Author Archives: David

About David

Personal background: I was the owner / operator of a small corporation for many years which was sold to a telecommunications company. My businesses have included: Mortgage Banking, Commercial Real Estate, Land Development, Software Development and consulting. My Investment Analysis Software received favorable reviews in several national publications including PC Magazine and the Wall Street Computer review. Currently, I hold a PMP and do technical project and program management for various corporations.

On the matter of Jamal Khashoggi …

by DAVID BROWN | | November 18, 2018

Jamal Khashoggi (Saudi Arabia 2011) – Washington Post journalist

Is Jamal Khashoggi dead?

Almost certainly.   Did Mohammad bin Salman (MbS) order his murder?   Likely, in my opinion.

However, there is much more to this simple story. It should be curious to most Americans why the MSM are more concerned about the murder of Khashoggi (a non-American) than the Benghazi murder of Americans: US Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

So what’s the ‘Official’ story promulgated by the ‘Deep State’ (MSM propaganda organ)? The Narrative, as I can understand it: Trump’s new found pal, MbS (Mohammad bin Salman, crown prince of Saudi Arabia) ordered the brutal murder of an innocent Washington Post journalist. Knowing this, evil Trump went ahead with a $110 billion Saudi arms deal which he should have canceled to punish MbS.

The goal here seems to be to embarrass Trump publicly; force him to abandon his newly formed ally (MbS) in an effort turn back on the Al-Waleed bin Talal  money-spigot MbS had shut off.

Some additional data points:

  1. Khashoggi wasn’t your average journalist; he had deep ties to powerful arms dealers including his billionaire uncle Adnan Khashoggi. Not trying to ascribe guilt by association here, but most journalists would not have this kind of deep inside access to major arms dealers and the House of Saud. For example: Khashoggi’s Grandfather Was a Royal Physician to King Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia.
  2. Khashoggi was a longtime acquaintance / friend of Osama bin Laden and interviewed him several times in Tora Bora and Sudan. This reeks of a CIA connection.
  3. Khashoggi had deep ties with Saudi intelligence; ergo the CIA, ergo the Washington Post, and other MSM propaganda spigots.
  4. Khashoggi’s cousin, Dodi Al Fayed, was dating Princess Diana when they both were killed in a car crash in Paris. The rabbit hole goes very deep here.
  5. The “CIA reportedly concludes Saudi crown prince ordered assassination of Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi” – the CIA rarely reports out their conclusions, especially in front of the US President. The only reason for this is to undermine Trump and his support of MbS.
  6. Trump supported MbS’s regime change in Saudi Arabia, which removed Clinton / Obama / DNC money man Al-Waleed bin Talal and therefore the flow of funds to Clinton and other deep state operatives. There is also a nexus here with the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting event.
  7. While the money was flowing from Al-Waleed bin Talal, CIA Director, John Brennan did not want the 28 pages of the 9/11 report released; however, after MbS hung Al-Waleed bin Talal by his toes removing his money and power,  John Brennan did an about face stating we need to hold the Saudis accountable.
  8. Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal is Citigroup’s largest individual shareholder.
  9. Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal reportedly helped guide and finance Barack Obama prior to being elected president. Citigroup reportedly selected most of Obama’s cabinet members. Citigroup also wrote page 615 of the US Congress spending bill in 2015
  10. According to George Papadopoulos…“Joseph Mifsud is tied directly to Christopher Steele and Alexander Downer’s former chief of staff. He was also on Jamal Khashoogi’s payroll.”

There is a much larger chess game going on here. If you step back a bit, you can see this is just one more battle between the old guard and the new guard.

Mohammed bin Salman (MbS)

Al-Waleed bin Talal

Adnan Khashoggi






Additional Information

Who is the man of mystery in the photo below? Could it be Obama’s financial benefactor, Al-Waleed bin Talal?

Al-Waleed bin Talal?

Insider Khashoggi defending Saudi beheadings …

China: End Run for World Domination

by DAVID BROWN | | August 12, 2018

The Old Silk Road (114 BC – 1450s AD) was an ancient network of trade routes that connected the East and West: From China, India, Persia (Iran), Arabia, Somalia, Egypt to Europe.

The Old Silk Road – Connecting China to Europe

China’s New Silk Road

Today, China is planning to re-hydrate these ancient trading routes with a new modern Silk Road having already spent more than the US spent on WWII’s Marshall plan; with another $1.3 trillion waiting to build railways, roads, ports, and power grids over the next 10 years.

China’s new Silk Road – the Belt and Road Initiative

“Who rules the World Island commands the world”

The new Silk Road is now called the “Belt and Road” initiative, and is under active construction. With all this excitement and activity, one can’t help but think of Helford Mackinder’s (1861 – 1947) Heartland Theory of the World Island and his prescient words:

“Who rules Eastern Europe commands the Heartland
Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island
Who rules the World Island commands the world”

Helford Mackinder – Heartland Theory of the World Island

The Rimland is not enough

During the pinnacle of the British Empire’s power, Briton found it too costly –and the logistics technologically impractical– to go inland to conquer the ‘Heartland’ of the ‘World Island’;  so the Empire chose to control the seas and impose its will inward from the Rimland.  Once the greatest sea power the world had ever known, the Empire –weakened by The Great Wars–  encouraged its former colony (America) to fill the vacuum.  Still, the Heartland of the World Island –and the power it could unleash– was mostly ignored or forgotten by many –until recently.    Though Mackinder’s Heartland theory  is outdated, it’s basic premise is still valid and it seems clear China believes it can command the world by commanding the World Island.

NOTE: The “heartland”  was also referred to as the “pivot area” and as the core of Eurasia. Mackinder considered all of Europe and Asia as the World Island.

Additional reading on this topic

Silencing Alex Jones

by DAVID BROWN | | August 7, 2018

It has been reported Alex Jones was banned from all the major social media platforms within a 12 hour period. If true, this shows a potentially illegal collusion –dare I say conspiracy– between the big monopoly platforms to punish or mute Alex’s message. While I do not watch or listen to Alex, I have huge respect for this media icon that brought alternative views of history and current events to his audience for over 20 years to great effect. Alex blazed a new trail and motivated some of our best and brightest writers, commentators and podcasters to become involved in the ‘Great Conversation’ to all our benefit. Without Alex, many important voices would have been silenced into obscurity by the established, controlled media. Alex is a great American Icon and hero in my book.

This modern-day book burning is not all bad

  1. The enemies of free thought, free speech and freedom of expression have completely revealed themselves for all to see today. There can be no doubt in any rational mind who these enemies are: Facebook, YouTube (Google), Apple and others.
  2. This free publicity will drive more people to check out Alex Jones
  3. This could setup a great lawsuit for some interesting discovery in this apparent illegal collusion between these behemoths to shut down free speech and to single out Alex Jones for punishment without cause.
  4. Maybe through legal discovery we would finally know what these A-Holes mean by their catch-all phrase ‘community standards’. Not.
  5. This could motivate Alex and others to band together with Mike Adams of Natural News REAL.Video to build out a robust alternative to YouTube.

I’ve always admired Alex Jones

  • He has –or had at one time– almost a photographic memory
  • He has read Quigley – rare in the Alt Media and always a bonus in my book
  • Busted into the Bohemian Grove and took a video
  • Is not afraid to confront some of the really bad actors on the world stage
  • Used a bullhorn at many of the Bilderberg meetings – what fun!
  • Was an early adopter of the continuous rebroadcast of his radio show on smart devices
  • Was an early adopter of simultaneous TV/Radio-cast
  • Is passionate about his work
  • Tries to be accurate in his reporting and is usually successful
  • Has a sense of historical context of current events – though I don’t always agree
  • He has some great guests on his program – sometimes

Three reasons I cannot stand to watch Alex Jones

  1. He constantly interrupts his guests not allowing them to finish their thoughts or sentences;
  2. Too many commercials! Infowars has become an infomercial; and
  3. His pet announcer Owen Shroyer gets way too much air time and is a boring lightweight when it comes to understanding historical context or providing anything higher than a retail-level analysis. I guess he is just a kid and I’m being too harsh. I do wish Alex would sit Owen down and make him read a few books so he would know what he is talking about. I do like David Knight, and of course Paul Joseph Watson.

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The ‘Q’ Phenomenon …

by DAVID BROWN | | July 1, 2018

An anonymous person or persons started posting on 4chan’s ‘Politically Incorrect‘ board sometime around Oct 28th 2017 and later moved to 8chan’s  ‘Calm Before The Storm‘ board. This anonymous person seemed to have some sort of inside information about the Trump Administration and so attracted attention from other Anons on these boards.  Over time, this person became known as Q anon or ‘Q’ for short.  Based on the different posting styles, this poster is likely more than one person and many believe he is part of Military Intelligence working directly with President Trump. Q’s entire posts (1,681) are numbered, sequenced and can be found here and here

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Misc. Musings … the political strata according to David Brown:

by DAVID BROWN | | June 10, 2018

The deep-state, the Globalists (not to be confused with globalism), NWO, etc… Are not one homogenous group. There are many layers and aligned interests, but it breaks down according to my calculus along these lines:

Level 1:  Worker class At the bottom you have the masses, that’s you and me. We supply the real work that produces real products that make everything else possible. We are the gears in the clock dutifully ticking by. Honesty and ethics are enforced generally by the human condition we find ourselves in where we have to work in a competitive market and if we don’t produce, we are replaced. This requires functionality and the ability to do real things in the real world based on first principles. Many of us are the ‘salt of the earth’. Examples: You and me.

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On the matter of Memorial Day

by DAVID BROWN | | May 27, 2018

Before the events of 9/11, I knew that the Vietnam War was based on a lie that cost millions of innocent civilian lives, 58,220 American lives and countless wounded; but I still held out a belief of the good war like WWII. Later I learned that WWII and WWI were both based on lies too. I then read Smedley Butler’s ‘War is a Racket’ and listened to James Perloff’s excellent lecture on the major wars of the 20th Century and discovered that the United States was not about spreading democracy and freedom, but about a hidden force of economic and geopolitical interests who orchestrated these wars for their own personal agendas.

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On the matter of kneeling at the National Anthem …

by DAVID BROWN | | May 27, 2018

I admit, I haven’t given this much thought since I’m not a sports enthusiast, but here’s my 2 cents anyway…

Why did they kneel?

According to Aaron Morrison: “San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick announced his decision to sit down or take a knee during the national anthem to call attention to police violence and injustice in black America. His act of protest followed several high-profile fatal police shootings of black men this summer — including the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile in July.”

I believe that anyone should be able to kneel or stand at the national anthem, but it’s just not that simple to me. So in principle I agree with Kaepernick’s right to kneel… but I have a few problems with that…

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YouTube Censorship of Tim Kelly

by DAVID BROWN | | May 27, 2018

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”  *

Tim Kelly’s podcasts are some of the best anywhere on the internet in terms of well-researched, well-informed, dispassionate, objective information; but YouTube is ‘soft-blocking’ in an effective effort to limit his latest podcast with the following explanation:

“Certain features have been disabled for this video. In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.”

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Where’s David?

It’s been exactly 91 days since my last post, though I continue to post regularly on Facebook and to a lesser extent on Twitter.    A big reason for my absence is the various claims on my time preventing me from doing the reading and research necessary to have something worth saying on these pages.  Facebook however provides a quick and dirty way of jotting down thoughts or links that may be interesting.

During these 91 days, my Facebook account was completely removed, then restored and several of my posts were removed because I was not adhering to Facebook’s ‘Community Standards’.  No evidence or examples were given, I had just been a bad boy for some reason that I am never intended to know.

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