Ice Picks and Shotguns

by DAVID BROWN | | December 5, 2014

You can buy shotguns and ammo at Walmart, but an ice pick … whoa … neighbor, now that’s just too dangerous.
IcepickWhen I was younger, you could stop into virtually any store and buy an ice pick. Not so true today.  So, the other day, Amy and I went looking for an ice pick, but  after visiting a hand full of stores, we were still empty handed so we went to our old standby, Walmart, and we were surprised to find nary a one, so I stopped the lady stocking product in the housewares section and asked her point blank why Walmart doesn’t have icepicks.  She told me that they no longer carried them because they were too dangerous. I protested that they sold knives which are dangerous but not ice picks? She said that the knives on display had bolts in them and were therefore unusable; the others were sealed in a box. I started to explain that they could do the same with ice picks but I concluded I was wasting my time. As I started my way out of Housewares to the exit, I passed by the Walmart hunting section replete with shotguns and ammo and wondered about the real reason there were no ice picks.

I promptly went home and was pleasantly relieved when I typed ‘Amazon ice pick’ and immediately found a wide selection of this endangered tool.  So in no time, I ordered Amy the ice pick of her dreams on Amazon. Problem solved.

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