by DAVID BROWN | | May 21, 2016

The White Helmets
The White Helmets: Tools of the State Department, Pentagon and NATO; using the human rights ruse for perception management to further their geopolitical agenda in Syria. Time to become informed on what Syria’s “first responder” group, The White Helmets are actually doing in Syria; why they are being funded by the UK Foreign Office, USAID, Soros and various US-backed NGOs; and discover their deep ties to Al-Nusra Front, (al-Qaeda in Syria) and other US-Proxy terrorist groups.
Published on May 20, 2016: In this UK Column News special, Mike Robinson speaks to Vanessa Beeley about Syria’s “first responder” group, the White Helmets who are being pushed forward for nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize. Do they deserve it?
NGOs, the Pentagon, and the Human Rights – Industrial Complex
The Syria White Helmets Exposed as US UK Agents Embedded with Al Nusra and ISIS
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