Author Archives: David

About David

Personal background: I was the owner / operator of a small corporation for many years which was sold to a telecommunications company. My businesses have included: Mortgage Banking, Commercial Real Estate, Land Development, Software Development and consulting. My Investment Analysis Software received favorable reviews in several national publications including PC Magazine and the Wall Street Computer review. Currently, I hold a PMP and do technical project and program management for various corporations.

On the matter of the Vietnam War…

by DAVID BROWN | | November 17, 2019

Vietnam was an ugly, pointless war based on a US Government lie called the ‘Gulf of Tonkin Incident’. This undeclared war in Southeast Asia brutally slaughtered and maimed millions of innocent men, women and children, including our young American boys: 58,315 KIA; 153,303 WIA; 1,618 MIA; & 778 POWs. It changed this country forever; enriching only the defense contractors, the MIC and those who financed this war effort. Though many of my fellows in high school had been sent off to Vietnam –only to return in body bags– I was too young to go; but I watched the slaughter and the returning body bags on TV every night from the safety and comfort of my home. The Vietnam War brought us the anti-war movement, psychedelic drugs (aided and promoted by the CIA), eastern religions, free love, increased state domestic power and surveillance, huge debts owed to the central bankers and changed American culture forever.

Later, my college biology teacher told me he had served in Vietnam. He was a fit, small guy with a wily, dry sense of humor, and a pure white shock of hair jetting out of his hairline; and he was a good teacher. He served in the ground infantry and said he enjoyed his stay there so much he re-enlisted three times. I asked him what he learned in Vietnam and he said how to survive. Later when I was running my own business I hired several Vietnam veterans. Most would never speak a word about their time there, but two confided in me. One made me swear that I would never tell his wife he served in Vietnam since he had never told her. I found this to be very strange if not implausible. Another broke down and cried in my office for all the bad things he had done. He had even been ordered to kill US POWs since they represented a threat to the US negotiations. Another Vietnam veteran told me that all their ammo was locked up in a bunker and they couldn’t return fire, until they received approval from headquarters. My father-in-law also served in Vietnam, but never speaks of his time there.

Since WWII, the US has not declared one single war, yet since that time our war efforts have increased exponentially as well as our debt to those who finance these undeclared wars; and if we choose to look over the walled garden in which we live, we will discover that every single one of these wars are based on lies similar to the lie which brought us Vietnam. And so it goes.

Why does Facebook hate me?

by DAVID BROWN | | November 15, 2019

I am not a violent person; I am not a criminal; I do not promote violence or hatred; I have never shared illegal or sexually explicit photos or paintings on my Facebook pages– ever.

So why does Facebook hate me so?

Or the question is: why have so many of my posts been banned from FB – the majority of which FB doesn’t even bother to list or show me – thus keeping me in the dark as to what my infraction was?  I am left only to guess.

Many years ago, in the beginning or my FB experience, I was permanently banned for my strong, anti-abortion postings. I wrote FB a letter and they changed the permanent ban to a 45-day ban.  From this, I became much more circumspect, sophisticated and clever in my anti-abortion posts which worked-well to avoid the Facebook censors.  From here, Facebook would delete various postings and pictures for reasons that are irrational as far as I can determine.  I’ve always thought of it as “Algorithms and/or AI gone wild.”  For example, they deleted a beautiful non-sexual classic renaissance oil painting I had hanging in my house since I was a child that depicted the side of a woman’s breast.   They deleted a picture of a pre-pubescent boy or girl (impossible to tell) in a canoe in the amazon jungle playing with a turtle — only the top of this child was bare.   Obviously the FB algorithms are looking for patches of bare skin — not knowing exactly what they are seeing.   I protested in every case and was denied in all but one.

My latest banning from Facebook occurred on 11/12/19 because as FB said I was “facilitate[ing] or coordinate[ing] crime activity likely to cause harm to people business or animals”.   What had I done that was so criminal? I posted a fully clothed picture of Adam Schiff’s CIA Spy also known as the whistle-blower Eric Ciaramella eating dinner.  I knew of several people who were banned for posting his name, so I made sure I did not post his name, just his photo.  BTW, I had several other photos on my FB page of Eric, but for some reason FB noticed this one and banned me for 30 days accusing me of being a criminal. Had they done this in public, I would have sued them for slander.

BTW: Adam Schiff previously released Eric’s unredacted name  in a deposition as did several other media outlets.

So it seems that I am not Facebook material.  FB just doesn’t want me on their site for some reason since they keep insulting me and damaging my enjoyment of their platform.

Though my tax dollars paid for their predecessor LifeLog (without which FB would have never existed), FB is now a private company and can therefore abuse my first (and 4th) amendment  rights at their will and pleasure for any reason whatsoever.    And of course the courts must determine at some point if Facebook is just a platform or if it is a publisher; or something entirely new.   Seems obvious to me that if Facebook is curating the content on their platform—and they are– they are indeed publishers.   Facebook prefers to be a platform when it is convenient to them to avoid the legal constraints of being a publisher, but clearly they are much more than a platform – In addition to abusing their users’ 1st and 4th Amendments, they also serve as an effective propaganda organ –as did the old media– for the established power structure which currently promotes the religion of globalism and all its belief systems…

The Globalists’ Creed:

  • Sustainability via UN Agenda 21, 2030 and beyond
  • Man-made global warming and carbon taxes
  • Abortion on demand for any reason at any age
  • One world governance by a singular government or power structure – preferably the existing power structure
  • All 51 to 71 gender flavors recognized by FB
  • Vaccines are safe and effective
  • Supporting and promoting the lies, obfuscation and disinformation of the Mainstream Media cabal.
  • No borders with unlimited and unregulated immigration
  • Anti-male; anti-family; anti-white; anti-Christian

The Building Blocks for their unworkable New World Order:

  1. Common Core (Control Education)
  2. UN Agenda-21 & 2030 (Control Private Property Rights)
  3. Affordable Care Act (Control Health Care)
  4. Federal Reserve (Control Money)
  5. The Patriot Act & the USA Freedom Act (Control Civil Liberties)
  6. Free Trade Agreements like TPP (Control the movement of goods, services and people)
  7. Strong Cities Network (SCN) (Global Police Force)
  8. Global Warming (Install a Global Tax of $100 trillion)
  9. CFR (Control of US Foreign Policy and Geopolitics)
  10. Vaccines (Population Control)
  11. Main Stream Media (Perception Control)
  12. Open Borders  (destroy the idea of the nation-state)
  13. NATO (destabilize targeted countries)
  14. Supreme Court (pack the Supreme Court; undermine the rule of law)
  15. Terrorism and proxy army support (ISIS, Al Qaeda, Daesh, Al-Nusra Front, Wahhabism, etc.)

Other relevant links on this site 


On the matter of man, woman and the family

by DAVID BROWN | | November 12, 2019

It’s been my observation that women are at the heart of our culture and civilization. Women magically transform a house into a home and sit at the seat of a healthy, happy family –which is a fundamental building block of what I consider society. So from my perspective, where the women goes; so goes society.

Now in the patriarchal society of Western Christendom, there have been many abuses against women which our modern societies have attempted to correct. From my perspective, this attempted correction has been an abysmal failure on many counts but not all. In our rush for egalitarian perfection, we have ignored the fundamental physical, mental and emotional differences between male and female; and many have wondered why we should value the physically stronger male at all.

Not too long ago, man’s successful interface with the world depended on the physical as much –or more– than the intellectual; and so, it was up to the physically stronger male to offer safety and protection to the physically weaker female. For this arrangement, there was a contract: the contract said that if the male would protect the female, the female would build a home and provide children for the home. In today’s technical society, we still need the physical strength of the male for certain tasks, but this value proposition has been greatly depreciated.

So on the road to correct our patriarchal abuses, we have gained some parity in terms of self-determination for the female, but we have lost much in terms of our fundamental building block of society we call the family. We have lost a fundamental respect for the position the matriarch holds in building a strong, happy and healthy family. We have thrown her out into the streets to fend for herself and we have turned her into an object of sex for sex’s sake only. Innocence and virtue no longer have lasting value, but to be consumed on demand; and to be degraded. Her fertile womb from which the family springs has been turned into a death chamber for our next generation. Our naive and short-sighted rush for equality convinced us infanticide is a reasonable choice for family planning.

We have lost our wholesomeness, our innocence and our commitment to the idea of one man, one woman and one family.

We have shirked our responsibility; we fail to take ownership of our actions, and so we are turned over to our own devices and avarice.

Like cackling hyenas over a recent kill, we feast at the hoax sold to us as sexual freedom and equality, we choose death over life, debauchery over love and are left howling into the vast existential abyss of meaninglessness — without our families.

Google is Politic; and Google is YouTube.

by DAVID BROWN | | November 12, 2019

Since the election of Trump, YouTube has been busy destroying the financial viability of many platforms using their services with which they disagree. All the myriad of actions have one thing in common, they reduce the money flow and eyeballs attracted by these independent platforms. This reduction in ad revenue reduces revenue not only to these independent content producers but to YouTube itself. Starting on December 10th of this year, YouTube’s new TOS will allow YouTube to completely delete any YouTube channel that it deems not financially viable. So what you have here is:

1) YouTube targeted a select set of independent content producers;
2) reduced their ability to generate income for both YouTube and the content producer;
3) and now they will be deleting these content producers because they are not financially viable.

Why would any business do something this boneheaded? Because they are not really a business in the normal sense of the word. They are a controlled adjunct of the US Federal Government’s deep state. Born of your tax dollars and used against the good US Citizens who paid the bill.

YouTube has been a subsidiary of Google since November of 2006 and of course Google was the result of a DARPA project with Stanford University in 1998.

Wikipedia: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is an agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.

Blocked by Facebook — Again

by DAVID BROWN | | November 12, 2019

Memo to Facebook: How could a photo of a grown man –fully clothed– eating dinner as you term it: “facilitate or coordinate crime activity likely to cause harm to people business or animals”?

The picture above is of Adam Schiff’s CIA Spy a.k.a. ‘The Whistle-Blower’ who shall remain nameless.

On the matter of Treason

by DAVID BROWN | | June 30, 2019

Most people have a sense of what treason is, but this is based in common law, which does not apply here in the USA for treason. Why? Because most of the founders of this country were guilty of treason against King George III under common law, so they put in a special restrictive definition of treason in the US Constitution under Article Three. What this means is that it is almost impossible to convict anyone of treason in the USA: See the Opinion of Chief Justice Marshall (August 1807) Key arguments in the Burr trial.

Section 3 defines treason and its punishment. (‘Only’ and ‘levying’ are two key words here.)

Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Today’s Matrix

by DAVID BROWN | | June 30, 2019

Why did ‘The Matrix’ resonate with so many? Because the world we live in and think we know so well was created by others for their benefit; and we all know this to some degree. It’s like a splinter in our brain.

“What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” –Morpheus

This latticework of myths and brainwashing has been going on since the beginning of written history and likely before. The question for the elite–our rulers, masters, etc. –is how to control and manage the vast unwashed masses of humanity? The evidence this is true surrounds all of us, if we are willing to observe without prejudice; however, others like Cypher (below) prefer eating the steak despite knowing it is all a hoax.

Cypher: “You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.”

Here’s a smattering of some of the myths I was born into and believed completely:
• Truth and Justice are the American way
• America is a peaceful country trying to spread democracy across the world
• Experts and authorities have the right answers and can be trusted
• The FBI is here to protect us
• The CIA is necessary and all the bad things they do are to protect our national security
• World War II was necessary to rid the world of evil Hitler
• Hitler gassed six million Jews
• A single gunman who was a communist shot and killed JFK
• The Vietnam War was a mistake – we were just trying to rid the world of communism

Since the attacks on 9/11 and our government’s preposterous explanation, I have taken the time and care to look deeper and more carefully at supporting historical documents that can only be proven – not guessed at. This exercise required an examination of many heretofore unexamined assumptions which led me to some hard, cold facts that are indisputable. It also taught me how to research so that I do not accept the first opinion or theory that resonates with my existing biases.

My conclusion is that we do live in a matrix; though not as technologically cool as presented in the 1999 movie ‘The Matrix’; but as our technology improves, we are getting closer.

Incrementalism and the Destruction of the American family

by DAVID BROWN | | July 14, 2019

If you are like me, you believe in ‘live and let live’ so you really didn’t care what consenting adults did in the privacy of their own homes as long as they were not harming anyone, especially children. We thought that we could give in to this so called gay agenda and leave them to their own devices. But this was not enough. We now find this was the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent. Now –to our amazement and shock– we discover –perhaps too late– the camel is sleeping comfortably in the tent and we are left out in the elements with no protection from the cold, heat and the rain. This is astounding when we consider the percent of the population claiming to be LGBT is only 4.5% and those identifying as transgender are a tiny 0.6%. So why then has such a tiny minority been able to set the national agenda and steam-roller over all the rest of us without so much as a whimper? A: Normalizing the LGBT life-style has been promulgated through our print and news media, our universities and public school systems and glamorized in our entertainment media; non-stop and unabated for years. The cumulative impact has devastated our youth and our culture. This is no mistake, but a carefully planned agenda; well-financed to fundamentally transform our culture into something unrecognizable only a few decades ago. Our youth will grow up in this environment thinking these new life-styles are normal and the way it has always has been. What will be the impact? The continued destruction of the family and the atomizing of the American public into discrete units, easily controllable and manipulated. The next phase in this decadent, family-destroying agenda has already begun as our media promote the sexualization of our children. It is time to stop being a door mat and kick the camel out of the tent.

On the matter of Iran:

by DAVID BROWN | | June 22, 2019

I know everyone wants to hate Iran, but they didn’t get here by themselves…

On the matter of Iran:

  • Iranians are Persian not Arab
  • Iranians are Shia Muslims
  • Arabs are Sunni Muslims 
  • Shia has about 200 million followers 
  • Sunni has about 1.2 billion followers
  • Shia and Sunni don’t like each other
  • Iranians are well-educated, sophisticated, intelligent people. 
  • Iran is currently a Theocracy or an Islamic Republic which the Iranian people do not like. How did they get this reprehensible government?

Mosaddeq coup – CIA Operation Ajax:
Mohammad Mosaddegh was the 35th prime minister of Iran, holding office from 1951 until 1953, when his government was overthrown in the 1953 Iranian coup d’état orchestrated by the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency and the United Kingdom’s MI6.

The USA replaced Mohammad Mosaddegh by a brutal, murderous U.S. lap dog and psychopath known as the Shah of Iran. The CIA ran the Shah and his secret police SAVAK. My Iranian friends here in the USA were terrified of SAVAK even while studying here in the land of the free and the brave. They would only whisper and speak of certain things privately because of their abject fear of SAVAK. They knew my government put the Shah in power, yet they did not hold this against me, a U.S. Citizen.

Ruhollah Khomeini as Supreme Leader 1979 – 1989 founded the cruel Islamic Republic of Iran of today. This new and improved psycho murdered many people including little 13 year old girls because they were of the Bahá’í Faith. He would hang 6 at a time from cranes.

Khomeini’s fatwa ‘led to killing of 30,000 in Iran’

Q: Why is the rest of the Middle East in such a mess?

A: Sykes–Picot Agreement* for starters which partitioned the Ottoman Empire in 1916 across culture and religious lines assuring continued destabilization of the Middle East. From here the US meddling and bloody regime change just gets worse.

So put away the hater-AID until you’ve taken some time to think.

* Lines were drawn to impose maximum destabilization to make it easier to rule. “The line across a map of the Middle East it drew created colonial spheres of influence that cut directly and artificially across a region that had previously been divided along ethnic, linguistic and religious lines.”

The Sykes-Picot Agreement and the making of the modern Middle East


by DAVID BROWN | | January 20, 2019

In an effort to regain control of the narrative, NewsGuard will be on your phone and browser soon. I’ve heard that you will not be able to remove it on certain browsers and devices — there will be no opt-out. The trick here is for our ruling class to tell the masses what is good news and what is not. If you visit an approved news site like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, etc., you will get a nice green rating… other sites will have either a yellow or red rating to warn you that what you are reading is ‘FAKE NEWS’. The point here is to condition you –like Pavlov’s doggy– to always seek the green light. It’s an emotional signal. This will allow the political ruling class to more effectively herd their livestock to the correct way of thinking, while putting their competition out of business. If they can get away with this thought control gimmick, I’m sure something like Google’s Dragonfly and China’s ‘social credit’ system will be soon to follow here in the West.

BTW: The Smith-Mundt Act of 1945 prohibited the use of propaganda against our own citizens here in the USA; however, The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 now makes it legal for the US State Department –this includes the CIA– and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to use propaganda here on US Citizens. Yes, your Democrats and your Republicans voted this into law.

NewsGuard Advisory Board:

  • Tom Ridge, the first Secretary of Homeland Security (George W. Bush administration)
  • CFR member: Richard Stengel, former editor of Time magazine and Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy (Obama administration) – video of Richard at CFR:
    Richard Stengel (CFR member) justifies domestic propaganda
  • CFR member: (Ret.) General Michael Hayden, former Director of the CIA, former Director of the National Security Agency and former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence (George W. Bush administration)
  • CFR member: Don Baer, chairman of Burson, Cohn & Wolfe and former White House Communications Director (Clinton administration)
  • Elise Jordan (Michael Hastings’ widow), political analyst, NBC, and former speechwriter for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (CFR member)
  • John Battelle, co-founding editor of Wired and founding chief executive of Industry Standard magazines
  • CFR member: Jessica Lessin, founder and editor-in-chief of The Information

Additional information:

UPDATE: June 7th, 2019

The Trust Project: Big Media and Silicon Valley’s Weaponized Algorithms Silence Dissent
Given the Trust Project’s rich-get-richer impact on the online news landscape, it is not surprising to find that it is funded by a confluence of tech oligarchs and powerful forces with a clear stake in controlling the flow of news.

After the failure of Newsguard — the news rating system backed by a cadre of prominent neoconservative personalities — to gain traction among American tech and social media companies, another organization has quietly stepped in to direct the news algorithms of tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft.