Author Archives: David

About David

Personal background: I was the owner / operator of a small corporation for many years which was sold to a telecommunications company. My businesses have included: Mortgage Banking, Commercial Real Estate, Land Development, Software Development and consulting. My Investment Analysis Software received favorable reviews in several national publications including PC Magazine and the Wall Street Computer review. Currently, I hold a PMP and do technical project and program management for various corporations.

Will COG be used to remove Trump?

by DAVID BROWN | | Aug 2, 2020

July 20th 2020 on MSNBC Nancy Pelosi said the following…

“The fact is whether he knows it yet or not, he will be leaving,” Pelosi told Brzezinski. “Just because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn’t mean we won’t have an inauguration ceremony to inauguration a duly elected President of the United States. And you know, I’m second in line to the presidency just last week I had my regular continuation of government briefing. This might interest you because I say to them, this is never going to happen, God willing it never will, but there is a process. It has nothing to do with the certain occupant of the White House doesn’t feel like moving and has to be fumigated out of there because the presidency is the presidency. It’s not geography or location so, so much for him. I wouldn’t spend so much time on it that’s a victory for him because then we’re not talking about your first, more important subject, which is, what are we going to do to stop this vicious virus that is making an assault on our health, again, our lives, our livelihood and life of our democracy.”

Even though she mispronounced the name, Pelosi’s reference to the COG (Continuity of Government) is particularly concerning.   This seems to be a deep threat by the deep state to remove Trump forcibly– perhaps their last chance.

We don’t know what the DS has planned with COG, but the COG could be used to push Trump out in Ron Fournier’s scenario below or a variation thereof.  Hopefully Trump has done an adequate job cleaning out the government to preempt a serious challenge with COG. Obviously the CIA and certain factions of the MIC are still rogue along with many other unknown actors and departments in the behemoth we call the US Federal Government.   The coup if it goes hot, could be bloody.    It does seems to me there will be some controversy over the legitimacy of the election one way or the other.  Both sides are posturing and setting the table as November 3rd approaches rapidly.

Oliver North questioned on Continuity of Govt:

Nancy’s statement on MSNBC:

(BREITBART BY Trent Baker 20 Jul 2020) Pelosi: ‘Whether He Knows It Yet or Not’ Trump Will Be Leaving the White House — Even If He ‘Has to Be Fumigated’

Wikipedia: Continuity of government

Additional related resources:

Democrats Run War Games Where They Predict They’ll Push For Secession And Civil War If Trump Wins:

The Real Reason Democrats are Pushing for Mail-In Ballots

Running the clock out: Democrats strategy to delay and/or confuse the election results using mail-in ballots:

US Constitution: Twentieth Amendment; Section 3:

If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.

Mr. Jones (2019) where are you?

by DAVID BROWN | | July 4, 2020

“HITLER, STALIN AND MR JONES” Scrubbed from the internet and replaced:

Six years ago, I watched an amazing historical documentary about a man I had never heard of  named Gareth Jones.  I felt compelled to write a short piece referencing this excellent film back in October 6th 2014 to share this amazing information with others.  Since that time, I’ve updated the link a few times as this film was being removed from the net.  Today, it is nowhere to be found – at least by me.     I must wonder who would go to the trouble of removing this film and why?  It’s about very powerful people indeed like David Lloyd George, Hitler, Stalin and many others — most of whom are surly dead by now. The film’s narrative conflicts with the officially blessed historical narrative, and clearly demonstrates the double dealing and lying by the Old Gray Lady (New York Times) during Ukraine’s Holodomor (1932-33) where the NYTs was lying to its readers to cover up Stalin’s psychopathic murdering of millions in Ukrainian. This cover-up obviously made David Lloyd George and other Anglo-American establishment-types happy.  Not surprisingly, with their long pedigree of deceit,  the ‘paper of record’ continues to deceive today’s naive readers.

I’ve chased this video around the internet for years now, only to find–to the best of my ability– it has finally been scrubbed. Even the picture(s) of Jones with Hitler are missing.  I’m sure a much better internet sleuth can locate a copy in no time flat.  I’ve found residues where it was once shown at a single theater but most of what is there is file not found.

I was encouraged when I saw the new movie about Mr. Jones only to discover there is no reference to this original documentary.  Now, I have not seen the new movie, but my guess is that someone may be using this new film to recast the meaning of the original in a way more favorable to the establishment power structure.

Even IMDb has no reference that this movie ever existed:  Mr. Jones (2019)

Kyle Smith did a review of this new movie, but no mention of its source, so I asked Kyle about it. No response.

Here is NYT attempting to resurrect their sorry history concerning their cover-up of the real Mr. Jones.  What a farce.  ‘Mr. Jones’ Review: Bearing Witness to Stalin’s Evil.  In Agnieszka Holland’s historically informed drama, a Welsh journalist travels to 1933 Ukraine, then in the grip of famine.


Very interesting history film about the amazing Mr. Gareth Jones; whom most people have never, ever heard of … uncovered by a happenstance discovery of a suitcase under a bed.  Like many of our truth tellers today, Mr. Jones had to be eliminated. Mr. Jones was abandoned by his hero David Lloyd George and marked for death. “HITLER, STALIN AND MR JONES”

Here’s evidence of the original from the Front-line Club:

Found again 10/10/2020:

Updated: Feb 4th 2023:

What ever happened to Mr. Jones? ‘Hitler, Stalin and Mr. Jones’
Hitler–Stalin-and–Mr–Jones Archived at:

Will the real child-trafficking predators please stand up?

by DAVID BROWN | | July 4, 2020

We may have picked up the trail of Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell,  but it doesn’t begin there, and it doesn’t end there. The Apex child-trafficking predators –as any astute observer would quickly realize– are paid for by US Tax Dollars and are protected by the spook’s mantra “National Security” (a.k.a. The get-out-of-jail-free-card). It is no secret the CIA, Mossad and other secret government agencies are pros at blackmail, compromise, murder and rape of children and regularly get a pass on sexually abusing children.  Though Congress is presumably under the voter’s control, and the CIA is under Congress’s control, nothing of any substance is ever done about the crimes of these secret agencies with their secret budgets.

According to investigative journalist Vickie Ward — who has been covering the Jeffrey Epstein case since 2003 — Alexander Acosta, the former U.S. attorney who cut Epstein a sweetheart plea deal back in 2007, did so because he had been told to “back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade.”

“I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” Acosta, who resigned as Secretary of Labor on Friday, reportedly claimed.

Just ask Cynthia McKinney what happened to her after she grilled Donald Rumsfeld about Child-sex trafficking by defense contractor DynCorp. Hint: She was primaried by the Democrats and promptly removed from office.

So Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were tools. The real question is who’s hand is on these tools, directing the tools?  The answer is in front of all of us, though we insist on promoting and preserving our own ignorance.



Facebook Jail Again

by DAVID BROWN | | June 25, 2020

Jail time: 30 day sentence to run from June 19 through July 18.

I had just gotten out of jail for another post and now I’m back in jail.  What was my crime this time?  I posted the following ‘anti-community standards’ statement on my Facebook wall:

“Remember: Democrats vote on November the 4th.”

Now, I thought this was pretty funny;  but Facebook did not.  In any event, this is the first time I have been put into Facebook Jail for something that could actually be considered ‘wrong’ by a rational person.  I guess this could be considered mean and an attempt to mislead our poor intellectually-challenged Democrats, but if they are this stupid / naive, perhaps they really shouldn’t be voting.  It did occur to me Facebook put me in jail because of a innocent typo or a date error, or maybe Facebook is discriminating against the mathematically challenged?  Is there a protected class for this group yet??? But of course I was trying to be funny and the humorless, knuckle-dragging  fascists at Facebook would have none of it.

One time I was banned for posting an historical picture of Hitler standing in front of the Eiffel tower because I had posted about a dangerous person.  You can read and see more of Facebook’s censorship in the below link by James O’Keefe @JamesOKeefeIII with Project Veritas. 

On the matter of privacy and freedom…

by DAVID BROWN | | May 09, 2020

If someone has never experienced something, how do you communicate this something to them using language?  This is a real struggle for me.  When you become a father for the first time, or the first time your child calls you “Daddy”, there are just no words to describe this feeling.  Over the years, I have mused at my younger, single coworkers who were childless only to get married and become a father. I muse because their life is about to change profoundly and forever in ways they can never imagine.

Now, the only reason I bring up the father example above is to prove my point to those who can understand — to broach the next topic– and that topic is a sense of privacy, and a sense of freedom all wrapped up in one emotion. Like the father example, there is no way to explain this human condition until you have experienced it, but I will try. Why? Because this is the flavor we have lost and subject we are in the process of losing forever.

I was raised in the dusty desert of West Texas which is sparsely populated with few if any real areas of concentrated people.  I was raised in what I call Big Sky country, where most of what I had was not  trees, buildings or people but sky.  When and if we had rain, it was a big event and it was wonderful and soulful renewing and healing of the dry, cracked earth. The big dark grey and purple clouds full of moisture would march across the desert from horizon to horizon in all their beauty and glory spreading cool, moist air that would make the hairs on my arms and neck stand end-wise.  I felt a sense of health, well-being and joy.

I had horses and in the areas I frequented, there were few if any telephone poles or fences… it was just wide open spaces as far as I could see; and with this vast expanse of openness and sky, I had a sense of privacy and of freedom.  I knew of people who had screwed up their lives so badly,  they moved far away to the Northwest US to start over and rebuild their broken reputation … Starting anew and fresh — a second chance.

So today, with our newly minted surveillance state, none of this is possible. There is no sense of privacy and there is no ability to start over with a second chance. And the feeling of privacy and freedom is gone. Future generations will have not a single clue of what they are missing.

Wyman Meinzer’s West Texas

Democrat vs. Republican and Trump

by DAVID BROWN | | May 09, 2020

Of course there really is no such thing as Democrat vs. Republican, though I too use these terms as shorthand to help speed communication since these terms are in general use.

Carroll Quigley said it best:  “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies… is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”

In 2016 most of the Republicans hated Trump as much or more than the Democrats and could not be trusted to support the choice of the people – their people. The RNC did everything in their power to destroy Trump.   With few exceptions, the Republicans are liars and thieves just like the Democrats, so it really boils down to whose lies you prefer.

The term ‘Realpolitik’ was  coined by Ludwig von Rochau  in 1853: “The study of the forces that shape, maintain and alter the state is the basis of all political insight and leads to the understanding that the law of power governs the world of states just as the law of gravity governs the physical world.”

Henry Kissinger was a big proponent of ‘Realpolitik’. Today’s Realpolitik can be seen in the coercive and amoral actions of the established power structure and their controlled media, government and educational organs.  Red Team vs. Blue Team is just another tool to keep their livestock distracted, occupied and confused.   If you get most of your news from the MSM you will not be aware of this simple fact.  One good example is the Trans Pacific Partnership or TPP which would have ceded US Sovereignty to an unelected group of international business interests.  Did the MSM ever alert the American people they were about to lose their sovereignty?  Amazingly, most of your elected officials in both parties were for this nation-destroying treaty, misnamed an agreement to help get it passed in the Senate – even Ted Cruz and Mike Pence were for it before they were against it.  TPP would have been a major win for the One World Government enthusiasts, but Trump killed it.  Trump is now on their shit list. These people have power, money; and they own Big-Tech, Big-Pharma and the media.  They also own people like Fauci, Birx, Gates, Redfield (CDC) and Tedros (W.H.O.).

“Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.” –Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (1953) pgs. 49-50

The world they have planned for us will not be a good place to live.  It will be a world of constant surveillance and control – the idea of freedom will be washed from our collective consciousness.  Our suspicions surrounding the COVID Pandemic are possible and may be probable though not easily provable.   This could be just another attempt to remove Trump.

The COVID virus could be natural or man-made – though recent research point to man-made.  It could have been released by accident or on purpose. It could have been developed in China or in the USA or both.   We are gaining more and more evidence that is making this picture clearer every day.  We have some very good researchers making good progress on this now.   I expect we will discover the truth of the origin of SARS-CoV-2.

Calm before the storm?  I don’t know.  Certainly the existing power structure fighting Trump has committed serious crimes and would therefore desire to protect itself in any way possible without limits.

Coronavirus man-made:

Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity Coronavirus: Are Our Scientists Lying To Us?

Banned Again From Facebook

by DAVID BROWN | | May 03, 2020

Banned again from Facebook.  What was my crime?  I posted a picture of Taylor Swift –fully clothed—giving what appears to be a Sieg Heil salute.  I posted no comment either for or against this picture.   Now, I’m no fan of the vacuous Taylor Swift; and I’m certainly no Nazi. I have no idea of the context of this picture, but I thought the picture was amusing if not noteworthy and completely unaware this would violate Facebook’s amorphous ‘Community Standards’ flamethrower; requiring a Facebook jail term of 90 days (later reduced to 30).  The Facebook censors seem to have a particular aversion to all things Hitleresque even if from their darling Taylor Swift.

So Facebook said they were going to ban me 90 Days for posting this picture of Taylor Swift, but only banned me for 30 Days and then they said they were mistaken and lifted the ban.  But then they decided not to lift the ban, yet allowed the offending picture back on my wall.  I am still banned.  After I protested in vein, they said ‘Case Closed’ and went on about their business.  In any event, it is fully within Facebook’s power to cut me off or delete anything they want despite being founded with the help of a US Government agency paid for with my tax money.  Sweet.  I get to pay for my own abuse.

It is noteworthy to mention one of my prior Facebook infractions –which was promptly removed by Facebook– was the famous picture of Hitler (“A dangerous individual”) standing in front of the Eifel Tower in Paris, overlaid on top of a modern picture of the same spot.   I think this is really cool to juxtapose the then and the now to give a historical sense of this very spot.  Again, I supplied no comments pro or con, yet this picture was removed.  I was also banned for posting a picture of Eric Ciaramella; commonly known in Washington, DC as Adam Schiff’s personal CIA Spy a.k.a. what the media termed ‘The Whistle-Blower’.  Obviously, Facebook was trying to protect Adam Schiff’s phony-baloney impeachment effort from the curative power of sunlight.

Previous to this, I was banned for expressing my opinion abortion is in fact murder and not merely a medical procedure like having a tooth removed.  You can always count on Facebook to support the officially promulgated narrative on any topic.  It is obvious to me Facebook is tied at the hip to all the other actors engaged in the art of public deception by the speed and coordination they decide what shall be censored and what shall not. Apparently the MSM are tightly coordinated with FB, YouTube and Twitter on whatever bogus narrative is being pushed at the time.  It would be interesting to find out who is at the top of these corporations, controlling the strings of these thought-shapers.

From elementary school onward, my silly head was filled with independent ideas that might or might not harmonize with the well-established fact-claims of the establishment; or those in power over me.   I was skeptical of puffed-up stories lacking demonstrated evidence or benefit. However, many if not most, of my fellow classmates took the other approach buying into, or at a minimum, complying with the  authoritative group-think on sale at our local compulsory public school systems.    Which brings me right back to Facebook and its unending manipulation of its users.  Over the years, I’ve tolerated Facebook’s constant removal and blocking of my posts and of their knee-jerk reaction to ban me for 30 days or longer for reasons only Dolores Umbridge could love.   I cannot agree with any of their actions, not a single one.

Dolores Umbridge:  a Facebook role model?

Facebook is an absurdity; a nuisance; a gnat buzzing around my food while I try to eat in peace; or concentrate on the task at hand… always there to follow me like a shadow, and always to make sure I am thinking correctly, behaving correctly or saying the right words — they are to be tolerated until they are no longer tolerable.

I wonder how many users subject to Facebook’s constant prodding and pushing comply just to get along?

All this makes sense when we consider  Facebook’s roots.  Birthed in the bowels of the secret state through DARPA as LifeLog and paid for by American taxpayers.  Like many of our other oppressors, Facebook has an agenda; and the agenda –like the head-shot of JFK or knocking down those buildings on 9/11; or the many other crimes their soul brothers have committed — is to promulgate an official narrative in support of those they serve.   Facebook is the villain violating free speech, not me; and Facebook is burning non-conforming ideas as the Nazi’s burned books in their day.  I am hopeful therefore Facebook and their goons will soon face a similar ending.

While I’m banned on Facebook, you can find me on Twitter at @BoDogBrown or on WeGo at under David Brown.

Be the best,


Earlier posts on this topic:

On the matter of William Thomas Stead …

by DAVID BROWN | | February 16, 2020

It is interesting to note Alfred Milner was one of the most –if not the most– powerful men on planet earth from the 1890s to the 1920s; and Stead was part of the Milner-Rhodes inner circle for a time.

While reading  ‘Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War’ by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor, I discovered some interesting information on one of the main characters in Quigley’s Anglo-American Establishment. This person’s name is William Thomas Stead or W.T. Stead.

Stead was part of the Rhodes hidden circle of elites, who personally investigated and wrote four stories about child prostitution in his Pall Mall Gazette – this was an effort to pass the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885, to increase the age of consent from 13 to 16.  After the Titanic hit an iceberg, survivor Philip Mock, saw Stead clinging to a raft with John Jacob Astor IV. “Their feet became frozen”, reported Mock, “and they were compelled to release their hold. Both were drowned.”

Stead meets Cecil Rhodes

From The Origins of the Deep State in North America by Matthew Ehret in The Duran (04 May 2019):  Stead was officially recruited to the  [Anglo-American Establishment‘s] grand design in 1889 which was instigated by Rhodes and his sponsor Lord Rothschild. It was when Stead had been recently released from prison due to his Gazette’s promotion of “organized vice” only to find his paper in serious financial trouble, when he was first called upon by Cecil Rhodes, a long time follower of his journal in South Africa. After their first meeting, Stead ecstatically wrote to his wife:

“Mr. Rhodes is my man! I have just had three hours talk with him. He is full of a far more gorgeous idea in connection with the paper than even I have had. I cannot tell you his scheme because it is too secret. But it involves millions. He had no idea that it would cost £250,000 to start a paper. But he offered me down as a free gift £20,000 to buy a share in the P.M. Gazette as a beginning… His ideas are federation, expansion, and consolidation of the Empire…. He took to me. Told me some things he has told no other man—save Lord Rothschild— and pressed me to take the £20,000, not to have any return, to give no receipt, to simply take it and use it to give me a freer hand on the P.M.G. It seems all like a fairy dream….”

Stead Investigates Child Prostitution and gets three months in Prison

Not only was Stead part of what Quigley called the Network, the Milner Group or the Round Table, Mr. Stead was editor of the Pall Mall Gazette and credited with creating a “new journalism” which demonstrated how the press could be used to influence public opinion and government policy, and he advocated “Government by Journalism”.

To this end, he wrote a scandalous four-part piece on human trafficking and child prostitution in a successful effort to raise the age of consent from 13 to 16.  His writings were  based -of course- on his own personal investigative research which earned him a three-month prison sentence for purchasing 13 year-old Eliza Armstrong  from her alcoholic mother without obtaining the permission of her father.  Note: Both Stead’s writings and the details of the Eliza Armstrong case can be purchased on-line.

Wikipedia: In 1893–94 Stead lived in Chicago for six months, campaigning against brothels and drinking dens, and published If Christ Came to Chicago.

“Nineteenth Precinct, First Ward, Chicago”, 1894 – map by Stead presenting 37 brothels, 46 saloons, 11 pawnbrokers

The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon

I’ve included some quotes from Stead’s The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon – Child Prostitution and Victorian Journalism below.

From Wikipedia: William Thomas Stead – The Pall Mall Gazette in July 1885 …

The disclosure proper began in the July 6 publication, in which Stead reveals that he had asked if genuine maiden virgins could be procured, and being told it was so, asked whether such girls were willing and consensual, or aware of the intentions planned for them:

“But,” I continued, “are these maids willing or unwilling parties to the transaction–that is, are they really maiden, not merely in being each a virgo intacta in the physical sense, but as being chaste girls who are not consenting parties to their seduction?” He looked surprised at my question, and then replied emphatically: “Of course they are rarely willing, and as a rule they do not know what they are coming for.” “But,” I said in amazement, “then do you mean to tell me that in very truth actual rapes, in the legal sense of the word, are constantly being perpetrated in London on unwilling virgins, purveyed and procured to rich men at so much a head by keepers of brothels?” “Certainly,” said he, “there is not a doubt of it.” “Why,” I exclaimed, “the very thought is enough to raise hell.” “It is true,” he said; “and although it ought to raise hell, it does not even raise the neighbours.”

“But do the girls cry out?” “Of course they do. But what avails screaming in a quiet bedroom? Remember, the utmost limit of howling or excessively violent screaming, such as a man or woman would make if actual murder was being attempted, is only two minutes, and the limit of screaming of any kind is only five… But suppose the screams continue and you get uneasy, you begin to think whether you should not do something? Before you have made up your mind and got dressed the screams cease, and you think you were a fool for your pains… Once a girl gets into such a house she is almost helpless, and may be ravished with comparative safety”.

Stead commented that “Children of twelve and thirteen cannot offer any serious resistance. They only dimly comprehend what it all means. Their mothers sometimes consent to their seduction for the sake of the price paid by their seducer. The child goes to the introducing house as a sheep to the shambles. Once there, she is compelled to go through with it. No matter how brutal the man may be, she cannot escape”. A madam confirmed the story for him, stating of one girl that she was rendered unconscious beforehand, and then coercively given the choice to continue or be homeless afterwards:

“I engaged her to be my little maid at the lodgings where I was staying. The very next day I took her off with me to London and her mother never saw her again. What became of her? A gentleman paid me £13 for the first of her, soon after she came to town. She was asleep when he did it–sound asleep. To tell the truth, she was drugged. It is often done. I gave her a drowse. It is a mixture of laudanum and something else. Sometimes chloroform is used, but I always used either snuff or laudanum. We call it drowse or black draught, and they lie almost as if dead, and the girl never knows what has happened till morning. And then? Oh! then she cries a great deal from pain, but she is ‘mazed, and hardly knows what has happened except that she can hardly move from pain. Of course we tell her it is all right; all girls have to go through it some time, that she is through it now without knowing it, and that it is no use crying. It will never be undone for all the crying in the world. She must now do as the others do. She can live like a lady, do as she pleases, have the best of all that is going, and enjoy herself all day. If she objects, I scold her and tell her she has lost her character, no one will take her in; I will have to turn her out on the streets as a bad and ungrateful girl. The result is that in nine cases out of ten, or ninety-nine out of a hundred, the child, who is usually under fifteen, frightened and friendless, her head aching with the effect of the drowse and full of pain and horror, gives up all hope, and in a week she is one of the attractions of the house.”

Stead quoted a former brothel-keeper who confirmed the nature of the trade:

“Maids, as you call them – fresh girls as we know them in the trade – are constantly in request, and a keeper who knows his business has his eyes open in all directions, his stock of girls is constantly getting used up, and needs replenishing, and he has to be on the alert for likely “marks” to keep up the reputation of his house. I have been in my time a good deal about the country on these errands. The getting of fresh girls takes time, but it is simple and easy enough when, once you are in it. I have gone and courted girls in the country under all kinds of disguises, occasionally assuming the dress of a parson, and made them believe that I intended to marry them, and so got them in my power to please a good customer. How is it done? Why, after courting my girl for a time, I propose to bring her to London to see the sights. I bring her up, take her here and there, giving her plenty to eat and drink–especially drink. I take her to the theatre, and then I contrive it so that she loses her last train. By this time she is very tired, a little dazed with the drink and excitement, and very frightened at being left in town with no friends…”

“I offer her nice lodgings for the night: she goes to bed in my house, and then the affair is managed. My client gets his maid, I get my £10 or £20 commission, and in the morning the girl, who has lost her character, and dare not go home, in all probability will do as the others do, and become one of my “marks”–that is, she will make her living in the streets, to the advantage of my house. The brothel keeper’s profit is, first, the commission down for the price of a maid, and secondly, the continuous profit of the addition of a newly seduced, attractive girl to his establishment. That is a fair sample case of the way in which we recruit. Another very simple mode of supplying maids is by breeding them. Many women who are on the streets have female children. They are worth keeping. When they get to be twelve or thirteen they become merchantable. For a very likely “mark” of this kind you may get as much as £20 or £40…”

Additional reading:

A History Written by Victors

by DAVID BROWN | | November 18, 2019

I’ve been steeped in the Jewish Holocaust of WWII most of my life. I’ve read many books on the topic and have visited Holocaust museums to observe the documented horror and show my respects. In high school, I read ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ by Viktor Frankl (Holocaust survivor, surviving Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Kaufering and Türkheim). In his book, Viktor describes in gruesome detail his time in the Nazi concentration camps and how he managed to survive.  I credit this book with my own personal survival of a different holocaust some three decades later. My favorite 13-part British documentary ‘The Ascent of Man’ presented by British mathematician and historian and Polish-Jew Jacob Bronowski expressed profound and moving conclusions on the lessons of the Holocaust. I had Jewish rabbis as friends and neighbors, whom I’ve had long philosophical discussions with, helped repair fences (literally), move refrigerators, stayed in touch with over decades, eaten dinner with, watched their kids grow up, etc.

The Truth Fears No Questions

And I’ve watched all the historical documentaries you have depicting all the emaciated Jews behind barbed wire fences in Nazi concentration camps saved by the US Military. I’ve seen the stacks of shoes in piles next to the ovens at these same camps. And I heard of the lamp-shades made out of human skin, and I’ve heard that Hitler ordered the extermination of 6 million Jews and this was the Holocaust. And so today if you are really pissed at someone, you can call them Hitler which is the worst approved pejorative possible, since we all know it is a ‘well-established fact’ Hitler was a monster.

Despite all the above, I am no fool. After reading Quigley, Perloff and Sutton, I discover most of what I knew about WWII is just not true; and so, I wonder about the Holocaust too. Only problem, it is illegal to wonder about the Holocaust in 17 countries; and if you dare ask any questions here in the good old US of A –no matter how innocent– you are quickly labeled a ‘Holocaust denier’, attacked by the powerful ADL and may lose your job, your friends, your internet platform, etc. I must ask though, if this truth is so very true, why then must we enact laws to protect this fragile truth from critical scrutiny? I’m thinking the truth of the Holocaust might just be one of the biggest red pills ever.

What if the real monster was Winston Churchill? What if Churchill was a drunkard, gambler in debt up to his eyeballs to Rothschild; and what if Churchill delighted in firebombing 200,000 – 500,000 innocent men, women and children melting them into the pavement when there was zero military benefit for this mass murder. What if the gassing chambers were really to get rid of lice? What if the emaciated bodies were due to the Allied forces embargo? What if it were only 300 to 600,000 and not 6 million? What if FDR knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor prior to the attack and did nothing? What if Rockefeller’s Standard Oil was selling a special synthetic oil to Hitler (without which there would have been no war) while denying the same to our troops? And what if there were no lamp-shades made out of human skin?  And what if “History is written by the victors.”?

Additional reading:

World War II – A Necessary Re-Evaluation 

Sanctions Are War By Other Means by James Corbett (May 14, 2023)


Defrauding America

by DAVID BROWN | | November 18, 2019

On this Memorial Day, the nation honors the 58,000 dead American soldiers killed in the CIA initiated and directed Vietnam War. The mass media says virtually nothing about the ugly side of that war, in which GI’s were cannon-fodder, and used to protect and escalate the drug trafficking into the United States.

Flag-draped coffins of eight American Servicemen killed in attacks on U.S. military installations in South Vietnam, on February 7, are placed in transport plane at Saigon, February 9, 1965, for return flight to the United States. Funeral services were held at the Saigon Airport with U.S. Ambassador Maxwell D. Taylor and Vietnamese officials attending. # AP

Even in the death GI’s were used by the CIA. An officer heading a group of investigators from the army’s Criminal Investigation Division uncovered a large-scale heroin smuggling scheme. The group filed reports with the Pentagon, describing how the bodies of the dead GI’s were gutted, and filled with sacks of heroin. Approximately fifty pounds of heroin with a multi-million dollar street value were stuffed into each body…Document’s accompanying the drug-filled corpses were coded so that people at Air Force Bases in the United States, including at Travis and Norton air-force bases, could remove the drugs upon arrival in California.

In typical fashion, the military hierarchy reacted to the report by disbanding the investigative team. Other reports plus those given to me by my CIA contacts, provide further confirmation of this sordid practice. This coverup made possible the continued drug smuggling and constituted criminal coverup.

Crates returning to the U.S from Vietnam on military aircraft often contained bags of heroin, and the coded labels false indicated the contents were military supplies. The coverup by the military, the CIA,and the Justice Department, were part of the overall epidemic.

These aspects of the CIA-initiated and directed Vietnam War, and the debauchery of American GI’s, were never addressed at Memorial Day ceremonies. Instead the American public was led to believe that the hundreds of thousands of dead, maimed, and injured Americans suffered for an honorable cause, protecting the United States.

Even the heads of veteran organization, including the Veteran Foreign Wars and the American Legion, withheld this information from their members.

This is not to discredit those brave men and women who were ordered into battle and who endured such terrible fear, injury and death. But the American public must wake up, to realize that the extreme losses in human life and dignity were a farce perpetrated upon them.

Rodney Stitch –
From his book, “Defrauding America”.


Additional reading: 

The CIA Drug Connection Is as Old as the Agency
By Larry Collins, International Herald Tribune
Dec. 3, 1993
