by DAVID BROWN | | May 7, 2016
Interview with Joe Plummer | Recorded May 7th, 2016
Show Notes…
by DAVID BROWN | | May 7, 2016
Interview with Joe Plummer | Recorded May 7th, 2016
Show Notes…
posted by DAVID BROWN | | May 28, 2016
Important interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts by Dr. Julian Charles
(Published on Saturday, 28 May 2016 21:24)
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
from The Mind Renewed…
“Remain” or “Leave”? What does the UK’s EU Referendum—scheduled 23rd June—really amount to? Is it simply the opportunity for UK citizens to decide if Britain should stay in the European Union? Or is it something of greater significance, with broader and more serious implications? And just what is this thing called the EU anyway?
Joining us, once again, to discuss these questions is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former US Assistant Secretary to the Treasury for Ecomonic Policy, who explains the EU’s beginnings as a project of the CIA, and assesses its current role as as an anti-democratic tool of corporate control. Whether or not a majority “leave” vote will actually lead to Brexit, Dr. Roberts argues that a decisive rejection of EU membership by UK citizens could embolden other EU member states to follow suit, thus precipitating the break-up of NATO, and in turn, bringing an end to Washington’s crazy designs for a New World Order.
TMR 145 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Vote Brexit – End the EU, a CIA Covert Operation
by DAVID BROWN | | May 21, 2016
The White Helmets
The White Helmets: Tools of the State Department, Pentagon and NATO; using the human rights ruse for perception management to further their geopolitical agenda in Syria. Time to become informed on what Syria’s “first responder” group, The White Helmets are actually doing in Syria; why they are being funded by the UK Foreign Office, USAID, Soros and various US-backed NGOs; and discover their deep ties to Al-Nusra Front, (al-Qaeda in Syria) and other US-Proxy terrorist groups.
Published on May 20, 2016: In this UK Column News special, Mike Robinson speaks to Vanessa Beeley about Syria’s “first responder” group, the White Helmets who are being pushed forward for nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize. Do they deserve it?
NGOs, the Pentagon, and the Human Rights – Industrial Complex
The Syria White Helmets Exposed as US UK Agents Embedded with Al Nusra and ISIS
Additional Reading…
Posted by DAVID BROWN | | May 15, 2016
Below, you will find an outstanding two-part interview of Steve Outtrim by Jan Irvin of Gnostic Media chocked full of important information on the Burners and much, much more. This is well worth your time. If you have any spare funds, please consider a donation to Jan Irvin at Gnostic Media to help sustain Jan’s excellent work on these and other topics.
Steve’s downloadable PowerPoint Presentation Part 1
Steve Outtrim Interview – “Silicon Valley’s Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt1” – #247
Silicon Valley’s Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners – Part 1 (Gnostic Media ep 247) from Burners on Vimeo.
Audio Only:
Steve’s downloadable PowerPoint Presentation Part 2
Steve Outtrim Interview – “Silicon Valley’s Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt.2” – #248
Shadow History of Burners Part 2 PSYOP and the Presidio – Steve Outtrim on Gnostic Media Podcast 248 from Burners on Vimeo.
Audio Only:
by DAVID BROWN | | May 13, 2016
Cecil Rhodes, founder of De Beers and the world we live in today.
Cecil Rhodes (1853 – 1902), the founder of De Beers, is one of the most significant figures in world history, though many outside of Africa have never heard of this man and those who have, know only of his time in Africa and his diamonds. The hidden history of Cecil’s real power and influence on world affairs was no accident. His vast fortune, his organizations of ‘rings within rings’ and his last will and testament created much of the unseen network that controls the world we live in today (Round Table, RIIA, CFR, The Milner Group, etc.); waiting to be exposed sometime later by Professor Carroll Quigley in ‘The Anglo-American Establishment‘ and ‘Tragedy and Hope‘. Below, you will find some interesting collateral information on Cecil’s De Beers Empire from PBS and others, though the complete story is difficult to tell in one podcast. Time to get your know on. Please take the time to enjoy Richard Grove’s podcast below: DIAMONDS: The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
NOTE: The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden (written in 1949 and published posthumously in 1981) by Quigley. In 1966, Quigley published a one-volume history of the twentieth century, titled Tragedy and Hope. – Wikipedia
by DAVID BROWN | | May 01, 2016
Ted Cruz
I really get why many people like Ted Cruz. They believe that he is a strict constitutionalist and that he will stand up to the establishment. He did after all take over the Senate floor for more than 21 hours to speak about the need to defund Obamacare, when other Republicans like John Cornyn voted to fully fund Obamacare with a cloture vote out of sight of their constituents. We all loved Ted for this bold move and we thought that we finally had someone to speak our voice, but what we didn’t fully appreciate is that other professional politicians saw this rightfully as grandstanding signifying nothing but self-serving promotional theater. As we dig deeper into Ted’s words vs his actions we discover that much of what Ted does is self-promotion, the facts and the constitution be damned.
First, it is abundantly clear to any strict interpretation of the constitution that Ted is not and cannot be a natural born citizen. Sure, you can point to this or that constitutional scholar or opinion maker who can make a reasoned argument that he is natural-born by their interpretation. I can point to just as many on the other side, but it is abundantly clear that Ted was born in Canada, not the USA and that his father was not a US Citizen. The crux seems to depend on your belief in the power of the legislature to confer natural-born status or the US Constitution, and of course if you want Ted to be president.
Ted Cruz first supported Fast Track which would allow Obama (Globalist) to bypass the constitutional treaty approval requirement of 2/3rd senate vote. He even wrote an op-ed supporting this: “We strongly urge our colleagues in Congress to vote for trade-promotion authority,” Cruz stated, along with co-author Rep. Paul Ryan (Globalist), R-Wis., in a Wall Street Journal (Globalist) op-ed on April 21.
This Trade Promotion Authority, also called fast-track would allow this treaty now called an agreement to be negotiated in secret by Obama, dumped on the Senate floor with no time to read, debate or change, and passed with a simple up or down vote of only 51% to pass not the 2/3rds required by the US Constitution. This TPP treaty (masquerading as an agreement) BTW would end US Sovereignty and place this country and our constitution under the control of international corporations (Globalism). Next, Cruz does a 180 on this decision… “Cruz’s criticism of fast-track comes as a surprise, considering his public praise of the bill only two months prior.”
How could a constitutionalist like Ted ever even consider giving Obama this unconstitutional power in the first place, much less get in bed with a Globalist like Paul Ryan?
Where was Ted Cruz on the Audit the Fed vote? Answer: Missing in Action, nowhere to be found. However, Ted had no such problem when it came to reauthorizing the 100% Unconstitutional and and rights-destroying Patriot Act which is an anathema to anyone who values the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Neil Bush (Globalist), Jeb’s brother, joined Ted Cruz’s finance team on March 8th. Jeb Bush (Globalist) endorses Ted Cruz for Republican nomination March 22nd.
From the Daily Caller: “The Bush-Cruz connection is clear. Ted was George W.’s brain when he ran for president. A top policy adviser, Ted maneuvered for Solicitor General in Bush World but settled for a plum at the Federal Trade Commission. Ted’s a Bush man with deep ties to the political and financial establishment. Ted and wife Heidi brag about being the first “Bush marriage” – they met as Bush staffers. Cruz was an adviser on legal affairs while Heidi was an adviser on economic policy and eventually director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council under Condoleezza Rice. Condi helped give us the phony war in Iraq. Heidi then went to the Bush U.S. Trade Representative as a top deputy to U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Zoellick, who wired Heidi’s membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and job at Goldman Sachs. The bailed-out bank then loaned Cruz $1 million secretly to finance his Senate race. Cruz would also borrow an undisclosed $1 million loan from Citicorp.”
More on Ted from ClearNFO:
by DAVID BROWN | | April 16, 2016
John Taylor Gatto
It’s hard to know where to start with the amazing John Taylor Gatto. Through the marvel of technology, I have witnessed the speeches and lectures of some of our most awake and aware; including Joseph Campbell (mythology), Anthony C. Sutton (History), Carroll Quigley (History), Richard Feynman (Physics), Leonard Susskind (Physics), Milton Friedman (Economics), G. Edward Griffin (Author) and many others; yet, John Taylor Gatto is different. He is more subtle, more joyful and more broadly read. With his vast body of knowledge, from many diverse fields of study, he draws his insightful, practical conclusions, seemingly effortlessly. He is a pleasure to watch as you observe his mind clicking through his body of studies to share unpretentious knowledge and wisdom with you.
So with John, like so many other great thinkers and writers, I have been the thankful beneficiary of his great works. During my personal pursuit to discover untainted, useful information, many great people have contributed to this quest; causing me to turn around and see what was making shadows on the wall of the cave I was haplessly born into.
John was a good, loyal teacher for 30 years, until he decided to stop damaging his students: “He was named New York City Teacher of the Year in 1989, 1990, and 1991, and New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991. In 1991, he wrote a letter announcing his retirement, titled I Quit, I Think, to the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal, saying that he no longer wished to “hurt kids to make a living.”” – Wikipedia
John slowly discovered that rather than teaching his kids, he was in fact damaging their ability to learn and think. He was in effect implementing a regimen of social engineering devised by very familiar tax-free foundations to advance a very different agenda. I think it is important for all of us as parents and concerned citizens to discover exactly what John discovered so that we too will understand how the school systems are damaging our children and what exactly we can do to stop and reverse this damage.
John Taylor Gatto’s Resignation: I Quit. I Think
Below, John Taylor Gatto, tells you what he use to teach in school until he discovered that he was harming his students.
Here is John in his own words. I encourage you to read it in its entirety to make this real for you… | April 15, 2016 | Backgrounder Report
NOTE: Parts 4 & 5 are yet to be published
by DAVID BROWN | | April 14, 2016
Ground Zero
Everyone seems to have their pet peeves or core issues when it comes to politics: race, jobs, abortion, education, ‘fill in the blank’. I’m mostly a libertarian since I just want to be left alone and I leave almost everyone else alone to do as they please. Everyone else’s rights end where my nose begins and of course this goes both ways. Live and let live, etc. And over the years, I’ve looked at government spending and abuse. I’ve noted that the more money you give to the government, the less money and freedom for everyone else. This is always the case despite your politics. But it’s more than money, since government has a monopoly on force and violence and can do many other things that would be illegal for the average citizen. Government has set itself up with special powers, but it is really not that special since it is just a collection of people much like any corporate body. But without the special powers of violence, force and without the discipline of a balance sheet or income statement, it is not constrained by the laws of economics as are all those subject to its control. Thus, we have a powerful and potentially evil group of men riding herd over the rest of us. Without the constraint of law or our constitution, there would be nothing to slow down or stop its natural growth in power, scope and size until one day –like a tumor– it consumes the body that feeds it; and it too will die.
So my basic political formula goes like this: More power and money to the government = less power and freedom for the individual.
This is the prism I use to view my politics. Many disagree with this assessment. They feel that government is here to take care of the poor, the needy, to build roads and bridges and to make sure we all behave. The government in a real sense for these folks, is like the big Daddy or Father of the family of humanity and many in government see this as their job too. But without constraints on government the men who control government will naturally be turned over to their own delusions and desires and we all suffer. This is always the case. So what to do? Well, you could have a set of fundamental laws and principles that are immutable; designed to constrain this beast we call a government, and we have such a thing called the US Constitution. While not perfect, it has mechanisms built in for change. All laws in this country by definition must therefore be based on this founding document or they are by definition illegal. In fact, all our government officials are required to swear an oath to defend and protect this document as a requirement of their employment. So there is no one in this country who can legally take away the rights, liberties and freedoms guaranteed by this document and we are thus said to be a ‘Nation of Laws’. The laws are there to protect us all. This includes the majority and the minorities. The majority for example cannot vote to take away the rights, freedoms or the property of the minority, or even those of a single individual, no matter how popular it might be. So it is a surprise for many to discover that this country is not a democracy and never has been a democracy; because in a democracy two wolves and a sheep could vote on what to have for dinner, and the sheep likely wouldn’t fare so well. In a republic –like we have– the sheep’s rights as an individual would be protected.
But even with all these protections in law, if you have a nation of people without morals or character, you will find you have created a government in your image who likewise has no morals or character, but unlike you, this government has a monopoly on power and force and so, is no longer constrained by anything but its own selfish desires.
This is where we find ourselves today.
Part of being a moral person with character is to hold yourself and your government accountable.
by DAVID BROWN | | April 14, 2016
Very sad to see the widespread corruption in Kenya in the short film below and to understand what this corruption means to the hopes, dreams and hard work of the good people who live there. Seems like this is a growing epidemic around the world. Mexico seems almost as corrupt as Kenya and of course there is much of the same corruption here in the USA, especially concerning the whistle blowers. Here, like in Kenya, the whistle blowers are also punished. I don’t know how you get rid of corruption once it has taken hold in the government. What do you think the solution is?
Even if you executed those who are corrupt, the question is, who decides who is corrupt? If the ones doing the execution are themselves corrupt, what have you accomplished? Also, once you remove one corrupt regime, in short order the next regime becomes corrupt so the cycle starts all over again. The founders of this country (USA) had it right; creating a republic based on a constitution that attempted to constrain the power of the government, placing the rights of the individual above those of the collective, but over time the evil-doers have corrupted this system too. To make matters worse, the people of America are ignorant and are corrupt themselves; no government can survive if the people have no morals or character. All I know to do –from my perspective– is to continue to educate people and teach them that morals and character are really the only logical way for humanity.
Why do we need to educate our people? Because those who would be our masters here in the USA and in Kenya have taken over education and corrupted our youth. They began the replacement of the Trivium system with the Prussian system some 150 years ago. Trivium teaches critical thought and self reliance using Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric; and that you find authority by discovering the truth. Prussian however teaches that you can only find truth from authority.