by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 27, 2016

Lahore’s Gulshan-i-Iqbal park
As I read about the Suicide bomber who killed 72 –mostly women and kids– at a Pakistan park today, I also learn that the blast occurred next to the children’s swings, killing and maiming over 200 people. Footage shows the women and children screaming and crying in terror, with body parts strewn about… and I ask myself who can do such a thing and why?
It doesn’t take long to realize that murdering innocence is a long tradition for man. We have historical and current episodes of mass murders; some we justify, and some we condemn. So how are we –as rational, empathetic, moral human beings– to understand this? As a society and as individuals we generally agree that some murders are justifiable and others are not, but what are the criteria? We each have our own worked-out criteria that satisfies us to some extent to help us justify our actions and our judgments on other’s actions. Most would agree that self-defense is justifiable for most violent actions against another, yet even this clear line is not so clear if an entire population has been severely abused and denied justice. It is my experience that a man denied justice is a very angry man indeed, capable of almost anything. But this is not a complete picture since we have those among us who are not capable of any empathy or remorse despite the actions of others. This is a special case of psychopathy that may be genetic or learned. Others of us must learn to dehumanize our target/enemy so that we can live with the evil we have wrought. Even after our dehumanizing efforts, many suffer the remainder of their lives, realizing the truth of the evil they have done. Still others have been subject to deep brainwashing and mind control though repetition of memorized texts and training from an early age. There has been much study on this topic and much written and many experiments by our own CIA for example via the MKUltra project and others. These experiments done on our children by the CIA are bone chilling and disgusting. The goal here for our CIA is to gain control of others so that they can cause them to do things they otherwise would not do of course for ‘National Security’.
Still, to muddy the water even more, we have ended the lives of some 55 million of our most innocent ones by calling them dehumanizing terms like ‘fetus’ or ‘tissue’ and we call this mass murder a ‘medical procedure’ to further protect our conscience.
When we go to war, we call our fellows terms like “japs” “uncivilized” and “barbaric” “raghead” “insurgents”, “targets” or worse. We have many ways to justify mass murder. If we are at a remote facility directing a drone, we can kill entire populations at a wedding or a funeral using the term ‘collateral damage’ and our leader can even proclaim: “I’m really good at killing people” with a proud smile. Others in leadership positions can claim that killing over 500,000 children in Iraq was worth it even though our actions were illegal, unconstitutional and based on lies. We can bomb entire villages or cities with white phosphorus, without a tinge or remorse since we are having other professionals do our killing for us.
Still, I am left with a helpless feeling that someone could murder and maim so many beautiful and innocent children at a park in Pakistan with forethought and planning without any feelings of remorse.