by DAVID BROWN | | September 29th, 2021

Adding Vectors
If we look back in time we can see evidence of manipulation and orchestration of the so called COVID-19 pandemic.
October 2019: Event 201: On October 18, 2019, the CHS partnered with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to host the tabletop exercise Event 201 in New York City
March 2020: Neil Ferguson: “experts” predicting massive die-offs using “Ferguson’s Model” This caused a world-wide panic and justified the lockdowns, etc.
Since this time we have been witness to lie after lie from the CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO and other organizations shaping the global response to SARS-CoV-2.
The response has been an abysmal failure, but has enriched Big Pharma and increased the power of governments while shredding individual freedoms. At the same time, the global response has advanced the many global agendas that blend together including: WEF’s The Big Reset, UN Agneda-21, and UN Agenda 2030.
If we layout the above on a timeline we will see a vector or a force with a direction that is clear to anyone capable of rational thought. Since the fraud of the COVID scare is slowly unwinding as more brave doctors, clinicians and scientists are stepping forward, and as the real facts are emerging, those responsible for the COVID hoax will certainly be re-tooling their efforts with a new and more deadly pathogen. It appears that the next pathogen will be based on the Marburg virus and RiVax already under development.
Kieran Morrissey (September 22, 2021) “Soligenix, are currently rushing to trial a ricin-rich vaccine RiVax® for Marburg haemorrhagic fever. RiVax has Fast Track designation for the prevention of ricin intoxication by the US FDA. Approval of ricin toxin vaccine will utilize the FDA Animal Rule to eliminate the phase 1, 2 & 3 trials. Why such a rush now, to trial a vaccine for which there has only been a total of 376 deaths since 1967 and only 16 deaths since 2005? The main component of the Rivax vaccine is Ricin is a lectin and a highly potent toxin produced in the seeds of the castor oil plant. Soligenix shareholders include BlacRrock Fund Advisors, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, etc.”
- Code Review of Ferguson’s Model
- The bad grammar distracts, but interesting none the less… A Possible Marburg-RiVax Final Solution By Kieran Morrissey September 22, 2021
- A Possible Marburg-RiVax Final Solution By Kieran Morrissey Here is the Shocking Next Phase of the Scamdemic Warns Healthcare Whistleblower Published September 28, 2021