by DAVID BROWN | | May 03, 2020
Banned again from Facebook. What was my crime? I posted a picture of Taylor Swift –fully clothed—giving what appears to be a Sieg Heil salute. I posted no comment either for or against this picture. Now, I’m no fan of the vacuous Taylor Swift; and I’m certainly no Nazi. I have no idea of the context of this picture, but I thought the picture was amusing if not noteworthy and completely unaware this would violate Facebook’s amorphous ‘Community Standards’ flamethrower; requiring a Facebook jail term of 90 days (later reduced to 30). The Facebook censors seem to have a particular aversion to all things Hitleresque even if from their darling Taylor Swift.
So Facebook said they were going to ban me 90 Days for posting this picture of Taylor Swift, but only banned me for 30 Days and then they said they were mistaken and lifted the ban. But then they decided not to lift the ban, yet allowed the offending picture back on my wall. I am still banned. After I protested in vein, they said ‘Case Closed’ and went on about their business. In any event, it is fully within Facebook’s power to cut me off or delete anything they want despite being founded with the help of a US Government agency paid for with my tax money. Sweet. I get to pay for my own abuse.
It is noteworthy to mention one of my prior Facebook infractions –which was promptly removed by Facebook– was the famous picture of Hitler (“A dangerous individual”) standing in front of the Eifel Tower in Paris, overlaid on top of a modern picture of the same spot. I think this is really cool to juxtapose the then and the now to give a historical sense of this very spot. Again, I supplied no comments pro or con, yet this picture was removed. I was also banned for posting a picture of Eric Ciaramella; commonly known in Washington, DC as Adam Schiff’s personal CIA Spy a.k.a. what the media termed ‘The Whistle-Blower’. Obviously, Facebook was trying to protect Adam Schiff’s phony-baloney impeachment effort from the curative power of sunlight.
Previous to this, I was banned for expressing my opinion abortion is in fact murder and not merely a medical procedure like having a tooth removed. You can always count on Facebook to support the officially promulgated narrative on any topic. It is obvious to me Facebook is tied at the hip to all the other actors engaged in the art of public deception by the speed and coordination they decide what shall be censored and what shall not. Apparently the MSM are tightly coordinated with FB, YouTube and Twitter on whatever bogus narrative is being pushed at the time. It would be interesting to find out who is at the top of these corporations, controlling the strings of these thought-shapers.
From elementary school onward, my silly head was filled with independent ideas that might or might not harmonize with the well-established fact-claims of the establishment; or those in power over me. I was skeptical of puffed-up stories lacking demonstrated evidence or benefit. However, many if not most, of my fellow classmates took the other approach buying into, or at a minimum, complying with the authoritative group-think on sale at our local compulsory public school systems. Which brings me right back to Facebook and its unending manipulation of its users. Over the years, I’ve tolerated Facebook’s constant removal and blocking of my posts and of their knee-jerk reaction to ban me for 30 days or longer for reasons only Dolores Umbridge could love. I cannot agree with any of their actions, not a single one.

Dolores Umbridge: a Facebook role model?
Facebook is an absurdity; a nuisance; a gnat buzzing around my food while I try to eat in peace; or concentrate on the task at hand… always there to follow me like a shadow, and always to make sure I am thinking correctly, behaving correctly or saying the right words — they are to be tolerated until they are no longer tolerable.
I wonder how many users subject to Facebook’s constant prodding and pushing comply just to get along?
All this makes sense when we consider Facebook’s roots. Birthed in the bowels of the secret state through DARPA as LifeLog and paid for by American taxpayers. Like many of our other oppressors, Facebook has an agenda; and the agenda –like the head-shot of JFK or knocking down those buildings on 9/11; or the many other crimes their soul brothers have committed — is to promulgate an official narrative in support of those they serve. Facebook is the villain violating free speech, not me; and Facebook is burning non-conforming ideas as the Nazi’s burned books in their day. I am hopeful therefore Facebook and their goons will soon face a similar ending.
While I’m banned on Facebook, you can find me on Twitter at @BoDogBrown or on WeGo at under David Brown.
Be the best,
Earlier posts on this topic: