1:50:28)

The Morgenthau Plan: The Final Solution to the German Question (Published on Mar 3, 2018) Powers & Principalities: Episode 41 by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill

The true origins of the German National Socialism (Published on Mar 31, 2018)
Powers & Principalities: Episode 45 by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill

More on this topic …

James Perloff: Hitler vs. the Elite Cabal of International Bankers

The Myth Of German Culpability
The 2nd World War
The True Sequence Of Aggression
By Michael Walsh

Chol0cau$t Denial Laws & Free Speech  (Published on Aug 11, 2018) 
Powers and Principalities: Episode 64 by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” –Voltaire

One Third of the Holocaust

(added on 1/19/22): Mike King’s ‘The Bad War’…

The Bad War: The Truth NEVER Taught About World War II (text)
Monika Schaefer on Truth and Justice for Germany
Our Interesting Times (1/19/23)
By Timothy Kelly

Monika Schaefer joins Our Interesting Times to discuss her activism on behalf of Holocaust revisionism and justice for the German people who have been subjected to decades psychological warfare. We talk about the many inconsistencies, contradictions and lies which constitute the ever-changing Holocaust narrative and the necessity for promoting truth in our public discourse.

Monika is a musician and child of German immigrants who re-located to Canada in 1959. Her family stayed connected to “the old country” observing German traditions at home while assimilating into Canadian society. She has devoted much of her adult life to raising public consciousness regarding the crimes committed against Germany in the past century and promoting justice for the German people. Her primary website is Truth and Justice for Germans Society.

Updated 4/27/2023:

Updated 3/1/2023: As you can see many of the videos above have been removed.


Splendid little war for America

A cartoon (above) of Uncle Sam seated in restaurant looking at the bill of fare containing “Cuba steak”, “Porto Rico pig”, the “Philippine Islands” and the “Sandwich Islands” (Hawaii).

by DAVID BROWN | | April  30, 2017

If you’re like me, you didn’t learn too much about the “Splendid little war for America” back in 1898 – also known as the Spanish-American War. Not much is said about this little war, but it marks a major turning point for the United States. This pivotal, contrived war, was the banker’s ‘test-war’ to convince Americans that foreign entanglements were a good thing; and so, this was a “splendid little war” that set the template for all wars to follow; and America was brought from a non-interventionism posture into the beginnings of a world empire controlled by the international bankers. This was America’s first war for another country; and in this case, the excuse was to “liberate Cuba!”

The Spanish-American war had the classic trademarks of the wars we see today. So, what was the template?
1. Big false flag: The sinking of the Maine (zero evidence Spain had anything to do with this)
2. Bankers (National City Bank of New York) in control of the White House from behind the scene
3. Bankers pushing for the war (National City Bank of New York)
4. Americans propelled to the war by fake atrocity stories
5. Americans going overseas fighting for freedom and democracy

But after the provable false stories from the media about the actions of Spain —feeding Cubans to the sharks; the abuse of white women and children; roasting Cuban priests; butchered women and babies; and the depiction in the media about the Spanish being sub-human apes— the war was on, and everybody agreed it was a good and just war. Remember the incubator babies (Gulf war 1991), Gaddafi’s Viagra in Libya and Assad’s Sarin Gas? All false.

The splendid war was over in short order and everyone was happy. The Rockefellers got the sugar industry (sugar was so valuable at the time it was known as ‘white gold’) and the US took Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam from Spain and they grabbed Hawaii (not Spain’s) while they were at it.

We were told we would free the Cubans from Spain’s colonial rule, but when we took over, we called them not colonies but ‘possessions’, so that made it okay. In the Philippines, the rebels or the freedom fighters were fighting for self-determination against Spain, yet when we took over the Philippines, we betrayed these same freedom fighters that had just helped us. When it was all over, we had killed over 20,000 military men in the freedom movement and 200,000 more civilians… yes, it was a very splendid war indeed. This was the little war whose very successful template set the stage for all US wars to follow.

Spanish–American War in the historical timeline …
1. Declaration of Independence 1776
2. Jackson’s Central Bank War 1832-1841
3. Civil war 1861 – 1865
4. Spanish-American War 1898
5. Federal Reserve Act 1913
6. WWI 1914 -1918
7. Bolshevik Revolution 1917
8. WWII 1939 – 1945
9. Korean War 1950 – 1953
10. Vietnam War: 1955 – 1975

Additional information…

Wikipedia: Spanish-America War

James Perloff on The Truth About the Spanish-American War  on the Corbett Report

War is a Racket – Smedley Butler

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”

― Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America’s Most Decorated Soldier


War Is A Racket

WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.

How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?

Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few — the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill.

And what is this bill?

Continue reading

Requiem for a Republic

by DAVID BROWN | | Sep 27, 2016

Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856 –1924) was the 28th President of the United States

Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856 –1924) was the 28th President of the United States

Now it is no secret that US President Woodrow Wilson helped lay the foundation for the current destruction of our Republic we are witnessing today.

So what did Wilson do?



  1. Signed into law the Federal Reserve Act (December 23, 1913) which handed over control of our money system to a small group of private bankers.
  2. Signed into law the 16th Amendment (February 3, 1913) which created the heretofore unconstitutional income tax
  3. Tricked Americans into entering WWI, after promising he wouldn’t. (see the sinking of the RMS Lusitania)
  4. Attempted to create the first world government (League of Nations) which was later replaced by the UN.

What is generally not known is that none of these were Wilson’s ideas, they emanated from Edward Mandell House who served those international bankers who met in secret on Jekyll Island October of 1907 to create the Federal Reserve.


Note: If this information is new to you, then you have likely been the unwitting victim of our compulsory public education system.

Verdi: Requiem, Dies irae | Claudio Vandelli, conductor
New Russia State Symphony Orchestra

Additional NFO from ClearNFO…

And…what your Public Schools forgot to mention… (including background on the sinking of the RMS Lusitania)
James Perloff. The Shadows of Power; the CFR and decline of America

The Federal Reserve

by DAVID BROWN | | June 11, 2016

Ed Griffin’s EXCELLENT new video on the Federal Reserve System. Please check it out and “subscribe” to his new YouTube channel at the link below. –Joe Plummer

Published on Jan 3, 2016
A Discourse by G. Edward Griffin

The author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island; A Second Look at the Federal Reserve” addresses these issues:

  • What is the Federal Reserve System?
  • Who drafted the plan for the Fed and when did it occur?
  • How is money created?
  • What impact has this had on the American Dollar?
  • Should our currency be backed by gold or silver?
  • Where does Congress get most of its funding?
  • What is the solution to the problem of fiat money?
  • Why do bankers get away with it?
  • What might happen if we continue on our current path?
  • What might come from a return to constitutional money?
  • What can concerned citizens do?

For more information, or to order a DVD of this presentation, visit


posted by DAVID BROWN | | May 28, 2016

Important interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts by Dr. Julian Charles
(Published on Saturday, 28 May 2016 21:24)

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

from The Mind Renewed

“Remain” or “Leave”? What does the UK’s EU Referendum—scheduled 23rd June—really amount to? Is it simply the opportunity for UK citizens to decide if Britain should stay in the European Union? Or is it something of greater significance, with broader and more serious implications? And just what is this thing called the EU anyway?

Joining us, once again, to discuss these questions is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former US Assistant Secretary to the Treasury for Ecomonic Policy, who explains the EU’s beginnings as a project of the CIA, and assesses its current role as as an anti-democratic tool of corporate control. Whether or not a majority “leave” vote will actually lead to Brexit, Dr. Roberts argues that a decisive rejection of EU membership by UK citizens could embolden other EU member states to follow suit, thus precipitating the break-up of NATO, and in turn, bringing an end to Washington’s crazy designs for a New World Order.

TMR 145 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Vote Brexit – End the EU, a CIA Covert Operation


Joe Plummer Interview | April 12, 2016

Joe Plummer

Joe Plummer

I will be conducting an interview and discussion with the outstanding author and researcher, Mr. Joe Plummer, over the next few weeks.  If you have any questions for Mr. Plummer or would like to suggest topics you would like to see discussed, please let me know. Mr. Plummer does deep historical research and has written several fascinating and well-researched books on Quigley’s ‘Tragedy and Hope’, ‘Dirty Money’ and a chilling novel on one man’s journey ‘Leaving the Illusion’. Mr. Plummer has appeared on Alex Jones’ InfoWARS, Richard Grove’s Tragedy and Hope, James Corbett’s The Corbett Report, John B. Wells’ Caravan To Midnight and others. His ‘Tragedy and Hope 101’ includes the following introduction by G. Edward Griffin…

by G. Edward Griffin

If you have ever watched an illusionist perform up-close magic, you know the power of misdirection and sleight-of-hand. Even in a room full of suspicious and attentive observers, the illusionist can fool them all. By exploiting known weaknesses in the human mind and employing his tools of the trade, he will deceive the crowd whether it wants to be deceived or not.

Imagine what an equally talented “network” of political illusionists can accomplish. Performing before an audience of mostly trusting and casual observers, exploiting known weaknesses in the human mind, and employing their tools of the trade, they, too, will deceive the crowd whether it wants to be deceived or not.

Having spent nearly sixty years of my life researching and writing about the illusionists who control our world, I can say without reservation that you are about to learn some of their closest-held secrets. Joe has done an outstanding job of weeding through Carroll Quigley’s book, Tragedy & Hope. He has captured the essence of what Quigley referred to as “the Network” and made this important information accessible to the average person who simply doesn’t have time to read a 1,300-page history book. Even for those who intend to read the entire volume, Joe has created an introduction and study guide that will serve the serious student well.

Knowledge of who Carroll Quigley was and the deceptions that he revealed is essential for understanding the real world of today. His close relationship with the Network and his approval of its aims made it possible to provide an insider’s analysis of the minds and methods of the global elite. Without this knowledge, the actions of those who dominate the U.S. government and the Western world do not make sense. With it, everything falls into place.

Be forewarned. The journey you are about to begin is not for the faint hearted. If you are comfortable with the illusions that currently pass for political reality, this book is not for you because, once you discover how the deceivers perform their magic, the comfort of ignorance is no longer possible. Once the bell is rung, it cannot be unrung.

The bell starts ringing on the next page.

ClearNFO Book Reviews:

Panama Papers a PSYOP?

by DAVID BROWN | | April 06, 2016


When you read or hear sensational news or any news for that matter, please take the time to check it out if it is important to you. The recent release of the so called ‘Panama Papers’ is just such a case. It originally looked like we would get some good, hard evidence against some of the folks floating illicit money around for their own benefit to avoid taxes and the citizens they were ripping off. However, on closer look, we see very, VERY suspicious patterns emerging:

  1. This huge cache of data was only released to a select few news agencies (it should have been released to everyone);
  2. Only a small fraction of this cache was released;
  3. The names associated were mostly the enemy list of the USA;
  4. The amounts of money are very small based on what I know; generally in the few millions or 10s of millions not the 100s of millions or billions;
  5. They are attempting to smear many on this list that had no direct connection to the monies: For example, on his show today (4/5/16), Rush Limbaugh directly blamed the evil ‘Communist / Dictator’ Putin for getting rich off of hiding stolen money from his citizens, but the evidence I’ve seen points to Putin’s child hood friend, not to Putin, and the amounts are trivial compared to what Putin could and likely would try to hide.

So this is a PSYOP in my humble opinion. Who benefits? Look at the Drudge headlines below and you tell me….


  • ‘Powerful force’ behind Panama Papers…
  • U.S. govt most to gain…
  • Obama calls for international tax reform…
  • FLASHBACK: Top German Journalist Admits Media Completely Fake: ‘We All Lie For CIA’…
  • Icelandic PM Resigns…


  • Why Are Americans Not Included in Panama Papers?
  • Leakers Accused Of Being ‘Soros-Funded, Soft-Power Tax Dodge’…

What I Learned From The Panama Papers

Putin’s Response?

Putin to Declassify Documents That Bear Some “Very Interesting Names”

and Pepe …

Dance to the Panama Papers ‘Limited Hangout’ Leak By: Pepe Escobar

CrossTalk on Panama Papers: Corruption PSYOPS

And a must read from John Helmer in Moscow on the Brookings angle…