David Brown’s Stack of Stuff 001

David Brown

David Brown

Today, I ran across several important links I thought I would share in one bundle –as one post– in the interest of time.  Periodically, I’ll be posting several links to articles, videos or podcasts together that I think are particularly important, to make sure the information is distributed in a timely manner.  Enjoy!

1) ARTICLE: Brilliant Analysis of the Media by Paul Craig Roberts…
“Truth in Media is the Enemy of Washington, Truth is Our Country”: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Acceptance Speech, International Award For Excellence In Journalism, Mexican Press Club

2) ARTICLE: Power Play Behind Regime Change in Russia By Pepe Escobar
The Empire of Chaos dream of regime change in Russia has always hinged on controlling large swathes of Eurasia.

3) PODCAST: Excellent Podcast from James Corbett of The Corbett Report
“Pink Cadillac” is a silly and forgettable “action”/”comedy” flick starring Dirty Harry himself, Clint Eastwood. So what on earth does this cornball 1989 film have to do with the FBI’s “Patriot Conspiracy,” Timothy McVeigh and the OKC Bombing? Find out in this month’s exploration of Film, Literature and the New World Order.

4) PODCAST: Previously posted on ClearNFO:
Very important podcast with a ton of well-researched, source information that you need to be aware of. Please take the time to become informed. If you are not aware of Quigley’s or John Taylor Gatto’s work some of this may be a bit confusing, but the rest is key information you must become familiar with if you care to protect your freedom.

5) VIDEO: In the Productivity section, I have added a recent video I made of a lecture on Public Speaking and Storytelling by my friend Rashid Kapadia.  Hope you enjoy this and get some information you can use.
Published on Mar 17, 2015
Necessary Bridges – Public Speaking and Storytelling for Project Managers and Engineers
by Rashid N Kapadia PMP
Sponsored by PMI-Houston
February 11, 2015 at the Houston, Texas HESS Club
Video by David Brown, PMP


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