by DAVID BROWN | | June 04, 2017
Truth Fears No Questions
With the aid of the internet and the great research provided by Quigley, Sutton and Perloff, the real history of WWII can now be told, and it does make a difference.

Feb 13, 1945: Firebombing of Dresden
Over the years, I’ve been asked for my take on World War II many times. I’ve mostly avoided this topic only giving hints at my perspective (warning that it’s not what it appears) until I had time to properly sequence the events in light of the new information I had learned from reading the well-researched and documented writings of Quigley, Sutton and Perloff. So in lieu of my reasoned opinion based on the more recent and accurate context provided by the three gentlemen above, I offer up two interviews and discussions between Tim Kelly and James Perloff and Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill (below). To supplement this, consider reading the following relatively short books:
The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley
And Antony C. Sutton’s trilogy:
- Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists.
- Wall Street and FDR
- Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler
- And watching James’ excellent lecture (found on YouTube) entitled ‘The Shadows of Power; the CFR and decline of America’
You can also find James Perloff’s book on this same topic entitled ‘The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline’
To round-out your understanding of World War II, it is highly desirable –once you have read the above—to read Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf‘ to get a complete view of the context. You will discover what you have been told by the American education system and the corporate media is a total and complete fabrication. The only way to defeat our masters is to defeat the mythology they have placed in our heads.
Holocaust Encyclopedia
The Witness Tree by Brendan Howley & John J. Loftus
12/22/21: Update.. Since so many of the videos below have been deleted, I’m posting this recent interview here: Timothy Kelly podcast episode: “E. Michael Jones on the Holocaust Narrative“
EPISODE DESCRIPTION: Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Time to discuss his article in this December’s Culture Wars “Dachau for Dummies: A Review of The Defeated.” We also talk about last month’s election in Virginia and how the oligarchs’ attempt to impose centralized technocratic control is revitalizing States’ Rights and undermining the legitimacy of the American Empire.
Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and the author of several books including Logos Rising: A History of Ultimate Reality and the recently released second edition of The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History.
James Perloff on the Myths of the “Good War”
Published on Jun 3, 2017
James Perloff returns to Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly to discuss his presentation on the Second World War. We talk about several myths of the “Good War” and why a revisionist interpretation of that event is long overdue and necessary to avoid another global conflagration.
James is the author of several books including Shadows of Power and Truth is a Lonely Warrior. His website is
Powers & Principalities Episode 30 (Published on Dec 15, 2017)
The Real Winston Churchill by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill
Tim Kelly interviews Germar Rudolf on the Holocaust (Published on Feb 25, 2017)
Germar Rudolf joins the show to discuss his research regarding the Holocaust and share his experience as a revisionist researcher, writer and lecturer
Germar Rudolf joins the show to discuss his research regarding the Holocaust and share his experience as a revisionist researcher, writer and lecturer on that topic. We discuss what Holocaust revisionism is and what it is not and we talk about some of the evidence that indicates the official narrative of the Holocaust is a gross distortion of history. Later we talk about the migrant crisis in Europe and demographic winter that is enveloping the entire industrialized world. Germar Rudolf was born in Limburg, Germany. He studied chemistry at Bonn University, where he graduated in 1989. From 1990-1993 he prepared a German PhD thesis at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in conjunction with the University of Stuttgart, Germany. During this time Rudolf prepared an expert report on chemical and technical questions of the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz, The Rudolf Report. He is the founder of the small revisionist outlet, Castle Hill Publishers. He has published several books including Dissecting the Holocaust, Lectures on the Holocaust and Resistance is Obligatory. Germar’s website is *Please consider a donation to support this podcast.
False flags do not stand alone. They are better understood – and more credibly explained to skeptics – when seen in history’s context.
Guido Preparata on Conjuring Hitler by Tim Kelly (published July 1, 2017; Length – 1:50:28)
The Morgenthau Plan: The Final Solution to the German Question (Published on Mar 3, 2018) Powers & Principalities: Episode 41 by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill
The true origins of the German National Socialism (Published on Mar 31, 2018)
Powers & Principalities: Episode 45 by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill
James Perloff: Hitler vs. the Elite Cabal of International Bankers
The Myth Of German Culpability
The 2nd World War
The True Sequence Of Aggression
By Michael Walsh
Chol0cau$t Denial Laws & Free Speech (Published on Aug 11, 2018)
Powers and Principalities: Episode 64 by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” –Voltaire
One Third of the Holocaust
(added on 1/19/22): Mike King’s ‘The Bad War’…
The Bad War: The Truth NEVER Taught About World War II (text)
Monika Schaefer on Truth and Justice for Germany
Our Interesting Times (1/19/23)
By Timothy Kelly
Monika Schaefer joins Our Interesting Times to discuss her activism on behalf of Holocaust revisionism and justice for the German people who have been subjected to decades psychological warfare. We talk about the many inconsistencies, contradictions and lies which constitute the ever-changing Holocaust narrative and the necessity for promoting truth in our public discourse.
Monika is a musician and child of German immigrants who re-located to Canada in 1959. Her family stayed connected to “the old country” observing German traditions at home while assimilating into Canadian society. She has devoted much of her adult life to raising public consciousness regarding the crimes committed against Germany in the past century and promoting justice for the German people. Her primary website is Truth and Justice for Germans Society.
Updated 4/27/2023:
- Sanctions Are War By Other Means by James Corbett (May 14, 2023)
- Book: Prolonging The Agony by Jim Macgregor and Gerry Docherty
- Book: Churchill, Hitler, and “The Unnecessary War”: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World Hardcover – May 27, 2008
- James Corbett and Keith Knight Tackle Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War
Updated 3/1/2023: As you can see many of the videos above have been removed.