by DAVID BROWN | | April 17, 2022
The Global Challenge:
WE ARE AT WAR RIGHT NOW – CATHERIN AUSTIN FITTS Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Publisher of The Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts. (4.16.22)
MARTIN ARMSTRONG | SESSION 100: LAST STOP: JUSTICE Guest: Martin Armstrong – Economist, once a US based trillion dollar financial advisor, developed a computer model
based on the number pi and other cyclical theories to predict economic turning points with eerie accuracy. Website:
US interference in 2000: In the early 80s he established his financial forecasting and advising company Princeton Economics. His forecasts were highly sought after around the world. As Armstrong’s reputation grew, prominent New York bankers invited him to join “The Club” to help them manipulate markets. Martin refused, repeatedly. A few months later the FBI stormed his offices, confiscating his computer model and accusing him of a 3 billion dollar Ponzi scheme. He was held in jail from 2000 until 2006, not; because he was convicted of a crime, but because he is in a stand-off with the government.
The COVID Project (backgrounder):
- Ep 134.9 Apr 14 2022 Neighborhood News – Metabiota Nathan Wolfe “Virus Hunter” (1:59:26)
- Ep 134.7 Apr 11 2022 Neighborhood News – EcoHealth finds ebola in a Liberia bat in 2019 (2:27:17)
- Ep 134.8 Apr 13 2022 Neighborhood News – Smallpox Vax relation to other “Zoonotic” outbreaks? (1:56:53)
Housatonic Live; is a tech/political/history research channel. It is produced by Mark Kulacz and Housatonic Information Technology Services (Housatonic ITS), which is a MSP (Managed Services Provider) of computer and data protection services for non-profits, startups, and in particular citizen journalists and researchers.
Inflation unvarnished:
- Karl Denninger’s Market Ticker “Hol-Eee-Sweet Jesus (PPI) And you thought the CPI report was bad….”
- Shadow Stats by John Williams – Inflation charts
- Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.
- Gonzalo Lira: (Geopolitics / Ukraine) Note: Gonzalo has not been heard from in a few days. Unconfirmed reports he has been killed in Kharkiv.
- The Duran: Geopolitics News – Video – Analysis (BitChute) – Duran LOCALS COMMUNITY:

Gonzalo Lira