Monthly Archives: September 2016

Requiem for a Republic

by DAVID BROWN | | Sep 27, 2016

Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856 –1924) was the 28th President of the United States

Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856 –1924) was the 28th President of the United States

Now it is no secret that US President Woodrow Wilson helped lay the foundation for the current destruction of our Republic we are witnessing today.

So what did Wilson do?



  1. Signed into law the Federal Reserve Act (December 23, 1913) which handed over control of our money system to a small group of private bankers.
  2. Signed into law the 16th Amendment (February 3, 1913) which created the heretofore unconstitutional income tax
  3. Tricked Americans into entering WWI, after promising he wouldn’t. (see the sinking of the RMS Lusitania)
  4. Attempted to create the first world government (League of Nations) which was later replaced by the UN.

What is generally not known is that none of these were Wilson’s ideas, they emanated from Edward Mandell House who served those international bankers who met in secret on Jekyll Island October of 1907 to create the Federal Reserve.


Note: If this information is new to you, then you have likely been the unwitting victim of our compulsory public education system.

Verdi: Requiem, Dies irae | Claudio Vandelli, conductor
New Russia State Symphony Orchestra

Additional NFO from ClearNFO…

And…what your Public Schools forgot to mention… (including background on the sinking of the RMS Lusitania)
James Perloff. The Shadows of Power; the CFR and decline of America

The Baby Choice

by DAVID BROWN | | Sep 24, 2016

The inversion of language

The inversion of language

My college philosophy teacher was and probably still is an atheist, yet he was an amazingly brilliant teacher … one of my best. Despite his lack of faith or belief in things unseen or unproven by his deductive method, he was staunchly anti-abortion. He reasoned as did I that once you minimize or devalue life at one end of the spectrum (very young) what logically will prevent you from minimizing it at the other end (very old); and once so done, one’s foot is squarely placed on the proverbial slippery slope. And where does this slope lead? Well it leads to further adjustments at either or both ends. So if we have scarce resources —which we always do– the value of a person prior to being productive for society would be less than say a person of working age and likewise the value of an older person incapable of vigorous work would be less valuable. So at some point, this logic trip leads us to the conclusion of stratification of value based on age; such that a society would be more interested in investing and/or saving the life of someone between the age of 18 and 35 say. Outside this range, you are less valuable and therefore on your own; or possibly a candidate for post-birth abortion. In fact this is already occurring. We have death panels with Obamacare and recent opinion polls on college campuses show a growing approval of post-birth abortion up to age five if it would save jobs. So there you have it. Ideas have power and they have consequences that on first blush you may not have even considered.

If you are religious, you can find many persuasive arguments against abortion from the pulpit; but if you are not religious, these arguments are unimpressive, unconvincing and annoying.  If you believe that there is no creator, and that we are just the end result of eons of random successful genetic mutations originating from a primordial soup, the idea of a fetus being just a blob of cells like your liver or spleen– to be removed at will when necessary or convenient– is intellectually reasonable if not entirely emotionally satisfying.  The non-religious would naturally wonder what the big fuss is all about and rightfully feel these religious nuts are encroaching on “my reproductive rights!”   Amazingly, however, faith has found a place in the hearts of the faithless…once the fetus is beyond the birth canal, umbilical cord cut and fetus viable; it somehow magically attains full rights of an individual human being and is so named.   This is part of a long list of “well-established” facts that comprise the credo of the secular world.  They reason that perhaps life may begin a bit earlier than this, but not by much.  To make things more confusing, we are told that no one really knows when life begins anyway; so we can now use this fuzzy construct to smudge any clear demarcation and add confusion to the ill-trained mind.

What kind of barbarian would deny a woman the right to control her own body or her right to practice birth control as she sees fit?   And what about rape, incest and the mother’s life or the quality of life of the infant due to poverty, genetic irregularities, malformations or congenital maladies?  Or you wanted a boy and not a girl or it’s just not convenient just now.  Surely you must see the logic of allowing women to abort their fetuses?   And, to combat the religious nuts, there are websites dedicated to proving that abortion is biblical just in case you are not so sure about all this Deity stuff.  So what’s the big deal?  The non-believer has every angle covered.  It’s just a medical procedure performed by a doctor and his patient.

So, if we are to make any headway on this debate, we have two choices:  we can convert everyone on the planet to agree with our particular religious views—unlikely– or we can take a logical, scientific view upon which believers and non-believers can agree.

So what is a fetus?  Is it a blob of cells?  Yes and no.  Is it a weed or a flower, trash or treasure? A series of electrochemical reactions or a blessing?  I think we can agree that the term fetus is a cold, disinterested name given to a very young human.  It is not a dog.  It is not a cat and it is not a liver or an abscessed tooth to be pulled or a hair or finger nail to be cut.  It is something different.  It depends on the mother for sustenance but it is not part of the mother and does not share its DNA with any other cell in the mother’s body.  Every cell in the Mother’s body has the same DNA as every other cell in the Mother’s body except the fetus or baby which resides within the mother’s womb…there by no fault of its own. Helpless, nature’s most vulnerable.  The baby possesses some DNA from the Father and some from the Mother but woven together in a very unique way.   No two siblings are exactly alike even identical twins differ in terms of gene expression and space and time…and none possess the same combination of DNA as the Mother.

So I think we can safely say that the fetus is not part of the Mother’s body in any logical since unless you also consider the male’s penis part of the mother’s body during coitus and could be aborted as well if not attached to a legally defined separate human.  But such conclusions illustrate the foolishness of the abortionists logic more than my crassness.  And we can safely say that the fetus is a young human though we may disagree if it is alive or not. Since we have no good definition of life this can be problematic.  Some viruses defy our definition of life by many accounts; however, most of us can tell the difference between a virus and a rock yet we get confused when discussing a fetus.

For the non-believer none of this may matter much anyway since the pain to the little human is short –if at all– and it benefits the greater good of the collective to reduce the population, but you must admit that this is a little more consequential than getting a tooth removed or a haircut and there may be some ethical question about killing an innocent life.  And for the agnostic or the ethically challenged… if perchance there is a Creator, I would imagine this creator might be just a little bit pissed at a people who chose of their own free will to pass a law that has resulted in the death of over 58 million of His most innocent ones.

Additional Reading from ClearNFO:  Opus 014: The Hoax of materialism


James Corbett’s 9/11 Suspects

by DAVID BROWN | | Sep 07, 2016


9/11 Suspects

Below, you will find a list of 9/11 Suspects compiled by James Corbett of the Corbett Report.  Since the top levels of our Government –including the CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ, DOD, NIST and others– have been co-opted and corrupted, there has been no real investigation or indictments of any of the actual perpetrators involved in the 9/11 Project since  September 11, 2001. Therefore, it is up to the good citizens of the USA and of the world to bring forth our own investigations and indictments.  Below, James has taken this idea of identifying the real 9/11 suspects and brought it to life in the excellent videos that follow.  As James continues to identify new  suspects and present evidence, I will post the respective videos here on this page.   Thank you James for your excellent work!

9/11 Suspects: Christine Todd Whitman

9/11 Suspects: Rudy Giuliani

9/11 Suspects: Philip Zelikow

9/11 Suspects: Robert Baer

9/11 Suspects: General Ralph Eberhart

9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis

Additional NFO from ClearNFO:

Project 9/11: Benefits

Deep Politics: Institutionalized Corruption at the Top and the Corporate Assault on Democracy

by DAVID BROWN | | September 05, 2016

The headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations on 68th St. in Manhattan, New York City. The facility was donated to the CFR by David Rockefeller's father, generally known as “Junior”. Even at 100, David remains the power behind the organization.

The headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations on 68th St. in Manhattan, New York City. The facility was donated to the CFR by David Rockefeller’s father, generally known as “Junior”. Even at 100, David remains the power behind the organization.

An important whitepaper by K. L. Roberts posted on and linked below provides the names, companies, organizations, locations and interlocking relationships of our current batch of human predators; updating us on some details where Sutton and Quigley left off.  This is a story of how transnational powers continue to subsume rights of the individual the US Constitution is designed to protect –under the cloak of secrecy– using hijacked government powers, extra-constitutional agreements, treaties and tribunals.  This document clearly demonstrates how the Deep State operates beyond the view or control of the citizens of this great country.  These powers that shouldn’t be appear to the public as being very separate institutions, but this is an illusion. It is interesting to compare the close physical proximity of these players to each other –within 1.5 miles—as was done extensively by Antony C. Sutton in his book Wall Street and FDR with no fewer than 75 references to 120 Broadway.   Roberts does this clearly with maps. You can learn a lot from documenting the physical locations of those operating clandestinely as Sutton and Mae Brussell have shown in their excellent work.  Much synergy can be accomplished by our natural predators from rubbing shoulders at the ‘water cooler’ so to speak; none of which need be documented.   One of the more interesting topics includes new information on the previously unknown “public-private partnership” organization known as the DSAC, or Domestic Security Alliance Council and what they are up to.  This white paper demonstrates the nexus of the following in clear, easy to understand charts and tables:

  • Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and NAFTA
  • The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
  • The Business Roundtable (BRT)
  • The American Bankers Association (ABA)
  • The US Chamber of Commerce (USCoC)
  • Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
  • Manhattan Institute (MI)

Don’t forget to read Roberts’ great appendixes at the end.  Enjoy!

Deep Politics: Institutionalized Corruption at the Top and the Corporate Assault on Democracy
By K. L. Roberts

Here are a few good quotes from this whitepaper…

“. . .all the physical and conceptual walls associated with the modern, sovereign state—the walls that divide domestic from international, the police from the military, intelligence from law enforcement, war from peace, and crime from war—are coming down.” –The Manhattan Institute

“Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”  –Attributed (incorrectly) to Benito Mussolini’s Encyclopedia Italiana article, but nevertheless true

“The finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist.” –Charles Baudelaire

Excerpt from the whitepaper …. “We’ll see that these corporations have long cultivated an intimate relationship with the Executive branch (that is, the Presidency ) of the United States, as well as with the NSA and (previously unknown) FBI mass-surveillance programs. And we’ll also see that they are a key force behind the “trade accord” known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which Chris Hedges calls “the most brazen corporate power grab in American history.”

Because it would be easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees even in this sort of simplified account, it should be stated clearly that the “brazen corporate power grab” Hedges is talking about is, incredibly, like something straight out of a Bond movie: the CEOs and bankers involved are seeking nothing less than total global political, economic, and military control by the owners of transnational corporations and banks.

If it passes, the TPP will hand over to them a big chunk of what they want on a silver platter.

On now to the anatomy and physiology of the more domestic side of the nexus, the engineers of this mad power grab. Hold on to your hat. You are about to experience one wild ride into terra incognita.”  –K.L. Roberts