Author Archives: David

About David

Personal background: I was the owner / operator of a small corporation for many years which was sold to a telecommunications company. My businesses have included: Mortgage Banking, Commercial Real Estate, Land Development, Software Development and consulting. My Investment Analysis Software received favorable reviews in several national publications including PC Magazine and the Wall Street Computer review. Currently, I hold a PMP and do technical project and program management for various corporations.

Google is Politic; and Google is YouTube.

by DAVID BROWN | | November 12, 2019

Since the election of Trump, YouTube has been busy destroying the financial viability of many platforms using their services with which they disagree. All the myriad of actions have one thing in common, they reduce the money flow and eyeballs attracted by these independent platforms. This reduction in ad revenue reduces revenue not only to these independent content producers but to YouTube itself. Starting on December 10th of this year, YouTube’s new TOS will allow YouTube to completely delete any YouTube channel that it deems not financially viable. So what you have here is:

1) YouTube targeted a select set of independent content producers;
2) reduced their ability to generate income for both YouTube and the content producer;
3) and now they will be deleting these content producers because they are not financially viable.

Why would any business do something this boneheaded? Because they are not really a business in the normal sense of the word. They are a controlled adjunct of the US Federal Government’s deep state. Born of your tax dollars and used against the good US Citizens who paid the bill.

YouTube has been a subsidiary of Google since November of 2006 and of course Google was the result of a DARPA project with Stanford University in 1998.

Wikipedia: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is an agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.

Blocked by Facebook — Again

by DAVID BROWN | | November 12, 2019

Memo to Facebook: How could a photo of a grown man –fully clothed– eating dinner as you term it: “facilitate or coordinate crime activity likely to cause harm to people business or animals”?

The picture above is of Adam Schiff’s CIA Spy a.k.a. ‘The Whistle-Blower’ who shall remain nameless.

On the matter of Treason

by DAVID BROWN | | June 30, 2019

Most people have a sense of what treason is, but this is based in common law, which does not apply here in the USA for treason. Why? Because most of the founders of this country were guilty of treason against King George III under common law, so they put in a special restrictive definition of treason in the US Constitution under Article Three. What this means is that it is almost impossible to convict anyone of treason in the USA: See the Opinion of Chief Justice Marshall (August 1807) Key arguments in the Burr trial.

Section 3 defines treason and its punishment. (‘Only’ and ‘levying’ are two key words here.)

Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Today’s Matrix

by DAVID BROWN | | June 30, 2019

Why did ‘The Matrix’ resonate with so many? Because the world we live in and think we know so well was created by others for their benefit; and we all know this to some degree. It’s like a splinter in our brain.

“What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” –Morpheus

This latticework of myths and brainwashing has been going on since the beginning of written history and likely before. The question for the elite–our rulers, masters, etc. –is how to control and manage the vast unwashed masses of humanity? The evidence this is true surrounds all of us, if we are willing to observe without prejudice; however, others like Cypher (below) prefer eating the steak despite knowing it is all a hoax.

Cypher: “You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.”

Here’s a smattering of some of the myths I was born into and believed completely:
• Truth and Justice are the American way
• America is a peaceful country trying to spread democracy across the world
• Experts and authorities have the right answers and can be trusted
• The FBI is here to protect us
• The CIA is necessary and all the bad things they do are to protect our national security
• World War II was necessary to rid the world of evil Hitler
• Hitler gassed six million Jews
• A single gunman who was a communist shot and killed JFK
• The Vietnam War was a mistake – we were just trying to rid the world of communism

Since the attacks on 9/11 and our government’s preposterous explanation, I have taken the time and care to look deeper and more carefully at supporting historical documents that can only be proven – not guessed at. This exercise required an examination of many heretofore unexamined assumptions which led me to some hard, cold facts that are indisputable. It also taught me how to research so that I do not accept the first opinion or theory that resonates with my existing biases.

My conclusion is that we do live in a matrix; though not as technologically cool as presented in the 1999 movie ‘The Matrix’; but as our technology improves, we are getting closer.

Incrementalism and the Destruction of the American family

by DAVID BROWN | | July 14, 2019

If you are like me, you believe in ‘live and let live’ so you really didn’t care what consenting adults did in the privacy of their own homes as long as they were not harming anyone, especially children. We thought that we could give in to this so called gay agenda and leave them to their own devices. But this was not enough. We now find this was the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent. Now –to our amazement and shock– we discover –perhaps too late– the camel is sleeping comfortably in the tent and we are left out in the elements with no protection from the cold, heat and the rain. This is astounding when we consider the percent of the population claiming to be LGBT is only 4.5% and those identifying as transgender are a tiny 0.6%. So why then has such a tiny minority been able to set the national agenda and steam-roller over all the rest of us without so much as a whimper? A: Normalizing the LGBT life-style has been promulgated through our print and news media, our universities and public school systems and glamorized in our entertainment media; non-stop and unabated for years. The cumulative impact has devastated our youth and our culture. This is no mistake, but a carefully planned agenda; well-financed to fundamentally transform our culture into something unrecognizable only a few decades ago. Our youth will grow up in this environment thinking these new life-styles are normal and the way it has always has been. What will be the impact? The continued destruction of the family and the atomizing of the American public into discrete units, easily controllable and manipulated. The next phase in this decadent, family-destroying agenda has already begun as our media promote the sexualization of our children. It is time to stop being a door mat and kick the camel out of the tent.

On the matter of Iran:

by DAVID BROWN | | June 22, 2019

I know everyone wants to hate Iran, but they didn’t get here by themselves…

On the matter of Iran:

  • Iranians are Persian not Arab
  • Iranians are Shia Muslims
  • Arabs are Sunni Muslims 
  • Shia has about 200 million followers 
  • Sunni has about 1.2 billion followers
  • Shia and Sunni don’t like each other
  • Iranians are well-educated, sophisticated, intelligent people. 
  • Iran is currently a Theocracy or an Islamic Republic which the Iranian people do not like. How did they get this reprehensible government?

Mosaddeq coup – CIA Operation Ajax:
Mohammad Mosaddegh was the 35th prime minister of Iran, holding office from 1951 until 1953, when his government was overthrown in the 1953 Iranian coup d’état orchestrated by the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency and the United Kingdom’s MI6.

The USA replaced Mohammad Mosaddegh by a brutal, murderous U.S. lap dog and psychopath known as the Shah of Iran. The CIA ran the Shah and his secret police SAVAK. My Iranian friends here in the USA were terrified of SAVAK even while studying here in the land of the free and the brave. They would only whisper and speak of certain things privately because of their abject fear of SAVAK. They knew my government put the Shah in power, yet they did not hold this against me, a U.S. Citizen.

Ruhollah Khomeini as Supreme Leader 1979 – 1989 founded the cruel Islamic Republic of Iran of today. This new and improved psycho murdered many people including little 13 year old girls because they were of the Bahá’í Faith. He would hang 6 at a time from cranes.

Khomeini’s fatwa ‘led to killing of 30,000 in Iran’

Q: Why is the rest of the Middle East in such a mess?

A: Sykes–Picot Agreement* for starters which partitioned the Ottoman Empire in 1916 across culture and religious lines assuring continued destabilization of the Middle East. From here the US meddling and bloody regime change just gets worse.

So put away the hater-AID until you’ve taken some time to think.

* Lines were drawn to impose maximum destabilization to make it easier to rule. “The line across a map of the Middle East it drew created colonial spheres of influence that cut directly and artificially across a region that had previously been divided along ethnic, linguistic and religious lines.”

The Sykes-Picot Agreement and the making of the modern Middle East


by DAVID BROWN | | January 20, 2019

In an effort to regain control of the narrative, NewsGuard will be on your phone and browser soon. I’ve heard that you will not be able to remove it on certain browsers and devices — there will be no opt-out. The trick here is for our ruling class to tell the masses what is good news and what is not. If you visit an approved news site like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, etc., you will get a nice green rating… other sites will have either a yellow or red rating to warn you that what you are reading is ‘FAKE NEWS’. The point here is to condition you –like Pavlov’s doggy– to always seek the green light. It’s an emotional signal. This will allow the political ruling class to more effectively herd their livestock to the correct way of thinking, while putting their competition out of business. If they can get away with this thought control gimmick, I’m sure something like Google’s Dragonfly and China’s ‘social credit’ system will be soon to follow here in the West.

BTW: The Smith-Mundt Act of 1945 prohibited the use of propaganda against our own citizens here in the USA; however, The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 now makes it legal for the US State Department –this includes the CIA– and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to use propaganda here on US Citizens. Yes, your Democrats and your Republicans voted this into law.

NewsGuard Advisory Board:

  • Tom Ridge, the first Secretary of Homeland Security (George W. Bush administration)
  • CFR member: Richard Stengel, former editor of Time magazine and Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy (Obama administration) – video of Richard at CFR:
    Richard Stengel (CFR member) justifies domestic propaganda
  • CFR member: (Ret.) General Michael Hayden, former Director of the CIA, former Director of the National Security Agency and former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence (George W. Bush administration)
  • CFR member: Don Baer, chairman of Burson, Cohn & Wolfe and former White House Communications Director (Clinton administration)
  • Elise Jordan (Michael Hastings’ widow), political analyst, NBC, and former speechwriter for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (CFR member)
  • John Battelle, co-founding editor of Wired and founding chief executive of Industry Standard magazines
  • CFR member: Jessica Lessin, founder and editor-in-chief of The Information

Additional information:

UPDATE: June 7th, 2019

The Trust Project: Big Media and Silicon Valley’s Weaponized Algorithms Silence Dissent
Given the Trust Project’s rich-get-richer impact on the online news landscape, it is not surprising to find that it is funded by a confluence of tech oligarchs and powerful forces with a clear stake in controlling the flow of news.

After the failure of Newsguard — the news rating system backed by a cadre of prominent neoconservative personalities — to gain traction among American tech and social media companies, another organization has quietly stepped in to direct the news algorithms of tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft.

Lord Milner’s Second War

Recommended reading…
Lord Milner’s Second War: The Rhodes-Milner Secret Society; The Origin of World War I; and the Start of the New World Order by Mr John P. Cafferky (2013-01-03)


Why did European diplomacy fail to avert World War I? Revisionist historians have long suspected that the President of France and the Russian Ambassador to France cooperated in bringing about the war, but they failed to identify the British partner to the plot. Lord Milner’s Second War exposes the role played by the Rhodes-Milner secret society in fomenting World War I. Lord Milner and his friends staged a coup in British foreign policy, culminating with the appointment of Sir Edward Grey as Foreign Secretary, Richard Haldane as War Secretary, and General Sir Henry Wilson as Director of Military Operations. With his team in place, Milner painstakingly prepared Britain for war.

Lord Milner inherited his secret society from its founder, Cecil Rhodes, and he dedicated himself to implementing Rhodes’ dream of a world state based on the British Empire. He started the South African War, demonstrating he had the ruthlessness to start a war and the determination to finish what he had started. After his first war, Lord Milner set his sights on a Great War to eliminate European opposition to the hegemony of his Anglo-American Banking cartel. Victory in his second war allowed him usher in the New World Order, an alliance of elites that since 1919 has accumulated immense power and has exercised unprecedented influence in world affairs. This is the story of how the New World Order began.


The Rhodes-Milner secret society (The Milner Group), based in England, colluded with President Poincare of France and Ambassador lzvolsky of Russia to foment the seminal event of the twentieth century—the 1914-18 First World War. lzvolsky destroyed Czarist Russia; Poincare led a million-and-a-half of his countrymen to their graves; but victory for the Milner Group left this secret organization of imperialists and financiers wielding enormous influence in world affairs. The primary source on the Rhodes-Milner secret society is Carroll Quigley, a Georgetown professor. He wrote two books, Tragedy And Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment, in which he revealed the existence of this secret society, and partially revealed what they do and the enormous influence they wield. In the former he says:

There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network . . . I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies . . . but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.’

In his later work, The Anglo-American Establishment, Quigley examines the “Anglo” side of the organization and he makes the following claims about the Rhodes-Milner secret society:

For these men were organizing a secret society (in 1891) that was, for more than fifty years, to be one of the most important forces in the formulation and execution of British imperial and foreign policy?

The power and influence of this Rhodes-Milner group in British imperial affairs and in foreign policy since 1889, although not widely recognized, can hardly be exaggerated.

Any effort to write an account of the influence exercised by the Milner Group in foreign affairs in the period between the two World Wars would require a complete rewriting of the history of that period.

Quigley claims he read the secret documents of this organization. His claim leaves no wriggle room: either we dismiss him as a crank or we test his claim against the historical record. I have written a monograph to test Quigley’s assertions that a powerful secret society exercises enormous political and financial influence in the western world by examining the role the Rhodes-Milner Group played in bringing about the Great War. I concentrate on the Great War because it is both the defining event of the Twentieth Century and also immensely rich in documentary evidence. My monograph uses Quigley’s revelations, hints, and subtle signposts to outline how the Rhodes-Milner secret society, under the stewardship of Lord Milner, fostered the Great War.

Additional resources…

Myths of the first World War

Myths of the First World War

by DAVID BROWN | | November 18, 2018

Recommended reading with special new documentary by James Corbett (below)

Hidden History | The Secret Origins of the First World War
By Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor

Dedicated to the victims of an unspeakable evil.

Hidden History uniquely exposes those responsible for World War I.

Hidden History | The Secret Origins of the First World War By Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor

 It reveals how accounts of the war’s origins have been deliberately falsified to conceal the guilt of the secret cabal of very rich and powerful men in London responsible for the most heinous crime perpetrated on humanity. For 10 years, they plotted the destruction of Germany as the first stage of their plan to take control of the world. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was no chance happening. It lit a fuse that had been carefully set through a chain of command stretching from Sarajevo through Belgrade and St. Petersburg to that cabal in London. Our understanding of these events has been firmly trapped in a web of falsehood and duplicity carefully constructed by the victors at Versailles in 1919 and maintained by compliant historians ever since. The official version is fatally flawed, warped by the volume of evidence they destroyed or concealed from public view. Hidden History poses a tantalizing challenge. The authors ask only that you examine the evidence they lay before you.



FIRST AND FOREMOST WE OWE a debt to those writers and historians who, in the aftermath of the First World War, began to question what had happened and how it had come about. Their determination to challenge official accounts was largely dismissed by the Establishment, but they left a clear trail of credible evidence that has helped guide us through the morass of half-truths and lies that are still presented as historical fact. Without their cumulative effort, together with the profoundly important revelations of Professor Carroll Quigley, it would have been impossible for us to unpick the web of deceit woven around the origins of the war.


Special thanks are due to those who have encouraged our research over the years, made valuable suggestions and helped find sources to our enormous benefit. Will Podmore read our early chapters and offered sound advice. Guenter Jaschke has given us invaluable help in many ways, not least in providing and translating Austro-Hungarian and German political and military documents into English. Tom Cahill, American photojournalist and vibrant activist in the US Veterans against War movement, provided ongoing support, as did the American-Irish writer and political analyst Richard K. Moore. Other valued assistance came from Barbara Gunn in Ireland, Dr John O’Dowd in Glasgow and Brian Ovens, more locally.


We have to thank the ever-helpful librarians and researchers at the Scottish National Library in Edinburgh, both in the general reading rooms and the special documents section. We are grateful to the staff at the National Archives in Kew and the Bodleian Library, Oxford, especially in the special collections department, for their patience with us. Apologies are most certainly due to those we buttonholed and quizzed about missing documents, correspondence and papers at Oxford and Kew Gardens. As we were so correctly reminded, librarians and archivists can only provide access to the material that was passed into the library’s safekeeping by the Foreign or Cabinet Offices. What was removed, withdrawn, culled or otherwise destroyed, was effected many years ago by those empowered to do so.


The good advice of our literary agent, David Fletcher, and the enthusiasm of our superb editor, Ailsa Bathgate, is genuinely appreciated, though we may not have said so at the time. Thanks too are due to the other members of the wonderful team at Mainstream, including Graeme Blaikie for guiding us through the photographic content with consummate patience. Above all we thank Bill Campbell, who displayed great enthusiasm for the project.


Finally, tremendous gratitude is due to Maureen, Joan and our families, who have patiently supported us through the long years of research and writing. While we have often not been there for them, they have always been there for us.


Quigley: There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s to examine its papers and secret records.


Additional resources

Hidden History of WW1
A transcript of the Lew Rockwell Show with John V. Denson. August 24, 2018

The WWI Conspiracy – Part One: by James Corbett

The WWI Conspiracy – Part Two: The American Front

The WWI Conspiracy – Part Three: A New World Order


Additional resources …

World War II – A Necessary Re-Evaluation from ClearNFO

Lord Milner’s Second War

A Bad Choice and the Right Choice

by DAVID BROWN | | November 18, 2018

A Texas tale in my county, and not too far from where I use to live. Sorry two people had to die, but this should be part of the risk-calculation when you attempt to rob a gun-toting Texan. In Texas, you just never know who is packing a firearm. Not an easy prey unless you are in a GUN FREE ZONE, where most of our children are warehoused during the week.

Montgomery County Police Reporter (November 18 2018): Late Saturday afternoon two black males attempted to rob four persons in an apartment at the Landmark at Spring Cypress in the 3200 block of Spring Cypress. One of the victims was armed and shot both suspects. One died in the stairwell as he tried to flee the other died at Memorial Hermann in The Woodlands. Harris County Sheriff’s Office is investigating.


Posted by Scott Engle Date: November 18 2018, 3:35 pm in: Harris County, Local / Area News